Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


LEW Judge
I'm going to reconstruct as much of the thread as I can from google's cache, and fill in the bits in the middle with a brief synopsis from memory. Note that, since most (all?) of you first posted your characters after the backup, your character posts have gone missing. Please repost them -- and if you haven't kept a copy of the character, tell me, since I've copied most of the crunchy aspects of all your characters to my spreadsheet.


Chapter 1: To the stronghold
02-21-06, 06:59 PM
First, some procedural rules:

I'm not picky about who does the rolling, so generally whoever calls for a roll can do it. If you're attacking, or making an "action" skill check such as Climb, you can roll it yourself -- most ENworlders like to use Invisible Castle (http://www.invisiblecastle.com). I'm not paranoid about player cheating, so if Invisible Castle is down feel free to use a die or a ranodm number generator and I'll trust you. Spot and Listen checks, or saving throws, will usually be more convenient for me to do. I'll be keeping your important numbers in a spreadsheet, so I can easily do rolls for everyone that way. And never do yor own Sense Motive checks -- I don't want you to know if you rolled well or not.

In situations sensitive to delay -- typically combat -- I reserve the right to assume temporary control of any character for whom we've waited 24 hours or more. I may wait a little longer if I see fit -- if you anticipate being offline for 2 days let me know in advance -- but you'll always have at least 24 hours to post.

In combat, feel free to post out of turn. I'll adjudicate them in order, unless it's a really trivial distinction. For example, suppose the initiative order is Lokin, Zurd, Filalia, monsters, Kol, ... If Lokin and Zurd are hacking at the monsters, I won't be picky about the order, so if I have a post from Zurd but not Lokin, I'll not wait. But if Filalia is going to cast a spell to buff the party, that will have to be done in order, and Kol's post can't be processed early because the monsters go before him.

One caveat to that: if there is any chance whatsoever that what happens between your post and your actual initiative will make you change your plan, don't roll yet. I won't let you take anything back once it's been rolled -- the decision would have to be made before you learned how well you did.

And now what you have been waiting for...

Kongu is waiting outside the Red Dragon Inn bright and early. She appears to be better equipped for adventuring than when you all first met her yesterday. She's ditched the flashy cloak for garb better suited for possible Hide checks. She's wearing leather armor and has a sword and a large backpack.

Everyone, post at least once to check in before I describe your journey to the complex. If we don't hear from Sarridy or Studious, we'll say they slept in, we didn't know where to find them, and decided to leave without them. A little more danger and a little more treasure for the rest of us. :)

02-21-06, 08:23 PM
Lokin appears outside the Inn, once again fully armed with bastard sword, shield, shortbow. His chainmail weighs heavily on his shoulders and the chain skirt clinks noisely. As he walks down to meet the group, he dons his steel cap. He seems to walk a little slower with all this equipment. "You think I could afford to leave any of this?" He gestures to his bedroll, a heavy coiled rope, torches, and several other maintenance items. "I figure I could drop outside the keep when we get there. Might slow our walk a little but I wasn't sure if time was of the essence." He shrugs. "Otherwise, I'm good to go."

02-21-06, 10:18 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

“Juksuc!” “That sun is bright this morning!”

Zurd walks out the door, obviously hung over drinking heavily from a water-skin, his eyes bloodshot and tearing. His foppish garb is replaced with a well cared for suit of studded leather armor and a grey green traveling cloak. He is carrying a ransuer in one hand, several daggers are strapped in a bandolier on his chest. He wears a wickedly curved sword in his belt. It is well made but obviously or orcish design. High boots of utilitarian design complete the ensemble. He is wearing a backpack, with everything strapped well down in a professional way so that it makes little or no noise when walking.

The dogs follow him out sporting little harness like backpacks of their own. They have their own water-skins strapped to their packs as well.

After they take care of their business, since Zurd was drinking all night they didn’t get a chance to go out, they immediately start sniffing around the group, looking for praise and a few pets – tails thumping wildly.

Zurd greets everyone in turn in a friendly way. When he greets Payne his voice is a little more personal….

“Morning Payne”, he says with a smile.”

He stretches a little as he waits for the others to come down making small talk with anyone who seems willing about the weather, their prospects.

Right before they leave, he downs the rest of his water-skin, and refills it from the well outside the Inn...

02-21-06, 11:55 PM
I'd be happy to be the judge on this one.

02-22-06, 05:05 AM
Kol arrived in short order. As he saw the gathering group he stretched and yawned then approached. "Morning all! Aye...a fine day for travelling" he stated appraising the morning sunshine. "I feel renewed after a night of revelry...What say you Zurd?" he said with a wink. "When are we off?" he asked while absently petting the hounds.

02-22-06, 05:15 AM
Filalia appears with her gear, which is light in comparison to most of the party. "I llike to travel light, especially if its a long distance. I had to walk a long way to reach here." she explains.

02-22-06, 05:47 AM
"Filalia", Zurd says, "I would be more than happy to help you if you have something you need but can't carry."

"No insult intended, Filalia, nor is there any implication that you are weak, we all have our contributions to make, I can even add a little to the dogs packs if you'd prefer that. "They have their own strengths to bring along as well."

"Your magic and intelligence are most welcome and skills I will never have."

"So. if you have something you need my offer is genuine."

02-22-06, 05:50 AM
Zurd rolls his bloodshot eyes at Kol along with a freindly smile in response, "Oh yea top form, totally refreshed - hehehe."

02-22-06, 06:34 AM
Save the best for last? Payne had waited until all important matters seemed to be out of the way last night, before slinking off. Majority of her night was spent held up within the room she had rented from Joe, sharpening her daggers and doing her own personal prayers for the upcoming venture. Payne wasn't a religious woman, but it still didn't hurt to appease the Gods. Focused on what laid ahead, the femme fatale didn't sleep much. No worries, it wouldn't slow her down none. Arriving last to the gathering of party members, the cloack pulled tight about her features as it had been at her first appearance at the tavern. None could see within the darkness of her cowl, and our girl liked it that way. Not to mention it shielded her from the invasive rays of sunshine. Head bobbed to those standing there, apparently waiting on her, and a rough'd toned hello to Zurd and Kol. Gloved hand snuck out of her cloak to offer a pat to both of Zurd's pups' heads. ``Just like a lady, keeping everyone waiting.``

02-22-06, 07:13 AM
"Filalia", Zurd says, "I would be more than happy to help you if you have something you need but can't carry."

Lokin looks over at Zurd. "Well, I didn't know you could spare some strength. You think you could take this bedroll, maybe. Maybe this rope? Weighs more than you'd expect." Lokin suddenly looks over at Filalia and understands that maybe the offer was to her in particular. "Or, you know, I got it...actually."

