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TSR Gary’s Immersion in Castle El Raja Key: The Four-Way Footsteps

(Very early 1973, 1st level of my Castle El Raja Key) -- In November of 1972 four stalwarts of the LGTSA (Lake Geneva Tactical Studies Association; of which I was then its current president)--namely Gary Gygax, myself, Ernie Gygax and my brother Terry Kuntz--experienced our first, and also comprehensive, RPG adventure via Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor setting. During it we also experienced the...

(Very early 1973, 1st level of my Castle El Raja Key) -- In November of 1972 four stalwarts of the LGTSA (Lake Geneva Tactical Studies Association; of which I was then its current president)--namely Gary Gygax, myself, Ernie Gygax and my brother Terry Kuntz--experienced our first, and also comprehensive, RPG adventure via Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor setting. During it we also experienced the various levels of DM interactive strategies that Arneson could and did wield.

A very important one that both Gary and I learned from Arneson and were to forward on our own during the play-tests of D&D (in both Castle Greyhawk and Castle El Raja Key and their shared environs used by Gary and myself) was what I refer to as “Immersion”. In other words, the ability through the DM’s properly deployed and timed descriptions in interaction with the players to excite the latter’s emotive states via the imaginative impressions made upon them during such interactions.

#1Castle El Raja Key concept art:notice.jpg

I have written and been interviewed about this in the past (most recently for the Secrets of Blackmoor documentary). In essence Arneson had us scared to death (and running) during the latter part of the adventure into Blackmoor.

Now let us skip forward a few more years of Gary and I DMing players and DMing each other and while considering what we had learned and knew between us (all of the DM secrets shared between us); and then place my PC, Robilar, in front of the primal Tomb of Horrors via an invite by Gary for me to “play-test a new level” he’d just finished... There should be no wonder whatsoever why I was so cautious then, for the proof of Gary’s “design” was in how he initially described that foreboding place to me. Anxiety. It was a staple for both of us, but you could not relieve such a tension unless you faced your building fears...

Several years before that ToH play-test, in a mind far, far removed in conceptual time, I had affected Gary’s perceptions and worked in this same doubt and anxiety. This was during Gary’s earliest forays into Castle El Raja Key with his PCs Yrag and Mordenkainen.


The interchange between EGG as player and myself as DM went like this as he entered a four-way:

R: “You hear footsteps to the east.”​
G: “We beat it north and stop to listen...”​
R: “The footsteps recede to the south.”​
G: “Huh? We go back to the four-way...”​
R: “You hear footsteps to the west.”​
G: “We run back north and stop to listen.”​
R: “The footsteps move off to the east.”​
G: “Heh? We go back to the four-way...”​
R: “You hear footsteps to the south.”​
G: “We run north and prepare for battle...”​
R: “The footsteps enter the four-way and proceed north, right towards your position.”​
G: “What do we see?”​
R: “Nothing...”​

This was a magical noise activated by entering the four-way. In each case its origin and exit points were determined by separate d4 rolls. This may seem a simple, “Heh, gotcha,” but thereʼs much more beneath the surface. First, note Garyʼs anxiety factor is on the rise. The real is substituted for by the imagined in this instance. Are the next footsteps he hears, perhaps hours later and at a different point in the adventure, then real or a hoax? And... If one encounters these future footsteps and we describe them with the same cadence and tone as at the four-way, what are the possible mental affects on a player experiencing this combination?

#3lv 1 cerk fw foot.png

Also compare: If it had instead been an encounter with goblins, for instance, this “physical” encounter would not have fashioned itself as anxiety in fantasy immersion terms but primarily in game terms only, and then only briefly as the mind moved to focus on the combat and statistics side through immediate evaluation of circumstances. In the former instance evaluation occurred after anxiety and doubt had been fully achieved. The repetition of the footsteps continued to grow anxiety and doubt because Gary could not relieve these by identifying the source and thereafter dispensing with it through combat. The initial anxiety is removed at the end, but a greater doubt (and respect) for the environment now exists.

Where does this early immersive aspect that both of us utilized as DMs derive from? Well it starts many places in life, when one is spooked as a child by “those shadows in the room,” or when one is reading a scary bit in a story, or when being affected by scenes from a movie. Both Gary and I were big Alfred Hitchcock fans and Hitchcock was the master of suspense and, due to that, of anxiety.

Both Gary and I immediately recognized, and separated, the game parts from the immersive world, the latter which we concentrated on. Itʼs Fantasy after all; and one doesn’t summon fantastic moods by having PCs strolling down dungeon corridors as if they are doing a Sunday walk in the park. This idea had been re-initiated when this new, immersive medium had been made known to us by Arneson in 1972. It was just a matter of using staged, verbal elements (as in film or story) for making striking (and well-timed) visual impressions upon the playersʼ minds. Gary and I never let up on our players in this regard; and that included when DMing one another.

