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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 4


Ersun, Rasul

Thiara: "I must take my leave. I am most grateful for your help Rasul. Ersun has many questions and you are one of the only men I can trust. I am in your debt once again."

Rasul: "Take care!"

Thiara: turns to Ersun and hands him another sending stone. "You may contact me directly with this." She says before moving away and reading her scroll again. Moments later she is gone.

Rasul: Looks to his guards. "Leave us!" He orders.

Guard 1: Looks very unhappy. "Master Rasul this is highly irregular. We don't know anything about this... thing!" He complains pointing at you.

Rasul: Raises his voice a bit with anger. "This is my guest! Get out of my sight this instant before I feed you both to the dogs!"

The guards look to each other with consternation but begrudgingly obey, stepping into the manor through the back door leaving you both alone on the veranda. Rasul doubles over for a moment with a fit of coughing as soon as they leave. It seems getting angry makes his condition worse.

Rasul: "Apologies Ersun. In truth, my guards are more interested in my death than keeping me alive. They maintain a constant death-vigil over me so they can report my passing to would-be-successors. Not that I care much about that, but for your sake, the less they know about you the better." He chuckles. "Take a seat if it please you, share in my drink and my cigars."

[Ersun: What do you do?]
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Avar, Billanverthorne, Jabbar

Bill decides to play it up, using his Intimidate skill on Jabbar's behalf."

(Intimidate roll = 23)

To Shafi (Common): "Ok, look, I know that I offended Odan somehow, but I am begging you, Shafi, please, take my advice! Just let us be on our way! I'm getting really nervous. Jabbar has that look in his eye again, and the last time that happened, 18 people died, including 2 of our own. Please, don't make him angry. Jabbar is much more than he seems... that wand of his..." Bill shivers audibly. "I like a good fight as well as the next merc, but that wand of his scares me! I've seen what it can do!" Bill adds one, final thought, "And don't forget, we're underground! An explosion that large could cause a cave-in!"

Shafi: (Sense Motive: = 4)

Shafi looks positively craven as you reach the other side of the rope bridge. As Jabbar predicted, several more bandits emerge, weapons raised, and attempt to surround you. Shafi waves his arms in a panic.

Shafi: "Leave them be! Odan has fallen and they'll kill me next!" He shouts.

Jabbar: "Odan will live, but Shafi here will certainly die if you interfere. I have already paid a hefty toll to pass. Let us leave in peace or you'll regret it!" He says icily.

The bandits look to each other and smirk at Shafi. "You're a disgrace!" They mutter, but they let you pass. Once you are through the other tunnel you find another secret door dug within a thicket of blackberries behind a farmers storehouse on the northern hill.

Jabbar releases Shafi and shoves him back down into the tunnel.

Shafi: Shakes his finger at Jabbar "You'll be sorry for this!" He warns.

Jabbar: "Not as sorry as you are already." He chuckles and shuts the hidden door in his face. He looks to the pair of you and smiles. "Well that was interesting! Lets make our way to this inn with haste. If nothing else, it will be good to have a drink even if Burrai isn't there. Lead the way Avar." He says pulling his hood back up to hide his face as his breath turns into vapor in the chilly evening air.

A wide path from the tall double-doors of the storehouse cuts across the hillside, wide enough for a single wagon, weaving itself between the farmsteads into the town proper. There is also a smaller foot path leading directly down from the thicket, as these berries are very popular with the locals.

Avar raises his hood as well and starts off down the footpath. Dark grey clouds hang ominously over the town, seemingly fed by a hundred smoking chimneys. A few curious onlookers peer out at you from farmhouse windows, but quickly close their shutters as you pass.

From the hillside you have a great vantage spot overlooking Cabarda. Most of the buildings here are made of brick, stone and mortar, or adobe. Rooftops are typically clay tiles while the poorest shacks have thatch-roofs. Some of the fanciest buildings use large sheets of bronze or copper. Streets are packed earth with drainage ditches over a buried sewer system. The tallest structure in the town appears to be the Vulkyrie Tower, erected just behind a massive arena. The tower is approximately sixty feet high.