02-22-06, 07:31 AM
I've been compiling the spreadsheet on which I keep the important info from your character sheets, and in the process I noticed what seem to me a few discrepancies. Please clarify these for me:

(1) Lokin: You're wearing chainmail, which is medium armour, so with or without the medium load your speed should be only 20'.
(2) Zurd: Your AC calculations include a shield bonus, but your equipment list does not include a shield.
(3) Zurd and Payne: Both of you have ACP of -1. I've already figured that out, so I don't need to see it on the sheet now, but neither of you have it listed (you have "-X" at the top of the sheet)
(4) Kol: How do you get a +3 to damage from your shortbow? It isn't listed as a composite bow, so there's no strength bonus to apply.
(5) Payne: You include the stats for attacking with a rapier, although you don't have one.
(6) Zurd: Have you got stats for the dogs?
(7) Payne: You have a medium load, so your movement also should be 20'.
(8) Filalia: You have your age listed as 19, but you're an elf. Elves don't reach adulthood until 110, and with the time needed to study wizardry you'd need to be at least 120 years old. This doesn't actually qualify as "important", but it did catch my eye so I thought I'd point it out.

Everyone -- if there are any provisions or equipment you want to buy before starting, make the changes now and I'll assume the purchases were actually made last night. Keep in mind it will be a full day's travel to get there, and another full day to get back. Also, I'll need to see Filalia's spells memorized.

Kongu greets each of you in turn. Her disposition is cheerful, and she shows the same excitement about the venture that you all witnessed last night in the tavern.

Lot said:
"You think I could afford to leave any of this?" He gestures to his bedroll, a heavy coiled rope, torches, and several other maintenance items. "I figure I could drop outside the keep when we get there. Might slow our walk a little but I wasn't sure if time was of the essence."

"Perhaps. I think we should still be able to get there in a day of walking,
although I certainly would like to get there quicker. If a delay of a few hours means that someone else carts away the treasure we're hoping to get, it would probably have been already taken thirty years ago."

DerHauptman said:
The dogs follow him out sporting little harness like backpacks of their own. They have their own water-skins strapped to their packs as well.

After they take care of their business, since Zurd was drinking all night they didn’t get a chance to go out, they immediately start sniffing around the group, looking for praise and a few pets – tails thumping wildly.

Kongu pets them each in turn. "How are you this morning, Kurg? You ready for the journey, Zura?" She then turns to Zurd and whispers "Did I get the names right or did I switch them around?"

hero4hire said:
"When are we off?" he asked while absently petting the hounds.

"I think we can leave now", Kongu replies. "I'd wait for the other two you were with, but I don't think they're coming. They both seem to have drunk too much last night. You all don't mind? Six is plenty, and there'll be more treasure for each of us this way."

Question said:
"I llike to travel light, especially if its a long distance. I had to walk a long way to reach here."

"That's always nice, if you can manage it," the redhead replies. She taps her backpack as she continues. "I picked up a few odds and ends, just in case. You never know what we'll want. But I tried to keep it as light as I could too. I hope you've at least got food for the journey?

TwistedMindInc said:
Arriving last to the gathering of party members, the cloack pulled tight about her features as it had been at her first appearance at the tavern. None could see within the darkness of her cowl, and our girl liked it that way. Not to mention it shielded her from the invasive rays of sunshine. Head bobbed to those standing there, apparently waiting on her, and a rough'd toned hello to Zurd and Kol. Gloved hand snuck out of her cloak to offer a pat to both of Zurd's pups' heads. ``Just like a lady, keeping everyone waiting.``

"Don't worry, we weren't waiting long. Your timing was fine. Let's go."

Kongu leads the group out the western gates and along the road for the first few hours. Most of the way she's entertaining you -- well, any of you who wish to listen -- with the stories told of Hase and Suna. There's the story of how the two of them alone repelled an orcish invasion. There are the stories of the strange and abominable critters they killed. There are epic tales and romantic legends, for Hase and Suna were famous as both adventurers and lovers. The overall impression you get is that they are celebrated more for their prowess than for any nobility of motive, for while their deeds often saved many people from likely death, the protagonists probably cared more for their pecuniary reward than for the beneficiaries of their great deeds.

Kongu's storytelling abilities are worth listening to (Perform (oratory) check: 16) for those of you who like such stories, and keep the long walk from getting dull. After about four hours on the main road, passing many farms, Kongu points to a path through the woods. "That's the way to the stronghold. It'll be a few more hours. We should eat our lunch soon -- would you rather stop here, or in the woods?"

02-22-06, 08:37 AM
I just forgot to add the ACP to the top of the sheet, the computations are all done correctly in the skills portion, I just didn't put the humber at the top.

Don't even really know why its up there to be honest..

A for the shield; I have never had one its a formating thing. I have base of 10 +3 armor and +2 dex = 15.

I''ll see if I can figure out how to line it all up now but that was my first time to ever use the code blaock sheet - and I an't no computer wizzard. :]

All he numbers are right the format for some reason didn't stick.

The dogs seats are and have been listed after the stat block (the code part) first thing you'll read. Gives a link to the information on the breed too. I have a pair; just thought I'd share....

They have listed there all the tricks they know as well.

Let me know if there is anything else.

02-22-06, 08:38 AM
OOC : Yea, i didnt originally have my char as an elf, so i forgot to change the age.

Spells memorized :

0th level :3x daze, 1x light, 2x ray of frost

1st level : 1x mage armor, 1x color spray, 1x burning hands

IC : Filalia thanks Zurd, saying "Thank you for your offer but i can carry my load myself....its fairly light"

Turning to Kongu "Enough to last a 2 way trip and then some."

Later :

Filalia considers the woods ahead for a moment. "Wouldnt it be safer to camp here?It would be easier to be caught off guard in the woods."

02-22-06, 09:03 AM
orsal said:
(4) Kol: How do you get a +3 to damage from your shortbow? It isn't listed as a composite bow, so there's no strength bonus to apply.

orsal said:
Kongu's storytelling abilities are worth listening to (Perform (oratory) check: 16) for those of you who like such stories, and keep the long walk from getting dull.

"From your tales I would almost expect that that they could have captured some of these exotic monsters. Using such beasts as guardians is not unheard of."

orsal said:
After about four hours on the main road, passing many farms, Kongu points to a path through the woods. "That's the way to the stronghold. It'll be a few more hours. We should eat our lunch soon -- would you rather stop here, or in the woods?"

"If we stop in the woods I will try to see what I can forage for something fresher to add to our jerky and tack."

OOC: Survival to forage (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371379)

02-22-06, 01:55 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Responding to Kongu's question about the dogs..."yea Kurg is the bigger" , <then whispering> "the dumber of the two, and Brown." At that Kurg lays on the ground and covers both eyes with his paws and whines a bit. "Kura is smaller of the two, black, white and grey, and more lazy than Kurg." With that Kura takes the same actions Kurg as if they are humbled by thier master's opinion or perhaps trained to present such emotional feed back.

"I am all for lunch here, I ordered a roast turkey last night at the Inn and didn't eat a bite Zurd says as he unwraps the large bird from some cloth he used to wrap it up in his pack, it might feed us all or at least augment our lunch. I also pilfered some fresh biscuts from the morning buffet." "I am sorry I have only one for each of us but they are relatively fresh."

"It's a litle early to break into the trail rations for my taste", he says with a mock choking sound.

"I will take the dogs and help Kol hunt for something for diner; perhaps some fresh game roasted over a fire would be nice with our other stores thi evening." "Do you have a bow Kol, I am afraid mine has been lost recently." "Hunting is usually more sucessful with one. If not, Anyone have a bow we can borrow for the meantime to see if we can scare up some game." "I'll work the dogs you can shoot, they dogs usually make hunting a sucessful venture."

