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D&D 5E Elementalists (IC)


The Elementalists


The Industrial Age has begun.

Three hundred years ago, wizards, warlocks and sorcerers competed to each have the most powerful magics, to give their respective nations more power than their neighbors. The Magical Arms Race turned into a magical cold war, which soon heated up into a world war that devastated the world, leaving much of the wilds, and even some cities, as desolate wastelands.

When the dust settled, the whole world, for the first time, agreed on one thing: magic was too dangerous to be left unchecked. In an unprecedented show of international cooperation, the Conclave of Magic was created. The Conclave was charged with regulating all Arcane Magic, only issuing so many licenses per year to each nation. All wizards had to study at the Conclave, all Sorcerers had to register their power and periodically check in with them. Warlocks are given a license on a case-by-case basis, and fiendish ones are outright banned.

The Mirrored Temple is the most prominent religion in the world, spreading to every country and continent, as their main tenant is that every religion’s gods are simply another, as yet unknown Reflection of the Divine: one God, with an infinite number of reflections and aspects. Every culture values different aspects, or Reflections, more than others.

However, for the past few decades, changes have begun to rapidly grow on the continent of Elindil, in the western portion of the world. The invention of the steam engine, the printing press, and the widespread use of gunpowder, has altered the course of the continent forever. Due to the Conclave giving only so many Magic Licenses, Magic has dwindled. Attendance at the temples has waned of late as well. The use of logic and reason has begun to take hold, and the old ways are being forgotten.

But while the use of magic has waned, a feeling of unease has settled over certain members of the population. Elemental Magic has been failing at higher rates than normal. Certain individuals from across the continent begin having strange dreams. Dreams of destruction and chaos. Of fire that cools, earth that melts, air that is frozen solid and water that burns, and an ancient temple to the Divine Reflections in a city to the South.


You step out on to the land, taking your first breath of air in six years. Before you is a large city, one you have been seeing in your dreams. This is not the land of your birth, so you have no reference point to know what the city is. But your Patron has apparently released you from his service and sent you to the surface, promising more power if you continue to work for him on the surface world. For the last six years, your patron has been training you with what seems to be a fervent need, as in preparation for something, though he never answered your questions as to what.

Every now and then, you have a dizzy spell. It only lasts a moment, but it is happening more frequently. At first, it was once a month. Now it is more like once a week. Your patron will not acknowledge you when you ask about it. Of course, this happens often, as if the thing simply doesn’t hear questions it doesn’t want to answer. [/sblock]


The dreams disturb you. You tell your tribe’s shaman, but many do not believe you. One old one, however, comes to you one night, telling you ancient legends extending back to when the Aarakocra lived in the Plane of Air, about a corruption that the Aarakocra helped fight off and contain. He believes that the answers to why you are having these dreams lies in the ancient site of Elemental Harmony, but this place was lost many centuries ago, after the Mirrored Temple took hold. Your dreams, however, have been of a particular city to the south, the city of Albion, and perhaps your search should begin there. [/sblock]


In your dreams, you can hear the voice of the Reflection of the Divine you most closely associate with. It is distant, feint, as if struggling to talk to you, but you can feel their power flowing in to you as they speak, calling you a “Child of Earth”. They tell you of a city to the south, where ancient troubles are stirring, and show you an old Temple to the Reflections deep in the city, almost forgotten by those around them. What you are to do there is not said, but the urgency is unmistakable. [/sblock]


You’ve been caught. In the middle of a long con, an old mark showed up out of nowhere and recognized you. This forced you to leave the city you were in and make for the Midwest.

On the way, you started having the dreams. In the dreams, you saw a temple in a large city to the south, and you recognize the city as Albion, because of the mixture of human and elven architecture, and dwarven masonry. It is the pinnacle of technological advancement, and therefore one that has very few, if any, magic and magic users. Could be dangerous, but then again, fewer people will be expecting magic. Could be fun? [/sblock]


You have been changed. Altered. You have been wandering the world since the…incident, and are trying to figure out who, and what, you have become. You have become incredibly attune to elemental magic, and can feel a disturbance to the south, almost like a signal emanating from a certain city. It feels…familiar. The chaos, the turmoil, is a mirror of what you have become. It may have answers for you. Answers you need. [/sblock]


The monks of your order are disturbed. The elder monks can feel an alteration in the very nature of the elements, though it is so small as to cause little effect. They are worried that something is happening to the Planes, but nobody has traveled to or from the planes for centuries, ever since the Temple of Elemental Harmony was lost.

