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Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)


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Breg snorts. "Well, this is the right spot to find out information about the mines, but it's not gonna help you much. Ya can't leave to go back to civilization. There's some bandits about that killed off a caravan, and attack anyone heading back down the road. Some of the boys are trying to sneak out through the mountains to get help, but it's gonna be a while before they get anywhere."

He scratches his forehead, "I suppose you might head up to the mine to check things out, but work up there slowed down recently so not real much is happening. Most of the boys are a little down since a number of people they knew have been killed or hurt bad recently. 'Sides most of our metals go out through Mar Gall's trading establishment, so there isn't much chance for a side venture. In fact, one of their partners just showed up here three days ago. You mighta seen his carriage out back. He hasn't tried leaving either with the problems we've been having. He's been fretting a lot though, about the caravan and all."

The human at the end of the bar calls out, "Breg! You needs to be getting me somefing stronger, this sow piss is juss too weak!"

Breg mumbles a quick "Excuse me" before heading down to the other end and filling the tankard up.

By the time he gets back, you can just hear him muttering under his breath, "Only guy in town with money to blow is the one wastrel in town. Figures he'd be the happiest when eveyone else is down."

He clears his throat and looks you straight in the eye, "So, what information you looking for, exactly?"

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In a hush voice that the other human might not hear “Well I mean to se us alive from out of here, without that this trip is pointless”. Cess pays Breg for the ales. “When did these attack start and how are they executed? Is there any survivors from an attack we might talk to?”


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"Well the first warning we got was when one of the caravan guards staggered in last week, bleeding and almost dead. He managed to tell us what was going on just before he died. It seems somebody triggered a landslide burying most the people under that, and firing arrows at everyone else. They didn't pursue anyone coming this way back to town, but they tried to concentrate on anyone heading away it seems. Sadly, Jonas died the next day, so it'll be a little tough to talk to him. Good man, for a human."

He goes back to cleaning glasses while he talks, "Since then, there's been two tries to get out on the road, and both times, they started with small rockfalls and then started launching arrows. Both times anyone that left to come back this way was not shot at, so the message is pretty clear. That's why two groups of guys are trying to get out through the mountains; they figure they can't be everywhere, otherwise they'd just attack the town."


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"Aren’t you afraid that who ever is behind the raids have spies here in the town and will know of the attempt to warn the outside world?" Ces takes a sip of the beer. "For that matter were there any strangers or new faces in the months before the attack began?"


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"Well, I can't imagine most anyone of doing something like that. We're a pretty close knit community here. Everybody knows everybody, and has worked with them for quite a long time. Still, I guess it's possible, but I wouldn't know where to start looking for anything like that.

"As for new faces, you four and that trading partner are the newest things to show up around here for about 3 months or so. We don't get many unfamiliar faces and all, with us being so far out. It's not like we're on the path to somewhere either for people to just pass through."


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"Just the three really. The caravan and two parties trying to get out along the road. They don't seem interested in the town so much, but maybe they're just getting up their bravery?" He pauses for a moment. "I dunno if they could be all that close, since the boys know most of the immediate surrounds. You think we woulda seen something just before we started having problems."

Breg scratches his nose, "At least we don't have those annoying kobolds in the area anymore. Maybe the bandits wiped 'em out, they haven't been seen around in these parts for some time. Good riddance to bad nuisance I always say."


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True Elise laughs a bit nervously. Well we've got to do something. 'We could let ourselves get ambushed or try to figure out where the bandits are camping or try to catch them trying to catch a caravan... Elise bites her lip This isn't part of my expertise, Ces?


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"Having them ambushing us and springing their trap would be a very bad idea. Locating their camp and se I we can use that for anything might be an option, and with I bit of luck we might be able to take them by surprise."
Ces turns to Breg. "Do you tink any of the villagers would be willing to fight if we located the bandit's camp?"


First Post
"Well, that's a tough one." Breg answers while wiping off the bar. "Most of our people with a more beliigerant attitude left to find ways outa here or got killed in the first two forays. Yup, we're all just pretty much miners and such left. I'm sure we could help out in a pinch, but we ain't nearly as well equipped as you folk. You could ask around though, the Hammer will start to get filled up later tonight."

Voidrunner's Codex

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