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Exclusive Contest! Todd Lockwood draws your character! [NO MORE ENTRIES!]

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Champions of Agark

Here are three characters to consider. I’m submitting them separately, but some of their appeal is that they make an interesting group. I’m not sure if a group sketch would be considered though.

Either way, as a group they are a symbol of an Empire's might within my homebrew world. Together they should make a real stir of things.

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Kigurtha belongs to a feline-humanoid race called the Nal-Kirish. His family had abandoned its tribe when he was a young child, and sought their fortune within the human empire of Ankris. His parents secured a student position for him with a prestigious organization of mages, the Nukanti summoners. While learning under this group, Kigurtha showed an exceptional talent for summoning magical beasts and spirits. He carries few items. Among his effects are a Staff of Summoning which augments is conjuration spells, a ring of coolness (which hampers the effects of the empire’s climate), and a cloak of protection +3. Otherwise Kigurtha wears only the white robes of his magical order inscribed with a depiction of a winged tentacled beast. The depiction of the beast is a reference to a creature summoned by the founder of the Nukanit which saved the empire from a reptilian invasion.


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I just noticed that the date on the boards is already Aug. 1st. As it is only 9:45 on July 31st in WI, I hope my entries are still considered. In high hopes. . . .

Orphaned as an infant, this reptilian was adopted by a priest of White Gazelle, the god of law. Mahophis was raised in the temple, and his talents led him to become a holy warrior of law. The holy warriors of White Gazelle are often referred to as the White Judges since they have the power to enforce and dispense justice throughout the empire. As an enforcer of the law, Mahophis is an intimidating figure. Reptilians are rare within the empire, and as is typical of his race reptilians are taller and broader than average humans which makes Mahophis an intimidating figure. He is typically adorned with breast plate armor adorned with the symbols of the White Gazelle. He carries a kopesh sword, and a shield which is also decorated with symbols of his god.


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Bora Torang

Bora is a human Dead Hunter. As a holy warrior of Bousma, the goddess of death and the underworld he is devoted to slaying the undead and all who offend his goddess, such as necromancers.

The empire of Ankris is a very racially mixed culture for humans, but Bora’s heritage is from the desert born nomads. He does not have the pale complexion of the northerners or the dark complexion of the southern tribes. His hair is long and braided into a knot that rests upon the top of his head. His leather armor is decorated with the emblems of Bousma’s ability to both give and take life, and he carries his kopesh sword and dagger with uncanny agility. Before he knowingly enters battle he paints his goddess’s symbol of death upon his forehead along with a white skull on each cheek. Few among Ankran society would interfere with him when he has donned this ceremonial decoration.


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Miguel Enrico Gonzales a.k.a Cash
Male 5th level Wizard / 7th level Guild Wizard Human (Shade)

Even if Cash has been spotted in the different cities of the Forgotten realms he is not a native of Faerun. Based on the different small stories that one can gather, he came from some other world, which is deprived of magic. Cash has arrived at Faerun three years ago by means of the Shadow plane. It is still not clear as to whether the process he used was meant to bring him and his companions to Faerun of if they found the planet by accident. Whatever the case maybe, Cash and his companions have made the most of their new home.

History: Trained as a servant to support all the needs of a noble family in his early youth, Cash has been schooled in many things most of which are needed to further the goals of intrigue of the said family (legally and illegally). However early in his life, it was discovered that he has some knowledge in magic and was sent to learn magic (from a rival family no less). This has only been the start of a difficult life for Cash as he became more embroiled in the schemes of the family not withstanding some occurrences that has allowed him to live to around 300 years and not physically aging past his 20s.

Life in Faerun: Being a magic user of some sort in their home plane, Cash easily adapted to the ways of the Faerun. His innate thirst for knowledge and adventure, coupled with the rich magic in planet has enables his to quickly rise in his capabilities.
His transition into Faerun as likewise triggered some change in his physiology. He exhibits similar racial features and abilities of that Shades of Old Netheril. This, together with his innate knowledge of shadow magic has brought him into conflict with the shades more that a handful of times.
He spends most of his time wandering the different cities of the Realm, normally at night, but is likewise taking time to check the different other locales of the world and “meeting up” with all types of people.