Jabbar: Notes your eyes lingering on the tower. "That's where our winged masters, The Vulkrie, roost. Take care to always grovel before them and never look them in the eye. Always refer to them as 'high ones' or you might find yourself to be their next meal. There's probably two dozen of them up there, and each one is worth four normal men in a battle." He warns.

You find the streets largely deserted as most of the businesses (besides brothels, inns and taverns of course) close their doors at sundown. The three of you make quick progress around the central hill, through the east market, past Drehd's Devils, and see the door to Putyuks Rooms at last.

Jabbar: Slows his pace to a stop and sits on the porch of another building about 20 yards from the inn beneath an awning. "Are you still ok to go in there and scout for us? You look a little worse for wear. We can skip it if you don't feel up to it?" He asks the elf.

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]
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Updated Map of Cabarda

Note: I have updated the Map of Cabarda with locations for the cave entrance(s) and Rasus' Manor. To see the map in full resolution, right click, select 'open in new tab' and click again to zoom in.



Burrai, Elloral, Vanlen

"I see I wasn't missed." He said, placing his mug on the table and facing the gnome. Perched as he was on the pile of books he almost looked Burrai in the eye sitting down. likely he would've had Burrai not been tall for a dwarf. "So Vanlen is it? Burrai Steelborn, pleased to meet you." He held out a heavy scared hand and felt the scratching annoyance of absent memory skitter in his mind twice as hard.

OOC: Burrai checks his local history of Cabarda and his time in this area to see if that's where he remembers Vanlen from (16)

Vanlen: Smiles at Burrai, though there is some confusion there as well. "We have met before..." He says shaking your hand. "...back then you were known by a different name? Burrai is your son if I recall correctly?" He says awkwardly.

Suddenly your memory takes you back to the market of Bofain over twenty five years ago. The flash of fireworks, the gleeful clapping of the children, the warmth of your wife's hand in yours, the face of Vanlen standing on his cart of goods presenting the performance. He looked much the same then as he does now, except perhaps a few more wrinkles by his eyes. Gnomes age very well it would seem.

Elloral: Grimaces and reaches over to touch the gnomes arm. "Vanlen I am so sorry, but this is not a good time. Can we speak again tomorrow?"

[Burrai: What do you do?]
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne: Destination: Cabarda!

Jabbar: Notes your eyes lingering on the tower. "That's where our winged masters, The Vulkrie, roost. Take care to always grovel before them and never look them in the eye. Always refer to them as 'high ones' or you might find yourself to be their next meal. There's probably two dozen of them up there, and each one is worth four normal men in a battle." He warns.

You find the streets largely deserted as most of the businesses (besides brothels, inns and taverns of course) close their doors at sundown. The three of you make quick progress around the central hill, through the east market, past Drehd's Devils, and see the door to Putyuks Rooms at last.

Jabbar: Slows his pace to a stop and sits on the porch of another building about 20 yards from the inn beneath an awning. "Are you still ok to go in there and scout for us? You look a little worse for wear. We can skip it if you don't feel up to it?" He asks the elf.

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]

To Jabbar (In Common): "I'm good for now. Back in the cave, I'll admit, I wasn't so sure. But this fresh, night air is wonderful. I think I'll survive."

Jabbar eyes Bill suspiciously. His eyes linger on Bill's side wound, which continues to bleed, if only a little. "There is a fine line between courage and recklessness, my young friend. Take this, just in case. It's better to have this, and not need it, than it is to need it, and not have it." Jabbar puts a small, stoppered vial into Bill's large palm. Bill's expression softens just a little, as he smiles at his new benefactor.

To Jabbar (In Common): "I shall not forget your kindness, my friend," Bill says, with a good measure of resolve, "I am ready. Wait here, and I shall return in 15 minutes, as we agreed. On the off chance that there's more than one Dwarf in the tavern, what does this Burrai look like?"

