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RPG Crowdfunding News – Heroes of the Cypher System, Questlings, and more

This week’s RPG crowdfunding projects and quickstarters end on or before December 17th. Because of the holidays, there are a number of campaigns wrapping up between the holidays which makes this week’s list and next week’s list chaotic. To help catch up, I’m looking at seven campaigns. For those that celebrate it, I hope you have as good a Thanksgiving (US) as you can tomorrow.

This week’s RPG crowdfunding projects and quickstarters end on or before December 17th. Because of the holidays, there are a number of campaigns wrapping up between the holidays which makes this week’s list and next week’s list chaotic. To help catch up, I’m looking at seven campaigns. For those that celebrate it, I hope you have as good a Thanksgiving (US) as you can tomorrow.

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Heroes of the Cypher System from Monte Cook Games
  • END DATE: Fri, December 11 2020 8:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Cypher System
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebooks
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $130 + S/H for the PDFs and print versions of Claim the Sky, First Responders, and The Origin plus the PDF of the Cypher System core rules
  • ADDITIONAL REPORTING: My interview with Monte Cook about this Kickstarter is coming soon
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? This campaign has everything you need: an award-winning system, the core rulebook (448 pages) included for new players, a new genre that the Cypher System has not explored indepth, three sourcebooks (so far), and an original take on each of the gaming options. Claim the Sky is 224 pages of how to play superheroes using the Cypher System, First Responders gives 128 pages of options to play a more grounded set of heroes battling real life challenges, and The Origin presents a world that is new-to-superheroes in 128 pages of options. If you want a superhero RPG from one of the greatest minds in the industry, check out the Heroes of the Cypher System Kickstarter.

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Enthralling Adventures and Incredible World for 5th Edition! from Gooey Cube
  • END DATE: Sun, December 13 2020 10:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebooks
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $395 + S/H for multiple PDFs, books, and a boxed set
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? The backer rewards range from $25 to $2,270, which is not uncommon. What is uncommon is the number of high end backers for this project. The $395 level was by far and away the fan favorite. Let me be clear, I have no problem with the price point and no problem with the fans getting what they want, in fact, the reason I’m so interested in this campaign is its fan support. I’ve gotten messages from those fans, and the creator, boosting this project. If nothing else, I want to get this out there for that reason. Add to that their adventure boxes are over five pounds including over one hundred color handouts, 60 to 90 color location images, magic item cards for every item in the campaign, GM book, adventure guide, NPCs, maps, and more. This project is offering so much for Dungeons & Dragons you’re going to find volumes of items you’ll like.

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Dreadful Realms: Caverns of the Wise Minister from Ex Stasis Games
  • END DATE: Fri, December 11 2020 10:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: £12 for the PDF of the book
  • ADDITIONAL REPORTING: My interview with Cat Evans and Liz Gist about this Kickstarter dropped yesterday
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? This grim dark world gives a new view of world, all from beneath the surface. The characters live in an underground city unaware of the world above. Trapped by an evil power, they’ve survived and the city has grown. In this world, your characters are looking for answers to questions that the players know exist, but their characters don’t. Giving 5e another grim dark option from creators with a track record like Cat Evans and Liz Gist will be a good addition to the gaming table.

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Vision Layers: Creating Accessible Updates for Tabletop RPGs from The Warden
  • END DATE: Sat, December 12 2020 8:00 AM EST.
  • PROJECT TYPE: Project accessibility options
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: CA$15 for the updated PDF with accessibility options of Timewatch from Pelgrane Press and a bundle of other PDFs
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? This is a different type of RPG project, it’s meant to make PDFs easier to read for those that are dyslexic (like me), colorblind, or those with nonnormative vision. The concept is simple, there will be the original layer of the PDF, a grayscale option, a selection of easier to read fonts, and more that will enhance the RPG reading experience. The goal is to build a website to teach how this can be implemented. By backing this, you’ll get a copy of Pelgrane Press’ Timewatch updated with vision layers plus, at a high enough level, additional vision layered games such as CAPERS (NerdBurger Games), Ninja Crusade 2nd Edition (Third Eye Games), and more as they unlock. This project promises to help the industry be more accessible to all gamers and that’s a win for everyone.

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Questlings - A Children's Book Series and RPG Adventure! from Letiman Games and Game and A Curry
  • END DATE: Thu, December 10 2020 10:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): An original system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Prose novel and the core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $60 + $6 US S/H for the PDFs and physical copies of
  • ADDITIONAL REPORTING: My interview with Banana Chan, Tim Devine, and Dan Letzring about the game and the novel is coming soon
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? When I first started writing for EN World, my beat was reviewing all-ages RPGs. Questlings touches on my roots offering a great combination of source material and roleplaying game. Conceived as a series of books where the kids solve their problems using their RPG characters, this morphed into an RPG for sound reasons. The 32-page children’s book, So You Want To Be A… Paladin, gives your kids an idea of what the world is like while the game, Questlings RPG, gives you 40 pages of rules to play with. If you have kids in your life that might enjoy roleplaying, this project has a lot of potential.

