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The One True Game: According to Hoyle, and Others


The Dwarven Kingdom

Dwarves have a high resistance to magic. They note slopes, slants, new stone work, and depth. They can see in the dark as if in the day. They are a proud race of stout warriors. They wear beards.

Dwarves are on friendly terms with Elves, Humans, Halflings, and Gnomes. They are slightly cooler towards Half-Elves and Hobbits. They hate Orcs, Goblins, and Giants.

The average dwarf stands four feet tall, stocky of build, weigh 150 lbs, shoulders very broad, their skin is ruddy tan, brown, or gray. hair ranges from brown, red, and gray to stark white. and are of various types (hill the most common, mountain the next most, and burrowers aka gnomes). Gnomes are slightly smaller, thinner, and more gray in skin tone and hair color.

Dwarves work well with their hands in making things to help them reshape or reform their homes.

The Kingdom of Thoria is the ancestral home to most dwarves the party will encounter in Margrave. The Kingdom has a standard array of 16 city blocks. It has been said that if you've seen one dwarven city, you've seen them all. Nothing could be more true. Once a dwarf finds something he likes, he stick with it. Dwarves leave architectural fantasies to other races, who enjoy that sort of thing. Dwarves like utility. The 16 City blocks roughly described are
1) Gatehouse
2) Great Hall
3) Kings Wall Corner I
4) Kings Wall Gate
5) Kings Wall I
6) Kings Wall II
7) Kings Wall Corner II
8) Court of Thanes
9) Residence
10) Transport Shaft
11) Wharf
12) Great Temple
13) Dungeons
14) Smithy
15) Transport Machinery
16) Gardens

The Government/ Ruling Council: The Overthane rules the city. Darius Great, great Uncle is the current Overthane. The 6 other thanes handle the day to day events and report to the Overthane. These thanes are Hornfel of Clan Hylar, Realgar of Clan Theiwar, Rance of Clan Daergar, Gneiss of Clan Daewar, Tufa of Clan Klar, and Bluph of the Gnomes.

What Darius knows:

Darius's GgUncle is getting on in years. Soon (within the next 20 or so years) he will have to consider stepping aside. Traditionally the next member in line would be his choosing. Darius's Father has his Great Uncle's favor. But most if not all but 1 Overthane have come from the ranks of true War chieftains ... previous thanes. Darius's father is thane of the clan. But still most decision fall on the Great Uncle by default of his position as Overthane. (you can read more in background about how this Clan is a working clan. One with many smiths.)

Hornfel is the father of another great dwarven Hero, Arman Kharas Hylar. He is a cautious leader and a veteran of wars.

Realgar believes himself destined to become Overthane and pursues his goal with all available means. He wants the dwarves to become a power to be feared by the Humanoids in the mountains.

Rance is an angry war chieftain and vicious fighter who plays dirty at every opportunity. He is a dangerous man, but his temper and lack of control keep him from being the leader he dreams of being.

Gneiss is a war chieftain who administers his realm with a professional hand. He is calm and steady, but not an inspiring leader. His Clan admire and respect him, but do not love him.

Tufa is a modest, though respected man. His Clan is at the bottom of the chain. They perform most of the menial tasks. He works to improve their lot. He is allied with Hornfel.

Bluph has great dignity and feels himself destined to be the first Gnome Overthane. He is considered to be a genius. He is much beloved and a great Hero himself.

Holy Weapons of the Dwarvish Faith

There is a legend of an Axe of the Dwarvish Lords. There is also another one concerning Moradin's Hammer, a replica of which the Lord Thane holds. And yet another involving Splinterstrike... a blade used to kill multitudes of Orcs.

The stories told in his youth about the Axe include tales of great battles fought. The axe wielded by some great warrior or other. And with the death of the warrior. Usually also in the battle. It vanished. Only to be found or used again in another tale.

The Hammer made the dwarven race. By Moradin's hand. It was used also to chisel a place in the mountains and hills for the people. When hurled it causes a loud boom/thunder and boosts morale of all dwarves while causing fear in their enemies. Every parent has told the tale of Moradin's Hammer to his/her offspring at one time or other. And it is partially mentioned at the opening of every prayer and council session.

Splinterstrike killed the last Hordeking Orc Garnash. It was also stolen by the Orcs after the battle. And is one of the reasons dwarves hate orcs so.

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The team spent the rest of the day and all day Sunday returning to Kera City. By the time they had purchased rooms at The Wyvern Rose was up and walking again. However, Darius’s friend ‘the monk’ was still unconscious and healing slowly. He was put in a bed to sleep as soon as they arrived. Rose collected everyone else into the second bedroom, for a surprise.
“I believe my powers are growing,” she said. “It’s something unusual. I feel like they are coming in bits and spurts. I’m… I am not quite sure what will happen if I train and try to control them. It could be dangerous.” Ben wondered if this meant she was going through puberty.
“Are you growing taller?” he asked.
“No. It’s not that. The problem is, if I don’t try and control these changes… Well, the forces within me may explode out chaotically.”
“Perhaps they could be controlled through magic?” suggested Kayla.
Rose’s eyes sparkled. “Oh yes! It may be possible for you to use this in your magic. You could release the force and substitute it in your magic rituals.”

Ben was stunned. “I’m not so sure,” said Kayla.
“It would be like tapping the magics of the queen of the wild!” Rose was getting more excited by the idea. “It would be dangerous though. There would be an effective backwash into the user giving you some of the power as well. But the effects could be truly wonderful! I can’t say what, but the power created would…”
“No, Rose” said Kayla cutting her off.
“It is true Fey Magic is highly addictive to humans,” Rose continued on. “So we might want to start with small amounts. I would want to be able to heal the flesh taken anyways.”
“Absolutely not!” said Ben. “I will not allow this to happen!”
“But? What about in a last ditch effort? If there was no other way?” Rose pleaded.
“Give up our faith in truth and purity? To give side with chaos when things are at their darkest?”
That ended the conversation. Ben did not hear Rose talk about her proposal after that and he could only hope she would forget it.

