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[IC] The Odd Job


"The secret path is due north from here through the forest about a days travel given the carts pace will be slow through the forest, worth the time though those brigands have really dug in on the Crown straight. The Royal Guard they call themselves and they have set up checkpoints.... big ones with palisades and 10-20 men in each.At this point the merchents voice raises an octave Taking tolls from poor merchants is there game its 150gold a checkpoint! Once we get through the forest my secret path will lead us straight past those damn swines to Durran Mill."


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Asha remains passive as the orc inspects them each in turn. She smiles at the creature as he steps in front of her but does not speak or flinch as he makes his inspection. She calmly regards confrontation between the orc and the hobgoblin. When the orc smiles she lets out a breath she did not realize she was holding. She listens to the answers to the others questions. The job seemed straight forward.

"Is there anything else along this secret path that we should be worried about? How did you find this path and do others know of it's existence?"

Aloysius reflects, not for the first time, on how far he has fallen.

The Orc sniffing him - twice, mind you - is far from the worst thing he has experienced since his first death. The incident with the dog for one. But still, to have this creature snuffle over a von Hof!

He takes in his fellow guards-to-be. Strange bedfellows, indeed, though he is aware of just how strange he himself must appear nowadays. He sighs.

"Right. Yes. Hello? Yes."

His accent is perfect cut glass with a hint of the Northern mountains. Very out of place here.

"So, this, ah, Royal Guard. Not that I am caring much either way, of course, but just to be clear, this is being the actual Royal Guard, I take it? I am not being familiar with the gentry in these parts, but it is good to be prepared, no?"

He smiles in what he hopes is a winning way. Exposing his yellowed teeth, elongated through gum shrinking, combined with his grey pallor, lends more of the charnel than the charming to the endeavour.

"Now, you said two days? Can we not be leaving sooner? I am...", the smile widens into a grin. "Late already"


"I would assume no one knows about the path not many people travel into the scorched grove these days wi..." he stops mid sentence before surveying the four assembled before him, he smiles a sly smile before looking at the ground near where near the "humans" feet are"No they are most certainly not the royal guard just a bunch of mercenaries turned bandits trying to make some quick cash before order is restored. Believe me I would like nothing more than to set off right now but that damn Dwarf is taking his sweet time AGAIN! Perhaps if you could speed him along?".

At this point Graan arrives back in the room apparently he must of snuck out after grabbing the coin purse, he is followed by a rather stunning elf." I think its time you all leave... unless you want to stay sweatness" Gheedon tries his most winning smile to soften Asha up.
OOC: those proficient in history will know[Sblock]A great bloody battle was fought on to the north of the village where a demonic general was slain[/Sblock] Those not proficient know only that a battle was fought scorching the grove leaving it barren.
[MENTION=6788652]The Grassy Gnoll[/MENTION] [Sblock]given your proficiency in history and arcana you know that when a demon of a certain power bleeds it corrupts the land[/Sblock] anyone wants anymore info feel free to roll

Asha smiles at Gheedon but it does not touch her eyes.

"I never mix business with pleasure. I have learned it is better for all involved to keep them separate."

The man made her feel like she needed to bath. She did not trust the him. She would need to be wary on their journey.


~ Though he may have had other questions, Faindil realized quickly that the conversation appeared to be over. His pale eyes tracked the entering elf for a brief moment, sighing sadly. Here, a surface dweller was content to take coin to lay with a man such as this, and yet it was his people, The Drow, whom were disrespected and considered disgraceful. But still: Kalethee taught that all of her creatures were worthy of respect, and this elven woman was no different. In fact, Faindil considered that she may well be in the same position he was: forced to take coin from shameful people in order to do something more, something better.

The Drow did not relish the idea of traveling through the Scorched Grove, but if this was his fate, than his Goddess would light his way.

" We shall leave you to your ... business," Faindil excused himself and the party with a diplomatic choice of words, inclining his head gently.

" May Kalethee enshrine you in Her Light."

With little ceremony, the Drow turned and made his way out of the room, considering what he would do for two, entire days in this town. He was trying not to spend what few gold pieces he had, and now he was already incurring expenses. Regardless, he tried to stay positive, waiting outside the room near the top of the stairs for his new Co-Workers. The blue-skinned Elf gave them a small smile of courtesy, bowing respectfully to the group.

" My name is Faindil. A pleasure to be working with you all," he offered, " Whom might you be?" ~

[sblock=Rolls]Faindil considers the books he's read at Temple to see what else he can remember about the Demonic General and the Scorched Grove: History Check [roll0][/sblock]

[sblock=Faindil's Stats]Character Sheet
Undying Light Warlock, Level 1

HP: 9/9
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +3
Perception: +1
Darkvision: 60 feet
In Hand: Quarterstaff

[sblock=Defenses]AC: 14
[sblock=Offenses]Sacred Flame: DC 13 Dex Save 1d8+3 Radiant
Dagger: +5 1d4+3 P
Quarterstaff (2-Hands): +3 1d8+1 B
Light Crossbow: +5 1d8+3 P[/sblock]
[sblock=Proficient Skills]History: +2
Insight: +3
Persuasion: +5
Religion: +2[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Cantrips: Unlimited
Dancing Lights
Sacred Flame
Mage Hand

Level 1: 1/Short Rest
Burning Hands
Hellish Rebuke[/sblock]

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Coin: 15 GP

Game Info:
It will take a day to travel through the "Shortcut" to Durran Mill, our destination.

A group called "The Royal Guard" controls the path, with palisade checkpoints.

A Demonic General was slain to the North, in an area now known as "The Scorched Grove".


Faindil remembers [Sblock]There where seven demonic generals each embodying the worse aspects of mankind, they served under something so dark and alien no sentient race could fathom it[/Sblock]

Aloysius stops before leaving, and delivers an impeccable (if wasted on these sorts) heel click and snap bow.

Mother raised her son to be polite, after all.


He straightens up and heads for the door before turning.

"You were mentioning a dwarf...?"


Gheedon pays you no heed he is all ready mentally undressing the elf with a grin stretching from ear to ear he seems to be using all his self control to keep the drool in his mouth."Smith.... slow....hold up" at this point he is struggling with the solid gold belt buckle on his silken pants.
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OOC: I think you meant "elf control". Ba dum tish.

Aloysius nods, turns, and exits. He is only too glad to leave. And now he at least knows where to look to try and speed this venture along.

On the landing, he heel clicks and bows again beautifully to his new companions.

"Aloysius von Hof. Hofstad. At your service".

The white cat leaps into his cloak's now-flung back hood.


He asks them all, "This dwarf is the smith. We should be looking for him, I am thinking."

Voidrunner's Codex

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