Physical Description: Standing at six feet tall, Cash is slightly taller than the average wizard. His athletic built has likewise added to the idea that he’s not one.
His is a mix of Asian and Caucasian features. It was his comely features, which first attracted him into the service of the noble family. With longish black hair and green eyes, fair of skin, Cash has been a favorite member of the family’s staff.
When adventuring, which normally happens within the city, Cash normally wears a simple black shirt, blue pants of tough cloth with a pair of soft black leather shoes and gloves. He normally accessorizes with silver jewelry (a single earring, a pin and a pair of rings), which are normally has some sort of protective or enhancing enchantment.

In combat, Cash is adept in necromantic spells and shadow-based spells. Normally summoning minions for the plane of shadow to his aid or manipulating the shadow plane in his magic. It is not uncommon for him to wade into battle normally enhanced by magic and wielding iron wood weapons.


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Raised in the city of Hollowfaust, Nylan has the gift of sight, Nemorga style. Sometimes he knows when people will die and out of curiousity may show up to observe, much as the herald of Nemorga is said to do.

Shy and reserved, he seems to be a relatively normal human, but his aspect changes at least to observers once he dons his gothic plate armor and black adamantium shield. As a cleric of the god of death, he's used his enchanted longsword, Graybeard, more often than he'd like to send people to meet Nemorga.

He's blonde and relatively pale considering the harsh sun of the area.
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MOBY, half Ogre barbarian/druid

Chaotic Neutral

Moby's father was an ogre in a small tribe, who kidnapped Moby's human mother. She died giving birth.
Moby was forced to grow up strong, as the full blooded ogre boys often tried to pound him just because.
Moby usually tried to keep to himself and often had to guard the camp while the others left on some raid
or other task.

Eventually his father determined Moby had reached adulthood, and so it was time to earn his keep. This
particular event meant he was traded away to an orc tribe, for some skins, weapons and food. The old
orc chieftain had the idea of using Moby to mate with orcs and create super strong orcs, known as Orogs.
Moby had no reservations about his new tribe or job and happily did his best.

Unfortunately, not everybody in the orc tribe liked his presence or his new responsibility, particularly the
eldest son of the chief.

Eventually the chieftain died. Well, he died in his sleep, with multiple stab wounds in his chest, but he
still died. The tribes greatest warrior and the eldest son of the now dead chieftain claimed the tribe as
his own. One of his first orders of business was to kick Moby out.

Unfortunately Moby was not inclined and refused to leave. The new chief hefted his weapon and challenged Moby to combat. Unfortunately, while he might have been a lazy member of the orcs, he still retained all his ogre strength and crushed the orcs skull.

Chaos insued as the orcs tried to figure out who would take leadership over next. Cursing and stomping turned into blood shed. Moby packed up his belongings and wondered off into the forest.

Time passed and he came upon an old hide covered wigwam with smoke billowing from the hole in the top at the edge of a swamp. Upon opening the flap he found it was the residence of a dragon like thing, a lizard
man. Or in this case lizard woman, an old blind shaman.

She didn't seem to mind the intruder into her tent and after talking Moby learned her name was Hgathaa. Being old and blind she stayed behind when the tribe had moved on and a younger shaman had taken her place.

Moby and Hgathaa eventually got to be friends or as close as one could get with 2 people who might eat each other and under her tutelage Moby learned the basics of druidism. With more effort than he thought he could muster he learned how to read and cast spells.

Not long after Hgathaa died in her sleep. Seeing no reason not to waste a meal, Moby paid his final respects and ate her for dinner. It was after this he started wondering around again until finding his way to his current batch of small and wary friends.

Moby sometimes dons a patchwork suit of hide armor and almost always weilds a huge stone stalagmite as a club.