For the next week the team studied and trained. Father Ben made a makeshift shrine in the bedroom next to Jakob’s body, so he could watch over him while praying. In the evenings he continued his preaching in the streets. Kayla and Diedre who spent their time reading watched Jakob when Ben was out. Gwenna, Miklezh and Hanz were still being paid and took residence at a cheaper inn across town. Grog simply lazed around the common room the entire week eating and carousing with Dalin and Dram in the evenings. Sermonizing in front of The Wyvern, Ben took notice of the comings and goings of the rest of the team as the week progressed. Dram, Dalin, and Rose explored the city and the stranger Houshang had all but disappeared. A bargain had been made with the foreigner shortly after Darius left. He would join the team and fight with them against Adlerweg. What his reasons for allying were Ben could not say.

Dram found a moneylender for reasonable rates and helped the rest of the team switch over from heavy coin to lighter gems to ease traveling with the treasure. Then he purchased an extra strong bow for himself and another for his Ormand the Redd He ordered Ormand to continue watching the horses in the stables. Oddly his hireling was more than willing to go back. When not training with Dalin in swordsmanship, Dram spent a lot of his time at the Dead Horse tavern alone. He had some plans in mind and was looking to purchase a little assistance. Unfortunately, the bard never did return, but Dram he did meet other patrons and heard several different rumors.

“An orc ‘nd gobbo army are up in the pass. They’re commander is a giant and they’re attacking the keep the trolls took over.”
“There is a new businessman in town. The word is, he has purchased one of the inns and is looking for help to run it. Ten to one the Earl will seize the property soon.”
“The Earl? Oh, he’s a shrewd one that one. Spends all day in ‘is palace and all night in the city below. Keeps tight control on everything ‘round ‘ere if ya know what I mean.”

One evening Houshang showed up inside The Wyvern with a stunningly beautiful woman on his arm. Father Ben was outside preaching, but he saw him through the bay window approach some of his teammates individually. When Ben went inside for dinner he found himself propositioned by the stranger. “Ah Father Benedict. Just the man I was looking for. How would you like to double your treasure? I have a hot new business deal and am looking for investors.”
Ben noticed Houshang was carrying a newly made spear. “What exactly is your business?” he asked.
“Just a little something on the side. I’ve have a few things I’m planned, but first let me introduce you to Kepala.” Houshang gestured to the dusky woman Ormand the Redd was clearly drooling over. “She will be overseeing the female services.”
“I see,” said Ben. “I would advise against this. There are laws and customs in our land prohibiting such activities. Perhaps your culture handles this differently where you’re from?”
“We’re not all followers of Ben’s beliefs,” said Dram cutting in.
“Are you serious Father?” Houshang looked truly surprised. “Grog has been quite successful in Kusnir. And Kera looks ripe for the plucking.”
To one side Ormand was shyly talking to Kepala’s. “You’re not married, are you””
“HEY!” shouted Houshang. “She is my woman. Get your own.” Ben used the opportunity to sneak upstairs and finish his meal in peace.


Ormand went back to the stables for another long night alone. Living in the stables had grown on him ever since he learned of the adjoining inn, however. Near the rear door he discovered some of the stablehands. Talking to them, he learned they had overseen Pax’s death. “Yeah,” said one, “me and my friends watched as the straw haired woman and her sons entered. Then reeeal slowly the blue man came afterwards. You could tell he was up to no good. They went over to their horse and the big man came down the ladder. Then he made his move, ran over to the door, and outside. A bunch of the woman’s sons chased after.”
“Did you hear anything? Any names?” asked Ormand.
“Well, the two chaps the big man was with? They scuffled up top. One yelled out ‘YOU TRAITOR!’ and the other fell to the floor dead.”
“Wait. You’re saying the traitor was slain?” asked
”Oh yeah! Stabbed him deep too. There was lots and lots of blood. Then the sons came back in and beat up the other one. It was rough stuff, but no weapons. I think they did it for fun and just left him for dead. As soon as they took off we ran and told the guards. You should know I was the one who reported ‘em.” The boy held out his hand awaiting his reward. Ormand ran back to The Wyvern to tell Dram.

When he heard the news Dram was furious. Father Ben watched as he and Dalin stormed out to the street. Ben chased after them to find out what happened. Dram and Dalin went to the small inn where the mercenaries stayed. Inside they questioned the three remaining mercenaries. Ben quietly observed to make sure they did not hurt any of the hirelings. Mishek and Gwenna knew nothing of the rumor or the events of the night in question. When Hanz was brought forward, however, Dram could barely contain his anger. Dalin began relating the story of Ormand had heard from the stableboys. “What we want to know,” he finished, “is did you kill Ensler?”
Hanz crumpled in on himself and started bawling. Ben studied his reaction. Hanz looked honestly ashamed to him. “Maybe I did?” said Hanz. “Maybe I did it all?” He howled and sobbed uncontrollably. It was difficult to learn anything else him, but the mercenary did claim not to know of working for Lavinia. In the end Hanz was left under Gwenna’s supervision. The questioning had led to fewer answers than hoped.

During her time in Kera Rose explored the city looking at the strange creatures within. The variety of humans and other mixed races behaved quite differently than they did in Margrave. Feeling sorry for the short-lived folk, she decided to use her bits of metal to help them. Entering the slavepits alone, Rose felt strangely at home among the bound slaves. As she looked them over she recognized a commonality within herself. It was still difficult for her to relate to a world where beating was wrong. Then she remembered Tankurd and Rose called over a slave driver. “Do you have any smiths available?” she asked.
“No, but lemme know if ya find one. They’re gettin’ more popular.”
“Trained guards perhaps?” There were three on hand. “What about exotics?”
The grubby man looked Rose over. “Ya like Elf?”
“That will do,” said Rose. “But what about children?”
”Oh plenty. And cheap.” Rose politely thanked the man and walked over to watch the auction.

