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ZEITGEIST Zeitvice: one GM's guide to the best AP


My group uses Pathfinder which is a much more Magic Item dependent system. If we went with the core requisition rules of 1 Favor/1 Magic Item, it would take weeks to outfit my party members because they tend to buy a lot of potions, scrolls, and inexpensive utility wonderous items.

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Andrew Moreton

For Pathfinder just give them Wealth by level at each level. Do not use requisitions for this its a waste of time and effort and won't work well. The book lists an amount of gold at each level, but that basically comes out as WBL, so give them it at each level. Don't count used up expendables some are expected to be used at each level so give them full value.
There are some points where the expected levelling will be a bad place to give them new gear so in those cases delay it or if you think they need the boost give them the stuff early.
If they need an extra scroll of Raise Dead , or Clairvoyance or something use requistion for this to resolve a specific problem.

If they want to keep items from foes defeated let them , then as the campaign recomends deduct that items value from the amount they get at the next level. I let them keep flavourful but fairly useless items like the icons for free I also did not count artefacts like the Weapon of Dhbisu , the swords of Ssramma or the humble hook against wealth


That's how I have been doing it so far. But my party has started the habit of never looting or confiscating loot from the enemies they defeat because its not mechanically advantageous. they know that anything they loot will just get turned into the RHC so they just don't even bother. As a result they have skipped over a few unique and named magic items. Except they did pick up the Sword of Srasama in the Crypta Hereticarum.

Andrew Moreton

Thats there problem! Tell them that they can keep anything they like as part of their share, you could even give them half price on it as it does not have to be crafted by the Risuri(same as if they had the feat to make it) or just tell them when an enemy has something more interesting than a +1 sword and let them decide. Really though most cool stuff is largely useless and mechanically less useful than a +2 to stat.
The reasons for this are not a flaw in the Zg AP but the mechanics, the save DC for all the neat special abilities on items is incredibly low , combined with the fact that even pc spells have trouble keeping up with saves and most special abilities trigger only on a save of 1 , so are worthless.
My pc's did not loot they did not feel it was appropriate for officials, they did note they picked up anything magical for the stores and when in the field would consider using something they just picked up but it was almost never useful. They are not big on disposable except a few scrolls of useful but niche cleric spells for the day they really need a neutralise poison

Pretty much none of the npc items were considered worthwhile by my pc's but it depends on the character (the artefacts were all interesting though and they kept all of them)
It has been a long time since my players seriously used loot from random foes in a PF campaign they usually have craft wondrous item and craft (arms armour) and that covers 90% of all the magic items they use combined with most npc's having inferior equipment and looting is just for cash anyway. I assume this is why 5th ed removed economy and looting so the wonder of loot was back, along with unfair distrubution of items, uneven power level , gettign the wrong sort of magic weapon and all the annoyances you get in 1st and 2nd edition I was happy to leave behing last century


formerly roadtoad
my party has started the habit of never looting or confiscating loot from the enemies they defeat because its not mechanically advantageous. they know that anything they loot will just get turned into the RHC so they just don't even bother. As a result they have skipped over a few unique and named magic items. Except they did pick up the Sword of Srasama in the Crypta Hereticarum.

Several months late, but I'm just finding this thread. I made a point of keeping an RHC Quartermaster's inventory full of the items they had confiscated so that they could requisition them as needed.


The requisition system was a little tricky for us. I told them their future requisitions would be based in part on the value of the gear they turned in, so that incentivised the "finding treasure" piece of it that they enjoy and kept them from leaving everything behind. I started by giving them a maximum requisition amount and then letting them turn in gear (that was still in good shape) for different gear. The problem was that it felt almost punitive to use consumables like potions. Since they couldn't be turned back in, every time you used a consumable it permanently reduced your hypothetical max requisition amount. On the other hand, if they get to reset to the same max requisition amount after each adventure, there is effectively no cost for the consumables, so the incentive would be to buy every potion and scroll and charged item and then used them all.

Now we've landed on a "count up" system for how much they have to "spend" requisitioning items instead of a "count down" from the max requisition. The RHC has a stock of items (that slowly rotate in and out). When PCs turn things in, they are added to the sore of RHC-accessible items (unless they need to be studied or returned to someone), so they generally are available to requisition as long as their value doesn't exceed what the player has available to check out. Everything they turn in or turn back gives them credit toward something else. It's ended up being more functionally like a usual campaign (where parties gather obscene amounts of wealth and gear over time), but still thematically fits with constables checking out gear (perhaps rare or expensive gear) as opposed to these cops becoming independently wealthy "adventurers." Essentially each player has a bank account with the RHC that can only be used on gear and supplies, and it goes up and down as they check things in and out. The total amount they can "spend" is the value of what they've turned in plus whatever bonus amount they got for the adventure.

They can use favors to try to locate items (or formulae and components to create items) that aren't "in stock;" this represents RHC staff checking for available items in the city or from other RHC locations and avoids the dreaded "shopping sessions" where players use entire sessions trying to figure out what they can buy with all the gp they've accumulated from the latest massive monster hoard. The power of the item to be located and chance of success are based on their prestige (how hard is the staff going to look?), and the value of the item still has to fit in their requisitional amount.

For "treasure division" players take turns choosing items from the RHC supplies. Once they have something they can keep it forever if they like (unless it is a story item that needs to be returned to a NPC, studied, or put in a museum), but once they turn it back it becomes fair game. Many items stay available, but some appear (as the party or other constables turn things in) or disappear without notice if left in the supply and not checked out.

Because of the "frictionless" economy of being able to turn things in and check things out of the storeroom without losing value in the trade, I will have to lower the top requisition amounts from what is in the adventures and to restrict what items can be found/requisitioned to keep them from becoming overpowered as they optimize their gear. The only tricky part is setting a "correct" and reasonable value for each item. I use the "sane magical item prices" list as a jumping off point.

To manage it, I use a shared spreadsheet. Each player has a column representing the gear they have checked out and its value. It calculates so as they turn things in or check things out it shows how much they can still get. There is a second sheet that shows what the RHC has in stock at that given moment and their value. All player's handbook and normal gear is always available, so the list is just the rare or magical things. When someone checks something out, their name goes next to it and when they paste it into their column it reduces the amount they can requisition by the value of that item; when they return it to the RHC storeroom it reverses.

So far it seems to be working well. It still feels enough like our old system that the fun of finding and dividing magical treasures isn't gone, but with a thematic twist. It sounds complicated (and was to think through initially) but now it is pretty seamless and can mostly be managed by players without using time in sessions.


I've thought about it; I believe I've done half of Book 7 in my working draft. It is tricky since the further you get into the AP, the more you slowly get into 'homebrew it' and 'varies based on your group's canon' territory.

I might work on it some more, though I'd rather not promise specific update dates to avoid disappointing anyone.

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