[Adventure] Kingmaker (DM:renau1g; judge: garyh)

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The druid is weary of carry the goliath and wishes for the freedom of a run in his beastform but he worries about his stony friend. "We must push on to the fort." he says.


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OOC: I'm just being patient. JoeNotCharles is also without internet for a week or so.

Razam notices the druid is struggling a bit with the weight and offers to take a break if it would help. Despite being smaller than the unconscious goliath, he is quite able to handle the weight.


OOC: Yeah, and I'm just trying to wait until something happens that I'm sure Faustus sees/hears before I post again. :-S


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OOC: Just a gentle nudge to [MENTION=79945]JoeNotCharles[/MENTION] if Ironheart has anything further for Arcata. I know I've been out of action so I'll give joe a bit of time to get back into it


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The duo (Arcata and Ironheart) agree to continue forward togetether for now at least. Ironheart is still trying to figure out the disappearance of the Living Isle while they walk. It is not terribly long before they spot a good size fort on the horizon just as the sun hits its zenith.

You spot a group of 4 carrying a large giant of a man on a litter moving towards the fort. They are heavily armed, much like yourselves. It's somewhat difficult to make out their appearance from this distance, but they are definitely all humanoid. [/sblock]

The group pushes forward, slowed somewhat by having to carry the large bulk of their sickened ally.

As you're moving towards Oleg's you spot a truly odd pair about 20 minutes away to the south. One looks like a living tree, carrying a large poleaxe in its "branches". The other is carrying a staff, a human woman by the looks of it. [/sblock]

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