Zurd takes the dogs and goes off with Kol to hunt some game for later....

Kurg, Aid another (scent) = 16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371468)
Kura Aid Another (scent) = 16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371471)

Zurd Forage/Hunting = 17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371472)
(+4 from Aid of dogs)

So I got food for me plus 5 and Kurg brings back a kill for him plus 6.

02-22-06, 06:56 PM
DerHauptman said:
Zurd takes the dogs and goes off with Kol to hunt some game for later....

Kurg, Aid another (scent) = 16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371468)
Kura Aid Another (scent) = 16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371471)

Zurd Forage/Hunting = 17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371472)
(+4 from Aid of dogs)

OOC: I think the Circumstance Bonuses from Aid Another don't stack (Not that there is much difference in this case)

Not having much luck Kol eventually sees Zurd again with his catch.
"Good job Zurd...Your pet's are indeed fine hunting hounds." the Maenad said appraisingly, while pushing back a long peice of his unruly black hair to get a better look at lunch.

02-22-06, 07:37 PM
Zurd says to Kol... "Ya I know I always tell people they are for looks but they do have some skills, I dunno where they learned them though." <winks>

I do believe you are right, I'll have one hunt by itself and we'll have more than we need. Food for 11 I think? Also, if our trip is long enough in the woods I'll teach you the orcish commands so one can go with you for beter results!

02-22-06, 07:41 PM
Lokin sits on a log, sharpening the blade of his sword. He whistles contently, enjoying a moment to be off his feet. He sees Zurd and Kol returning from the forest, carrying whatever game they were able to get. Lokin looks over at Payne.

"Everything okay between you and Zurd now? Or good enough? I know he talks a lot and...makes assumptions about other's participation. Just wanted to make sure things were acceptable for you. I got the impression that it's wise to remain on your good side."

02-22-06, 07:44 PM
When Kongu realizes that Kol and Zurd intended to forage en route, she says, "Ah, that explains why you wanted to slow down. Well, then we definitely won't get there tonight, then, but if you know what's edible it's a great way to get food." She joins Kol in his foraging, since she is less confident than he in her knowledge of the woods' bounty. (Aid another check: 11. Kol and Kongu together gather enough for one person, and Zurd for four. Anyone else? Kongu and Filalia both have enough rations for at least themselves, and Kongu at least is willing to share, so the party does have a bit of an emergency cushion should the Survival go badly on one day.)

hero4hire, do you have a cite for the non-stacking? My reading of the rule:
In many cases, a character’s help won’t be beneficial, or only a limited number of characters can help at once.
is that, unless I can think of a specific reason why this particular skill check wouldn't be helped by more than one assistant, there's no reason they can't. So my tentative DM ruling, barring some more specific rule quote being brought to my attention, is that yes, both dogs can aid Zurd.

02-22-06, 08:50 PM
orsal said:
hero4hire, do you have a cite for the non-stacking? My reading of the rule:

is that, unless I can think of a specific reason why this particular skill check wouldn't be helped by more than one assistant, there's no reason they can't. So my tentative DM ruling, barring some more specific rule quote being brought to my attention, is that yes, both dogs can aid Zurd.

OOC: I am horrible at rules lawyering...Actually Circumstance Modifiers CAN stack if they are different Circumstances. PP 171 of PHB states that "Most Circumstance" bonuses stack. I stand corrected.

02-22-06, 09:20 PM
OOC: If we're all doing foraging and hunting, I might as well try to pull my weight. While doing this, Lokin will remove his armor and shield but still carry his sword, though it is strapped across his back.

Survival: 3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371830)

As you can see, I was a huge help.

02-23-06, 12:39 AM
orsal said:
.....unless I can think of a specific reason why this particular skill check wouldn't be helped by more than one assistant, there's no reason they can't. So my tentative DM ruling, barring some more specific rule quote being brought to my attention, is that yes, both dogs can aid Zurd.[/ooc]

I had the bonuses stacked originally but changed them when Hero said I should. Since you are allowing them to stack then my total roll would be 17 which should increase the food by 2 which means everyone can have fresh game and such. The dogs will eat all the les savory protions - organs and such and be fine I think.

Zurd returns with 3 smaller wild rabbits a small duck and a few smaller birds all of which look a little worse fo the wear sporting lots of bite marks - plenty of food for the group to have fresh game along with enough berries and nuts for a little variety.

He rewards the dogs thouroughly with some playtime and love along with choice organs and other parts they would enjoy but the group less so.

Responding to Kongu, "I have plenty of rations, but why break into them if we have the abilty to get fresh food along the way." "I have lived for a long time in the woods with these two", <petting the dogs roughly> "and they have always proven themselves useful in scaring up small game." "Occasionally we will get lucky and get a small deer or wild pig as well."

"I think that we should eat a light snack from our rations perhaps thereby stretching them out by 1/2 day each unit."

"Tonight we could fix up a nice stew from the game berries and these tubers, I have gathered some saffron and some wild rose petals for flavor, I also have a bit of salt and pepper." "Wild onions, might be nice too we can look for those along the way to our nighttime rest site."

"What say you all to that idea?"

02-23-06, 02:20 AM
DerHauptman said:
I had the bonuses stacked originally but changed them when Hero said I should. Since you are allowing them to stack then my total roll would be 17 which should increase the food by 2 which means everyone can have fresh game and such. The dogs will eat all the les savory protions - organs and such and be fine I think.

I responded when you had both bonuses -- 17 allows you to feed four people, so altogether we can feed five. So you'll still need to use one person-day's worth of rations, unless Payne or Filalia makes a Survival check too.

DerHauptman said:
"I think that we should eat a light snack from our rations perhaps thereby stretching them out by 1/2 day each unit."

"Tonight we could fix up a nice stew from the game berries and these tubers, I have gathered some saffron and some wild rose petals for flavor, I also have a bit of salt and pepper." "Wild onions, might be nice too we can look for those along the way to our nighttime rest site."

"What say you all to that idea?"

"Sounds delicious", says Kongu.

So, you do the foraging as you move slowly toward the site. That means, assuming you don't want to do a forced march, you'll make camp about 5-6 miles from your destination. You can then walk the rest tomorrow morning. Is that what you want to do? If so, do you have a watch order for the night?

02-23-06, 05:42 AM
Lot said:
Lokin sits on a log, sharpening the blade of his sword. He whistles contently, enjoying a moment to be off his feet. He sees Zurd and Kol returning from the forest, carrying whatever game they were able to get. Lokin looks over at Payne.

"Everything okay between you and Zurd now? Or good enough? I know he talks a lot and...makes assumptions about other's participation. Just wanted to make sure things were acceptable for you. I got the impression that it's wise to remain on your good side."

Staying silent as per usual, the shadowing loving femme opts to stay out of the way while the other hustles about doing whatever they've got to get done in order to make the break offical. Hunting and gathering just not her thing. Wake her up when they've got a lock to pick or a trap to disarm. Trying to find some shade to take up refuge within, slender shoulder taking to the tree's trunk in a lean.. when Lokin spoke. They hadn't really talked before now so when his voice broke the nature's buzzing of birds and what-not, her normally cool exterior all most broke. All most. Hands lifted to tug back her hood, allowing the wind to sweep through those tendrils of ebony.

