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OOC: That is a good question. It is easy enough to just call your ship something different, and once you have some resources of any kind you can physically paint a new designation on the hull. Actually changing the ship's registry might be a bit (or a lot) trickier though, and anyone with records of your ship's designation and unique identifiers might notice. That is not likely to be a big problem here in the Tabori Cluster where it is all kinda lawless, but if you were to get back to Pact or Veskarium space the authorities would probably take an interest in a ship with a name that does not match its registry. I would probably say you do not have the skills to do it yourself, at least not right now, but maybe you could find someone who could do it for you.

OOC: That was my thought as well. I was thinking about the Expanse and how they changed the ships transponder.

"Changing the name in the computer is easy. Won't do much though. You probably want me to change the ships registry and transponder. Skitter smiles at Sobec. "Changing that won't be possible out here. At least not with the tools I have on me. I might be able to track down someone who can do it or find the tools I need. But that will take sometime."


"The core of the transponder module is fused directly into the hull," offers the other android. "It may not have been worth the effort of removi - Oh -" he says, suddenly looking around at you as if he had forgotten something. "CN1C-TR, cyborg-android relations."

"I am Zyzzy, half owner of this land habitat module." She replies. "Perhaps we should move Hesela to the cargo bay, as well as rounding up the other prisoners. Do you know of a hospital facility within short range of our current location?"


"I do not have firm knowledge of the nearby settlement," answers the android. "My Mistress does not allow me to leave her chambers. She... oh dear. My Mistress has a, ah, very robust attachment to me, shall we say?" He pauses a second to look from one of you to another. "But there should be some kind of medical facility. You have other prisoners?"


Tara gets an "eurgh" look on her face at the thought of CN1C's description of a 'robust' attachment, but says nothing, and instead tries to change the subject.

"So, if we're renaming the ship, what'll we rename it to?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Sobec shrugs.

"Something else than its current name," he says noncommittedly. "Don't want to run into trouble with folks that mistake us for a previous owner."

The vesk will bring all prisoners to one location that can be sealed off and without access to terminals, assuming at least one other person helps him. Then he will look through the ship for foodstuffs for both the crew and the prisoners, and for items that could be sold reasonably at the local market.

Voidrunner's Codex

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