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Le Redoutable's Catchall Threads

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
a system to provide power points ( as used in Champions / Hero rpg )
you still have usual stats;
then, if two or more stats have the same value, in lieu of adding them together, you multiply them one with another ( like in :
1,3,5,5,4,3 = 1+3x3+4+5x5=39
1,2,3,4,5,7 = 22
2,8,9,9,9,4 = 2+4+8+9x9x9 = 743


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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
here something I am very proud of :

SL = spell level
FP = fatigue points expenditure
RT = recovery time
SCL = Spell Caster Level

SL/FP ===> RT
-/0 =====> instantaneous
-/1 =====> 1 minute
-/2 =====> 5 minutes
0/3 =====> 1/4 hour
1/4 =====> 1 hour
2/5 =====> 3 hours
3/6 =====> 8 hours
4/7 =====> 1 day
5/8 =====> 3 days
6/9 =====> 1 week
7/10 ====> 1 month
8/11 ====> 3 months
9/12 ====> 1 year
-/13 ====> 3 years
-/14 ====> 1 decade
-/15 ====> 3 decades
--/-- ==> Beyond Range

SCL RT Adjustment
1 ---- +5
3 ---- +4
5 ---- +3
7 ---- +2
9 ---- +1
12 ---- +0
14 ---- -1
16 ---- -2
18 ---- -3

ex: a Wish spell ( 9th Level ) launched by a 12th Wizard Level
will have an expenditure of 12 FP, which will get recovered in 1 year
( because at SCL 12 you add +0 to the RT of any SL )
ex2 : a 6th Level Heal spell ( from a Priest Spell List )
cast by a 18th Level chr will cost -3 in the 6/9 SL/FP ( so, FP 6 ) and will get recovered in 8 hours


le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
For those who love rolling dice :

I here use d6T ( french Trafiqués ) where
All 1,2,3 = 3
4,5,6 = 4,5,6
To a bell curve of 3+3+3+4+5+6 = 24 / 6 = 4
Here's the topic :
The goal is 100 ( for a point - buy of 100 / 4 = 25 )
Easy : you roll d6T and add the scores together, until you reach ( or exceed ) 100
Then you record the number of dice rolled and you're done !

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
now let's call it WAYCON :

War (W)illpower
Acr (T)echnics ( (R)ecipes (P)roficiencies )
Yog (C)hi ( (E)nergy )
Cre (E)mpathy ( (A)wakening (G)oodness )
Ora (M)orale ( (T)ruth (L)aw )
Nin (S)tealth

( with Nin as Ninja )

Fighter ===========> WxT
Wizard ============> WxC
( peaceful )Brute => WxE
Ruler =============> WxM
Hunter ============> WxS
Bard ==============> TxC
Merchant ==========> TxE
Cleanser ==========> TxM
Courtisan =========> TxS
Druid =============> CxE
Priest ============> CxM
Illusionnist ======> CxS
Paladin ===========> ExM
Ranger ============> ExS
Monk ==============> MxS


edit: renamed Cleric to Priest
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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Initiative, and Blood Pressure :
Initiative is based on Reaction Time;
Blood Pressure is tied to available Strength,
Intelligence is ( somehow ) the art of taking shortcuts;
taking shortcuts can be tied to Evil ( because it's undeadly i.e. machine-typed data and also Chess-Player , unempathetic )
and Reaction time Adjustment was located under Dex ( in 1st Ed Ad&d )
voilà !

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
How to localyze the Psionicist Class :

so, in Ad&d 2nd Ed there were four core Classes;
they were
Thief ( yes sorry they already call 'em Rogues )

merge them 2 by 2 :

we can build six Magic-Using Classes :
Elementalist ( a Wizard a la Dragon Ball )
Illusionnist ( as per the 1st Ed Illusionnist )

the only build that isn't using a Spell-using Core Class ( neither Mage nor Priest ) is ... the Psionicist
so, Psionicist ( or Psion if preferred ) ===> Warrior/Thief

Warrior/Thief ==> Psionicist
Warrior/Mage ===> Elementalist
Warrior/Priest => Cleric
Thief/Mage =====> Illusionnist
Thief/Priest ===> Druid ( because of Pass Without Trace = Move Silently )
Mage/Priest ====> ( by Default ) Bard


le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
again about WAYCON :

Warrior - (W)illpower
Acrobat - (I)ntuition (M)anoeuvrability
Yoghin -- (C)hi
Cook ---- (E)mpathy ( more to come later )
Orator -- (T)ruth (P)restige
Ninja --- (S)tealth

edit :

(W)arrior - (I)mpact
(A)crobat - (M)anoeuvrability
(Y)oghin -- (E)nergy
(C)ook ---- (R)ecipes
(O)rator -- (T)ruth
(N)inja --- (S)tealth (S)ilence (S)moothness, Move Silently, Fine tuning

well, (M)ove (Si)lently => (M)anoeuvrability + (S)tealth ( lol )
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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
so, basically, Resurrection = Raise The Dead + Heal ?

also, Resurrection gives a Restoration, Regenerate, Cure Disease ( hm must be included in the Heal spell ( so you see where I'm going ? ) ...

so it's a shortcut ( castable in 1 rnd instead of using a round to Raise Dead, then another round to cast the Heal )

Resurrect ( as a 7th Level spell ) = Raise the Dead ( 5th Level ) + Heal ( a 6th Level Spell ) , so I wonder if you could use something like

Level cost
7 --- 64
6 --- 32
5 --- 16
4 ---- 8
3 ---- 4
2 ---- 2
1 ---- 1

so Resurrect's cost would be 64 pts, while Heal ( 32 pts ) + Raise the Dead ( 16pts ) cost a 48pts; minor Restoration ( from Baldur's Gate 2 ) is a 4th Level ( cost = 8 ) etc

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Bruce Lee and The Way of the Exploding Fist :

I've read in a book relative of Taï Chi Chuan there are 25 known types of Forces ( Strengths ? ), and the Exploding Fist is just one of'em;
I wish to scratch ( at least ein bischen ) his legend, because I do think Martial Arts are scratched by Fighting Sports which encourage Violence over Peace , which is a real shame ( it has produced movies à la Fight Club, like pubs for Krav Maga and the like, which are abominations because they can get a use in the massacre of young students ( in the realms of Jedis' code of conduct ) ===> hey it's just called Rogues !

moreover, Rogues are Dangerous because they don't own Black Belts :eek:

Voidrunner's Codex

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