``Zurd is quite longwinded, yes, I must agree. And I've all ready spoke with him about getting ahead of himself and others with the assumptions he's made thus far. I believe, things have been cleared up. Though, I wouldn't concern yourself with my issues. I come complete with a whole list of them and once you get your toes wet, your in too deep.`` Her words came off harsh, but weren't intended as such. Twas just a friendly warning. Payne didn't let anyone in too close -- there were too many dangers in that. Couldn't keep up the ice queen reputation if she warmed up. Besides, there was a lot to be said for someone with so much mystery in their life; the more mysterious the rogue could stay.. they better protected those whom traveled with her were. ``I have a good side?`` She laughed softly, issuing a shrug with her final statement... eyes trekking towards the returning party. ``I've no problems with you Lokin, and as long as you mind yourself I don't think I ever will. I've enjoyed our talk..``

02-23-06, 05:53 AM
orsal said:
(3) Zurd and Payne: Both of you have ACP of -1. I've already figured that out, so I don't need to see it on the sheet now, but neither of you have it listed (you have "-X" at the top of the sheet)
(5) Payne: You include the stats for attacking with a rapier, although you don't have one.
(7) Payne: You have a medium load, so your movement also should be 20'.

OOC: I fixed my acp and took out the rapier, she'll just fight with her dagger and crossbow. As for the medium load, I/Payne are hoping to change that. She's gonna hit up one of the bigger guys (Kol, Zurd) to carry a few of her items so that she can keep up at 30. Sorry for the screw-ups!

02-23-06, 09:24 AM
OOC : Why?Everyone is moving at 20 ft anyway, slowest speed.I dont think im going to roll survival check....CC skill and no ranks in it doesnt seem likely.

Zurd : Do you mean stretching 1 unit of rations out to 2 days per unit?

IC : Zurd : "Sounds great, we shouldnt have any problems with rations this way."

02-23-06, 01:50 PM
"Right, Filalia, we eat a 1/2 ration for lunch, then eat fresh food for the evening meal perhaps augmented if we have to with rations - but everyone will get some fresh hot food."

"I am no gormet cook but I can do a stew easy enough, roast meat is also easy."

As for a watch list, Zurd can take any but his spot is really low (-1) but he has the dogs to acompany him on his watch. He can also set them to "Guard" and they have goog spot and listen scores for sure.

I recommend as a list, 5 watches (I think the mages needs more rest) starting at 2200 and lasting till 0600 or sunrise. 2200-2330/2330-0100/0101-0230/0231-0400/0400-0600 The last watch being a bit longer casue that person will fetch the morning water and get it boiling after he stokes the fire good and hot. He also has to wake the group.

"What do you think we should do about a watch for this evening?" "I say five watches the first four being 1 1/2 hours each and the last being 2."

"I think we can do it several ways, we can draw straws for the best watches - 1st and last and go by names in order for the rest of them." "Perhaps I will just volenteer to take the worst watch, which ironically enough is refered to as the "dog watch" on ships I am told." "That'd be the fourth watch."

"I think those of us with really sharp eyes should take the late watches." "I for one do not have sharp eyes, but they do, he says pointing to the hounds and thats the same thing mostly."

"That leaves the 1st, 2nd 3rd and morning watches open - with Lokin, Payne, Kol and Kongu without a watch." "Filalia, won't have a watch becasue she needs rest for arcane spells to work I think?"

"Honestly, I am not sure if that's a rumor or truth, never really worked with a mage before."

"So what will it be everyone - choose your poison?"

02-23-06, 02:49 PM
After a good, solid supper. Lokin removes his chainmail and gets ready to get some shut eye. "I'd like the third watch, if possible. I'd expect any trouble around that time and I'd prefer to be awake and armored if that occurs." If no one disagress, Lokin lays down on his bedroll. He straps his shield onto his left arm and lays it across his chest as he settles in. His sword is unsheathed and laying across his shield. He is quickly asleep.

02-23-06, 03:45 PM
OOC : Okay if we go for lunch outside the woods, then continue into the woods till nightfall, doesnt that mean we camp for night in the woods?And im not sure but i think you only need to rest to prepare spells, if you have prepared spells already you dont?

IC : Zurd : "Not necessarily....only to prepare spells.I made sure to do it before we left the inn, so we should be fine till we run into some trouble."

02-23-06, 07:25 PM
Orsal: Hey Orsal, Just curious. The very last thing I had Enialis do in the RDI was go out for a ride in this post (http://www.enworld.org/showpost.php?p=2913006&postcount=1023). I don't suppose it would be possible for Enialis to run into this party while he is out. In turn joining the adventure. Would it?
From the looks of it you aren't hurting for melee in this group. So you may not need another fighter. But I figure I might as well ask.

Note: Granted I just realized its been two days since he left, but still. Its not that unbelieveable to imagine Enialis spending the night outside.

02-23-06, 08:53 PM
``I'll take whichever shift. I don't really care any which way. Though, I'm better in the dark. So, I guess the second shift?`` Slight shrug.

02-23-06, 08:59 PM
A few OOC comments (Kongu is generally going to go along with the group's plans, except where it comes to tapping her knowledge, because I don't want the NPC driving decision making):

* Filalia will need the full 8 hours rest if she wants to change any of the spells on her prepared list. Otherwise, it shouldn't matter.

* An untrained survival check to get food in the woods isn't a long shot at all -- it's DC 10, and Kongu made it. Can't hurt, unless you have something else to do, or for IC reasons you don't want your character to being doing such things.

* For simplicity's sake, I'm not going to keep track of what you eat when. I'm keeping track of how much you eat (according to time elapsed), and how much food you gather (by survival checks), and the difference will be how much of your combined store of trail rations you need to use up.

* Kongu will take whatever watch shift you assign her.

Also, note to Xaov: I'd rather not try to incorporate anyone else into the adventure at this point -- we aren't so deeply involved that it would be impossible to have you retroactively fit in, but it still would be a little confusing, and there are more adventure opportunities back at the RDI. One adventure is recruiting already, and at least one other potential DM has indicated that he's putting together a vignette.

02-23-06, 09:20 PM
Kol threw down a bedroll and unrolled it. "Meh!!" He said as he stripped of his chain shirt. "Wake me when you want me." He took of his undershirt revealing a broad, stocky frame. His skin twinkled in the firelight as if he rolled around in powdered amethyst. He took his freshly filled waterskin and used it as a pillow. "Ahhhhhh..." he sighed as he got into a comfortable position.

02-23-06, 09:40 PM
hey np man. Just wanted to check.

02-23-06, 11:41 PM
"Ok so it looks like this then for watch, Filalia, you can take 1st watch since some of us might still be up then anyways to help ya out in case of trouble, then Lokin, then Payne, then Me, then Kongu."

"Kol can have the night off this time, perhaps we can go with this plan since it will give us all a chance to get a complete nights rest every so often? Not a bad Idea I think unless there are any counter ideas?"