A short time later a male Elf was brought out and strapped to the auction board. He looked different than the ones Rose had trained with in the forest. He had blue tinted skin just like Rose’s, but with green hair. She bid on him and the price went up and up, from five gold to fifty. “One hundred gold pieces!” she shouted. Rose won. The Elf was released and brought to her side in chains. Using the Elven tongue Rose learned he was something called a ‘River Elf’ and had amphibious gills for breathing underwater. She wanted to ask more questions, but the auction had begun again. Over the next few hours, Rose purchased the three trained guards and then six human children between the ages of ten and twelve. When she took them up above to the streets, Rose questioned each of the adults in turn. All the slaves were silent and very compliant to her commands, all but one that is. One adult male was particularly rude. Rose thought she recognized goblin features in his face and manner. Splitting up her remaining coin, only about fifty gold pieces, Rose let the half-goblin go free with a quarter portion. When he had left, she divided up the six children: two to each of the remaining adults. “In return for your freedom and this metal, this gold, you are each ordered to watch over your new children. You will raise them into adults as if they were your own. Do you understand?” The slaves could not quite believe her at first. But then they gladly agreed. When she left the new families in the street Rose wondered how the river Elf might raise his two new human children. “What a fun and interesting childhood that will be!”

The day before the team was to leave Kera, Rose went back to the Earl’s castle. Inside she found him sitting alone on his throne. Pleased to see the Fey again, the Earl asked Rose several questions who in return answered each fully and without discretion. She reported on the Keep, the spiralstone, the weapon crates, the glove, how the glove was found, and who and where the new wearer was. When she was done four sinister looking men moved out from behind the room’s pillars. All were short and had similar pointy features like the Earl’s. Rose was congratulated and sent to see the quartermaster again. There she was given fifty gold. Instead of spending it on more slaves she decided to purchase nonmetal weapons for herself instead: a long whip, three nets, and some unusual balls that had struck her fancy called bolas.

The next morning Ben realized Jakob was still unfit for travel. Deciding to stay one more day in Kera, the whole heard gossip spreading like wildfire though the streets. “Rumor ‘as it, the Earl ‘as left for the Keep with ‘is esteemed army.” Some in the crowd laughed. “While the mouse is away the cats will play!” Ben had been preaching in the streets every day and had seen no army leave or even gather. In fact, the streets still looked full of able-bodied people to him. In the evening Dalin came back to The Wyvern with a stranger in tow. “I’ve been doing pretty well in the gambling arena, so I thought I’d hire a specialist to help us break into the Keep.” Dalin pointed down at a chubby little man with hairy feet and big grin. He was even shorter than Rose, barely three feet tall. “Say hello to my little friend!” said Dalin. Later they learned his name was Farnid and came from a community of littlefolk just outside the city.


During the night Jakob finally recuperated from his injuries. Early in the morning the team gathered up all its members, followers, mercenaries, horses, and the wagon and left the city for Adlerweg. Using the shortcut again it took them two days to return to the campsite in the mountains. Darius was there waiting. Camp was made and they settled in around the fire. “Thor has given me another quest,” said Darius. “It is for a great weapon. One that belongs to the Dwarves.” His soul was now tied to the weapon and he could feel its distance. Conferring with Rose, she placed it near the Front close to where she had left. “There is something else,” said Darius. “After speaking with the Thanes I believe the Earl is not the original guardian of Keep Alderweg.” This was good news. The team believed they might be able to claim the Keep as their own, if they conquered it. Kayla related the rumor about the Earl’s army having left Kera. Rose called down a little bird to check on the castle. Fortunately, she remembered to bring seeds for the bird this time. It flew back and confirmed the presence of men. Then Rose told the rest of the team about her meeting with the Earl and about the strange men behind the pillars. Some were angered by her reporting on the team. She was told not to be as open with information in the future. The group resolved to approach Adlerweg carefully in the morning. Watch was set.

Shortly after falling asleep the first watch spotted four torches coming down from the mountain pass. The whole team was quickly woken and armored. Darius counted six horses with riders. “Hail!” he called out.
“Hail on the road. There is trouble ahead. The keep is taken!” shouted a voice.
“Who are you?”
“We are the Earl’s men!”
Darius saw the figures stop and take swords in hand. “Sheath your weapons,” he called back.
“No. You sheath yours! Who addresses us?”
“We are here to help the Earl,” shouted Dalin over by the fire.
“Good! Send some men forward.”

Darius walked forward and Rose followed him with a torch. The two stopped when they could see all six riders in the torchlight. Each carried a thin sword and wore leather armor. Rose recognized one from the Earl’s throne room. All six had similar pointed features like the Earl’s. “We’ve run into some trouble ahead,” said the lead rider. “Perytons.”
“You mean the deerbirds?” asked Rose.
“We’ve dispatched them. It should be safe for now. But the Keep holds many gnolls. And a giant troll. It is larger than any I have ever seen.”
“Uh oh” said Darius.
“We’re going back to Kera for more reinforcements.”
”Your eighteen are not enough?” exclaimed Rose.
“How did you know our number?” accused the man.
“I counted your hoofprints.”
”What about the secret entrance?” asked Darius.
“Guarded. No entrance lies unguarded. The gates are down. We attacked, but have lost many men.”
“We need the glove,” said another rider.

Rose looked around innocently. “We have brought the glove,” called out Darius. “We are the reinforcements.”
“Uh… Okay,” said the leader. “Perhaps… Let us go ahead and send for the Earl’s reply.” He called on a lieutenant to ride back to the Keep. The other five stayed.
“What’s your heritage?” asked Rose bluntly.
“Our family crest is Lycanthra,” said the leader. “We have a large family. The Lycanthra are widely known in Kera. Even the Earl belongs to Lycanthra. Tell me. How did you know about the gnolls?”
“We have encountered them before,” said Darius. “They over took Orlain. We learned they were paid to come down from this Keep and enslave the townsfolk there.” Darius pulled out the shield with the gnoll’s tankard emblem on it and showed it to the riders.
“This mercenary band will be added to the list.”
”Where are my manners? I am Rose and this is Darius the Dwarf. What are your names?”
“I am Sargath Lycanthra,” said the leader. “My lieutenant is Nupa.” The other four riders were left unnamed.

