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Adventure: Three Queens in Allaria (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Covaithe)

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First Post
Boris walks towards the Bull Ape with a glint in his eyes. "You will face the Sun and burn your eyes, Ape! And so will your children!" His blade flashes with a deadly accuracy that Boris knew could not fail. It was written in stone. As the blade strikes the massive creature tiny sparks fly out from the blade and alight softly on all of the nearby enemies. A second later, with a dark smile beneath his jewel studded helm Boris blinks out of existence. The air implodes around the area where seconds ago he stood. An instant later he reappears high on the cliff. "Come and get me Apes! If you can!"

[sblock=Actions] Minor Action: Curse Bull Ape
Move Action: Move to G11 and use second 17 from Pharodey's Seer Prophecy to strike Bull Ape with Valorous Smite (Damn that is cool!! Auto 27 vs AC; no roll!! A roll would have missed guaranteed!); All enemies within 3 are marked with TCO's Divine Sanction TENT!

Action Point: Otherwind Stride; Close Burst 1 vs Bull Ape and Ape 3; use Pharodey's 3rd roll of 12; +6 vs Fort +1 from Bless Weapon gives 19 vs Fort of Bull Ape: Hit! (Beautiful!!)
Have to roll for Ape 3 atk (but it will miss :) ) Bull Ape is Immobilised TENT! TCO gains 2 THP (he didn't do this last round, sorry, I forgot that it requires TCO to hit a marked target with arcane power, which wasn't the case)
Edit: Hehe ... a miss of course! It seems I am a seer as well!

Total Dmg to Bull Ape: 39 dmg and Immobilised TENT; Bloodied!
List of Marked Creatures: Bull Ape; Ape 1, Ape 2, Ape 3 and Bat 1

Sanction: Marked (-2 to atks that don't include TCO) and they take 7 radiant dmg the first time they make attack each round that doesn't include TCO

Effect: TCO teleports 5 squares to C6

TCO officially loves Pharodey's prophetic talent!![/sblock]
[sblock=The Cursed One]
The Cursed One aka Boris
Human Hybrid Paladin | Warlock 3
Passive Perception/Insight 10
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:16, Speed:5
HP: (+2 THP) 39/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:11/11
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED

Buffs: Bless Weapon: +1 atk Power bonus and +1d6 radiant dmg til end of encounter

MBA: Eldritch Strike +9 vs AC, 1d12+5 damage

Divine Challenge:
Divine Sanction: Bull Ape, Ape 1, Ape 2, Ape 3, Bat 1 TENT
Warlock's Curse: Ape 1, Bull Ape
Eldritch Strike, Ardent Strike, Dire Radiance: on Ape 1
Helm of Seven Deaths: Souls Captured 0/7

Blade of Crimson: USED
Valorous Smite: USED
Otherwind Stride: USED
Helm of Seven Deaths: Unavailable
Second Wind

Crown of Stars:
Bless Weapon: Active
Fullblade of Defense:
Dazzling Plate Armour:
Helm of Seven Deaths: Unavailable

Potions of Healing: 1/1
Augmenting Whetstone: 2/2

Combat notes:
Dazzling Plate: TCO gains +2 to all defenses vs Charm, Fear and Psychic attacks.
Gauntlets of Arcane Might: TCO gains 2 THP when he hits an enemy he marks with an arcane attack.
Fullblade of Defense: Resist 1 vs All dmg;
TCO will use his Fullblade of Defense Daily power to halve damage of an attack will reduce him below 0.
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First Post
"Ya attackin da wrong wons, Mount'n-mon! Ya evel birds, an ya damn durty apes--I an I comin fa ya!"

Jarro ignored the pain, bolstered by the nearby spirit. He charged full speed into the large ape. His great blade impaled the creature. Jarro grinned and twisted the blade before pulling it out and stepped back.

Yet, the Ape still stood.

"Bumbaclot! How issa ya not dead?! Dis som kinda zombie ape!"

