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Planescape Planescape: Fantasy Taken to the Edge (5e conversion)

Matthew Hudson

First Post
Hey Quickleaf, I just needed to add, this is an amazing amount of work and creativity you've put into this! While I'm no Planescape expert, I remember the setting fondly as one of my first D&D experiences. I love the idea of running a campaign with some of the publilshed and original material in a 5e setting. I've been in vacuum mode trying to grab anything and everything I can find on the subject and would love a copy of the scribd package you mentioned above since it sounds like it has things I haven't yet found.

I was going through some of your created documents and it looks like there's still quite a few empty spots marked with "?" or bullets indicating you planned to put more in. Is there a more recent finished copy of these docs? I just want to make sure I'm working with the most final version of all the work you've done :)

I'm new to enworld so it won't let me send a PM, but I was hoping you could send one to me? Thanks and keep it up! Stuff like this is why I keep faith in the D&D franchise and the community that keeps it alive

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Hey Quickleaf, I just needed to add, this is an amazing amount of work and creativity you've put into this! While I'm no Planescape expert, I remember the setting fondly as one of my first D&D experiences. I love the idea of running a campaign with some of the publilshed and original material in a 5e setting. I've been in vacuum mode trying to grab anything and everything I can find on the subject and would love a copy of the scribd package you mentioned above since it sounds like it has things I haven't yet found.

I was going through some of your created documents and it looks like there's still quite a few empty spots marked with "?" or bullets indicating you planned to put more in. Is there a more recent finished copy of these docs? I just want to make sure I'm working with the most final version of all the work you've done :)

I'm new to enworld so it won't let me send a PM, but I was hoping you could send one to me? Thanks and keep it up! Stuff like this is why I keep faith in the D&D franchise and the community that keeps it alive

Hi Matthew, welcome to ENWorld!

Glad to hear my efforts may be helpful for your campaign. Absolutely, the pdf document is on my GoogleDrive (follow that link). It's a pretty good setting primer, and whoever the author is (unknown) definitely borrowed some of my conversion work & that of others online.

No, I haven't had time to "fill in the blanks" as it were. Moved onto other projects. I have a heap of homebrew Planescape material I'm sitting on... but a lot is connected to my old AD&D campaign and I've kept that stuff off the internet. A bit protective of it. Plus, it's totally unplaytested and diverges from the source material slightly.

EDIT: I've been contemplating picking up this Planar Bestiary pdf on DMsGuild; looks like it fills in a lot of holes in terms of Planescape critters and the few reviews are really positive.

Lennon M

First Post
Thanks for all your hard work in compiling these materials, it hugely helps DMs running 5e planescape campaigns!

I've been building a Random Portal Generator based on your tables and several others'.
It uses the main Planescape Great Wheel cosmology but added the Shadowfell and Feywild to the roster too.
It's still a WIP as I have yet to add Shifting portals, but it's definitely usable now.

Roadmap includes: shifting portal patterns, more keys, more flavor descriptions, more conditions, adding complications, and lastly, 5e formatting and suggested skill checks.

Any feedback from you or the community is appreciated.

Random Planar Portal: https://perchance.org/random-planar-portals

Portal destinations, keys, colors, layers, etc are pulled from this file: https://perchance.org/portal-data
(Click 'edit' to see the full list)

EDIT: Once I'm ready to post on reddit, I will have a full list of credits, with Quickleaf as the number one contributor!


Sweet! Nice tool [MENTION=6981727]Lennon M[/MENTION] :)

[SECTION]The door is barred with a giant web.

It appears to be a permanent portal that leads to Muspelheim (The Heroic Domains of Ysgard).

It requires a warrior’s spirit to open, which is not consumed.[/SECTION]

EDIT: I added a "table of contents" to the first post, and included your Random Planar Portal tool in the links.
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Thanks for creating & maintaining such a great resource Quickleaf. I am starting a new campaign using Codex as the framework.
You're welcome, MechaMouse. Hope it serves your game well! Also, I just added a link in the OP to The Portal Resource (random tables I wrote up). And definitely check out DMDave's (am I remembering that right?) planescape conversion work & The Planar DM is a newer blog that's running Planescape in 5e I believe.

Hi there. I signed up just to thank Quickleaf for such an amazing work. As a big fan of the setting and of the Torment videogame I've always found the default faction abilities in the core box and Manifesto kinda uninspired and restrictive. This adaptation makes them much more interesting.

One question, if I may: I found a couple PDFs from an author called Chris Perkins (click!) which share some of your ideas, Quickleaf. They seem to portray a more detailed faction progression with a Renown rank, while the model here seems simpler. Is this thread version outdated, or is it a case of alternative methods? I actually find the version in this thread more to my taste as it's simpler and to the point, but I could see a faction focused game fitting the one in the PDF. Is this the intention?

Thanks again for the great work!
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Have you compiled all of this in a single document? I'd love to have it.

I have not.

A lot happened since I shared this in 2014? 2015? Had a few years break from roleplaying due to friends having children, personal challenges, grad school, and so forth. Got back into it again in 2018 playing in a friend's Pathfinder game, then ran 5e Tomb of Annihilation, a few one-shots, and then COVID happened. We just started a new campaign online which is more Egyptian fantasy. So I haven't returned to Planescape in a while, even though I think of the setting very fondly.

Hi there. I signed up just to thank Quickleaf for such an amazing work. As a big fan of the setting and of the Torment videogame I've always found the default faction abilities in the core box and Manifesto kinda uninspired and restrictive. This adaptation makes them much more interesting.

One question, if I may: I found a couple PDFs from an author called Chris Perkins (click!) which share some of your ideas, Quickleaf. They seem to portray a more detailed faction progression with a Renown rank, while the model here seems simpler. Is this thread version outdated, or is it a case of alternative methods? I actually find the version in this thread more to my taste as it's simpler and to the point, but I could see a faction focused game fitting the one in the PDF. Is this the intention?

Thanks again for the great work!

You're welcome Vini! Hope it serves you well. And welcome to ENWorld :)

That "Chris Perkins" document is great btw. No idea who the original author is, nor if it's the Chris Perkins closely associated with D&D or not. My friend found it somewhere online years back. I think I may have linked to it in my OP or one of my followup replies too.

The detailed Renown-Faction system was implemented by Adventurer's League after I'd shared my rough ideas for translating Planescape to 5e. So the author must have drawn on the AL Renown-Faction document as inspiration.

Both are equally valid ways to approach the factions. Use whichever you like best!

Another approach worth checking out is Jacob Driscoll's: Faction Backgrounds - Jacob's Personal Wiki He treats the factions as backgrounds, but then he also adds a 3-tier Renown model reflecting the old namer/factotum/factor breakdown of Planescape faction ranks, doling out advancing abilities as you rise through the ranks. I think his approach strikes a nice balance and is very well designed.

Thanks, Quickleaf. I checked Driscoll faction background and it's great. Though it seems not all factions have their renown table completed (or maybe I'm missing something?).

And I had this idea for the Godsmen factotum:

  • You develop the spark of divinity. Name one aspect of existence (a narrow one - gentle rain, bar fights, quick lies). While doing something related to it, using it, or on it, all your rolls are with Advantage.
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