Darius and Rose invited the men to stay with them at the campsite until morning. Back at the fire, the rest of the team had overheard the conversation. There was little wind that evening. Going back to sleep the double watch was reset. This time they kept an eye on the soldiers more than anything the surrounding mountainside. The five riders sat around the fire and sharpened their swords. Not one rider slept the entire evening.


[DAY 114 – Weddingday, Sceptre 18th, CY 81]

In the morning, after prayers and study were completed, the caravan moved higher into the mountains. After an hour two peryton carcasses were passed on the road. Both bodies were peppered with arrows. Darius called upon his eagle to check the nest above. Three eggs lay inside. “Should I collect them for food?” asked the eagle. Darius told it not to. Traveling farther, the team was about fifteen minutes from the Keep when more riders were spotted on the road ahead. It was the Earl and Lieutenant Nupa. Fifteen more men followed them on horseback. All had the same Lycanthra features. The Earl stopped the withdrawal and addressed the team.

“The resistance is tough. We cannot get inside the Keep. But Nupo here says you have the glove.”
”Yes, we do,” answered Ben.
“Did you see the troll?” shouted Dalin from in back.
“Yes. It threw large stones at us from up on the Keep.”
”What exactly was your plan when you left to invade?” asked Darius.
The Earl squinted. “We came to the Keep to enter it by force. And to use this.” He held up one hand. On it was a white glove similar to the one Kayla wore.
“Another glove?” said Dalin.
“Yes, the Sentinel and the Enemy. There are three gloves.” Ben asked what his glove was named. “It has no name. It is the Earl’s glove. The enemies have the Enemy inside… which is very bad. The Sentinel was designed to destroy the Enemy. But you will need to get close to do so.” The Earl spotted the Sentinel on Kayla’s hand.

“Grog!” called out Houshang. “You should fight the troll for us. With your sword.”
”Grog here for that reason specifically.”
“Well… good,” said Houshang. “I have a plan. We can call out the troll to have an honor duel in front of the Keep. Grog, you can fight it in Giant-form and if you are doing poorly, we’ll jump in and finish him off!”
“How would that be honorable?” asked Darius.
“What does this have to do with honor? We want to win back the Keep!” said Houshang. The two began arguing about honor and the heights and strengths of those who wielded Grog’s sword.
“Wouldn’t Grog need to wear the glove, if he fought the Giant troll?” asked Darius. The argument turned to tactics.
“Maybe we should storm the Keep with the doors open this time?” said Kayla holding up her glove.
“I could attack the troll with my eagle from above to stop the boulder tossing,” said Darius.
“What about the army on the other side of the pass?” pointed out Dram. The Earl’s ears perked up at this last. Ben had a few questions of his own.

Father Ben: “Who created the Gloves if you know that the Sentinel was designed to destroy this "enemy" glove? Was the enemy glove held by the previous Keep Castellan? Who was that person? Perhaps you could describe their features for us. Tall? Thin?”

Earl: "A man of the cloth.(smiles.. not a very nice smile) Father or is it Vicar? No matter. The Sentinel and this glove (shows the one on his hand again) were created many years ago by a crazy old fool. He said it was needed to stem the forces of evil. What could my family do, but fund such an endeavor? Supposedly, a similar crazy old coot did the same for the Lord of the land on the other side of Mount Spira. A very good ploy and one which cost the old man his life for swindling us of our riches. However, one is never to disregard the insane. So we placed one glove in the Keep and one with my ancestor. Turns out the one in the Keep had powers dissimilar to this one. Those of magic could call on these powers. One by one the seneschal of Keep Alderweg seemed to always be replaced by another of similar powers. Eventually the attack never came from The Enemy. So the position of seneschal was deemed too expensive and unnecessary. The guild took over the commerce and toll at the Keep. The seneschal retired to a manor to the West. I guess the Old Fool was right."

Father Ben: “Do you know of a merchant woman named Livinia? We have reason to believe she and her sons are inside and working against Kera and with the Trolls and Gnolls.”

Earl: "Lavinia, I know well. She and I have traded on several occasions. It does not surprise me to hear she gained access. She has a way with magic herself. She has no love of gnolls or their leaders. But she would also not be afraid to trade with them either. My guess is she has probably come down from the Mountains already. Perhaps even returned to Harling."
Rose asked the Earl how he knew she was of the Fae since they have little contact with these lands and few had even heard of one let alone recognize one on sight.

Those of the Earl's men not already armed drew their weapons.

Sargath: "Be careful little lady how you address the Earl." As if the light was playing with your eye, some of the men who were injured seem to grow longer hairier features and then return to normal. Their wounds almost gone.

Must be the light. Or else the blood wasn't theirs.

"Sargath, Sargath, Sargath.....” Dram muttered under his breath. The name was driving him crazy. Dram whispered to Kayla while keeping a watchful eye on the weapon brandishing and posturing, “Sister Kayla, the Earl and his men are of an odd appearance. They strike me as almost ratlike. I find it a strange coincidence that the imposter we mistook for Elian assumed the shape of a rat. Any thoughts?" The fact that the Earl had even had business dealings with Livinia placed further suspicions in Dram's mind.

Kayla whispered back to Dram as quietly as she could, "No matter my feelings on it, I think we need him as much as he needs us right now."


Darius stepped forward to the Earl and Rose. His hands were out and palms open, no weapons raised. "She meant no harm, I assure you my friends. She was simply curious as to how the Earl was familiar with a being so unusual as herself. I am sure she intended no slight towards His Majesty“. Darius bowed before the Earl. "Darius Kord, Diplomat of the Dwarven Kingdoms of Thoria, and Liaison to the Council of Thanes."

Earl: "Well met, Sir Darius. As you are most assuredly well aware duties at court have at times drawn me to mingle with those of many races. Yours included. (He smiles broadly) And when this deed is done I will most likely have to attend to court dealings again to report the cost of this expedition. All help you may offer to defer the expenditures will surely be appreciated."