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]

[sblock=Action Block]

resist 3 to ongoing damage (Superior Fortitude)
So, take 2 damage
Then gain 4 HP from the spirit

Minor: Berserker's Charge Stance
Standard: Charge MBA

  • End Location: G10
  • Target: Bull Ape
  • Attack: 1d20+14=23
  • Damage: 1d12+12+1d8+1d6=25 (+1d12 +1d8 pn Crit) (+2 damage if enemy bloodied)=27 damage
Free: Furious Assault: 1d12=4 Damage
Free: Shift to H9
Save: 1d20=14 Saved

[/sblock][sblock=Spider Stat block]Jarro 'Spider' Sarak - Male Half-Orc Slayer 4
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: +11, Passive Insight: +11


AC: 21, Fort: 21, Reflex: 18, Will: 14 -- Speed: 6 (+2 Charging, +2 stance)

Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage
Charge Damage: +1d6 due to horned Helm


HP: 35/45, THP: 0/5 Bloodied: 22, Surge Value: 11, Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +11 vs AC - Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12+12 (Crit: +1d12 +1d8)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +11 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+10

MBA, Charge MBA, RBA, Berserker's Charge Stance, Poised Assault Stance, Pass Forward (Move)
Encounter: Sweeping Blow, Furious Assault, Power Strike, Half-Orc Resilience
Daily: Vanguard Weapon Daily, Bestial Hide MBA

1 Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12
1 Dagger 1d4

[/sblock][sblock=Spider's Journal]
[sblock=Adventure: Get Me to The Church on Time]
1. Lord Adelin Mallaby recruits me and some other adventurers from the Tavern. He asked for protection, on a trip to Allaria. He is to be wed to Elena of Terconis, daughter of the Count of Terconis. According to tradition, the wedding must take place at the ancient chapel of the Terconis family, and the chapel in Count's Crovale lies in the high hills of old Allaria. The lady and the Count are already there.
2. The adventurers board Starlight's Veil, Mallaby's brig. The ship is built for speed, not cargo or battle.
3. Intended Path: Land at Ristaren (100 miles south of Fromish), and make our way up the old highway to here. A mile or two off the highway is the village of Achirem, which is still thriving in the midst of rough country, so they say. From there we cross Derianis ridge, and then down to Crovale. The last part through the hills may be dangerous.
4. We land at Ristaren, and it is a small, poor town.
5. We killed a bunch of spiders.
6. We arrived at Achirem, where Kelvan told us to watch out for:
a. Bramble scar: some kind of trap/pit thing we can't avoid.
b. Hzaka Raiders
c. Ismene: Local robin hood bandit type. Lady, with a band of rugged ladies.
7. Get Jumped, or try to Jump, some Hzaka Raiders.
8. Meet up with Ismene's band, but managed to talk our way through it.
9. Encounter: Angry Bear, Angrier bees, and a hungry frog. Graval got eaten by a frog, but Spider saved him.
10. Meet with Ismene and convince her to give us safe passage if we help her take on a local Goblin raider.
11. Launch surprise attack on Goblin tower. Climb to roof and take out archers. Jump in the tower, and find more hobgoblins.
12. Run in to some creepy mushroom field. Attacked by big mushrooms.
13. Stop to rest in an abandoned (?) charcoal burner's hut.
14. Get to Church: wife/father-in-law sent Lord M on a wild goose chase, and don't want to marry him after all.
15. Find out true love Ismene is kidnapped, and we go to her rescue. Fight a bunch of goblins.
16. Rescue Ismene from dirty goblins, give lord mallaby a chance at true love, and collect rewards.

Mista Magi
Lor' Malabee
1. Returns to the Tavern.
2. Lord Mallaby returns to the tavern and recruits Spider for a mission to return to Allaria. Need to escort a supply convoy of three wagons down the northerly road from Ristaren. Wagonmaster is named Sven. Map:
http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss315/randomlinenoise/Three Queens/InitialMap.gif
3. Some other stuff I forgot to write down, on the way to Ismene, including some strange girl who warned us and then fainted.
4. Raid on the Hobgoblins.
5. Capture one goblin, who tells us "he follow a ooman o'oblin, wit fifty odda 'oblins. Dis ooman called Zareska. She tryin ta make a new empire a her own, or so dis won says."
6. Go to meet the delegation and escort them back. On the way, run into the Apes!

