• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Tell Me About Your Current or Most Recent Character


Who is your current or most recent Player Character? What is their name? Who are they? What do they do? What do they want? What sort of trouble are they having? What sort of successes have they enjoyed and/or failures have they suffered? Who or what do they love? Who or what do they hate? Where does that character see themselves in 5 years?

Maggart Aimes is Pact of the Tome Warlock of The Undying one. He traded his will and freedom for power, and now explored Rappan Athuk in order to destroy the Cult of Orcus at his "master's" behest. Maggart hates his patron as much as he hates everyone and everything. But he hates himself most of all. if not for his fear of death, he would just let the dungeon take him. He wants immortality, but not through undeath.

Despite his demeanor, he has "friends" -- a githyanki wizard, a paladin of Yggdrasil, and a couple of useless mewling clerics. There is grudging respect between them all, but Maggart would not be sad to see any of them die, or vice versa. He has also been saddled with a ghostly companion, a cruel "gift" from his patron. The ghost -- a wizard who failed an attempt at immortality centuries ago -- haunts Maggart's tower and is the worst roommate ever.

Maggart will outlive them all, even the ghost. Even the Undying One. He will see the universe cool to a dead husk before he succumbs to death.

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He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
Malak Duverney Human Vanguard in a Starfinder game. Born on harsh outskirts as part of a distant colony. Was it the location of his birth, or the circumstances of his upbringing is hard to say, but Malak has a knack for surviving in the universe's least habitable places. Something about the futile fight against entropy and embracing the nihilistic existence of the negative energy plane calls Malak to travel and discover ever more.

the Jester

Gurpleburg Oontz is a water genasi world tree barbarian with the gate warden background from Planescape. He's into writing, his "rage" is letting the River Oceanus flow through him and guide him, and he loves to rassle.

EDIT: His name consists of the sound of a running brook ("Gurpleburg") and a drop of water ("Oontz").

Um...okay, I'll play despite my only game at the moment being an experiment in PBEM LBB Traveller intended to be over in a couple of weeks.

Sigismund "Sig" Dando is a former Imperial Navy man, now acting as engineer, extra muscle and occasional gunner aboard the free trader Vehement Denial of the Void. Having just reached the age of forty Sig's going through a bit of a mid-life crisis and determined to prove that he's as good at anything you care to name as any twenty-something kid, if not better. His biggest current problem is the "simple" transport job the Vehement's captain took on, which has so far gotten the crew involved with a local revolutionary group, a hostile planetary government and three different intelligence agencies, two of which are probably Imperial but who can be sure? His greatest success to date is not having been shot by any of the lunatics he's having to deal with (only most of whom are NPCs), his greatest failure was not convincing the crew to dump their cargo fast and get the heck off this mudball rather than chasing after a bigger payout. Sig loves starfaring in general and is happiest on board a ship in flight, and is one of those screwballs who actually likes being in jumpspace. He hates being stuck at the bottom of a gravity well for extended periods, but not as much as he hates pirates and hijackers. At this point he's hoping he'll make it off planet before five years pass, but with all our current entanglements only the fact that this is meant to be a short "story arc" campaign offers much hope of that. Surely we won't all wind up dead or in prison with the ship confiscated, right? :)

Since we play a game every week but alternate GMs and for the first time in a couple of years I'm not running either game, I currently have two active characters.

In our Runequest - Nochet City Desperadoes game: My character is Vyrnna, a Tusk-rider brought up in Lunar Tarsh (there is astory about that); the parties toughest front-liner, big and tough and well armoured; initiate of the Seven Mothers but not really active and rather interested in Eastern mysticism; watch out for that Axe!

And on the USS Calypso (Star Trek Adventures). Gremmor Ven, Human Ship's Engineer; good engineer, also quite a brawler and decent with a phaser; rather an expert of alcohol, though certainly not great at drinking it; am aberration by Starfleet standards as he's an engineer who doesn't indulge in technobabble or pretend that he's performing miracles by doing his job.


Jacen Applegrove, 8th level Warlock, Genie patron.

Jacen was my take on the old "using your last wish to free the genie" concept from Aladdin. Born to farmers in Beregost and apprenticed as a jewelcrafter in Baldur's Gate, he found work at an antiquities store restoring old jewelry that they picked up cheap so it could be sold at a profit. As it turned out, one tarnished old ring that came in as part of a dead man's estate was a Ring of Three Wishes with a genie trapped within it to grant the wishes.

