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Kickstarter HEROIC The Role-Playing Game is Now on Backerkit - An Updated Take on FASERIP


It was announced months ago that the FASERIP retroclone remix Astonishing Super Heroes was not going to be receiving the planned second book, Spectacular Origins, but the future was not bleak! We can finally announce the official news explaining what's up!

HEROIC The Role-Playing Game by Zenith Entertainment Group has just launched on Backerkit!

Andrew Collas of ZEG has assembled a superpowered team of writers and editors to forge a new path forward, completing everything that Astonishing Super Heroes set out to do and so much more! This includes significantly revising an expanded list of powers, among a great many more revisions borne out of prolonged play tests. This will make HEROIC perhaps the single most comprehensive take on revising and streamlining the original FASERIP rules to bring them to a modern audience.

I'm truly excited to see ASH live on in a new and better-supported form. Please show your love by pledging to help out on Backerkit, and follow along with all the news and more gaming goodness at Zenith's Facebook!

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So, how dependent on random generation is this version?
Sorry for the late reply!

For the best source on all of this, look up ZEG Media and contact them (Andrew Collas) for details.

From what I do know, they are integrating everything in ASH (even the unwritten stuff) plus their own, even more heavily playtested work, so I expect to see a few different ways of building characters. In their hands were random chargen, a point-buy system that expanded on the one offered for the original MSH system from Dragon Magazine, and finally a guided modeling system.

For those still on the fence, you'll get early access and more information by signing up for updates here: Get Ready for HEROIC the Role Playing Game

Voidrunner's Codex

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