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Hell's Invasion Prologue (Evan Tyler) [IC]



"Pfftt, yaaachh!" Michael wiped the gross black stuff he could only assume was blood off his face. At least it didn't seem to be acidic or anything like that near as he could tell. He hoped he wasn't going to catch something from this. "Gross" He muttered under his breath. At least he had his precious samples now, and possibly a dead demon.

He turned to the driver with a weak smile, "See, they're uh, well I told you they were doing it wrong". He swapped back to the handgun to count the number of rounds in the magazine. He knew as long as they survived this, he wouldn't have to fight any longer and he'd probably collapse from exhaustion.

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[section]Evan does his best to shrug while driving.

"Let's hope so, because they're getting another shot. Brace yourself."

He hammers the accelerator home again, angling straight for the exit, running the bar and honking the car's horn repeatedly to draw attention from the approaching reinforcements.[/section]


Michael found the pistol to be about 4 rounds shy of a full magazine, 12 shot remaining.


Just as Evan was bouncing the Charger over the uneven part of pavement where the studio entrance met the street, the demon had swung the stop sign stand down on the back window. It did not completely shatter, but it was spiderweb cracked all around the impact hole with large shards scattered all over the backseat. The large octagon part of the sign hooked on the inside of the frame and was lodged there. It bend and tore, yet held as the Charge turned sharply to align with the traffic on the street.

The flying demon was clutching at the pole's other end to hang on. It was desperately beating its wings to try stopping the car's forward progress to little avail. It snarled in some unknown, guttural language.

Ahead of the car, Michael and Evan saw the two LAPD cruisers screaming towards them with sirens and lines flashing. About 100 yards ahead, they both skidded to a halt, one turning left and the other right like they were blocking off the road. They had not left any space for Evan to drive between the cars.



Michael hadn't expected the second demon to attach itself to the back of the car like that. "Far out, those things move fast'', he muttered to the driver. Michael took aim through the cracked rear windscreen and tried to hit the demon as best he could. He was hoping the shot might shatter the glass and dislodge the stop sign.

[sblock=OOC] Hi Perrin, what would you like me to roll on this. I think it would be quite an awkward shot to take, so I just wanted to double check [/sblock]


[section]Evan stares at the approaching cop cars, watching as they set up the roadblock.

"Great, they think we're the getaway car, not the 'running for our lives' car. They are in for a surprise."

Shaking his head to himself he spins the wheel and pulls the handbrake, drifting the car sideways to avoid bowling into the stopped cruisers, and hopefully swinging the demon around into their view.[/section]


Evan's breaking maneuver spoiled Michael's aiming before he squeezed off the shot.


Unfortunately the sudden skid had not dislodged the demon's grip on the stop sign, even though he swung around on its other end by its own momentum when the car stopped. The wings beat the air and it maintained some flight control and it landed on the trunk with both feet. It pushed in and yanked to free the stop sign from the back window. It raised its arms back over its head in preparation to chop down on the roof with its makeshift club.

Meanwhile the police in the two cruisers of the road block were spilling out of the cars with shotguns and pistols drawn. So far they have not had time to really react yet, but the could not miss the large winged demon assaulting the Dodge Charger.

[sblock=OOC]Sez, it is still a Firearms d12 vs. Agility d12 (whether you are aiming at the demon or the stop sign). I suggest rolling it in the OOC thread before you start trying to write. Then if you hit, you can claim success despite the circumstances. If you miss, then maybe the parameters that make the shot difficult are the reason. ;) The dice rolling is only to help your role-playing with some randomness, rather than completely making up the results.

I rolled Evan Drive vs. Demon Strength: 7 vs. 5, demon hung on. [/sblock]



As the vehicle stopped, Michael attempted to take a shot at the demon, aiming as best he could, given the awkward circumstances of being confined in a small moving vehicle. He just couldn't seem to get a good aim in, then, momentarily, the demon's right wing moved into his sights and he pulled the trigger.
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[section]Evan stares out what remains of the back window, shaking his head at the creature's persistence.

"Duck and cover time."

He crouches low in his seat and waits for the blow to fall on the roof of the car, planning to make a break for the police line as soon as the blow lands, before another could be leveled at him.[/section]



The demon slammed the stop sign club down on the roof of the Charger. It was likely doing a good number on the paint job, but the sign did not have enough mass to really dent in the roof without taking several blows. The creature sort of cackled with glee in its guttural language. A second thump smashed against the roof. Looking out the busted back window, Michael and Evan could see the demon's feet and legs as it stood upon the trunk going to town with its mayhem.

The car smashing was interrupted by a voice of authority coming over a loudspeaker. "This is the police. Put your hands in the air and drop the stop sign! Get off the car and lie face down on the pavement! Do it NOW!"

The demon snarled and spit out some guttural words of defiance. It flung the stop sign towards the police cruisers, but the unwieldy projectile only bounced off the front of one of the cars scratching some paint and busting a headlight.

"Get down on the ground or we will fire!" The officer repeated.



Michael's jaw dropped at this point... Were these cops serious? Were they actually serious? They're trying to talk down a creature that has killed multiple people, a creature, much larger than every human being. He looks across to the driver, "Please don't tell me they're that stupid" he whispered.

Keeping his handgun lowered, he yelled out at the police "Please, HEEELP USSS! It tore the head off a security guard. You can't talk to it, it's NOT HUMAN! SHOOT IIIT! SHOOOT IIIT!"
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