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Arlis Duskrider, “the Blind-Fighter”
Human Male Ex-Monk/Barbarian/Fighter 2/2/4
Str: 18, Dex: 15(17), Con: 12, Int: 10, Wis: 15(17), Cha:9

Arlis is a massive figure, standing over six feet tall as is sometimes seen for those of Damaran descent. His entire frame is heavily muscled, and his foes are sometimes taken unaware when he proves how limber he is as well. His ancestry shows itself through his ice-white skin, short-cropped blond hair, and blue eyes. His eyes are rarely seen, however, as they are typically covered by a bandage that has been stained brown over time by head injuries that have bled into it unchecked. Having lived a hard life, often on the wrong side of the axe, his body is scarred in many places from cuts gone untreated. Though numerous, none of the scars differentiate Arlis from any other mercenary in the Realms. He bears his chest to the world, exposing the scars for all to see. People shake their heads in disbelief on cold Sword Coast evenings when Arlis arrives, not even shivering. They mutter that he must have been borne to a Frost giant to be so inured to the cold. His cleanly shaven face might have even been called attractive, if not for the bandage and his other tattered clothing. Arlis doesn’t seem to let anything bother him, the least of which is his clothes. He wears a pair of frayed breeches that allows him to move freely, much like the Broken Ones of his native, frigid land. Often times, Arlis can be seen crouched on an outcropping of rock, staring off at something unseen, his eyebrow cocked as he attempts to identify the sound. His lips are usually pressed together unless quietly giving advice to others or opened wide in a battlecry.

Born to unknown parents of Damaran origin, Arlis grew up at a monastery dedicated to Ilmater. As one of the Adorned, he was able to travel with other Ilmatari to aid border villages ravaged by Vaasan orcs. On one of these trips, the group arrived at the town too late. Many lie dead and there were signs of abductions as well. Infuriated with the devastation, Arlis volunteered to travel forth with the paladins and slaughter the orcs while most of the other Broken Ones remained behind to assist the remaining villagers. Only nominally tried in combat before this, Arlis was now exposed to the thrill of combat. He relished bringing vengeance upon the orcs, and taunted the god of the orcs, Gruumsh One-Eye, with his every kill. His blasphemous exclamations continued until he brought his fist down upon the shaman of the orc tribe. For his fist crushing the orc shaman’s windpipe was the last thing he saw.

Arlis traveled with the group from town to town, blinded by his own pride. None in the towns could help him. He ended up leaving the group of priests and booking passage to the Sword Coast…he assumed that he would be able to find an answer in Waterdeep, the City of Spendors. No one could cure his condition in Waterdeep, though he did find out why. The orc he killed last was infused with Gruumsh’s power for the last moments of his life. With that time, he blinded Arlis with a curse that none could break.

Angered, he fled into the wilds to the north. There, he found a bit of comfort in a barbarian tribe that took him in and taught him that he could relieve his pent up anger by lashing out against orcs streaming down from the Spine of the World. Though it required that he give up his life thus far, Arlis relished this time, lost in his rage.

It was an encounter with an old comrade from Damara that brought Arlis to the balanced place he is today. This monk told Arlis that if he strove for perfection, he could become one with his surroundings. He would, in effect, gain a limited ability to see things around him. The monk told him that these were the first of the teachings of a long lost Grand Master, named Sorgeth. The rest had been lost to the world, though they must exist in some form, or there must be a way to re-invent them.

Since that time, Arlis has worked on perfecting his art. He uses a magical quarterstaff to great effect, interspersing its attacks with kicks and jabs. His strength allows him to cleave through his foes and launch devastating attacks. His keen sense of hearing that he has developed over the years allows him to even attack opponents at range, using a set of bolas he keeps at his belt. The gloves he wears to protect his hands are actually magical Gloves of Dexterity +2, and his muscled forearms are guarded by Bracers of Armor +3. He moves as quietly as the wind in his Boots of Elvenkind, but when he can’t avoid combat, his Ring of Protection +1, and his Amulet of Wisdom +2 keep him protected by allowing him to deflect or dodge blows.


Missed The Deadline?

She nearly stood the height of two grown men, as tall as the young trees in the northern forest, but even so, she was small for her kind, and thin too. Her clothes were made from the hides of wolves, elk and seals, stitched together with animal sinew. A cloak hung from her shoulders, made from the fur of a great arctic bear, protecting her from the wind. At her left side was a bulging satchel, and in her right hand she carried a long wooden staff.

