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[Adventure] The Predicament of Mr. Gimo Tine [Judge:?]


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"One moment." replies Jarel-karn as he whispers to Bell. "Let's first establish the mind-controlling. Start to bring Mr Raspyhand as a withness, how he has been paid and manipulated to sent Mr Gimo to the adressless door. And also, here a few tips from what I know from court and judging..." and Jarel-karn gives a few tips.

[SBLOCK=OOC]History (1d20+7=21)[/SBLOCK]

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Grakk, resists the urge to attack, knowing that he would probably do more harm to the case than he already has. Thinking to himself, this is not the way we would have handled this in my tribe.


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"You'll have to excuse Grakk. He's used to tribal law. You'll also note he went peacefully, when I assure you he could have tossed those poor bailiffs easily, but I digress." She smiles and tries to give a cool air as she paces back towards the audience.

"But now my ability has been called into question." She raises a hand to her chest as if hurt. "I assure your honors, that I have been trained by Daunton's own Order of the Divine Pen, and am a published scholar on the nature of mind control in the modern day, one of the few living you will find in the city. It is not enough to be an expert though, admittedly. You must have new evidence. . . like the man who was paid to send Mr Tine to his soon to be controller!" She points dramatically to Mr. Rhaspyhand.

[sblock=Rolls/OOC]Will edit for Diplomacy. IC is down. EDIT: Diplomacy 27

Do we know how many successes verus counter successes are needed? Even roughly. I want to have an idea when to use Words of Friendship.

I assume I can keep rolling Diplomacy without penalty since I'm the defense.[/sblock]

[Sblock=Block of Bell]Bell Jabson, Shardar-Kai Bard 4 ()
Init: +3; PI 15, PP 15; low-light vision
HP: 40/40, B 20; Surge 10 hp, 7/8
AC 21, F 15, R 19, W 18
Saves: +2 Racial bonus against the unconscious condition; +2 to all death saving throws
Speed 6; AP: 0

Skills: Acrobatics 8, Arcana 12, Athletics 5, Bluff 10, Diplomacy 11, Dungeoneering 5, Endurance 6, Heal 5, History 11, Insight 5, Intimidate 10, Nature 5, Perception 5, Religion 11, Stealth 8, Streetwise 11, Thievery 6(8)
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Tsugo, Magari, Draconic (Read Any)
Rituals: Arcane Mark (Arcana), Amanuensis (Arcana), Brew Potion (Arcana or Religion), Comprehend Language (Arcana), Enchant Magic Item (Arcane or Nature), Eye of Alarm (Arcana), Glib Limerick (Arcana), Purify Water (Arcana, Nature or Religion), Silence (Arcana), Tenser's Floating Disk (Arcana)

Guiding Strike, Staggering Note
Focussed Sound], Dissonant Strain, Shadow Jaunt, Majestic Word 0/2, Words of Friendship, Second Wind
Stirring Shout, Song of Defense, Swordmage Warding, Harsh Songblade +1, Onyx Dog Summon

Trigger (An enemy adjacent to Shard attacks Bell)
Bite (Standard; At-Will); +7 vs AC; 1d6+3[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
The judges are quite surprised to see a 15 years old girl, proclaiming to be a scholar. They ask for something to their assistants and the lads set off running behind stage; reappearing with piles of papers. The judges quickly go over the documents and seem pleased to certify the defence has a quite classified professional working for them.

Raspyhands is called to the stage, and seated in a chair. He looks somewhat frightened. "Alright! It's true, I was bribed to send Mr. Tine to an address, but I didn't know this was going to happen! I thought he owed gable money or something and he was going to get beat up a little!" the man starts to sob. The judges frown and look between themselves, mumbling and nodding.
"Fiscal?" the tiefling judge says.
The Eladrin accommodates his shirt neck. "Well, I was unaware of the reputation of my fellow attorney, I appologise for rising false suspects."

OOC: I'll give everyone more time to reply before moving on. You can roll diplomacy two times, then use something (Social) else two times, and so on. You can use intimidate on witnesses for example, or bluff on the judges to fill out evidence gaps, or lie about some of the evidence you have.
This challenge is getting the success before the fiscal does. As you are a bunch of guys rolling, I'll roll a couple of times for the eladrin in the next round. Or for example, use one of his success to counter one of yours for example. Think about 10ish success. You must put all your infromation on the table to win this case and save Gimo Tine!