"While on watch, I think we just need to keep our eyes and ears open, perhaps add wood to the fire every once in a while and wake the next person."

Zurd waits for some feedback not wanting to seem dictatorial or overtly in charge...

He will sleep in his armor but not his boots, casue they chafe a little and besides they make him feel a bit cluastrophobic.

He will have his ransuer proped on the tree beside him, with his sword belt near at hand as well. Being in light armor he is ok with it on for the night. The dogs will sleep with him curled up right next to him for warmpth and the pack like comfort feeling they share with their freind.

Once, before he goes to bed he will walk the perimeter of the camp out to about 200 meters on a small patrol with the dogs sniffing for any indications that they have company already.

He will then settle in on his bedroll for the night until his watch. During his watch he will make the same patrol twice but only out to about 100m so he is closer to the group in case he needs to wake them.

02-24-06, 05:57 AM
Zurd : "Sounds good". Filalia then settles down for the watch....

02-24-06, 06:18 AM
Kongu approves of the plan. "So I'm last. That sounds good. I'll be well rested by the time I need to be alert." She pulls out a bedroll and falls asleep quickly.

For Question:
About a half-hour after the others have gone to bed, Filalia hears a strange rustling sound in the trees to the south, suddenly louder than the normal noise of the wind

02-24-06, 06:36 AM
Orsal : How far are we from the woods?

02-24-06, 07:27 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Kura & Kurg: Dog, War: Medium Animal; HD 2d8+4; hp: 13; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk: +1; Grp +3; Atk: Bite +3 melee (1d6+3); full Atk: Bite +3 melee (1d6+3); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Trip; SQ: Low Light Vision, Scent; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis12, Cha 6. Skills and Feats: Jump +8*, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival+1*; Alertness, *Dogs have a +4 racial bonus to Jump; They also have a +4 bonus to Survival when tracking by scent.

Zurd, would not be asleep in 1/2 an hour after bedtime he'd be still laying down with the burden of leadership heavy in his thoughts.

Listen = 14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=372996)
Kurga Listen/Spot = 22/14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=372998)
Kura Listen/Spot = 8/12 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=372999)

I woulda had Kurg sit up and wake me as he has been trained to do when he hears or sees something at night. He'd stay put until I was ready though (unless he need to make a check or something for handle animal to stay as trained).

So, I'll wait till you tell me what if anything I hear before any actions are made.

02-24-06, 07:29 AM
Question said:
Orsal : How far are we from the woods?

You're in the woods -- the last three hours or so of travel (and foraging) took you through the woods.

02-24-06, 07:32 AM
DerHauptman: Kurg hears... well, read the spoiler for Filalia above.

02-24-06, 09:48 AM
( a bit out of order, sorry for the delay.)

Payne nods her agreement to the schedule of watch vs sleep, she too undoes her bedroll.. preparing for bed. The cloak is removed to exposed a leather clad female, lithesome in stature. Now that the engulfing article of clothing is out of the way, those who care to take notice see more scars have been revealed as more flesh has come into view. The criss crossing whip-kissed marks cover where-ever leather doesn't, and then some. ``Sounds fine Zurd, I'll be turning in now then to get some rest before my shift. Becareful when waking me, I bite.`` Said in general as she quickly tugs the leather armor off, not being able to sleep within it, and with a hasty smoothing of feminine under garments beneath.. she crawls into bed.

02-24-06, 11:06 AM
Filalia grabs a log from the fire, playing the light from it over the trees to the south, trying to see whats making the noise.

02-24-06, 01:58 PM
Kurg wakes Zurd with a nudge from a wet nose.

Zurd, hearing the noise him self is more curious than concerned.

He grabs the ransuer and walks over to Filalia...

"I see you heard that as well?" "If someone is watching he camp they see us for sure already." "Zurd, peers south with his darkvision to see what the trouble is." (OOC: If he can't see what it is read the spoiler.)

"Its probably just game, Filalia, but it won't hurt for me to take a look. "I'm gonna head off north a bit out of he firelight and then walk a circle to the south moving east about 100 meters out." "If I need anyone I'll le ya know with a scream, hehehehe." I'll also send Kura back to lead you to me." I won't have any light, I don't need it, so ya won't be able to home in on that."

02-24-06, 04:17 PM
Filalia and Zurd: Filalia's light reveals nothing. Zurd moves to take a closer look, but also sees nothing out of the ordinary.

After a couple of minutes the noise stops and the sounds return to normal nighttime wilderness level.

02-24-06, 05:48 PM
"Well, Filalia...seems like nothing is a foot", Zurd says as he comes back into the firelight from his investigation.

"I think, I'll try to get some sleep now...just having a hard time drifting off with all the excitement...."

02-24-06, 05:57 PM
"Right....cant be too careful though.Sweet dreams."

02-24-06, 10:05 PM
Lokin's, Payne's, Zurd's and Kongu's shifts pass uneventfully. When Hyrag's light emerges on the eastern horizon, you begin to wake up. Kongu hands each of you some of the fruit gathered last night. "It's so calm out here, isn't it?"

02-25-06, 03:55 AM
The morning light awakens a hissing Payne, who is shielding her face with one arm. ``Is it always this bright so early?`` Muttered all most incoherently as squinted eyes survey her surroundings. It's not very often the rogue slept out in the wilderness. Yawning behind a gloved hand before climbing to her feet, the fruit Kongu produces for her is taken, but not before suiting up. Armor? Check. Cloak of Mystery? Check. Award winning personality? Check plus. She busily munches upon the offered up fruit as she waits for one of the big strapping men type to wake up, all this gear truly was a pain to carry. We'll see who wants to give a lady a hand.

02-25-06, 05:08 AM
Zurd wakes with a start as Kongu calls his name...

"Wha..." "I'm awake, I'm awake..."

After half a second he shakes his head and clearing his eyes and takes the friut from Kongu with a thanks. He goes about gathering up his gear making sure his pack is all secure and likewise those of the dogs.

Seeing Payne making some obvious choices when packing her gear he offers to take a few things for her. He packs the things onto the dogs back packs evenly, talking to her a moment as he does. "A pleasure he says, they won't even notice the extra weight." "They are surprisingly strong able to carry more than me for the most part." "Yet somehow I feel I should carry the most, silly huh?"

He takes pleasure in the fact he can help her, even if he knows its won't change the way she feels about him.

02-25-06, 06:35 AM
Filalia rubs the sleep from her eyes and takes the offered fruit."There was a bit of noise last night, not long after you all went to sleep, but that was all."

02-25-06, 06:54 AM
Question said:
Filalia rubs the sleep from her eyes and takes the offered fruit."There was a bit of noise last night, not long after you all went to sleep, but that was all."

Lokin wakes up easily; almost cheerfully. He rolls up his bedroll and prepares for the remainder of his hike. After donning his boots, armor, and weapons, Lokin grabs a quick breakfast. He walks over to Filalia. "What kind of noise? We're entering into dangerous territory and we can't take any chances." Lokin draws his sword and peers into the forest. "We should start talking about combat strategy. We've never worked together and I'd like to know what our basic plan is before the arrows start flying."