Darius: "That is why we are here, my lord, to assist you in the reclaiming of your keep and to allow free passage for the merchants that bring wealth and prosperity to your lands. I find it imperative to make sure that you and your people are not restrained because of this incursion by the gnolls. When the gates open, what is your plan of attack, so that we may best assist you, my lord?"

Earl "My thanks. To best assault the Keep I propose a two pronged attack. Using the glove, open the gates, then the doors inside the gates. My men and I shall attack the barracks. While you and your troop, secure the dungeons. The dungeons are around the side your lady scout mentioned. It will be a hard fought battle I'm sure for both our forces. Once an area is secured, send what troops to aid the other."

Houshang spoke up: "Humbly, milords - if these creatures are active in the night, they must place watches during the day, and a mid-morning attack would be most likely to catch those not on watch in deep slumber."

He mutters under his breath, gesturing to Grog. "Although I still feel we should engage their captain singly, and thereby shatter their morale before entering this deathtrap.

Darius: "Do you know what we might be expected to find in the dungeons? My other concern is this troll you spoke of. His appearance in any side of the battle with our forces split would make a difficult battle impossible... that is a concern we'd best prepare ourselves for. Do you know anything about this creature specifically?"

Earl: "Cells, many, many cells. Places to store resources in case of siege. The well. I'm sure they also have guards there too.

I've hoped that by taking out the troll's army we would have a better chance to assault the area above. I don't know much about him. He is a large brute. Bigger than any trolls I've yet seen or heard about. Also with us inside it will make it harder for him to throw stones at us."

Darius: "I cannot fault your logic, my lord. I just worry about splitting our forces, without knowing just how many creatures we can expect. However, it is possible that we can expect the bulk of their forces to be at the main gates, as they have already endured an attack and will likely bolster those locations. The dungeons might actually be lacking some of the gnolls they would normally have."

Houshang grumbled some more and turned to Rose. "Do you think there might be an entrance through the well?" Turning to Kayla, gesturing at her gloved hand - "Perhaps the Sentinel knows of a surprise access point? Anything to avoid a direct assault, I pray."

Darius to the Earl: "Another option might be to enlist the aid of the orcs and such on the other side, depending on whom they swear allegiance to. Or perhaps get their assistance in exchange for allowing them to leave Kera alive."
Darius turned quiet. He got the impression the Earl's logic was flawed. The other fighting men in the party felt the same. The Earl sounded like he was making his plans up on the spot, more fantasy than reality. “Especially when you consider what Houshang mentioned about approaching in the open,” pondered Darius to himself.

Darius: "Perhaps, my lord, either a stealth attack, or a direct challenge between champions would be better for this. If I may grant you my advice and council in the arts of war, I would be glad to assist you in the plan of attack."

Houshang arched an eyebrow while the diplomat stole his plan and proposed it to the Earl. While Darius and the Earl talked things over, Houshang quietly tapped Dram on the shoulder and attempted to take him aside, to whisper the following: "Barbarian, it seems plain to me that anyone with eyes in his head may see the Earl wishes to bridge the moat with our bodies, if you take my meaning. He may not hate us, but I doubt he would mourn our loss. I for one do not wish to throw my life away, and remember barbarian that your brother might still be held captive within, so do not risk your life needlessly, I beg. I believe we should keep a close watch on our backsides, and if you shall guard mine, I shall guard yours, and my friend Grog shall watch over us both. We must avoid any plan that calls for our charging through open doors in front of the Earl and his men."

In response to Houshang's quiet pleadings Dram assured him that a full frontal assault against a well defended stone keep was never in his plans. "I have fought side-by-side with Grog, broken bread, shared ale and wenches. He has trusted me enough to let me wield his mighty sword. The bond of our friendship has been forged in the heat of battle. We've already got each other’s backs. I reckon he fancies you, stranger from &%$#^%%^, and a friend of Grog's is a friend of mine. My brother may or may not be inside. I am not wholly convinced one way or the other. But I do not plan on dying in this place."

Rose: “Your accent is horrible. I believe it's pronounced $@)&$*!$@%”

Grog: “Grog already hungry. Grog not think we last too long ourselves up here in mountains without food and water. Grog not understand waiting for trolls to starve when Grog starving already.”

“Grog also wonder if Earl happy destroying own Keep. Grog know he not want his place burned down.”

The Earl’s ears pricked up listening to the side conversation. When Grog’s voice boomed he looked back at Darius and answered the paladin’s question: “Yes, your plan does have merit. Perhaps we should fallback to a more secure area and discuss this more. I'll leave a couple men here to observe the Keep and fetch us if something amiss occurs."

Darius agreed with the Earl to fall back and discuss the attack further. "I think we should include some of my compatriots on this plan. All of them have seen more than their fair share of combat, save Jacob, and possibly Houlsfang. However, it was Houlsfang's ideas for a challenge or a sneak attack. Let me introduce you to the rest of the group."
Darius gave the first name of each of the other members gathered around in the road carefully watching the Earl’s reaction to each.

Dram winked at the paladin and said, "Ormand and I will stay back with the Earl's sentries. We will help keep an eye on things." Dram did not want any of the Earl's men out of sight of the party at any time. He whispered to Dalin, "I do not favor a frontal assault. I trust your judgment in the planning." He secretly drew his dagger but kept it hidden under his cloak.


Sargath assigned two men to stay behind and watch the Keep. Dram and Ormand the Redd stayed as well. Gwenna and Mishek turned the wagon around. And then they, the rest of the team, the Earl, Sargath, Nupo, and the remaining fourteen soldiers descended down the mountain pass. The ride took about an hour and a half before reaching the campsite just after midday. As they traveled conversation continued.

Darius rode on his horse next to the Earl. “What type of relations do you have with County Margrave?” he asked.

Earl: "Oh, pardon my manners. I guess I did forget to inform you of how we owe (sarcasm) so much to County Margrave. We trade with them routinely and relie on them for all our agriculture needs. The Count and my sire go way back. Well that is until my sire's unfortunate death.”

