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Gaming catchphrases, expressions, and idioms--what are yours?

That would be a "Threadcromancer".

Pulling out a holy symbol, Olgar attempts to banish the foul thread back to the depths of the message board from whence it came ... TURN, DURN YA! TURN!

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DM: Alright, Dual-Wielding Fighter Character - you're up for initiaive.

DWFC: Okay, I take a 5' adjustment up to that orc, and full attack.



DM: *blinks*

Right, you procede to beat the air into a bloody froth.


Thanks to my brother who never misses an opportunity, after slaying any low-grade undead we now declare that we ´search the zombies for treasure´.

It works for skeletons too.


A small, cute creature which will cut your throat open in the night.

Assault Ferret
A tougher ferret which won't wait for the night.

"I'm rearranging his organs in alphabetical order"

There's one I use with my wookie in a SW game. I've got about the highest Strength score conceivable in that game (18 base, wookie, rage, maxed enhance ability, totals up to something like 30). Everyone else in the galaxy, naturally, tends to have Strength 10 or so and use guns.
So, as the NPC attempts to get away from melee so that he can shoot with his gun, I'll just grin and make a motion with my arms as if effortlessly picking up something large and holding it close. That means "attack of opportunity; I grapple him". :D


First Post
Any time someone rolls a 1 on a Spot check...

"Pretty rock." (They were obviously distracted by it)

Whenever anyone spouts rules to the DM...

"Check out the big brain on _______." (Stolen from Pulp Fiction)

When entering combat...

"Set the barbarian on 'frappe'."


First Post
"Tactical with-treat"

It's a tactical withdrawal or retreat.

Somehow, I've been in two groups that use that phrase, and I'm sure that I'm not the one that carried it from one to the other. I'm the only guy in either of those groups that doesn't use that term.


First Post
"I make a run check"

This is used to represent someone high tailing it away. A player commented on how although there are jump and swim checks, there wasn't a check that best represented his current stratagy. And the phrase was born.


Used when the DM begins describing a suspicious room. (I love being the DM...)

"I don't wiggle, I just bleed."

This originated when, as DM, I called for a player's actions when he was in negative hit points. It's used whenever someone is laying on the ground, bleeding, which has a tendancy to come up a surpizing amount.

"That's more fun then a bear full of gunpowder!"

Don't ask.


"I crap my pants" -- announced on your initiative when you can't think of anything else to do and you're in way over your head.

"I crap my pants, twice" -- as above, but only when hasted. (Haste makes waste, after all!)


"He drops his claw [or teeth]" -- when a creature with natural weapons rolls a 1. Yeah, I know, 3e doesn't have critical fumbles -- but it should!

Anavel Gato

First Post
All of these are great. I don't think my group has nearly the quality of some of these. But I'll give it a shot:

Our more arrogant players will roll a 19, or 20 and instead of saying natural 19 or 20 they say "19 naturally" in a cocky voice.

When they do score a critical hit we use the optional damage table, like "throat cut" or "arm broken" and as the DM rolls the mantra "come on something good" is shouted usually.

I have a ranger named Lysander, well he is 10th level and his mainstay is killing giants. the DM put us in the First Giants module and being in character Lysander attacked every giant. needless to say he died several times (this was second edition before I crossed him over, he had a CON of 16 or 17...when the module was done it was 12). So, when it was his turn he was often reffered to as Dead Guy or mostly dead guy. Or Ly-dead-er.

There has been on occassion, farting to enhance spell casting (that is to say the player farts as they tell us what spell they are casting. works best with fireball), but invariably leads to stinking cloud jokes.

One player hates when the bad guy gets away or some NPC that really hassled them, so when this happens, he shakes his head and says, "their on the list." (And he does have a list).

As a DM, my players will often finish my statement of how a night without encounters, so I must use this often, "And the night passed uneventfully, as it were."

I'm sure i am missing some. But I hope those are fun for you all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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