OOC: Sorry about Mikara being so quiet. She will present the argument surrounding the explosive liquids when Raspyhands steps down. She has few social skills, and lacks the historical experience necessary to piece together a lot of this story.

Voda Vosa

First Post
The fiscal clears his throat and extends a patchment. "Honorable members of the judge chamber, I have here with me, the testimonies of several of Daunton's finest, who recognize this man" he points an accusing finger at Gimo "as the ruthless killer of the minister. Besides, I still have to hear something that proves that mister Tine was a weapon, or how this matters at all." he interjects. "Besides, it should be noted that pressing on the witnesses like that is a practice only seen in the tribal courts of Bacarte, and should be penalized as such."
The human judge frowns at the fiscal last comment "It is not the place of the fiscal to tell the judges what they must do." the eladrin seems ashamed, and manage to muster "For sure your honour, I was merely thinking out loud."
[sblock= The judgement of Gimo Tine]
Eladryn attorney: Diplomacy: 24---> 2 success for the fiscal, Bluff: 17 his attempt to remove one of your successes fail (-2 to next diplomacy roll)
Heroes: Dimplomacy 27 ---> +1 success (2 success for the defence, 1 Fail for the defence)
Secondary: History 21 ---> Gives a one time ability to counter a success removal from the fiscal through an intricate law trick.


[sblock= Notes:]
There are clues and evidences that have not been throughout investigated, as the necklace, and the hand prints. These could, or not be useful, in case you didn't notice them.

[sblock= Possible witnesses]
Mr. Simpletown Possible witness
Mrs Tine Possible witness
Mr Tine Possible witness
Mr Raspyhand Possible witness
Simpletown's foreman Possible witness
Watch's Captain Possible witness
Dwarf Possible witness
Mercenary leader Dead
Another Mercenary leader Lost in the explosion
Slime humanoid Dead
Mercenary fighter Possible witness

[sblock=Current Evidence]
-Slime horrors
-Flasks with the explosive reagents
-Murder weapon
-Physical enhancers
-A bag with 100gp used to bribe Mr Raspyhand.
-A box with a broke flask.
-Shatered pieces of glass with orange liquied
-Schematics of somewhere
-A code: 5409385
-An address (Of the sewers)
-A necklace with an eye sculpted on it.

[sblock=Current clues]
-An Aboleth is surely behind the murder!
-Mercenaries are in some sort of trance, possible by the Aboleth.
-The mercenary leader wanted you dead for your intrusion
-You found the murder weapon, and a laboratory that was used to prepare the explosive liquid found in the crime scene
-You found physical enhancers in the secret lab
-You found a code on a public place schematic, perhaps its a password of sorts.
-Gimo smells lie rotten water
-The dwarf at the strange door had weird eyes.
-Gimo's shovel is missing (Not in wagon, clay stablishment, nor watch)
-Gimo appeared to know nothing of what happened
-Several witnesses recognized him
-Mr Simpletown and Mrs Tine are certain Gimo is innocent
-Gimo's memory gape happened in the backstore of Mr Raspyhand
-Mr Raspyhand was bribed by someone to send Gimo to the addressless door next to his pottery.
-There is a password that the group needs in order to enter the addressless door. They could also attempt to bash in. Apparently there's a magical ward from the other side that makes trespassing the door almost impossible.
-The house was full of warriors with intentions of silencing anyone who intruded.
-There are hand prints of mud on the walls of the Sewers


[sblock=Places to go you actually know of]
- Final battle location
-Water trap room
-Secret chamber on the sewers-
-Mr Tine House
-The Clay pits
-Mr. Simpletown establishment
-Addressless door
-City watch
-Crime scene
-City Judge[Current Location]


First Post
Morvannon's eyebrows elevate at the fiscal's words. "You don't know how it matters? Is it the law here, then, to punish individuals for actions that are not under their own volition? That seems cruel and shortsighted to me..."