Lor' Malabee
Sven - Wagonmaster
Sound a Stone - 'alf mantis 'alf amazin


First Post
Tyris switches out his garrote for his rapier and dagger as he darts forward, then impales the bull ape on his sword.[sblock="actions"]Free: Stow Garrote, Wield Rapier
Minor: Equip dagger offhand
Move: to G10
Standard: MBA vs Bull Ape - 1d20+10=21 Hit, minimum damage it can do is 7 (1d8+5+1d8). If my calculations are correct, he only has 5 hp left so it's an auto kill. If 7 damage doesn't kill him but drops him below 10 hp, I can finish him off with Death Attack. Otherwise, I'll go ahead and roll the damage and go from there.[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Tyris Male Shade Executioner
Initiative: +5, Passive perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Darkvision

AC: 20, Fort: 16, Reflex: 19, Will: 19

HP: 39/39, Bloodied: 19, Surge Value: 9, Surges Left: 7/7
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused


Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +10 vs AC - Rapier 1d8+4
Ranged Basic Attack: +10 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+4

At-Will: Garrote Strangle, Poisoned Dagger, Quick Lunge, One With Shadow, Silent Stalker
Encounter: Assassin's Strike, Running Slash
Item: Id Moss Powder (0/0), Bloodroot Poison (1/1), Skald's Leather Armor

1 Rapier: 1d8
6 Daggers: 1d4
1 Garrote: 1d4


Attack Finesse: 1/turn deal 1d8/2d8/3d8 (by tier) extra dmg with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun, or shortbow.
Quick Swap: 1/turn draw or stow a weapon as a free action, then draw another weapon
Two-Weapon Defense: +1 bonus to AC and Reflex when holding a weapon in each hand.
Multiclass(Cutthroat): Bluff check to cause diversion to hide is a minor instead of a standard action.
Cunning Stalker: Combat advantage against enemies with no other creatures adjacent to them.[sblock="Death Attack"]If Tyris hits an enemy with a melee or ranged attack that deals damage, he can choose to reduce that enemy to 0 hit points if they are at 10 hp or less after the attack.[/sblock][sblock="Nible Drop"]When Tyris takes falling damage, he can take a free action to reduce the damage by 6 + his level (10 points). If this reduces the damage to 0, he does not fall prone.[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
Sound of Stone rolls with the blow he took and swings his spear back up up towards the apes. Spinning the weapon above his head, he lashes out at the enemies surrounding him. He strikes the apes, but the bat flutters out of his reach, recieving only a glancing blow. He follows up with another strike to the ape up the slope.

Standard: Steel Avalanch
Burst 3, +8 v reflex
Targets Ape 1, ape 2 and bat 2

Hits a1 and a2 for 14 force damage, target takes -2 to attack rolls, save ends
Misses b2: 7 force damage, target takes -2 to attacks until end of my next turn

Free: Flurry of blows - extra 6 damage to ape 1

Move: Can I shift to F15?
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First Post
GM: rb780nm: I'm assuming you meant to target ape 1, ape 3, and bat 1, since ape 2 and bat 2 are too far away. unfortunately, bat 1 had already been moved by Pharodeys's attack, so there's no way to hit all three with a blast 3. In the interest of not taking more than a week to do a turn (mostly my fault, I know), I'm going to assume that you targeted the ones you ended up hitting. The good news is that the +15 platform is not difficult terrain, so you can shift to F15.
The bat flaps away from the spirit, who lashes out, striking the creature. The bat ignores it, and gains height, up above the plateau. It swoops in a tight arc in front of The Cursed One, whom it cuts into, once with each claw, before flying out over the valley again.

The second bat flies in amongst the trees, and lets out a strange cry. While all can hear it, Tyris and Spider feel it, the latter quite deeply. The bat then dives in and attacks them, before climbing up again out of reach. Tyris takes the worst of this.

The magic of The Cursed One's sanction implores most of the remaining apes to attack him, and two of them do, one climbing up swiftly from the ground, and swatting at him as it passes, and the other, though gravely wounded by Sound of Stone's attack, rushing up the ramp and charging at The Cursed One. Neither of these apes manages to lay a finger on him, though.

A third ape takes ignores the challenge and the pain it causes, and moves to attack Tyris with both its massive arms. One of them hits hard.