Avar describes Burrai (and his companion) briefly, to Bill's satisfaction. With that, Bill stands once more, the vial gripped firmly in his palm.

~Thank Vandria that the vial is so small. That will make it easy to conceal, and to keep at the ready.~

Bill removes his cloak, and drapes it over his arm in a casual manner, like one might see a gentleman do at court.

~People might think I'm putting on airs, or trying to show off, carrying my cloak this way. That's well enough, since my true reason shall remain obfuscated by such an assumption.~

Bill has the cloak draped over the arm with which he is holding the vial, and he holds the cloak in such a way as to conceal his wound from all but the most studied eye.

Bill thinks back to the earlier conversation, going over it and over it in his mind.

~Jabbar's voice: "We'll keep it simple. Just go in there and buy a drink, take a quick look around. If possible sit close enough to Burrai so you can eavesdrop on his conversation. Fifteen minutes tops, then leave and tell us what you found out."~

Bill almost glides, so casual is his step, as he makes his way to the tavern. He does his best to relax his posture, and to steady his countenance. As he approaches the door to the tavern, his final thought on the matter is:

~I hope this Burrai fellow is still here. We wasted a lot of time dealing with those idiots in the cave. Ok, there's the door. Look sharp. All eyes will be on you, at least for a moment, as you enter. First impressions count. Poker face. Not a scowl, just firm resolve. Remember who you are. Watch out, people, Bad Bill is in town!~

And with that thought complete, Bill opens the door, and steps into the inn, looking (but not looking) for a Mountain Dwarf named Burrai.
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post

The words from Mogan hit him like a dead weight being dropped on you and making you wake from a deep slumber. For what it is worth, he was right; they weren't being paid for this. Folg might easily join in, as the kobold was easily seeking some type of guidance and respect from Svexyn, although somewhat misguided. Mogan on the other hand was simply hired help and a guard. Not a soldier anymore.

"Mogan is right. I can't ask that of him, as he has no allegiance to me other than as a guard. Folg might be easier to persuade to assist, but that's not enough. We would need help if we are to go against the likes of the Quresh."

Turning to Asusk, Svexyn notes the look in his eyes. Hurt, pain, vengeance, and hope. "The merchant upstairs does match the description you gave. He was meeting with a dwarf, arguing to be more precise. I don't like the way he eyed me, as if noting something for future reference. I left before any more attention was brought to myself."

Svexyn looks at Mogan and Asusk, seeing the obvious humor in these two races in a tent and behaving somewhat socially. "So our only lead is this merchant. The one upstairs. He was arguing with the dwarf, and then when I overheard them and spoke too loud, they took offense. The merchant's name is Raja. He was talking with the dwarf named Drumir."

Svexyn shrugs as Mogan gives him an interesting look. "What? I sometimes pick up things. Decent hearing. Plus, it helps when others are talking too loud."

Looking back to Asusk, he ponders a few things. "Your tent is nearby and if others heard of your demise, walking back and gathering your stuff would probably not be a good idea. I can go pull all your stuff and bring it over. If we need to move out further from the inn nearby to make camp, then so be it. I feel I have much information to learn from this place to find what I need. Or would you be safe enough getting your gear from your tent without me getting it?"
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First Post
Burrai Steelborn

"Vanlen I am so sorry, but this is not a good time. Can we speak again tomorrow?"

Burrai gave Vanlen the briefest nod of recognition, but said nothing else. The memory seeped back in like dark oil poured into clear water, darkening his thoughts and collecting cold and heavy in his chest. It didn't hurt, or ache; just there a constant reminder of all he'd lost and the duty he owes to his son.

So he turned back to his ale and waited for Elloral to conclude her business with Vanlen, whatever that might be.


“They could be better behaved...” he concurs sincerely. Then he puts down his bag and takes a seat carefully and inspects the differences in their attire which he finds curious. It seems he will stand out in many many ways. As for the offers, he does agree to share a drink, although will not brave cigars for now.

