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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)

Everett's father arrives and sits at the head of the table. "Where's Everett?" Lady Riatta asks.

"He's indisposed." He says to her under his breath. "Good morning, good folk. I know some of you and I'm sure you all know one another. We can introduce ourselves after a brief discussion of why you were summoned here.

"There are a couple of outstanding problems related to our recent troubles that need the attention of a small group of unassuming folk such as yourselves. Actually, given the number of you here, we can probably tackle both problems at once, half of you doing one job, half doing the other.

"First, though no more important than the second job, there is the matter of Ariamhodary. The good lizardfolk of Ss'sslass have not been able to find any trace of the being. We need to know he will not be troubling us again in the future. A small group of huntsmen can probably search the swamp for signs of him better than an army can.

"Second, there are troubles brewing in the west. Some say hobs of Strife are looking to expand east if Bit is indeed weakened. The latest emissary from the centaur realms say they have their own problems and if Strife doesn't attack them directly, it would be hard to muster forces to help those of us in the east. We were hoping some stalwart heroes could either fix the problem the centaurs can't fix on their own or convince them to help stop Strife from trying to expand.

"So, there are the tasks that need seeing to urgently. Now, perhaps, you can introduce yourselves and we can see which of these tasks intrigue and suit which of you." He picks up his utensils and starts to eat, listening attentively.

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Steve Gorak

“I am Theremin, simple travelling minstrel extraordinaire.” He says, with a bit of fanfare. Turning to Swithun he adds: “You’re the hero my friend, and I have your back, or your rump if you prefer! So which of these tasks will it be?”.


Swithun pondered for a moment. He was expecting to take the whole group into the swamp, but it made sense for him to join any group that was likely to meet his people.

"Are both these missions equally urgent?" he asked.

OOC: Are we really splitting into two groups?


OOC: Gotcha. So we get to pick our mission. Makes sense. And the "Introductions" I assume are a roll-call or a "hands up if you're still in!"

When it was confirmed that both missions needed immediate attention, Swithun introduced himself, in case it was needed. He then turned to the group and said, 'I stand by everything that was said at our revelry by the river. I would like to find Ariamhodary, or his replacement. Unless I am absolutely needed with the Centaurs (though I am no diplomat), I intend to head to the swamp. Are you with me, or would you like to convince me otherwise?"


Winter spends the evening looking over her gear and preparing to move if necessary.

At the house, she mostly keeps to herself. The sheer amount of clutter in the rooms makes her nervous. Its easier to pass though a thicket without snagging anything than these rooms.

Winter takes a chair at a corner of the table, avails herself of a little breakfast, and waits to see what happens. Hmm. The food is really very good.

"Thank you for breakfast Lady Rinata. The food is really very good."

"So, there are the tasks that need seeing to urgently. Now, perhaps, you can introduce yourselves and we can see which of these tasks intrigue and suit which of you." He picks up his utensils and starts to eat, listening attentively.

"I am Injasarielsha'thé lo-Rohinja of the Iolanthe, although most people call me Sariel, or Winter. Or Morning. Sometimes Frost.

"I have previously argued for stalking Lord Ariamhodary. But I will assist in either endeavour. Swamps, to be honest, are not really my thing.

"Unless there are dragons."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Brother Pelegon," the monk introduces himself, and he adds, "I liked your son. Stubborn. Good lad."

The aasimar takes the servant that brought the food aside to ask for a glass of wine before continuing. Exchanging a look with both Winter and Swithun, Pelegon continues with conviction and remarkable clarity, "Finding Ariamhodary is what I feel is best and necessary, for the good of all people. The swamps may not be the most pleasant surroundings, but doing good also means making sacrifices."

He winks at Winter and adds with familiar flair, "And we can find a dragon to make it worthwhile, I'm sure."


"Delmirev Surina; My family follows the old way of the people, so please call me Surina. I agree that finding Ariamhodary is essential. Such evil and blasphemy cannot be tolerated."


Anna carefully thought it over, feeling a little better after having ingested some water and food.

"I'm fine with the swamp," she said. "Who is this being that we're making sure is dead?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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