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[Adventure] The Seeds of Chaos - Judge Needed

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After a few moments of fiddling with the lock on the door, Fhangrim is rewarded with a soft click and a feeling of release within the lock's mechanisms, indicating that the door was unlocked.


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Leather gives a grunt of approval and muscles his way to the front. He gives the group a moment to arrange themselves behind him and then bursts into the room on the other side of the now unlocked door.


First Post
"Good work, Fhan." Torqua says as she follows Leather through the door. Squeezing through, Torqua readies her best action pose for whatever villain that dare oppose her.

Wife Of Meepo

First Post
While the group reorganizes for the ingress though the no longer closed and locked door, Ilex grabs a wide winter flask from Torqua and secures it to her belt. Giggling a little as the massive magician strikes a pose just a few feet into the next area Ilex thinks to her self Who does she think she is? Wonder Woman? Ilex follows through the door near the back of the group with Noctua trailing her.

Leather bursts through the door, ready to hack down anything that might show its face, and Torqua, resplendent in her only slightly dirty, but fine quality clothing, poses heroically, ready to release her mighty magics upon unsuspecting foes. Looking around them, they take in their surroundings: four stone walls, completely unadorned, a simple wooden desk with a few shuffling of random papers, and an empty ink pot and dried out quill, and a dead human male, slumped back in his wooden chair, his face a grotesque mask of fear and pain, and a hole in his chest the size of two fists, its cavity clearly showing where a heart should be, but wasn't.

On the opposite side of the small stone room is a broken wooden door spattered with blood and hanging on by only a single twisted hinge. Through the cracked frame, you can see that the office is positioned on the south-west wall of a nexus, to where several other tunnels seem to lead. There are droplets of blood leading from the body through the door frame you now look through, into this nexus. However, the flow of water here is relatively constant, and any blood that has dripped into the water has been diluted to imperceptibility and washed down "stream" through the tunnel heading south, though you can't see much of that tunnel from your current position.

OOC: Place yourself on the MAP anywhere in the office (brown squares) or within the red outlined starting area. If you place yourself in the tunnel side of the red outline (blue water squares) make the following perception check. Once everyone has been placed on the map and perception checks have been made, I will place seen items on the map.

[sblock=All Characters: Perception Check]
Roll one perception check and compare to the items below. You may continue looking into the next successive sblocks as long as your check meets or beats the shown DC.

[sblock=DC 9]

To the north-east, standing next to the not-really-shadowed wall that only partially blocks your line of sight, you see a familiar foe: a spear-wielding Goliath. His spasmodic movements have made it rather easy for you to spot him. That, and the squid-like tentacles growing out of his back that constantly sway back and forth above his head like hands slowly waving hello.

[sblock=DC 12]

Standing right behind the Goliath is another smaller, but familiar foe: a Bladeling. You almost don't recognize it as a Bladeling because it's skin is bloated, puffy, and darkened to a cloudy black color.

[sblock=DC 14]

Just north-east of the Goliath, hiding around the bend to another tunnel, is a sickening looking quadruped. Like the Goliath, it's skin is bloated and cloudy, but its entire form is also indistinct, like it was almost transparent some of the time. It has a long bloated snout with sharp teeth that drip with saliva, and its beady red eyes glare at you as it readies to pounce!

[sblock=DC 15]

Directly to the north, you see another Bladeling. However, unlike the Bladelings you have encountered in the past, this one doesn't just have dozens of spikes all over his body...he also seems to have dozens of suckling, chomping, gibbering mouths as well! It wasn't until you spotted him that you noticed, too, that the tunnels were echoing quietly with the constant jibber-jabber of nonsense sylables coming from this Bladeling's mouths. Disturbingly, you can see that some of these mouths have spikes growing into, through, or out of them, distorting what was already a grotesque appearance into something completely macabre.

[sblock=DC 17]

Harder to spot than some of the others you have seen, another snouted quadruped crouches down just on the far side of the wall to the east. This quadruped is much more noticeable as a Dire Rat, though like the Bladeling you saw to the north, this rat is covered in snappy, chompy mouths that quietly make various barnyard animal sounds. As if that weren't bizarre enough, each mouth has an eye stalk on either side of it (some mouths sharing a singe eye stalk, some not) that peers around in all 360º.

[sblock=DC 21]

Just north of the mouthy, multi-eyed rat, well-hidden in the shadows of a recess, is another beholder-like monstrosity, this time in the form of a Bladeling. It's entire head looks like it was replaced with a miniature Beholder, complete with one large single eye in the center of his face, and dozens of eye stalks all around its head, in between each set of spikes that protrudes from all over. It stands there observing its surroundings, but is standing stock still, trying not to give away its position. It was the random blinking of eyes that gave it away.

Also directly north of your current position, in another shadowy niche, is a second Goliath. This one is indistinct and fades in and out between complete translucence and complete opaqueness.

[sblock=DC 29]

Like a fly on a wall, this winged Dire Rat clings to the wall in the upper corner of the eastern wall, hiding in the eastern wall next to the ceiling. It would probably have been easier to spot, but practically no one looks up. You did, and what you found is not a happy sight. Trailing behind its body are long, whip-like tentacles. Unlike its less-stealthy Goliath counterpart, this tentacled beast is completely still, and its tentacles lay against the eastern wall unmoving. To anyone less perceptive than yourself, this mutated Dire Rat might look like one of those ugly statues of creatures that people place on top of stone buildings to scare away birds (and some say evil spirits).



First Post
OOC: The google doc is locked, I can't edit it.

Perception: 18

Haaku freezes. He peers into the dark, and whispers, "I see Einherjar and their familiars. A goliath, two bladelings, one of which is... bigger, something four-legged, and a dire rat. They are in the shadows north and east. They looked bloated and rotted and corrupt. The four-legged thing has seen us."

Voidrunner's Codex

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