“Excuse me for asking but, do you not choose your own guards, especially your personal ones?” he contemplates. First things first it would be nice to get to know who his host is and what can he expect from him, so he will venture to such topics. After that, he can ask about the local culture and situation, and of course about what are the dire tidings from the other city, Masaeus.


Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Malic, Ordechai, Wrenwil______________________________

Wrenwil said:
As the evening wore on Kryslogious and Wrenwil remained by each other’s side. The arrival of the knight, the Tome, hideous visions and all the events of the day gnawed at Wrenwil's mind and refused to let go.

~One piece at a time… ~

Sure, if they made it to Jarahdrin there was every chance there would be answers, but for now the Tome and his new friend were all he could work with. They chatted and shared rations, prayed. Wrenwil told stories of his childhood which was more like a confession than an autobiography. His unlikely entry to the church of Pentos, his slow advancement, the punishments from peers and priests alike. The cleric shared it all, all but the most distasteful of pursuits. Kryslogious had to know that Wrenwil was no gifted man, no leader, no warrior and no role model. He was just an elderly fellow who’d read more than most, learned what he could, and through years of boredom and regret had discovered very late what “friendship” was and with it wisdom had grown. A normal man in an abnormal world.

Beneath it all Kryslogious saw a cleric with unusual strength. He’d looked after his body and agility, focused his mind, and achieved all this with a brush stoke of inferiority and self-hatred.

Kryslogious said:
Something stirred beneath the surface it was easy to see he was bothered underneath all his armor. He set back to the dwarves side of camp, apologizing for his sudden outburst, assuring them that he was in fact okay. (Bluff Check: = 13)

Alic: (Sense motive Check: = 4, Fail)
Malic: (Sense motive Check: = 14, Success) Malic doesn't look convinced, but decides against confronting the knight about his state of mind just now.

Throughout the rest of the evening, Alic, Kryslogious and Malic take turns keeping watch. Ordechai passes out drunk with Bax keeping watch over him. Wrenwil is left to rest properly so he may recover his spells.

Wrenwil said:
As the first light of dawn cracked open the skies Wrenwil reached for the Tome, some parchment and a quill. With the heavy pages resting upon his lap, he glanced to the knight at the end of a fitful sleep. ~for me to know you, and you to know me, and you to know you, there is no choice. We must read and learn. I will translate those passages that I can, which may be many or may be few, however those painted by Herod I cannot touch. We cannot risk it my friend, and my mind is all I have left… for now at least.~

Wrenwil counted the tin sheets, stopping at where he’d hoped to remember where the terrible scrawl had begun. He took a sheet of parchment and carefully, without looking too much, slid it between the pages best avoided. Then he quickly flipped, hunting pages in languages he could understand.

After a short while Wrenwil, you estimate the tome contains a hundred pages in total, of which less than half actually have any writing on them. Only the first page after the opening poem, has the evil Herodan scrawl etched upon its surface. The other 32 are written in a variety of languages. Of those 32 pages, nine are written in traditional Akhenaten and two are written in old Chivalan. Those eleven pages are the only ones you are capable of reading at this time. You also note eight pages are torn from the binding, which may have some significance towards which past lives Kryslogious is capable of remembering or not?

However, there is no time to actually read the tales before Malic stomps over banging a stone against his shield to create a racket.

Malic: “Up! Up! Up!” He says waking everyone from their slumber.

Ordechai: Groans loudly.

Malic: "I have prepared breakfast. Eat and regain your strength." He says out loud before continuing to pack the ponies for his trek back to Barossa.

Alic nibbles dutifully at the jerky, crackers and beans his father cooked up from their rations. Ordechai also stumbles over, holding his head and squinting his one good eye away from the rising sun. He eats a few crackers and some jerky... avoiding the beans in case his stomach decides it can't hold them down.

Malic: Walks over and gives his son a strong hug. "Stay alert and keep Ordechai alive, I will send for you when the time is right." He says. He also shakes the hand of Ordechai, Wrenwil and Kryslogious before he rides away heading to south again with both ponies. He intends to ride one animal at a time at a brisker trot, switching mounts every few hours to keep them strong.