02-25-06, 07:55 AM
Filalia shrugs."A bit of rustling in the trees....zurd patrolled around a bit but couldnt find anything either.Might have been animals and might not. Are these woods known to be dangerous?"

02-25-06, 01:55 PM
Lot said:
Lokin wakes up easily; almost cheerfully. He rolls up his bedroll and prepares for the remainder of his hike. After donning his boots, armor, and weapons, Lokin grabs a quick breakfast. He walks over to Filalia. "What kind of noise? We're entering into dangerous territory and we can't take any chances." Lokin draws his sword and peers into the forest. "We should start talking about combat strategy. We've never worked together and I'd like to know what our basic plan is before the arrows start flying."

Eyes still closed and still lying down as if sleeping Kol speaks: "As long as you don't shoot me in the back I will be fine." He then opens his eyes and sits up with a yawn and a stretch. Stretching produced all sorts of audible popping sounds. He commenced to armouring himself at refitting his gear. He arches one eyebrow increduously, as he notes the backpacks on the dogs that somehow must have slipped his notice on the previous day.

02-25-06, 05:47 PM
Eyes still closed and still lying down as if sleeping Kol speaks: "As long as you don't shoot me in the back I will be fine."

Lokin looks over at Kol. "Yeah, I can handle that. I just mean, when an attack comes I don't want you running forward to fight, me standing my ground, Filialia running to make some distance to cast a spell, Kurd going one way, Payne the other..." Lokin still realizes he has a bastard sword drawn, which he has been gesticulating with wildly. He sheathes it again, slightly embarrassed. "I'm not talking about drilling or anything. I just wanted a basic idea of what everyone does when we get...I mean if we get attacked." He looks back to to Filalia "For instance, if we get ambushed, are you used to having someone defend you while you...make magic or whatever you do?"

02-25-06, 06:23 PM
Question said:
Filalia shrugs."A bit of rustling in the trees....zurd patrolled around a bit but couldnt find anything either.Might have been animals and might not. Are these woods known to be dangerous?"

"Not that I know," Kongu replies. "My friend Kebunshut -- he's the one who found the door to the stronghold -- hunts around here all the time, and he's never described it to me as dangerous. I suppose there are the lizardfolk who have troubled the farms we passed near the main road -- they seemed to be living somewhere around here -- but they haven't been seen very often."

She listens passively to the tactical discussions, deferring to the ones who know something about combat. No doubt Kol, Lokin or Zurd have better sense of tactics than she.

02-25-06, 06:56 PM
Filalia looks thoughtful at that. "Never had the chance in a real battle situation.....other than the occasional gang fight in the streets, but that is just a whirling mess of fists and blades, no order to it at all.In battle we should probably form some sort of formation i guess.Oh and one note about spells......quite a few dont distinguish between friend or foe, and sometimes i might need a clear way to cast it so no one in the party gets hit."

02-25-06, 07:03 PM
Lot said:
Lokin looks over at Kol. "Yeah, I can handle that. I just mean, when an attack comes I don't want you running forward to fight, me standing my ground, Filialia running to make some distance to cast a spell, Kurd going one way, Payne the other..." Lokin still realizes he has a bastard sword drawn, which he has been gesticulating with wildly. He sheathes it again, slightly embarrassed. "I'm not talking about drilling or anything. I just wanted a basic idea of what everyone does when we get...I mean if we get attacked." He looks back to to Filalia "For instance, if we get ambushed, are you used to having someone defend you while you...make magic or whatever you do?"

Kol measures Lokin's words. "Well I like to fight...I have a Bow, but I generally save it for hunting. I prefer to see the fear in my enemies eyes." he said menacingly. "It has nothing what-so-ever to do with the fact that I am a piss-poor shot!" he said with a stoicism that belied the humour of the joke, until someone 'gets' it then he shares a good-natured laugh.

02-25-06, 08:37 PM
Well, as for my personal tactics, I know I told ya all back a the Inn that the dogs are just pets and for looks, but they are integral to my technique. The 3 of us have sort of honed it over the years.

He hefts the ransuer (OOC:he really calls it a spear casue in his orc tribe thats what it was called, I'm calling it a ransuer so ya are not confused.) in one hand holding it out, "I like to hold my prey at reach, trying to get them on the ground with the hooks on the end of this spear then atack from advantage." "The dogs harrass the opponent from the flanks and try to get a good bite in on an ankle or leg and make the opponent fall also."

"Then when our prey is on the ground he three of us go for the soft areas and a kill."

"We were able to kill a large bear once, though it was perhaps not at the top of its form." "He looked old and might have just been out looking for a fight - you know an honorable death not sitting in his den rotting away?"

"I can use this sword well enough and I throw a decent dagger" , he says gesturing to each additional weapon as he describes his abilty with it."

"I have only been in one real combat and that was the orc raid on which I earned my manhood and these two <motions to Kurg and Kura> as my spoils." "I held some orcs from the other tribe at bay from behind the warriors who were up close."

"Lokin I think has the most experiance with group combat tactics so his thoughts should be weighted heavily but my thougts are that Kol and Lokin should be our first line." "I can work my spear from either beside them to exploit the enemy flanks or even behind them to keep the numbers they face from geting overwhelming." "I can also try and drop them to the ground for Lokin and Kol to take advantage of that weakness." "Payne can manuver for good side or back attacks with he speed." "Filalia can be our last line with Kongu as her guard since she alone knows the particulars of our mission and should be protected."

"I am affraid to commit the dogs to combat with humanoids, they have thusfar only faced game and prey, I'd hate to loose them."

"They are too usefull to me for huntung and tacking to loose in direct combat - I think they might react wildly if I start to get hurt or actually go down anyways." "So in a pinch they will come in crashing, I am sure!"

"They know the guard and defend commands so I can have them defend our flanks or rear against unwanted maneuvers or even Filalia, freeing Kongu for ranged combat."

"Lokin, as the soldier, your experiance is invaluable to us...what say you?"

02-25-06, 09:03 PM
"Well, my experience is with mass combat. Usually several hundred on a side, at least. Still, there a few tactical things I would recommend. It sounds like we should allow Filalia to strike from a distance. I recommend that if combat comes to us unexpectedly, we should hang back and wait for them to come to us. Allow our archers and Filalia to hit 'em from afar. Then if they advance, me and Kol can engage them while our more vulnerable people offer support. It's pretty basic but that's why it won't be too hard to implement without much practice. I just want to make sure we don't get in each other's ways. I mean, hopefully I'm being paranoid and we won't need to even worry about this. Lokin picks up his gear. "You all ready to go or does anyone need more time?"

02-25-06, 10:14 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Bending down to tighten his left boot with a look of ire on his face, Zurd sighs and mutters..."Damn boots, too tight or too loose - is there no in between?"

Then in response to Lokin, "I am ready my freind let's be like the wind and whistle though the woods."

He then starts to whistle, (rather poorly too), an old halfling folk song he learned while traveiling with them.

02-25-06, 10:28 PM
So, any time you're in space wide enough to allow at least two abreast, I'll assume this marching order:

Kongu nods her assent. "If we're ambushed from the sides I can do my best with my sword. Otherwise... I'll just have to shout encouraging remarks while you strong men defend me and Filalia."