The final ape attacks Sound of Stone with both arms, both striking him and felling him to the ground, unconscious. It then clambers up the cliffside.[sblock=enemy actions]Bat 1
Recharge Psychic Overload: 1(1d6) = 1
Move: fly to A8
Spirit's Wrath (ref) vs. Bat 1: 17(1d20) +9 = 26; 10(2d6) +6 = 16
Standard: Swoop to G2 (6 squares up), attacks TCO twice and does not provoke OAs from him.
Psychic Claw vs. TCO: 19(1d20) +8 = 27; 6(1d6) +5 = 11
Psychic Claw vs. TCO: 20(1d20) +8 = 28 crit for 11.
TCO also takes 5 ongoing psychic damage (save ends).

Bat 2
Recharge Psychic Overload: 2(1d6) = 2
Move: fly to K11
Standard: Psychic Scream (will) vs. Spider, Tyris: 16(1d20) +6 = 22; 3(1d20) +6 = 9; 4(1d6) +5 = 9 hits Spider. 9 damage and Spider grants CA until the end of the bat's next turn.
AP: Swoop to K6 (4 squares up), attacks Spider and Tyris on the way, and does not provoke OAs from them.
Psychic Claw vs. Spider: 3(1d20) +8 +2 = 13 miss.
Psychic Claw vs. Tyris: 15(1d20) +8 = 23; 6(1d8) +6 = 12 and Tyris takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).

Ape 2
Move: Climb to E8
Standard: On the Run: Ape 2 shifts to A7 and attacks TCO on the way. Slam (on the run) vs. TCO: 9(1d20) +9 = 18 miss.

Ape 1
Move: to E9
Standard: Charge TCO (ending in D7)
Slam (charge) vs. TCO: 5(1d20) +9 +1 -2 = 13; 8(2d6) +6 = 14
Save vs. -2 to attacks: 16(1d20) = 16

Ape 3
Move: shift to G11
Standard: Felling Blow: Ape 3 uses slam twice vs. Tyris.
Takes 7 hp from TCO's sanction
Slam vs. Tyris: 7(1d20) +9 -2 +2 = 16 miss
Slam vs. Tyris: 11(1d20) +9 -2 +2 = 20; 9(2d6) +5 = 14
Save vs. -2 to attacks: 14(1d20) = 14

Ape 4
Standard: Felling Blow: Ape 4 uses slam twice vs. Sound of Stone
Slam vs. Sound of Stone: 20(1d20) +9 = 29 crit for 17
Slam vs. Sound of Stone: 19(1d20) +9 = 28; 11(2d6) +5 = 16
As both hit, Sound of Stone is knocked prone, but, of course, being now unconscious, he falls prone anyway.
Move: climb to D15.[/sblock][sblock=map]
Trees (big brown circles) are impassible, and can provide cover. They are climbable with a DC 20 Athletics check.
The cliffs are also a DC 20 athletics check to climb. Going up the ramp requires no check, but is difficult terrain.[/sblock][sblock=status]Pharodeys K11 27/36, surges 9/9, AP unused, second wind unused
Sound of Stone F15 0/44, surges 8/8, AP unused, second wind unused, prone, unconscious, dying
Spider G10 30/45, surges 10/10, AP unused, second wind unused, grants CA TENT (bat 2)
Tyris L13 13/39, surges 7/7, AP unused, second wind unused, 5 ongoing psychic (save ends)
Zardi K9 46/60, surges 11/11, AP unused, second wind unused, 5 ongoing psychic (save ends)
The Cursed One C6 19/39, surges 11/11, AP used, second wind unused, 5 ongoing psychic (save ends)

Spirit H12 (2 squares up)

Bull Ape F10 0/75 Damage Taken, dead
Ape 1 D7 48 Damage Taken, marked (TCO)
Ape 2 A7 No Damage Taken, marked (TCO)
Ape 3 G11 27 Damage Taken, Felling Blow used, marked (TCO)
Ape 4 D15 No Damage Taken, Felling Blow used
Bat 1 G2 (6 squares up) 26 Damage Taken, marked (TCO), AP unused, Psychic Overload used, grants CA TENT (Pharodeys)
Bat 2 N17 (4 squares up) No Damage Taken, AP used, Psychic Overload used[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Stats]Bull Ape
[sblock=combat stats]AC 17 Fort 19 Ref 15 Will 17
HP 75
:bmelee: Slam +8 vs. AC, 2d10+5 damage and the target grants CA until the end of the ape's next turn.[/sblock][sblock=Nature DC 15]Silverback Ape
Medium natural beast
Level 5 Brute[sblock=Nature DC 22]Does not provoke OA when climbing.
Has a Fling ability that recharges (forced movement/knock prone)
Beats its chest (encounter) to aid its allies.[/sblock][/sblock]