Ordechai: Watches him go with grudging respect.

Alic: Seems a bit forlorn to see his father striking back on his own. As soon as he is gone from sight he stops chewing and speaks up. "Ordechai, lead us to the Restless Sands. We will do as my father suggested and investigate the relationship of the Black Network with the Quresh." He says.

Ordechai: Nods. "Before we go lets get one thing straight. While we are there I am in charge! The Quresh are devious and dangerous. It takes years of experience to know how to deal with them properly."

Alic: Shrugs. "So long as you do your best to honor my fathers plan, I can live with that."

Ordechai: "You have my word." He says.

After your meal and all your packing is done, Alic and Kryslogious take the lead with Ordechai, Wrenwil and Bax strolling behind them. The rest of the day passes without incident, but your pace is slowed somewhat by the dwarfs stubby legs and Ordechai's hogs. It is only shortly after sundown that you finally reach the trail leading towards the Restless Sands.

As you approach the inn beneath the brightening stars (each of you bearing a torch to make yourselves known, as per Ordechai's instructions) you see it appears to be a very old two-story structure constructed of masonry, surrounded by large dunes. A pair of lanterns are lit by the main entrance with added light spilling from the many windows. Iron rings to tie mounts from posts before the inn are all empty, so there must be a stable nearby where mounts can actually be sheltered. Several tents are erected near the inn, marked by campfires burning in the near distance.

Ordechai: Clears his throat to get everyone's attention. "One wrong word to these Quresh,
easily recognizable by their golden eyes, could get us all killed! Do not anger or insult them!" He warns. "Do not underestimate them, they are scoundrels. If anyone asks, I was hired as a guide by Wrenwil into the Kingdom of Vulkh. You are both his bodyguards." he says nodding to Kryslogious and Alic in turn. "So far as it is possible, let me do the talking."

Asusk, Folg, Mogan, Svexyn_______________________________

Svexyn: Looking back to Asusk, he ponders a few things. "Your tent is nearby and if others heard of your demise, walking back and gathering your stuff would probably not be a good idea. I can go pull all your stuff and bring it over. If we need to move out further from the inn nearby to make camp, then so be it. I feel I have much information to learn from this place to find what I need. Or would you be safe enough getting your gear from your tent without me getting it?"

Asusk: Covers his face with his traveling cloak. "I should be fine to get my own things in the cover of darkness." He says, stepping past Mogan slowly, still a bit weak from his wounds. However as soon as he steps out of the tent he stops. "Hah! What luck!" He exclaims. As you and Mogan move up to to see what he's talking about he points to a small group of travelers approaching the inn about a hundred and fifty yards away. (Kryslogious, Wrenwil and the others) "I'd recognize those beasts anywhere. Those hogs belong to Ordechai, a known smuggler and wanderer, but a friend nonetheless. If anyone can help us get answers from the Quresh its him!" He says with a smile.

[Svexyn: What do you do?]
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Mogan and Folg


"Hold up, and keep close to me. You wounds aren't fully healed, but I gave you something that should be able to allow you to heal quicker over time." Svexyn activates his healing aura again, allowing some healthy respite for Asusk. His wounds start to close up, but will take a little while.

"If you are intent on meeting up with them, then I would like to accompany you. After all, you are slightly in my debt, so consider me your employer if needing an introduction."

Svexyn looks to Mogan, knowing his distaste for Folg. "Mogan, can you and Folg fill in the hole and make it appear that it's occupied? There's some feed that we might be able to spare if we need to. I'll be right back, once Asusk and I meet up with this man called Ordechai"

As he prepares, Svexyn looks over Asusk, shrugging off the obvious and exits the tent. "Lead on.."

[Fast Healing 1, until Asusk reaches 1/2 max HP, then it stops - not waiting for his healing to finish, but it will work over time while they go to speak to Ordechai]
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