"In any event, yes. The facts of the murder are not in question. Mr. Tine did viciously attack and kill the minister, with a knife. I think it is fair to ask why he did that. We can produce testimony that Mr. Tine did not know the minister, had no reason to do him harm, and in fact had no history of violent behavior at all. What, then, could lead such a man to such an act? In a world that contains wizards, evil gods, and otherplanar creatures that can completely subvert a man's will, should these possibilities not be considered before dooming one to death?"

OOC: Diplomacy (+10): 15. I have to say that I'm having a hard time getting into the courtroom scene, and it doesn't help that InvisibleCastle seems bound and determined to screw me over no matter what I come up with.


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"It seems the prosecutor is saying it is the nature of the court to condemn a man to death, when there is no evidence he was in control of his body. I assure you it is within the power of many to force others to attack, and it takes very little. If you would like me to gather a local student of the arts so that they force your hand to slap your face, and prove this to you, I shall need a brief recess. I'm sure a man of your standing is aware of the ease."

Bell lets out an exhausted sigh, clearly disgusted with the whole process. "I have here an aberant slime monster, witnesses saying Mr. Tine was mislead, another man with memory loss found amongst these creatures, and physical enhancers from a lab beneath the city, right outside where the slime and other brainwashed were found. How do you explain how Mr. Tine got the resources to become strong enough to commit the acts your witnesses saw him doing? What motive do you give the man?"

[sblock=Rolls/OOC]I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with posts as well. There's a lot of pieces, which are disjointed in my mind, and I'm not sure how to court room operates exactly.

Insight vs the Prosecutor: 8

[Sblock=Block of Bell]Bell Jabson, Shardar-Kai Bard 4 ()
Init: +3; PI 15, PP 15; low-light vision
HP: 40/40, B 20; Surge 10 hp, 7/8
AC 21, F 15, R 19, W 18
Saves: +2 Racial bonus against the unconscious condition; +2 to all death saving throws
Speed 6; AP: 0

Skills: Acrobatics 8, Arcana 12, Athletics 5, Bluff 10, Diplomacy 11, Dungeoneering 5, Endurance 6, Heal 5, History 11, Insight 5, Intimidate 10, Nature 5, Perception 5, Religion 11, Stealth 8, Streetwise 11, Thievery 6(8)
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Tsugo, Magari, Draconic (Read Any)
Rituals: Arcane Mark (Arcana), Amanuensis (Arcana), Brew Potion (Arcana or Religion), Comprehend Language (Arcana), Enchant Magic Item (Arcane or Nature), Eye of Alarm (Arcana), Glib Limerick (Arcana), Purify Water (Arcana, Nature or Religion), Silence (Arcana), Tenser's Floating Disk (Arcana)

Guiding Strike, Staggering Note
Focussed Sound], Dissonant Strain, Shadow Jaunt, Majestic Word 0/2, Words of Friendship, Second Wind
Stirring Shout, Song of Defense, Swordmage Warding, Harsh Songblade +1, Onyx Dog Summon

Trigger (An enemy adjacent to Shard attacks Bell)
Bite (Standard; At-Will); +7 vs AC; 1d6+3[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: Sorry, perhaps I thought about all of this and that's why I see it clear. You have a lot of evidence, you just have to connect it logically and "Tell the Story" Like when you called Raspyhands to the stage, hat could have been the first part, Gimo was sent to the address less door. Next logical step would have been to call the dwarf to the stage and so on. It is not the main course to argue with the prosecutor, but to prove him wrong by telling the story. Also, there's other evidence that can be used to counter one of his "I delete your successes" moves as RedBearJim tried to do (If he gets two aids he has a success so pump that roll up!)


First Post
"Mr the judge, I have to tell that the fiscal live in a simplistic world where everything is as it look, where the truth can be explain in a few words and where the only civilized person is himself.

I would say sadly the fiscal is mistaken. The world is complex where magic can force people to act against there own will, where the truth can lies behind a well scheme act and where civilized people doesn't insult his opposition to down them in hope to finish above them, instead to put the truth above all so justice can be brought.

What happen is not as simplistic as the fiscal seems to think and we will need time to explain many other things and call other witness to gather all the piece and see the big picture.

Let's proceed one step at a time, like we did in our investigation, and the truth should be revealed before your eyes."

Voidrunner's Codex

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