This particular encounter occurred very early in the 1st level of my castle. From that point forward Garyʼs usual daredevil approach became much more restrained. I had earned a respect (for me and the environ) by placing doubt in his mind: not everything could be assumed to be what it first appeared to be. So the Gygax and Kuntz credo was: Always keep your players guessing; and the best way that is accomplished is to always keep them at the edge of doubt through rising and falling anxiety.

#4 EB Castle final web:notice.jpg

Consider my last (for now) commentary on this strategy that Gary and I held as a sacred rule of thumb (all of which I fully expand upon in forthcoming works):

Imagine: You’re in this foreign environment with decrepit rooms, cobwebbed walls and uneven and stained floors, and wherein the smell of decay and other foreign scents are constantly assailing you; where noises are at times close and closing or far-away and receding, with both instances offset by periods of eerie silence; then a pitter patter of something scurrying; then a wretched squeal, more silence, and then a gust of wind filled with the stench of ages that blows out your torch... And so it goes. We can either work particles such as these into the adventure and achieve immersion or ignore them as inconsequential and continue in game mode to the “next door or room.” One route leads to Fantasy plus a die roll, while the other leads only to the latter.

Image and Text Copyright 2019, Robert J. Kuntz.

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Robert J. Kuntz

Robert J. Kuntz

TSR Veteran


It would have been easy to kill you guys off in Castles Greyhawk or El Raja Key. Just put a noise maker on the opposite side of a secret pit trap with spikes... :) I really believe that the difference then<>now is the fall of the dungeon crawl due to the rise of the mission adventure and the given that such latter modules, paid and bought for, were to be challenging yet defeatable, with this knowledge being up front and already taken for granted. BitD there were no such guarantees; and it's not that we stacked the cards level wise against the players, but we introduced enough uncertainty in encounters and their levels/tricks to make our players more cautious and circumspect in their long term investigations of our climes.

My problem with this sort of thing is it just led to an arms race with the DM. You punish a bold approach? Ok, charmed kobolds. :D ((or sheep.)) That sort of thing.

There was a healthy balance to be achieved.

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My problem with this sort of thing is it just led to an arms race with the DM. You punish a bold approach? Ok, charmed kobolds. :D ((or sheep.)) That sort of thing.

There was a healthy balance to be achieved.
Hussar, you are one of the doughty and informed posters here. That's a compliment. But Gary and I were masters, perhaps like you. It's dungeon ecology and defense from nearby monsters and groups that raided each other, these pit traps. We had one pit with a tunnel system that ogres would come to and check for kills (and dinner). Remember, the party is intruding into a pre-existing ecology and network of foes in many cases... So if they fall victim to the same lures and traps meant to extinguish opposition this is not US Vs. Them. There is the assumptive belief (and design execution) since the advent of mission adventures that these ecologies were in fact created in the fantastic surround for the PLAYERS (only) and do not exist apart from the PLAYERS in the world. That is Game. As I have been noting Gary and I sculpted WORLD instances (the fantastic reality of WHY these areas existed) and the players took their chances within the holistic versionings of same as intruders into those realms--it's called Adventuring--seeking the unknown and not the comfortably applied and understood known. Therein anything could and did happen and that is what they expected and why they were so cautious. These same Original Campaign adventurers, upon hearing a noise as we have been orbiting about in our mini-discussion, would have been very wary just as Gary had been wary with the FW-Footsteps.
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This is great, Rob. Thanks for sharing.

Here's some immersive fun I've had recently. The party found a wand of lightning bolts in an ancient tomb built for knights whose order was dedicated to ridding the area of a blue dragon. The order is gone but the dragon is still around. Lately, the character wielding the wand has started to have dreams about an army of statues worshiping the dragon. And sometimes he sees things, flashes of lightning illuminating figures that aren't there.

This was all just meant to be atmospheric but it creeped the other players out enough that they decided to steal the wand from him and lock it in an iron box.
Well you have entered the blessed realm of Master some time ago, I see. I could go on about dream sendings and odd visions, among other, that we plied out players with, especially as they reached higher levels and started messing around with "things that should remain hidden". Very encouraging to hear your story as the immersive idea of Fantasy inundates it!

Jay Verkuilen

Grand Master of Artificial Flowers
But, were there some other sources of inspiration drawn upon in those early days, for the dungeon-delving paradigm?
I just listened to all the REH Conan stories as an audiobook while on a set of many very long drives. Those stories are filled with plenty of loot-driven dungeon dives. There's more narrative than in classic dungeon delving, of course, and Conan is usually a lone wolf type character, although sometimes he paired with another character, e.g., Valeria in "Red Nails". But there's plenty of rooms with fairly pointless traps, monsters, and so on. There are some other examples: Dungeon delving isn't in The Dying Earth but the notion of ne'er do wells out for the main chance very much aligns. There are several Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser stories where dungeon delving features, too.