A pale blue hand reached up to her face to pull several loose strands of yellow hair behind her ear. She had an oval face unmarred by age, with a pointed chin and high cheek bones. She had a hawkish nose, and eyes that were pale grey and filled with a cruel light.

" What have you done? " cried the Elder in a fit of despair. " What have you done, witch? " . He was of course referring to the smoking bodies of the raiders, which now littered the ruined tribal encampment.

She recalled with a tinge of delight how their hide clothing had begun to smolder, and then burst into flame. They had been engulfed, and died painfully by the element that was their bane. All as she saw fit.

Eyeing the Elder cooly, she answered, " I was protecting us. Have thanks that we are still alive. "

" Better to have been killed! " snapped the Elder. " You have committed heresy, witch! The gods forbid the fire, and now you bring there wrath down upon us. "

" I do not care for their ways, old man. They would have us be fools forever, " said the woman.

" You are cursed, witch! " thundered the Elder. " You are cursed, Sigrun! "

Sigrun was about to laugh when suddenly she dropped her staff and clutched her face, screaming. Pain wracked her eyes, and it felt like they had been set ablaze. Sigrun fell to her knees, the pain was excruciating.

" See what happens to those who disobey the gods? " said the Elder bitterly. " I pray that they take mercy on the rest of us. "

Snarling, Sigrun struggled to her feet as the pain began to subside somewhat. " What have they done to me old man? Tell me! " she demanded.

The Elder gestured toward one of the collapsed tents. " There should be a mirror somewhere in there, if you can find it. Go look for yourself. "

Sigrun did her best to hold back the tears of anguish as she rummaged through what remained of the tent. At last, she caught sight through blurred vision of a broken shard of a mirror. Picking it up, her reflection gazed back at her.

All around her eyes, it seemed that see had been scarred as if by fire, but strangely it had had no effect on her hands. Seemingly it appeared as if she wore a mask over her eyes, one of seared flesh, which was now much darker than the normal pale blue of her skin. However, these changes were less stunning than that of Sigrun's eyes themselves. Where they had been pale grey before, now they were a firery orange. So marked forever, Sigrun would always be recognized as the one they would later call " The Blasphemer ".
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Hynerian (I didn't see anything saying we couldn't include science fiction characters as well as fantasy :) )

As a noble and member of the Security Police loyal to Rygel the 16th, Migdol's graduation assignment was to spy on Rygel's brother on Hyneria Reborn. Having completed his assignment he made it off world heading back to the Hynerian Homeworld when he was intercepted by the PeaceKeepers. At first he was simply imprisoned and left to wonder what was going on when finally it became clear as he watched a holographic display as Rygel's cousin Bishan began his ascendancy speech.

Time passed and being young and not established as a known personage in the Royal court, it was thought that Migdol could be reformed having no real loyalty to Rygel. Finally "good behavior" made the new regime decide to repatriate Migdol from PeaceKeeper authority. He was made to swear oaths and sign forms indicating he would never take up arms against the rightful ruler of Hyneria. Of course he knew the text referred to Bishan the Usurper, but he simply played along. Then he was allowed to move freely and finally reunited with family and friends.

Of course the fall of Dominar Rygel XVI left the royal guard and others exiled, forced to run into hiding in an attempt to regroup and take back the throne from the usurper. For Awhile, Migdol did what was expected, but secretly he was helping form cells and other clandestine activities.

Migdol's commanding officer, Vicaran, sent him to a trading colony, The Wheel, near the far edge of the Uncharted Territories. One of Vicaran's contacts, a Sebacean trader by the name of Chool, had arms to sell. Migdol was to meet Chool, examine the arms and authorize the money transfer, (with the password Ouroboros).

The reason for obtaining weapons from such a remote place is that Chool claims to have "intelligent" weapons, that he calls Ares Shells. Chool has never let Vicaran down, so he is intrigued enough to send Migdol to meet him. Migdol managed to arrive at The Wheel, the typical hive of scum and villainy. After contacting Chool, Migdol woke up in the stasis pod with a bunch of yahoos.

Migdol almost always wears his enviro suit. Since escaping from the statis pod and the prison ship, he's gotten a little paranoid about being flushed out into the vacuum of space.
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