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Adventure Requests


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There was a duplicate of this thread in the old social group, and I thought it was a great idea, so I'm going to throw it up here.

One of the great things about LPF (besides, of course, the sheer awesomeness of its populace) is that it establishes a context for communal character- and world-building. As a part of that, we're able to help each other tell each others' stories. This thread is for those players who have requests for specific stories, stories related to specific characters, specific kinds of adventures, or basically anything else that people want to put out there, or get a discussion going about.

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I'll start this off with the recent impetus for forming this thread.

I've spent the afternoon reading through the rules on binding outsiders. One of the things about this I like about this part of the game is just how flavorful it is. I think that summoning in general is a pretty awesome concept, and I think it's no surprise that my own summoner, Nimientioquijuil, is easily the most enjoyable character I've ever had in my relatively short history playing D&D. The goofy gnome personality helps a great deal in that regard.

I wanted to throw out a request for a GM to do an adventure exploring Ni's relationship to summoning. It could be as short or as long as someone would be willing to make it, solo or with others (although there are some scenes I had in mind that would likely be best done solo), and with varying ratios of combat/RPing/skill challenge-ing. I would of course talk pragmatics beyond that if anyone was interested.

Ni's in the midst of an adventure right now, so there isn't much of a rush to have anything done; I just wanted to throw this thought out there to see if there were any takers.

Really, I'd enjoy having Ni being placed into scenarios where he'd be learning about summoning, be it learning to call upon specific creatures, or just general knowledge about the craft. This knowledge could be gleaned from simple experience, an encounter with an ancient tome, a wizened teacher, or an outsider who noticed potential in him and wanted to further it. The sky's the limit in this regard. The only other thing I'd say is that I'd prefer the endeavor to not really focus around his eidolon, and more around his Summon Monster abilities.

Think that should serve as an adequate jumping-off point. Let me know if there are any questions. I understand the kind of undertaking this sort of personalized adventure is, having done a few myself, so I would of course be hugely appreciative if anyone were to take this on. No pressure, though - I know everyone's busy!


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Well the ambiguity of that statement sure is scary. :uhoh: It would of course be wonderful and much appreciated if you've woven Ni into Mopping Up, but it would still be great to have an adventure which specifically centered around the act and potentially drawn out character and process of summoning, and Ni's specific relation to it and to the deepening of his abilities. But I would of course appreciate the gesture, although again, the words "uh oh" come to mind... ;)


It was pure happenstance, actually. Although, when dealing with demonic cultists, running into that kind of thing probably isn't too far of the ordinary. That is one of the things they commonly do. I just find it funny that two summoners happened to be part of the party. When I wrote the adventure, I had no idea who would be in the party.


This thread is an excellent idea. Of course, I'm biased since I started the original adventure request thread back when we were using the Social Group. But my solo adventure with Fury was the most enjoyable role-playing I've had since, well, a long time. (Thanks, Qik!) I highly recommend trying to get a tailor-made adventure for one of your characters if some DM is willing to do so.

Qik, I can't promise anything (mainly because I have absolutely no idea how to go about the ideas you're looking for atm) but I will think about it and let it percolate a bit and see if I can get an idea.


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That would of course be awesome, GE. But there's absolutely no pressure. Let me know if you want to chat about it.


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Just a quick thought on Ni's prospective adventure, just in case somebody finds the time to bite.

As Ni'll be approaching level 5 soon, the adventure could center around his learning to summon monsters on the SM III list. That'd be a fun way to approach it. The adventure could also involve learning to summon alternative creatures like grigs, silvanshees, and nosois. He could learn about these creatures in a variety of ways: traveling to planes (from Illi Esse), reading about them until he knew enough to attempt to call upon them, etc.

Just wanted to throw that out there while it was on my mind! No expectations, as I understand everyone is busy, and putting together a custom adventure takes time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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