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Old Skull Zine RPG Trilogy! from Gallant Knight Games and Old Skull Publishing
  • END DATE: Fri, December 4 2020 9:07 PM EST. (Quickstarter launched November 17 2020)
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $40 + $5 US S/H for the PDFs and physical copies of all three zines
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Old Skull Publishing and Gallant Knight Games combine to bring three OSR zines themed around survival. These zines will be 40 to 60 pages each with settings ranging from post-apocalyptic zombies (The Dead Are Coming), weird space horror akin to ALIENS (Screams Amongst The Stars), and dystopian cyberpunk (Running Out Of Time). If you want a variety of OSR options, this project gives you a lot of bang for the buck.

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Alchemy & Poisoncraft: A supplement compatible with 5e from Cabal of Enchantment
  • END DATE: Tue, December 8 2020 1:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: £39 + S/H for the PDF and hardcover of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? This project was recommended to me several times so I wanted to share it here. If you need to expand the alchemy and poisons in your 5e game, this book offers options in every direction. Not just poisons and alchemical substances, but also organizations, archetypes, spells, monsters, and more. This book will run from 200 to 300 pages depending on unlocked stretch goals. This is less adding alchemy as an option and more about making it a cornerstone of your setting.

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Egg Embry

Egg Embry

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
The enthralling adventures boxed sets look really interesting. I don't know the quality or length of the adventures, but I would rather pay $55 for something like this than a traditional hardback adventure.
It looked good from far; but once I tried to figure it out the reward levels, and different levels of stretch goals are sort of confusing. I think this could have been 2-3 Kickstarters and I probably would have bought into one or more of them. But as is, I can't figure it out, and can't be bothered. I've already got plenty of game books to read; and my kickstarter sickness doesn't include creating spreadsheets to figure out what to buy...


It looked good from far; but once I tried to figure it out the reward levels, and different levels of stretch goals are sort of confusing. I think this could have been 2-3 Kickstarters and I probably would have bought into one or more of them. But as is, I can't figure it out, and can't be bothered. I've already got plenty of game books to read; and my kickstarter sickness doesn't include creating spreadsheets to figure out what to buy...
Hmm. Seemed pretty easy to me. $55 gets you one box of your choice in hardcopy and PDF and all silver stretch goals. I stopped looking at the rewards past that one as it was very unlikely I would buy more than one box.


First Post
Love the Gooey Cube community. Playing in their campaign and now running it. I contribute ideas and will be printed in their next book. Look into joining that! The kickstarter is going great, but they deserve the best. Awesome art for most, if not all NPCs as handouts. Puzzles, mystery, a lot of story, dialogue, etc... I bought tier 11, because I own the Roll20 modules, but wanted all their stuff now and in the future. Join in making the World of Zyathe complete and successful. I am inspired and thrilled to be here! The portrait of myself as an NPC turned out great also.

Alphinius Goo

Hail Friends and a most hearty and hale thank you to Egg Embry for our mention. I do think many will love our materials and I do think they will aid GMs in making their games more immersive and enthralling for their players while making the GM's life far easier in the process. @Eyes of Nine ... Our apologies as I do know our Kickstarter is fairly packed. We have a rather dedicated community that has purchased much of our materials from the last year. But there are MANY folks who have never heard of us. So we had to do a combined "old stuff/new stuff" and that's why it is a bit more than many might do. In any case... I would be most pleased to assist you in any way I might. My email is Alphinius.Goo@GooeyCube.com. =)

And @dave2008 ... thank you for your support for the Gooey Cube. I do think you will be pleased with our stuffs my friend!! Please use the email above to email me with any questions. Cheers!!

Hail Friends and a most hearty and hale thank you to Egg Embry for our mention. I do think many will love our materials and I do think they will aid GMs in making their games more immersive and enthralling for their players while making the GM's life far easier in the process. @Eyes of Nine ... Our apologies as I do know our Kickstarter is fairly packed. We have a rather dedicated community that has purchased much of our materials from the last year. But there are MANY folks who have never heard of us. So we had to do a combined "old stuff/new stuff" and that's why it is a bit more than many might do. In any case... I would be most pleased to assist you in any way I might. My email is Alphinius.Goo@GooeyCube.com. =)

And @dave2008 ... thank you for your support for the Gooey Cube. I do think you will be pleased with our stuffs my friend!! Please use the email above to email me with any questions. Cheers!!
Thanks for being so open to discussing your products! :)

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