Jay Verkuilen

Grand Master of Artificial Flowers
After I was done typing, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser also occurred to me as feeling somewhat similar in tone, though more daring.
But they were often given missions, too.
They were, though many of their missions are pretty inscrutable, given that they are at the behest of Sheelba of the Eyeless Face or Ningauble of the Seven Eyes. For the most part, Fafhrd and the Mouser are primarily in it for themselves, not for the greater good, although they do serve that from time to time. There are stories to the contrary but many of their stories are pretty much just greed-based, or that's how they start, anyway. One of my favorite stories is "The Two Best Thieves in Lankhmar", where they truly get their comeuppances. I do think, though, that they are quite different stories than most of the "save the world" mission stories that many modern adventures run.

Many of Conan's tales are similar. "Red Nails" starts with Valeria looking for loot and Conan following her pretty much because he's looking to get in her pants. Then they get stuck in the adventure proper, though mostly they're motivated by survival. Some of the others are more "mission", though, such as "Hour of the Dragon", which is definitely a "save the world" kind of plot. "Heart of the Elephant" has Conan desiring to steal from the biggest target in town.

(One way Conan make more sense to me is to think of these as embellished tales he's telling when he's an old King of Aquilonia, nearing the end of his life, with his Queen, Zenobia, then a mature woman, by his side.)

I just listened to all the REH Conan stories as an audiobook while on a set of many very long drives. Those stories are filled with plenty of loot-driven dungeon dives. There's more narrative than in classic dungeon delving, of course, and Conan is usually a lone wolf type character, although sometimes he paired with another character, e.g., Valeria in "Red Nails". But there's plenty of rooms with fairly pointless traps, monsters, and so on. There are some other examples: Dungeon delving isn't in The Dying Earth but the notion of ne'er do wells out for the main chance very much aligns. There are several Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser stories where dungeon delving features, too.
Yep. And as noted, Arneson was reading Conan stories and he then took out graph paper and started to craft dungeons for his Castle concept, a haunted and isolated Blackmoor. (see image attached From the June 1972, Issue #13 of Domesday Book, Robert Kuntz Editor). We (select LGTSA members) went through the first Blackmoor game 5 months later in November of 1972.


  • blackmoor vic map w:castle.jpg
    blackmoor vic map w:castle.jpg
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Hussar, you are one of the doughty and informed posters here. That's a compliment.

Therein anything could and did happen and that is what they expected and why they were so cautious. These same Original Campaign adventurers, upon hearing a noise as we have been orbiting about in our mini-discussion, would have been very wary just as Gary had been wary with the FW-Footsteps.

Oh, I agree. Like anything it generally comes down to playstyle. For us, hearing a noise meant that the adventure was THATAWAY, so, let's go get the adventure. It's not a better/worse thing at all. Just a very different approach.

I found that if I went with the notion of adding all sorts of traps and whatnot, the adventure just bogged down as the group took an hour of table time futzing around with completely unimportant stuff and it led to a really bad grind. For us.

I much prefer a sort of "high heroic" game that leans much harder on fantasy fiction. While Conan may have been doing dungeon crawls, he wasn't tapping along the floors every ten feet with a pole, such that every adventuring party sounds like it includes a couple of blind people trying to find a path through. :D

So, as time went on, this sort of thing that you're talking about just became less and less fun for me.

Jay Verkuilen

Grand Master of Artificial Flowers
I much prefer a sort of "high heroic" game that leans much harder on fantasy fiction. While Conan may have been doing dungeon crawls, he wasn't tapping along the floors every ten feet with a pole, such that every adventuring party sounds like it includes a couple of blind people trying to find a path through. :D
Totally agree about Conan and Fafhrd and the Mouser. Those stories move fast. They're very narratively driven and, while there may be dungeon delving, it's not prodding the floor with a 10' pole, at least not much, although they often allude to the fact that someone's doing that or has already done it.

I do like a big of Ye Olde dungeoneering, but a little definitely goes a long way.

Well all I will say is that Conan crept through those crypts while pacing himself, cautious, stopping to listen, marking the noises and alert to the potential changes in the surround. As it stands, that's what the Lake Geneva crew did, thus nothing less than Conan or others from the pulps and later for that matter. Not all stories were John Carter coming in blasting, mind you, but when the time struck there was enough of that. As an aside OD&D is a lot less rules heavy, or should I say it is rules light, so that doing all of this "burdensome" stuff just wasn't burdensome back then. Our adventures moved along very quickly notwithstanding a possible and erroneous perception, of course, that they didn't. And they still do. A player just has to know when to look and listen and ascertain to avoid being massacred by oneself. ;)

Jay Verkuilen

Grand Master of Artificial Flowers
Well all I will say is that Conan crept through those crypts while pacing himself, cautious, stopping to listen, marking the noises and alert to the potential changes in the surround.
Conan certainly wasn't Leeeroy Jenkins! He's a savvy combatant. He moves fast when he has to, but he's clearly very much known for his savvy and keen perception.

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