“But be that as it may we still protect the Mountain borders for the southern parts of County Margrave."

Darius: "My lord, would you be opposed to the idea of the Keep being manned by the dwarves, if I could arrange a... profitable situation for all parties involved? I cannot promise anything, but I might have a plan that would work..."

Earl: "I would not be adverse to that at all. In fact, it would be most appreciated. Do you have an idea about when the dwarves will be here?"

Darius: "None. I would have to travel there, make the proposal, and see how quickly they wish to act on this. Depending on various matters, it could take as little as a month... and as long as a year. That's why I am only offering it as a suggestion. If I were to leave now, I could be at the Dwarven kingdom in 4 days. Any force would take two weeks to arrive, minimum."
Back near the Keep Dram examined the two rat-faced men he had elected to stay behind with.

They were both mounted, wearing studded leather, cloak, carrying short swords, several daggers, and a short bow with a dozen arrows. Both horses were light warhorses better trained and outfitted than either Dram’s or Ormand's.

Positioning himself and Ormand behind the Earl’s two men, Dram struck up a conversation, "So, it was pretty rough last night, eh? What time did you make your assault? What was the plan of attack? Surely the Earl knows of ways to enter his own Keep besides the front door? What should we be looking out for here?"

They looked at each other and then one turned to Dram while the other turned back to the Keep.

"We struck about 2 hours ago. Before the light crested over the mountain. The Earl thought to open the gate with his glove and then we would dispatch the gnolls in their sleep. But some reason they were ready. And we fought touch and go. The men on the roof got pressed in by the Troll.”

“We don't go to the Keep much. And the Earl even less. We believe the gnolls took advantage of that fact.”

“Keep your eyes for a reprisal attack. When it comes ride like the wind."

Back on the road Kayla looked as though she was thinking very carefully about something. In a moment she looked up and said, "There are numerous ways into the Keep. The three on this level. One more on a sidetrail going partway up. And two in the Depths of the Earth. One is wet and the other more treacherous. Also access on the roof by way of flight. And I must warn you the Enemy is within."

Darius noted what Kayla just said. "A subterranean route... it sounds as if one must go through the well... I wonder where the other one comes up at... can you tell us more Kayla?"

Houshang nodded his head once, slowly. "The treacherous way - what more can you tell about it? It might be a wise plan to have a feint at the gates of the keep with the Earl's men, while we seek access from below, and take them from behind, by surprise."
Kayla shook her head. “This is all have garnered so far. Give me some more time and I will tell you what I learn. I think at least one entrance should be promising for us.”

The Earl had a few words with Houshang on the way to safety. The Earl's men made sure the conversation was private.

At the camp the Earl's men seemed rather pleased with themselves. None showed any signs of injury now. After a head count, Sargath reported having lost 4 men so far to the first assaults on the Keep not counting the 2 men still with Dram and Ormand.

The Earl told them of his glove’s failure to open the gates. Of the ambush by the gnolls. And a pitched battle of arrows and boulders. Some of his men did scale the walls. Those were the ones now missing. Nupo reported having seen them fall to the Troll as he led that foray.

Rations wise the Earl's men had enough for themselves for another 5 days. Water was another matter. With the horses water wouldn't last 2 days.


At the campsite, Darius spoke with the party off to the side. He asked the Earl to excuse them for just a moment, stating that they had personal business to discuss that they would not want to bore the lord with.

After they sat down, he seemed to peer closely at Houshang and Jacob, then breathed a sigh a moment before going forward.

"Basically, what we know is this... All the information we have on the keep is over a week old. We know what happened before, and we know that at some point Lavinia was here, but aside from that, we know only what the Earl has told us, and he was unable to penetrate into the keep. So our knowledge of what is inside from a personnel perspective is unreliable at best."

Darius looked around at the rest of the party.

"What we do know is that there are factions within the dwarven kingdom that would be very willing to remove the gnolls and troll from the keep. They have the means to cut off all supplies going in and out of the keep. We would need to be present when it comes time to invade the keep because of the glove, but aside from that, we have little chance of taking a well fortified keep with our current forces, sneak attack or not. The gnolls have already shown themselves familiar with the secret passages of the keep... I do not think that we can assume that they will be ignorant of the underground passages as well. To do so would invite death."

Darius pulled out his sword and looked at the balance, and checked the sharpness of the blade. He also checked his armor and made sure no immediate repairs were needed.

"I am no longer your commander, only your friend. I would trust most of you with my life. Whatever you choose, I will abide by. My first thoughts were of glorious battle, calling Thor's name as I smote gnoll and troll with sword and hammer. As I think of it more, however, I feel that such a mission might to the death of one of my friends. We have already seen death enough on this journey, and I have already had to bury a trustworthy squire. I do not wish to bury any more of my friends, if I can help it."

Darius turned to each person in the circle.

"If anyone else can recall pertinent information that would assist us, please share it now."

Houshang nodded solemnly, pulling back the hood to reveal a shaven and completely tattooed (in a strange spider-like script) head. His eyes, a light green, rested on Darius as he spoke with lowered voice. "We know more, Chosen of your Gods. The witch has told us "the enemy" - the counterpart glove - is within. Do you believe that this Livinia controls this glove? If so, then she is surely within."

He looked around at the fighters, and continued. "We also know the Earl and his men have been repulsed by the fortified enemy, and that another enemy lies on the other side of the keep. We believe that the barbarian's brother may be held captive within, for which I am willing to endure a small amount of risk to gain entry. It would seem with the glove - " he gestured at Kayla, "that we have an advantage. The sentinel knows of secret ways, she has told us. Whether these ways are secret to those inside the keep or not, their attention is fixed on us here, outside, at the gate, with the Earl's men. A diversion with the Earl's men can easily continue, though they must obtain supplies in order to continue their farce, while we employ the spider-ways below and obtain the Keep in secrecy. And even if we cannot obtain the keep in secrecy, the sentinel can open the gates and allow the Earl's men entry should those within turn their attention to us below. And, above all, narrow ways are to our advantage, being smaller in number AND size - remember that. Our advantages we must be able to perceive and capitalize on. It is the Way."