Other Apes
[sblock=combat stats]AC 18 Fort 18 Ref 16 Will 16
HP 55
:bmelee: Slam +9 vs. AC, 2d6+5 damage.[/sblock][sblock=Nature DC 14]Great Ape
Medium natural beast
Level 4 Skirmisher[sblock=Nature DC 21]Does not provoke OA when climbing.
Can attack on the run (during shift or climb 3)
Can slam twice on a single target and knock it prone (recharge).[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=combat stats]AC 19 Fort 15 Ref 17 Will 17
HP 78
:bmelee: Psychic Claw +8 vs. AC, 1d8+6 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).[/sblock][sblock=Dungeoneering DC 13]Psychic Bat
Medium aberrant beast
Level 3 Elite Lurker[sblock=Dungeoneering DC 21]Can swoop and attack twice without provoking OAs.
Psychic Overload (recharge) briefly dominates target it hit.
Psychic Scream area burst (encounter) targets take damage and grant CA.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
There is a burst of energy from the spirit as it walks through the air, pausing to kick an ape in the head, and "stands" beside Tyris. The ape recoils and Sound of Stone is flooded with new strength.

[sblock=actions]Move: Spirit to H10, 1 square up.

Minor: healing spirit on Sound of Stone. Sound of Stone spends 1 surge. bonus healing on Tyris
1(1d6) = 1
Tyris heals 1 point. Oh well.

Standard: voice of battle vs Will, ape 3; damage
9(1d20) +9 = 18; 5(1d6) +6 +4(1d6) = 15
hits for 11 psychic and 4 poison, total 15. Tyris can shift 2 squares.[/sblock]
[sblock=Important: Spirit Effects]A reminder of the effects that the spirit (Murmur) has on combat. The first three are important to players.

• Allies gain a +2 bonus to saves while adjacent to Murmur.
• Murmur occupies 1 square. Allies can move through its space but enemies cannot.
• Any enemy that leaves a square adjacent to Murmur without shifting is subject to an opportunity attack (the Spirit’s Wrath power: +9 vs Reflex, 1d6+6 damage +1d6 poison damage, and the target grants CA until the end of Pharodeys’s next turn).
• Murmur has the same defense values as Pharodeys and can be targeted by melee and ranged attacks.
• If a single melee or ranged attack deals 12 or more damage to Murmur, the spirit disappears and Pharodeys takes 7 damage. Murmur is otherwise unaffected by attacks.
• When Pharodeys takes a move action, she can move Murmur up to 6 squares as well.
• If Murmur is not present at the start of Pharodeys’s turn, she can summon it once during her turn as a free action.
• Murmur is unaffected by terrain and environmental phenomena and can float in the air.
• Murmur is not a creature. It does not count as an ally and does not provoke opportunity attacks.[/sblock]
[sblock=Pharodeys]Pharodeys Female Human Living Statue Shaman 4
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 21, Senses: Normal
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:16, Will:17; Resist 5 psychic
HP:32/41, Bloodied:20, Surge Value:10, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1
:bmelee: totemic javelin +5 vs. AC; 1d6+1 damage
:branged: totemic javelin +5 vs. AC; 1d6+1 damage
Call Spirit Companion, Spirit’s Wrath, Spirit Infusion, Word of Battle
[o] Scorching Sands
[o] Sly Fox Spirit
[x] Dimensional Scramble
[o] Cast Fortune
[o] Shard Swarm
[o] Speak with Spirits
[x] [o] Healing Spirit
[o] Second Wind

[o] Spirit of the Healing Flood
[o] Spirit of the Great Cat
[o] Skald’s Armor Daily


Full sheet: Pharodeys[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: I'm assuming the Psychic Claw attack from the bat is a melee attack since he swooped in close to do it? If so, I'll use the daily from my Skald's Leather Armor and make it hit Ape 3 instead.


First Post
OOC: I'm assuming the Psychic Claw attack from the bat is a melee attack since he swooped in close to do it? If so, I'll use the daily from my Skald's Leather Armor and make it hit Ape 3 instead.
GM: Technically, the bat attacked before the ape was in range. I will keep this in mind for the upcoming rounds, though, and take it into account.

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