As you begin the final leg of the hike to the site, Kongu tries to pick up Zurd's tune. "Nice melody. Does it have words?"

02-25-06, 10:51 PM
orsal said:
So, any time you're in space wide enough to allow at least two abreast, I'll assume this marching order:

OOC: Kol is left handed so would probably prefer the left side..Other than that I am fine with it. :)

02-26-06, 01:26 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Well...Zurd thinks for a moment, "honestly I forget most of the verses, the only one I remember is...."
He sings the song in a very off tune voice....

"Load the wagons, the day has come
We need to make 30 miles fore the day is done"

"Watch the horizon, and man the bows
for when the dragon comes no one knows"

"I think the refrain is..."

"Ohhhh, watch the sky for the dragon my ladds
Ohhhh, watch the sky for the dragons my lass
Ohhhh, watch the sky for the dragon you all
Ohhh watch the sky for the dragon my freinds
orrrrr' thheeeeeeee dragon may get your ass....in the end...."

02-26-06, 03:26 AM
DerHauptman said:
"Ohhhh, watch the sky for the dragon my ladds
Ohhhh, watch the sky for the dragons my lass
Ohhhh, watch the sky for the dragon you all
Ohhh watch the sky for the dragon my freinds
orrrrr' thheeeeeeee dragon may get your ass....in the end...."

Lokin smiles as he hikes, taking the front right. "I know that one. Sounds much nicer when you know you don't have to walk thirty miles."

02-26-06, 03:56 AM
Kongu picks up the song from Zurd, and begins to sing along -- well, she picks up the tune as processed through Zurd. She does have some talent, although she clearly isn't as good or as engrossing a singer as she is a storyteller. "That would sound nice on the zither. I would have brought mine along, but I wanted to travel light."

By late morning you arrive at the site. Kongu points out a stone in the ground. It's polished, and has the two symbols she showed you back in the tavern. "That's Hase's logo, and that one is Suna's." She slides the stone aside -- for it does have a sliding mechanism -- revealing a hole big enough to climb into without difficulty. "This is as far as I went last time. Are you all ready?" She is clearly excited.

02-26-06, 04:02 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

"Ready as I'll ever be..."

Zurd, takes the time to re-tighten his boot muttering something under his breath in orcish.

"Well. lets get to it...."

02-26-06, 05:45 AM
Filalia looks a bit excited and nods. "Lead on"

Chapter 2: Into the Unknown
02-26-06, 08:20 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

"Zurd looks at Kol and Lokin, well gentlemen, do ya need a light source. I dunno about your kind Kol so don't be offended if ya don't." "I don't need one myself." "Good ole orcish blood my fleabitten father <spitting on the ground> gave me is good for one thing...."

"I think that humans don't have much luck seeing in the dark. Perhaps it would be best of one of you - perhaps Kongu if your willing carry a source for the group."

"I have heard though that there is some kinda spell that makes light?" "Do you know it Filalia?"

"If so we can put it on the end of my spear that way it might be in the middle of us and able to be poked ahead a little if need be?" "I'd carry a torch but I need both hands to fight with this spear."

"If Kongu carries one and you have the spell I say we are covered, if not I think Payne would be the other option to carry a torch or light rod." "If it don't cramp your style -besides your eyes are striking in fire light."

Zurd cringes at having said that last part....he waits with a nervous grin for the scathing response to come....

"Any better ideas ladies and gents feel free to speak em...."

02-26-06, 10:02 AM
"I do have such a spell, but it will not last long........not even close to half an hour.As this was meant to be a residence, there should be some easily accesible light source......most likely torches on the walls, or maybe even magical light. Perhaps we may not have serious problems with a light source after all.I say we at least go in and see first."

02-26-06, 02:25 PM
"Yes well while my eyes are pretty as well." he said mockingly batting his eyelashes over his purple orbs. "No...I don't see any better in the dark then my human brethren. I am sure it was just an oversight by the Gods and will be corrected in due course."

OOC: Can we assume that Kol was able to Psionically Focus himself by now by taking 20 during our downtime?

02-27-06, 09:08 PM
"If Kongu carries one and you have the spell I say we are covered, if not I think Payne would be the other option to carry a torch or light rod." "If it don't cramp your style -besides your eyes are striking in fire light."

Zurd cringes at having said that last part....he waits with a nervous grin for the scathing response to come....

"Any better ideas ladies and gents feel free to speak em...."

(Sorry for the lack of responding, stupid enworld wasn't happy with me. That's for sure. )

Payne had muttered her appreciation for Zurd's dogs taking on her extra weight, making her a bit lighter on her feet. As for the tactics, no one should be more worried about being hurt while in melee more than her. Our ice queen didn't run up and fight face to face, but preferred to come around the back. Made for good flanking. And.. her sneak attack. Well, no need to blab that out. They'll figure it out. Any of 'em will only make the mistake once of harming her in battle. Staying quiet, as per usual it wasn't until Zurd made a comment about a light source that the cloaked figure decided to pipe up. It must have been the nights' rest out in the woods, or the lessening of weight.. but she actually cracked a smile at his comment about her eyes. Thank god for the depths of her cowl to hide the unusual facial twitch. ``Well as much as I would hate to disappoint, Zurd, I'm going to have to pass on carrying the light source. I may be human, but I prefer the shadows. I think they'd see me coming if I tried to sneak up on them with a torch in hand. Wouldn't be very tricksy, would I?`` She chuckled softly at the mental image and shook her head.

02-27-06, 09:21 PM
Lokin sighs. "If I take off my shield, I can carry the torch. It's not an ideal plan but...if we have to we have to. I suggest maybe Zurd drops down to take a look. He'll be able to see without having a flaming stick to give away his position and attract unwanted attention. If it's all clear, we'll follow. If there's a problem, he can come back up and we can plan for it. If there's something down there waiting to kill Zurd...well I'm sure that won't happen. When we have an idea of what's down there, I can take point with the torch if necessary." Lokin grins at Zurd. "Hate to volunteer you for this but you are the one whom mentioned your superior ancestry. Hate to see it go to waste."

02-28-06, 03:14 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Looking a little irritated for the first time at any of the group Zurd, says to Lokin a little curtly...

"My father is a dog and a weakling among his own people I have no claim to superior heritage." My life is the product of the ruin of a fine woman living in slavery still, as far as I know." "Though she did say when I could care for myself she'd not suffer it any longer." "I hope she carried through."

Then in a more freindly tone, realizing the man meant nothing by his remark, "your idea is a solid one Lokin, I'll do just that..."

"Stay", he says the hounds which sounds again, all business which is a little harsher than you have heard him talk to the hounds in the past.

They don't seem bruised, to the contrary they seem more focused - in fact that was his intent.

"Then with deep bow and a fourish of his cloak (OOC: reminecent of the caped crusader) he takes to the hole saying, "wish me luck, and Payne - watch the dogs ey?" As he goes out of sight - "Oh and sorry Lokin no harm done."

I don't know if I have to jump down or what, of course if its too high for me to do so safely, I'll tie some rope off prior. If its enough to negate with a jump check = 10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=376245) Ugh!

If it has a ladder I'll slide the rails "navy style".