Houshang sighed and pulled his hood back over his bald head, leaning once more on his large pike. "I shall not perish here, my new friends, and I hope that you shall not choose to, either. Their is, however, the other alternative: a direct combat. I believe the Sentinel is protected fairly well, yes? From archers too? If so, it would be a simple task for her to draw them out of the keep into an ambush of our choosing. Or there is the idea of a challenge combat between the Troll and Grog, although with the presence of this Livinia you speak of, it is in doubt if the Troll leads them still. Especially if the Enemy glove is present within the keep."

Grog (softly): "Grog like this whisper game. Grog know Grog hungry. Grog not have food for much longer if we don't do sumpin. Grog know even Grog not big enough to open gate without help."

Dalin: "My training and experience does not cover seige of a keep. Instead I am most suited for personal combat or small skirmishes. I wish I had more to offer in the way of suggestions, but it seems to me if we are to engage the enemy we will be doing so on their terms. Anything we can do to shift that in our favor, such as surprise attacks, seems like the best idea, if picking this fight is the best idea at all."

Houshang grunted. "I am no leader - but someone must decide, and soon. The Earl grows impatient . . . so what shall it be? Do we search for Livinia and Tankurd, and this halfling's relatives, within Adlerweg keep? Or do we pursue a different course of action? Clearly, to leave, will highlight each of us poorly in the Earl's eyes. But I am unknown in these lands, and the Earl's opinions of my battle prowess do not concern me overmuch. Though I have pledged my aid and friendship to both Grog and Dram personally, and I would see their quests fulfilled if I am able."

Father Benedict Selzkin peered around at the others. He was nervous and unsure of himself, but stage whispered among the group nonetheless. "Whooshang is right. He voices the heart of the matter. What shall we do and how shall we do it? The Dwarves have received our call for aid. County Margrave is in dire trouble. The battle at the front is by all signs going poorly for our Lord. Friends in the towns to the South are unruly and in this Earldom two-faced indeed. Many men in this city, slave or not, should be fighting the good fight in the North.”

“If I am right, the forces of the enemy have reached the far side of Keep Adlerweg. Joining with them to overthrow it would be contradictory to our aim. Right now the fortress appears impregnable; held by both troll, gnoll, and Giant-kin. It stops what evil lies to the East from invading the Earl's land. The Earl and his men alone will not overcome it without time and aid. Evil fights Evil fights Evil.”

“As with Hamfest supplying weapons to the Lord's soldiers, we see the weakness of such chaotic allegiances. It seems these are times when those of pure heart must choose between opponents. Though the forces of darkness surround us they remain at odds with each other. The greatest strength of the just is in unity. Our belief in goodness grants us this gift: of friendship, of courage. Let us choose our course and choose wisely.”

“I have seen the faces of the people of Kera and my heart goes out to them. I wish they had freedom, and justice, and faith. If I had but the time and conviction I would plant the seeds of my life here to build such a lasting treasure. But my desires must learn to adhere to a greater good. I believe the welfare of our friends and family may need lie in jeopardy for some time longer. For if we do not defeat the forces of the enemy looming across the Eastern Mountains neither saint nor sinner will be left to save.”

“Let us take upon ourselves the mantle of truth and honor. Let us pledge ourselves to overcoming such ferocities gathering against us. Let us choose with wisdom as good watchherders who seek to save their flock, if not every lamb. Truly, it is with trepidation I make my choice. To call out for the people of Kera to be lead through this mountain pass and against those forces threatening all the West. To set aside differences and other obligations. To win victory and protection for all Margravians!”

Ben realized he was shouting at the end of this and hunched his shoulders back down.

Houshang appeared dubious, raising the hand not gripping his pike in a supplicating gesture. "You seek to lead the populace of tradesmen and townsfolk against Trolls and half-orcs? Aren't you the one they say hears voices? I hope your sanity has not given way, Brother Ben."

Father Ben: "Well...uh, yes, I guess. Who else will fight with us? Could it be believed that we might work our enemies into fighting each other towards our own ends? That would be a difficult task. Maybe I am wrong about stirring the populace. So far they seem to ignore my urgings for a higher faith. But I stand by my word. We represent the hope of Margrave. Our Lord protects our families back home. I believe it is up to us to help him. If we let these beasts through the pass, I suspect they will lead a greater army behind them. You may not like my plan, but I still think the weight of our choices are heavy indeed."


Houshang nodded. "Brother Ben, your sentiment is shared. As I have my own interests within the City of Kera to protect, I'll not stand and watch it be overrun by lawless brigands. (Kera's own populace aside, chuckle.) But surely you must understand, these people are not warriors. The mere sight of a giant troll, or massed archers, or the magic of the Sentinel," he gestures to Kayla, "is likely to send them fleeing. Then what you have counted on for strength of numbers is erased. No, I must say, I believe whatever plan we have to take the Keep must be undertaken on our own, for the good of the County."

His eyes narrowed slightly, mere slits of greenish light within his shadowed hood. "Surely within the Keep there is treasure enough to satisfy our needs, and the good deed done for the County will likely also be rewarded, as you suspect. But for myself, I seek only to help Dram and Grog, and to protect my business interests."

Grog: "Grog like Father Ben. Grog like Houshang. Grog fight. Grog also like Lord Margrave. He good guy. Grog not know what come of it. But Grog promise Lord Margrave to keep South safe. Grog not like Trolls. Grog getting too old."

Father Ben's ears perked up and he eyed Grog intently. "You spoke with Lord Margrave? When was this? I urge you, please, what he told you might be of grave importance. Perhaps he left a clue on how the South might be protected?"

Grog: "Grog speak with Lord Margrave last time, oh, (scratches his head) over year ago. He ask Grog to join army to fight evil. Grog tell Lord Margrave he protect South for him. This make Lord Margrave happy. Grog not be told how to protect. Just Grog use his head to know when and what to do."

