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The Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game isn't the first (or second, etc.) Marvel universe RPG or even the first one designed in-house. Yet reading the playtest rulebook I can't help feeling like the expectations for this version is higher.
One of the coolest powers of the vampire is their immortality. Living forever is one of the reasons most people would sign up for unending bloodthirst and elbowing their way into a web of immortal intrigue. This aspect of the vampire myth is one of the more challenging aspects to play with for RPGs that feature these nobles of the night. Undying, by Paul Riddle, puts their long lives at the...
It’s hard to believe nearly ten years since the last official Marvel RPG was released. In that time. Marvel has gone from a comic book company to a cultural behemoth. It’s brought home its favorite neighborhood webslinger, made a star out of a talking space raccoon and keeps the water cooler bubbling with weekly streaming shows. This time the company is releasing Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying...
Worldbuilding is generally considered to be the responsibility of the Game Master. Either they’ve labored away at hand crafting a world for the campaign or they’ve done all the research and read as many setting sourcebooks as they could. Many modern games have moved toward shared creation at the table, whether it’s the small tidbits of Blades In The Dark fleshed out in play to Powered By The...
In screenwriting, the “elevator pitch” boils down an idea to the barest essentials. The practical idea is to focus a story on its strongest concept. It gets its name from the idea that if a creator is ever riding in an elevator with a Hollywood executive, they can turn to the executive, give the one line pitch, and intrigue the power broker long enough to get a meeting. Elevator pitches can be...
Avatar Legends made waves in the industry last year by making 9.5 million dollars last year on Kickstarter. The game was originally due out at the end of last year but the supply chain woes affecting everyone struck here as well. The revised timeline has books coming out in the middle of this year, but Magpie Games recently dropped a huge PDF for backers recently featuring the full rules and...
There are two nerdy products that I am proud of that came from my region of the US. The first, of course, Dungeons & Dragons. We wouldn’t be here on this website without that game. The other is Mystery Science Theater 3000. It turned a childhood of HBO afternoons and midnight movies into a life-long love of terrible films that were still quite entertaining with the right perspective. Onyx Path...
The Lord of the Rings is a story about the journey. Mordor is scary and memorable, but the books and films are more about the adventures and the people along the way. The One Ring also focuses on travels. There are rules for classic fantasy battles, of course, but also a lot of pace devoted to finding the path, unexpected encounters and the weariness that sets in from a long trip, no matter...
When thinking about using a generic RPG system at my table, I think that simpler is better. Rules sets are easier to adapt to specific genres when there is room to add things. It’s stronger to add in ideas rather than pull things out. Remove mechanics, and it can be a challenge to see how it damages parts of the rules before it’s too late. I’ve seen Index Card RPG bandied about as an excellent...
Dungeons & Dragons has offered players a chance to get their medieval fantasy stories on for years but there’s always been a desire to play in Middle-Earth and let folks show off how much lore they’ve absorbed from Tolkien. There have been several official RPGs over the years with The One Ring performing well in the eyes of many fans of the films and the books. Free League Publishing acquired...
Stories are rooted in conflict. The main character wants something but can’t get it. They must overcome those obstacles to resolve the story. Role-playing games are no different, but more often than not, those conflicts are resolved through combat. Yes, everyone has examples of times when their group went sessions without rolling initiative, but the rules are still included with most RPGs...
Licensed RPGs are the shooting stars of tabletop roleplaying games. They burn brightly, hopefully beautifully and then are lost to history once the license ends. Many live on in the library shelves of those who love them. Some are sold for ridiculous amounts on the internet. A few are reborn as retroclones with the mechanics intact and the potentially litigious IP stripped away. Such is the...
Fiasco is one of my go-to choices when a friend that’s never played a role playing game asks me about trying one. It’s a simple, clear setup with easy mechanics that plays in two hours or less. It also tends to be gutbustingly funny given the dark humor threaded throughout the playsets available for the game. Bully Pulpit Games sent me some review copies of their latest decks for Fiasco Second...
Of the two big releases in the Cyberpunk setting late last year, the tabletop one seems to have had the better time of it. Cyberpunk Red sparked some nostalgia in old players while introducing a new generation of players to one of the definitive settings in the genre. Surprisingly, that included me, as I spent my youth (and early parts of my career) over on the other side of the fence in...
Comic books have never been just superheroes. Like any media they’ve explored all sorts of genres from romance to crime to fantasy. Comics like Yoko Tsuno and Tintin, for example, offer worlds full of globetrotting adventure, lost treasures and exotic locations. Comics like these are the inspiration for The Troubleshooters from Helmgast. While I’m not very familiar with these comics, I felt...
Most fantasy RPGs lean into the medievalism of Lord of The Rings, a handful throw things farther back to Iron Age fantasy that mimics the other big influence on fantasy RPGs; Robert Howard’s Conan The Barbarian stories. Here the protagonists are more mercenary, the magic more mysterious and battles less reliant on armor. Asunder, created by Adam Lawson and Landon Tom, leans into this primal...

This Week in TTRPG


A Victorian 1920s game of horror, intrigue and mystery set in the Edwardian era.
Conspiracy Handbook and Magister's Guide help you start a campaign... and end it!
A killer trap mentality and a dark sense of humor.
A great toolbox to build your own OSR game.

Dungeons & Dragons

Bookends, of all things, feature the newly redesigned dragons.
New monsters for your 5th Edition 2014, 2024, & Level Up A5E games plus new horde monsters and heroic monsters which level up with you!
The new core rulebook officially goes on sale.
Swift adventurers will be rewarded—others not so much.
Penguin Random House will bring back Ravenloft in novel form next year.
Customers who pre-ordered using PayPal are receiving emails which say that their payments failed to go through.

Industry News

Statement comes on the heels of Hasbro CEO comments on D&D and AI
A special TIME edition which celebrates the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons!
Brandon Sanderson has yet another world record to his name!
The job is for an experienced game designer—much like one of the people they let go a few months ago!

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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