After using two wishes to save his family from troubles that had befallen them, he was so grateful that he immediately wished the genie free. What the genie didn't have time to warn him of was that this ring required a tenant, and in freeing the genie he had become bound to it instead, beginning a slow transformation to becoming a genie himself.

Game-mechanically Jacen's an air genasi. Narratively, he's a human who's undergoing changes due to his new job. The ring's former occupant, now free and living on a distant plane, is his patron, serving more in the role of mentor than authority figure, helping Jacen in gratitude for his freedom.

Jacen is now first mate on a ship plying the waters of the Sword Coast, serving alongside other adventurers as they look into Sahuagin incursions, ghost pirates and other strange goings-on.


Staff member
I’m not actively gaming right now, but I haven’t stopped creating PCs. But I haven’t come up with a NEW one in months- I’m still obsessing over one I came up with last year.

He’s a 3.5Ed Hengeyokai (dog) Fighter with the multiheaded & cryo templates and a strong fey heritage (Feats). He’s got a very typical fey trickster vibe to him, manifesting most obviously in his plethora of aliases.

I’m actually considering using him as a character in short stories.


Trust the Fungus
I just joined a freeform X-Men game, OCs only-- my first pitch was Lifeline, the son of Kaine and Madelyne Pryor-- younger half-brother to Cable-- but the co-GMs hadn't done anything with Madelyne Pryor or the Inferno storyline, and they didn't want to introduce all of that baggage for a single character. Legit. What they said was they really wanted a teleporter on the team and that Maddie was too complicated; what I heard was that they loved my pitch and that the name and concept of Goblin Queen was available.

So I pitched again as Goblin Queen, pivoting Madelyne's connections to Sinister and the Goblin Force into one of Sinister's experiments-- an unprecedented collaboration with human geneticists-- whose muddled genetic memories allowed her to make a pact: freedom from Sinister's mind control in exchange for serving as the Goblin Force's mortal host. Her powers are effectively a cross between a toned-down Demogoblin, Magik and Nightcrawler, and the Earth X version of Mayday's Spider-Sense; personality-wise, she is a deeply passionate and sensitive young woman trapped inside a cold and expressionless exterior, except when she cuts loose in her Goblin Queen form.

Sinister never gave her a name, except for the UV-reactive tattoo on her inside lower lip that reads "GMS-0147B". When Magneto asked for her name, for the third time, she could only tell him that it felt right when her brother Piotr-- the American Spider-Man-- called her "Gwen".

edit: Man, the more I'm getting into playing Gwen, the more I really wish I could play Lifeline.
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My current PC is Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, a young human nobleman whose father kicked him out of the family for being a sorcerer - for surely the only reason he was casting spells all of a sudden was he had been trafficking with fiends! The problem was, Alistair actually had no idea he was casting spells; it all just kind of came to him naturally, and he assumed the odd manifestations were the result of the ghost of Ogilvy, a family servant who looked after Alistair and his older brother when they were little, tending to the young adult Alistair's needs. (Nope, it was Alistair subconsciously casting an unseen servant spell without knowing it.) All of Alistair's starting spells were pretty much comfort-related: endure elements to keep him from getting too hot or too cold; mage hand to fetch him things just out of reach, and the like. So, having to fend for himself for the first time in his life (and not having any real idea of how one went about making a living), Alistair took a page from a series of children's books he'd enjoyed when he was little (okay, and still enjoyed today) about a famed (but fictional) adventuring hero named Elfy Danger Silverleaf and decided to become an adventurer.

Eventually, Alistair figured out he was a sorcerer (that irritating grackle that had been following him around turned out to be his familiar, for one thing), and he got a little better at the adventuring life once he started learning some spells that could actually keep him alive instead of merely just comfortable. (It was good thing he'd had fencing lessons since he was 10 years old - his rapier was his main means of offense and defense early in his adventuring career.) He's now at the cusp of gaining 12th level, is a somewhat accomplished sorcerer in his own right, and makes a little bit of money on the side writing songs about his party's exploits, which he sells to a local bard.



Front Range Warlock
I'm playing Bradly, a low-level drug dealer and scene kid who was embraced by a Malkavian member of the Sabbat and left to fend for himself (but who has been "adopted" by the local Anarchs temporarily to ensure he's not a threat to the Masquerade).

Voidrunner's Codex

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