The source of this problem seems to be in a city to the south, called Albion, the center of technological enlightenment. It is a multicultural hub, the center of this new industrial age. Something there is connected to these disturbances, and they have elected you, as an Avariel, to act as their agent in searching out this disturbance and helping to correct it in any way you can. [/sblock]

Albion is divided into four basic sections: the Factory District up north, where many people work; the Temple District to the west, which is also home to the city’s governmental buildings; The docks and market district is to the east, and the upscale district to the south, where the rich hob nob. Lower priced residential areas pockmark the city.

You have each entered the city at the same time, and managed to find the same tavern, The Frosty Blaze. The tavern is located in the market district. It’s a rather large one, with some patrons gambling in one corner, a fully stocked bar, and a number of rooms upstairs. The bartender is a portly man with rosy cheeks, who lazily serves the drinks to whoever asks, more intent on conversation than making sales.

OOC: Feel free to role-play your entry into this city and/or tavern. You are also free to either ask what is around (in which case, I’ll just tell you), or simply make up landmarks and shops and such that would make sense to help build this city (though, I reserve the right to change something if I feel the need to). Just keep in mind, if you create something, I’ll likely use it later.

I will step in if things lag to give a little push in the right direction. Otherwise, the city of Albion is yours to explore. Have fun!

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Jord had to duck under the sill to enter the tavern, the doors were not built for goliaths. Luckily the ceiling was high and he would not need to stoop inside as he had found in other places in the Low Lands. The air was thick in here, even thicker than outside. Jord was used to the thin air of the high mountains, and he felt like he was choking on these thick aethers. Still it was a discomfort, but nothing dangerous he knew.

Heading to the bar, Jord either ignored or paid no attention to the stares he received. Another telling sign that his kind were not well know here. Perhaps that too would be part of his calling. He ordered a strong ale, a deep , dark porter in a large mug. Tossing the barkeep a few coins he turned to look for a seat. There were several tables open, but the chairs looked suspect. Finally he headed over to the fireplace and grabbed a large round section of a tree trunk that hadn't been split yet. It was a hearty oak, well aged. It looked to be a holiday log, waiting to burn away on a long winter night. For now, it would be his stool, one that would hold his weight without a problem. He pushed a chair aside with his foot and slid the log into it's place. Taking a seat at the table, he took a long satisfying drink before. He himself looked around the tavern.


Nacay wandered around the city aimlessly lost admist all this steam and technology, he felt uneasy and kept his hooded cloak pulled tight around him to hide his appearance.

Nacay stumbled into the temple district he found him self stood at the entrance to a grand temple, ascending the steps he stops at the door and simply stares at it his lifeless eyes reflecting the door, he stays transfixed for a moment or two before he turns his back on temple, he freezes for a few more seconds before adjusting his hood and wandering some more.

Nacay walks around a market taking note of any wares that may have a use paying particular note to a shop selling weapons using gunpowder, Nacay abhorred them the lack of skill they required, the fact you couldn't see your opponents face , a cowards weapon yet they certainly were effective. Nacay strokes the drab yet functional double hilt of his slender greatsword, the only one ever made in such a fashion.
Nacay heads back to the equine paradise where he stabled his horse... he really needed to get a new saddle this one was clearly of military design the barding didn't help either but he thinks the stable hand bought his story. Satisfied the horse is safe Nacay heads off once more.

Arriving at the tavern Nacay pushes open the door slowly and tries to enter without disturbing anyone, carefully he picks his way to the bar and inquires about a room.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Leaving his row boat behind in the docks, Xobruentyvir Aenovindë - Xobru for short - enters the city of his dreams. It is busy, crowded, bustling. The slender, darkhaired elf wanders the streets with a perpetual look of amazement on his face. So many people, so many buildings, so many sounds, so many thoughts! He had visited some cities in his days as a sailor, but he usually kept to the harbor and besides, Albion was bigger than any he had seen so far.

The elf made for a curious sight himself, carrying a bucket of water around in which an octopus sat, looking over the edge at the city. Apart from its bulbous head looking around, the aquatic creature remained motionless as it observed the busy townsfolk. Only when they passed a large pond did one of the tentacles twitch towards the water, which rippled before returning to its stillness after a moment.

Xobru was overwhelmed. Obviously this was the city he was directed to, but where to now? After walking around for an hour or so, the elf decided to find a place to gather his thoughts. Looking around the street he found himself in, he saw the familiar signpost for a tavern. He could not recognize the symbol, but in Common its name was written below; The Frosty Blaze. How curious.

