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WotBS In Pathfinder 1st ed

Andrew Moreton

As part of my early stages of prep I am looking at the stats for the npc's , most of them will move fairly easily across to PF , with no more trouble than the normal rebuilds I do. However Leska in particular looks to be difficult, she is a above 20th level and well designed using prestige classes several of which do not exist in PF and has epic spells. Has anyone done a conversion of her they are happy with.
My impression I am going to have to go with a concept match rather than a direct conversion. Mystic THeurge just won't work without the extra levels. If she is going to have to stand off 4 20th level characters I am going to have to build her as mythic I think , and I hate mythic.

I can't jsut use 3.5 as the books are in storage, I have been running pf for a long time so the slightly different rules will mess things up , and my computer support will only cover PF not 3.5

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Well, just break the rules. She's done a bunch of rituals, and is channeling power from many followers, and has pacts with Hell, and her veins flow with the blood of a divine eagle.

Hell, why even worry about a statblock? Just decide what spells you want her to be able to cast, and say that she is casting three spells per round with the aid of Metamagic Rod, Quicken – d20PFSRD and some absolute bonkers magic she has done, and don't fret how she got there.

Andrew Moreton

I could just break the rules but I like to stick with legal characters so it is a fair contest for the players, also I enjoy designing high powered characters. It's a shame to not use one of the better written powerful npc's I have come across. No doubt I will come up with something

Bill T.

My original plan (under D&D 3.5) was to use the E6 rules, pushed up to E20: Rather than have her and the players gain levels after 20th, they simply pick up feats. For 3.5, one level is supposed to be worth about 5 feats, but I'd guess the ratio is different for PF1.

Leska's statblack at the end of the "Wintry Song of Agony" chapter is probably the best place to start, regardless, as she simply has levels there -- nothing epic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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