Father Ben: "Yes, well uh, you are doing an excellent job Grog. Keep up the good work." He turned back to the others. "Houshang. You may be right about the Kerans. But my suspicions have not been confirmed yet either. In the name of gaining help to overthow the current Keep's occupants, perhaps we could send someone over to speak with the orc/goblin army? It would have to be someone quick on their feet and with their tongue. I think it is important to learn why this force desires the keep. If it truly is an invading army. The trolls may actually be benefitting us. I can only hope the Earl would agree. Perhaps one of his men should accompany one of ours on such an escapade?"

Houshang considered for a moment, cleared his throat and spoke in a low tone. "Consider this option. Ride forward to the Keep with the Earl's men, but keep the majority of our forces to the rear and out of sight of those within the Keep. Fly a banner of truce - is it also a white banner in this country? - and request to speak with their master. Inform them that an army lies to their east and will drive them from the Keep. We will allow them safe passage to flee the Keep through our gate, although of course they may not go on to Kera, but must disperse to the surrounding mountains. I recommend that we, of course, renege on such a bargain and engage and destroy them, once the majority of the weaker-willed have fled the safety of the Keep, but that is up to you," he says, with a quick glance at the Paladin. Houshang shrugs. "I still prefer to enter the Keep by a secret way, and catch them unaware."
The rest of the team considered the options carefully. Near the unlit campfire ring, the Earl and his men sat quietly swords in hand. Back up near Adlerweg, Dram was still dubious about the Earl’s intentions. Taking the initiative he struck up another conversation as he and Ormand watched Adlerweg Keep.

Dram: “What is the Earl's name? How about his men, besides Sargath?” Dram asked the two sentries. “What about the Earl's clan history. Are all his men part of the same clan?”

Sentry: “He is called the Fifth Earl of Kera by those from Margrave and the Eighth Earl of Kera by those native to Kera. His family name is Lycanthra.”

The other sentry clucked his tongue at Dram. "If needs be you may call me Suttar and he Tarr. We are of the Earl's line. Only family can handle such missions as these."

Dram: "Yes, I understand the importance of family and having people you can trust whilst on important missions. Tell me though, why is the Earl only the fifth in line to Margravians whereas Kerans claim he is the eighth? Is there some dispute over the legitimacy of the bloodlines?"

Suttar: "Nyah, the Fourth Earl swore allegiance to the Viscount of Margrave, Rogahn Bearclaw, to help stem the flood of humanoids. The Orcs of the Skullcrusher Clan. He was slain shortly thereafter and the Fifth Earl started calling himself the Second Earl and spending much time in

“There has been a rapid succession of Earls since. The Eighth Earl has only held his office for a little under 10 years.”

“The first 4 Earls had each held the office for over 50 and up to 80 years apiece."


Posted on behalf of Beermotor:

Houshang’s Background

Houshang is a merchant from a far away land of sand dunes and spice caravans, camels and caliphs. Apprenticed to a capricious mystic and trader of antiquities, drugs, potions, cures, ointments, minerals, hides, water, camels, donkeys, and just about anything he could get his greasy paws on, Houshang's lot in life was scribe, accountant, and servant (occasionally cook). As part of his servitude, usually a byproduct of simply being underfoot or on-call at all hours of the day or night, he gained surreptitious knowledge a small amount of mystic secrets, which he honed and practiced in secrecy. Longing to strike out on his own, and thereby amass wealth of his own, Houshang toiled in dejection. Until one day, traversing a dangerous region through a blasted canyon, their caravan was attacked by a lone figure dressed in tattered black robes, hurling bolts of fire and screaming obscenities against Houshang's master. Startled (well, afraid for his life and mortal soul might be more appropriate), Houshang sought cover beneath a wagon ... filled to the top with rare miscellanea from a far Eastern region. A purple-blue bolt of energy struck the wagon during the fray, and a terrible explosion threw the breath from his body and darkened his consciousness. He awoke in a different place, bruised but not otherwise hurt, with only the gear he was carrying at the time of the ambush and an incredible, gods-cursed headache. Standing up, brushing the dust of a far-away land off his clothes, he understood he would be collecting a different dust on his sandals in the very near future. Well, at least there was no more master to worry about.

Tall and dark skinned, Houshang wears grubby sand-colored robes (well, they were white, once), which hide his heavily-tattooed skin. Black ink forms mystic spider-like writing all over him, including his shaven head, and while it marked him as a servant and apprentice to his master in his homeland, here it probably just looks exotic, weird, and possibly evil. He will take great pains to hide the markings at all times, keeping his head hooded and covered with the assistance of (whatever once of those rope cord dealies are called - a la Yasser Arafat), feeling they are marks of shame and his humble past which will cloud his newfound freedom. Houshang's love is for gold and women, in that order, and only for them. He isn't mean-spirited or evil and finds (unjust or unwarranted) cruelty reprehensible, but is honest (to the point of being blunt) and trustworthy as befitting his mercantilist nature, a firm believer in capitalism and survival of the fittest. And while he hated his master, his secret desire is to become that man - master of the caravan, seeker of rare treasures and hidden knowledge, possessor of a sizable harem and herd of camels, and of course, servants to do his bidding. (Thus the Neutrality alignment.)

Current Dress
Dressed in loose, flowing beige (once they were white) robes with a leather cord to affix the hood, Houshang stands at an average height for a human. His well-travelled robes and wrappings (not tattered, ahem) conceal a lean but hardy frame, covered in a strange inked script. Hoisted over his shoulders is a large backpack which clanks loudly of pots, pans, and all the gear necessary for the life of a merchant's servant, which he claims once was his ... before he ended up here. He now stands leaning on a wicked 8-foot pike, looking around from the depths of his shadowed hood, quietly assessing his surroundings and their inherent potential for profit. The backs of his hands are carefully wrapped in cloth to the forearm to hide his tattooed skin from suspicious eyes. His sandal-clad feet and lower legs are wrapped in a similar manner.

Voidrunner's Codex

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