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(he, him)
In complete arcane there's a feat that allows to activate a second wand by expanding 2 charges from it.
Thanks. I have a copy of Complete Arcane, so I will check it out. EDIT: It is exactly how you described it. There is also the Cannith Wand Adept PrC from Sharn City of Towers, which is even more inefficient - 1d4 charges from each wand. Hilariously, neither the feat nor the PrC ability specify only standard action spells, so you could dual wield wands of lesser restoration just to get the casting time down.

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(he, him)
I should be still updating the Legendary Feats chapter, but I got to Master Wand, and then got inspired to veer off on a tangent. I tend to bounce around like this a lot, because when I think of something I want to get it down before I forget. How does this look as an Epic feat?

Epic Wand Adept [Epic, Focus]
Prerequisites: Cha 19; Spellcraft 20 ranks; Caster/manifester level 21, Use Magic Device 20 ranks, or Craft Wand​
Benefits: You gain a Focus Pool containing one point, or add one point to your Focus Pool to a maximum of three points. You may only spend one focus point on any given wand activation.​
For any wand spell for which you do not already have a caster level, you gain a caster level equal to you Epic caster level bonus, and a key spellcasting ability score equal to your key Use Magic Device ability score (usually Charisma).​
For wand spells with an attack roll, you may substitute your ranks in UMD for your bab if it is higher. You may use your key spellcasting ability score or key UMD ability score in place of your Strength or Dexterity for such attack rolls.​
When activating a wand, you may use your own caster level and/or spell DC if they are higher than the wand's own.​
You may draw a wand from your belt, a bandolier, or a wrist sheath as a free action, rather than a move or swift action.​
When activating a wand with a casting time greater than one standard action, you may expend a focus point to reduce the activation time to one standard action.​
When activating a wand with an attack roll and a casting time and one standard action or less, you may spend a focus point to make a full attack with the wand as a standard action. You may make up to the number of attacks with the wand that you would make with a single weapon (melee or ranged as appropriate to the spell), including where appropriate feats such as Rapid Shot and spells such as haste, with penalties for iterative attacks etc applying as normal. The maximum number of attacks may be increased if your ranks in Use Magic Device are higher than your bab. Each attack made this way uses one charge (or one spell slot if using Master Wand), even if the spell would normally permit multiple attacks for one casting. If you need to make a UMD check to activate the wand, make a single check at the start and it applies to all activations for that full attack. As usual for a full attck, you can abort to a standard action after a single attack, but the focus points is still spent.​
You may spend a focus point to apply the effects of Empower Spell, Enhance Spell, Intensified Spell, Magnify Spell, and/or Maximise Spell to a spell activated from a wand, even if you do not know have those feats, up to a maximum slot-level total modifier equal to your EB. If you do have the feat in question, its effective slot-level modifier is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).​
Special: The above benefits also apply to dorjes, substituting power for spell, manifester level for caster level, and key manifesting ability score for key casting ability score as appropriate. The list of feats you can apply by spending a focus point becomes Empower Power, Magnify Power, and Maximise Power, and the limit becomes one extra power points worth of metamagic per point of EB. You do not have to expend you psionic focus to apply metapisonic feats to a dorje power in this way.​

Synergy: If you have Epic Warrior, you may make a wand full attack as a standard action plus a swift action (effectively trading a swift action for a move action). Furthermore, if you have Epic Warrior or Epic Multi-Attack, the reductions to iterative penalties apply to wand full attacks.​
If you have Dual Wand Weilder, you no longer pay extra charges to activate both wands. Furthermore, if you have Dual Wand Weilder or Two-Wand Technique and Two Weapon Fighting and have a wand in each hand with an attack roll spell, you may make a wand full attack using both wands using the normal rules for two-weapon fighting (treating both wands as light). Make any UMD checks required to activate the wands before any attacks are made and before declaring which hand is primary.​
If you have the Automatic Metamagic or Automatic Metapower feat that would be applicable to the spell or power contained in the wand, you can spend a focus point when activating a wand to apply one or more metamagic or metapsionic feats linked to that feat to the wand spell or power.​
If you have the Dangerously Curious trait, the Charisma prerequisite becomes Intelligence instead.​
Focus Points are a mechanic from PF2 that I rather like and have been thinking of back-porting for a while, although this is the first time I have actually done anything concrete with them. They are kinda like encounter powers, but with their own twist.