The elf enters the tavern and looks around. Many patrons in here today, of many races both familiar and exotic to him. Some Xobru has never even seen before! Dwarves, humans, even a lone elf; those he recognizes. There is also a gnome; he has heard of the creatures but never saw one before. But there is one he has never seen nor heard about; a huge man, almost a giant, sits on a log near the fireplace. Despite the proximity to the fire, Xobru decides to find a seat near that fascinating person. Xobru takes an empty chair and drags it to the half-giant's table.

"Mind if I join you, big man?" he asks the goliath. The elf does not wait for an answer as he sits down, placing his octopus-filled bucket on the table before motioning for the bartender to get his order of whatever liquid seems to be the standard for the other patrons. "Do you also serve meals? Food that doesn't come from the sea?"


Turning round at the the words big man Nacay panicked then he saw him, he must of been a giant he towered over Nacay by a at least a foot if not more! Nacay was not used to seeing anyone taller than him let alone this tall. Then he noticed the bucket... with a strange creature in it, Nacay had no clue what it was.

Breathing a sigh if relife perhaps hiding here should be easy with so many odd sorts. Drink... room.. private The half orc grunts ruffle the hem of his hood and the cloth the bar tender was holding. Nacay drops a handful of gold coins on the bar. "You never saw me"

OOC: I'm going to assume 10g is enough for a room, a couple of drinks and a bribe


OOC: 10g is sufficient for that!

The bartender scoops up the gold absently, then tosses the robed Nacay a key with a room number on it. He didn't look too closely at Nacay, that wasn't his job. He ran a tavern, and all sorts came through, so who was he to judge, as long as nobody made trouble and magic wasn't involved. And if he made a few extra gold doing what he was already going to do, more's the better.

He then signals to one of his barmaids to serve the two seated at the table, eying the bucket with the octopus in it. Did he want to sell it? He served octopus from time to time, but not a lot of customers liked it. Still, they made a good stew.

"We've got a potato and beef stew, if you're looking for something without seafood," the barmaid says to Xobru when she steps up to the table with the giant and the elf.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Potato and beef stew... Now that's something I haven't eaten in years! I'll have that, please, and a drink," Xobru says with a pleasant smile. The serving girl could swear his blue eyes seem lighter for a second before he continues uncertainly, "Err... what is the normal price for a meal and a drink in these parts?"

Seeing the girl eye his octopus, Xobru assures her, "Don't worry, Hadar here won't hurt anyone. Well, unless they have it coming. But I will make sure your patrons are safe while they are in your fine establishment." A wink follows his remark, aimed more at the goliath than the girl.


Vimak circles high over the city 3 times, assuring himself that this is the place, and preparing for the unpleasant feeling he knows he must endure.

First he comes to perch on a roof top, watching the earthbound races for several minutes before spreading his wings to continue his unpleasant trip to the ground, oblivious to how out of sorts this might seem to those from this area. He lands in front of a building with many going in and out. He thinks to himself that the peoples here seem to enjoy naming everything like the Dwarves where he comes from do. This place it seems is named Frosty Blaze, though it seems neither frozen nor on fire but the feeling that he has seen this place before comes over him and his stomach gets upset as he knows what comes next.

Vimak shifts his weight from one foot to another, shaking his clawed foot a little each time as if he doesn't like something he has stepped in. Head bobbing up and down, neck turning to either side uneasily. He awkwardly steps forward. Stopping at the porch, and again at the doorway trying to convince himself that this is necessary. He enters, his heartbeat speeds up, as he looks around quickly and makes his way to a spot at the bar with no stool. A quiet click can barely be heard by those listening hard as he steps up onto his perch. At least he has that small bit of comfort, that one familiar feeling.

He looks at the round man behind the bar. "Please, meat... raw... Please" and places a few shinny coins on the counter in front of him before turning his head to look for anything that seems familiar in this place. Hoping wither or not he finds one he can get out of this small space, so small, too small.


The barmaid, a youngish girl with long blonde hair and bright green eyes, smiles at the Xobru, "One silver piece is enough to buy a meal and a drink. If you'd like to stay at the inn, we have room. It'll be 8s a day for a room, but that pays for your food as well." She looks at the giant man sitting at the table, "We do have beds in your size, sir. We don't get many Goliaths down here, but the old owner of the inn believed in always being prepared for anyone who might need a room. Are you two in town long?"

A few of the patrons stare at the birdman who entered the bar, and at him perching...on top of the bar. But the bartender seems unperturbed. "My friend," he says after setting a plate of raw beef down in front of him, "Do you need a place to stay? I have a room with a balcony, if you'd rather stay somewhere with a view of the stars."

Voidrunner's Codex

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