I feel like there was more stuff to add under Synergy, but I cannot remember what right now, and in any case I have somewhere to be. EDIT: There was (Automatic Metamagic etc). I also added support for dorjes, and I discovered that there was a PF1-native (albeit third party) way of using two wands so I included support for that as well.

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(he, him)
Finally finished going thorugh the my to do list. Well, for small values of finished - mostly just the stuff to be made into Legendary feats, although I did add the new Epic feats from the previous post (dropping "Epic" from its name - too many Epics already), and make a few minor corrections.

When I got to Polygot, I realised I had not addressed languages in the general case, so I did so (and clarified skill ranks a bit as I did so).

BTW, does anyone know how "dorje" is pronounced?



  • PF1 Epic Heroes 0.9.2.pdf
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(he, him)
Where am I? Going back through all the bullet points and removing the ones I think I have already addressed, I still end up with quite a list:
  • Maybe make Epic Rage compatible with skalds? EDIT: On reflection, probably a bad idea to give that much martial power to a 6-level caster who can spread it around. Maybe they should have their own Epic feat instead (apart from Epic Performer)?
  • Create an Epic feat for non-magical hp restoration (probably)
  • Maybe simply Epic Martial Artists weapon group, and definitely figure out what if anything it should do apart from allowing flurry with a wider variety of stuff.
  • What else could I add to [Epic Weapon Master] that is in theme?
  • Need an Epic Alchemy feat, but it probably will not look much like the ELH one.
  • The only thing that springs to mind here is the possibility of a charge-based feat. But almost certainly not full attack based, so I am not sure what it would do instead.
  • Actually write the Cosmic Spellcasting chapter.
  • Could do something with Paladin's Auras, but if so it would not just be doubling the bonus.
  • I could maybe do something with Improved Elemental Widshape if I could think of a clean way to limit it to "elemental" creatures that do not have the Elemental subtype, like Salamanders without including everything with an Earth, Air, Fire, or Water subtype
  • Maybe do something more to encourage single attacks (beyond what is in Epic Warrior).
  • Consider what to do with Legendary Tracker and Legendary Wrestler.
  • Either bring back Positive Energy Aura or roll it into a broader Epic Channeller feat.
  • Either bring back Reflect Arrows or roll it into a broader Epic Reflection feat.
  • Maybe figure out and Epic IUS feat
  • Figure out whether Shattering Strike is part of that or its own thing.
  • Figure out what to do with Undead Mastery/Zone of Animation.
  • Figure of what to do with Vorpal Strike.
ETA: A couple more things for the to-do list that I thought of but have not already mentioned in the thread (or I have but I missed them on this pass through):
  • Actually write the Epic Magic Items chapter.
  • Expand support for "psionics"*. Although, I am playing a "psionic" character in one campaign at the moment, so probably best to wait a bit on that one until I have a bit more experience.
  • Better support Summoners and Spiritualists. I have one of each in the possibly-going-to-end-up-Epic campaigns.
  • Come up with some "higher-level" Epic feats for martials. They have fairly decent support at 21st level, but their stuff does not scale like casters' does (or will do once later chapters are more complete...).
  • Speaking of which, create a bunch more Epic spells.

(* In the Dreamscarred Press sense. Scare quotes because while I like it quite a lot as an alternative magic system, it does not feel particularly psionic to me.)
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(he, him)
That is a big list, and I was going to go through an try to sort things by priority, but I decided to just pick something an get on with it. And this is the thing I picked:
Actually write the Epic Magic Items chapter.
First things first, in the original ELH Epic magic items can basically exceed any and all limits placed on magic items in the core rules - I am not going to do that. There are a number of reasons for that, but the biggest one is this: If you can have ever increasing bonuses from very-expensive magic items, you are going to put those numbers in the things that you were already good at. Thereby scuppering all the gap-narrowing that the first chapter tried to do. Also, there is my general distaste for the "Christmas tree".

So what numbers are Epic magic items allowed to add to? At the moment, I am thinking just AC and attack/damage. Maybe natural armour (since there is already a feat for that anyway), although if so that will probably not be in the form of ever-increasing amulets.

I have a kinda-weird idea about it being a side-effect of Epic heavy armour. Like the padding under it will give a NA bonus equal to some fraction of the suit's enhancement bonus.

Also, it is annoying that despite being set to English (GB), Firefox's spellchecker still objects to "armour".

As an aside, I thought of something else to add to Epic Weaponmaster: Allowing you to qualify for Craft Magic Arms and Armour, and enhance your own weapons without regard to caster level. Might have a Epic Armour Master feat with similar benefits with regard to armour (and other stuff of course).


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