If it has stairs of course I'll just walk ahead at a 10' pace, which I will do at the end of any of the options. I will check about 20' in, which will make me able to see 80' out, so we have enough room to get everyone in safely. (Of course I can only see as far as the wall's lol. I need x-ray vison - what race has that?)

If it is stairs I will call the dogs when I get about 20' in. (they have much beter spot and listen than I do)

Initial Spot/Listen = 12/4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=376242) Man I got corn in me ears!

I will shout for Kol and Lokin if I am in trouble and the dogs as well.

02-28-06, 05:23 AM
A nod to Zurd, slightly caught off guard by the gruffness she showed Lokin. Huh. Well.. there we go. Something for the ice queen to like about the man. He wasn't always smiles and jokes. Blinking herself out of thoughts, eyes trailing to the two poised dogs. Yeah. Keep an eye on them. Maybe they should be keeping an eye on me.

02-28-06, 05:46 AM
An uncharacteristic stoicism comes over the normally lighthearted and jovial Kol. He readies himself for action as his half-blooded companion descended into the unknown.
He gripped his weapon in both hands swinging it absently as if getting a feel for the weight. He paced as if he were a big cat in a small cage.

Fighting was easy...waiting, anticipation, and yes, even a little worry were not.

02-28-06, 05:52 AM
"My father is a dog and a weakling among his own people I have no claim to superior heritage." My life is the product of the ruin of a fine woman living in slavery still, as far as I know." "Though she did say when I could care for myself she'd not suffer it any longer." "I hope she carried through."

Lokin looks a little embarrassed. His attempt to at levity in the face of possible danger had backfired and he felt a little foolish. "I...I just meant you had sharp eyes. I meant no offense...um...I'm sorry about your mother".

02-28-06, 07:08 AM
At the discussion of torches, Kongu pulls one out. "It'll only last about an hour. I've got two of them. Any others? I hope we don't need to turn back early for lack of visibility, but I'll light it and carry it if we need it."

Zurd enters the hole. There is a steep staircase going down, at the bottom of which Zurd sees a straight passage ahead, about 10' wide, 50' long and 10' high, with walls fairly smoothly cut. At the end of the passage is a door. There is no light source, and once the trap door is closed none of the other characters would be able to see anything.

02-28-06, 08:20 AM
OOC : Is it just me or was enworld inoperable for a few days?

IC : Kongu : "I have another torch if we need it."

02-28-06, 08:27 AM
OOC : Is it just me or was enworld inoperable for a few days?

IC : Kongu : "I have another torch if we need it."

"Hopefully we wont be in there longer then our light lasts...If so I am sure we will figure something out."

02-28-06, 02:15 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Zurd sticks his head back out and gives a call to the dog's, "Kurg, Kura come on". <whistles>

"He says to the others, hang on a sec I need to walk in a bit, I just wanted my helpers, they can't see in the dark but they can smell and hear fine."

Zurd goes back down and walks about 30' into the hall way for a short listening and spot halt. (That's something we do in the army, when visability is low, we just stop all movement, take a knee and listen quietly for about 5 min) He says that way for a few minutes.

I'll just make one roll for us - you can figure out how that plays out over the many rounds.

Zurd Listen/Spot 6/12 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=376588)
Kurg Listen/Spot 20/20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=376576)
Kura Listen/Spot 14/7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=376581)

02-28-06, 04:30 PM
As Zurd descends down into the hole, Lokin takes his bedroll off his back and hangs it in a nearby tree. Coming back to the group, he opens his backpack and shows Kongu two torches he has at the ready.

02-28-06, 05:30 PM
I think I'll roll the spot and listen checks -- if you don't see or hear anything it's not realistic that you would know whether you might have missed the obvious. Generally, "action" checks like Open Locks or Climb you can roll yourself; "perception" checks like Spot, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, or Knowledge I'll do.

Zurd:Zurd and the dogs do not hear anything, nor does he see anything except the hallway and the door at the end.

Oh, and Question: yes, ENworld was down for much of Sunday and Monday. Look back and you'll see a gap of over 24 hours in posting times between posts #71 and #72 of this thread.

02-28-06, 07:40 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

I think I'll roll the spot and listen checks -- if you don't see or hear anything it's not realistic that you would know whether you might have missed the obvious. Generally, "action" checks like Open Locks or Climb you can roll yourself; "perception" checks like Spot, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, or Knowledge I'll do.

(OOC: Absolutely, sorry bout that, I do that too - only way to do it! I was in auto mode; Action = check lol.)

Zurd comes out of the hole after about 5 minutes, he squints a little as his eyes adjust to the bright light.

"No immediate danger near the entrance as far as I can tell, at least enemy wise. If there were the dogs would have alerted - their noses are sharp, even after sleeping at my feet for days on end." He gives the dogs some rough praise as their reward for doing well in the hallway.

"However, as for the presence of traps, I can't say, that's Paynes job but I didn't set anything off in the hall." "I think we should be ok to the door."

"Anyways, the hall is wide enough that we can walk in two columns of three, the stairs that lead down are safe, we will go into a hallway about 50' long with a single door at the end." "I didn't see any wall torches or lamps, but if there are I doubt that unless magical they'd have lasted this long anyways." So, we'll need lights."

He, then looks at Kura, touches Filalia and says "Defend!" Kura gives a little whimper of protest but takes a heel position on Filalia none the less and assumes a posture of alertness despite her initial protest.

"Kurg, Heel!" The dog takes the heel position on Zurd and sands ready and alert.

Zurd then looks at the group, "so Kol, Lokin, ladies, let's dance!"

02-28-06, 07:45 PM
I have the following marching order, based on earlier input:


I realized I didn't put the dogs in there -- where will they be relative to the rest of you?

02-28-06, 08:00 PM
I have given Kura the job of defending Filalia which means she'll be at "heel" to her, or I guess right behind her then since the hall is only 10' and they are medium size. She won't follow any commands from her but will immediately attack anyhing that attacks or threatens Filalia - not a bad thing.

So I guess:


Unless anyone sees an issue with it this also puts a dog in back for rear security and the for the benifit of thier SPOT/Listen. Never like being attacked from the rear.

Kurg is my trip helper and can me directed wherever from the middle. I don't want one in front.)

For Orsal they have the exact same stats though so you don't have o differentiate in that regard.

02-28-06, 08:09 PM
DerHauptman said:

At Kol's request (see back a few posts) switch Kol and Lokin; otherwise this makes sense to me. (Although whether it makes sense to the other PCs is more relevant.)

As you all begin to file down the steps, Kongu lights one of her torches. She will hold it as best she can, although this means that its 40' shadowy illumination radius begins 15' behind the front rank, and since is a foot shorter than people in front of her their shadows may also limit its light. It wil, however, provide the illumination needed for Kol and Lokin to see where they're going.

02-28-06, 08:09 PM
DerHaputman said:
I have given Kura the job of defending Filalia which means she'll be at "heel" to her, or I guess right behind her then since the hall is only 10' and they are medium size. She won't follow any commands from her but will immediately attack anyhing that attacks or threatens Filalia - not a bad thing.

So I guess:


Unless anyone sees an issue with it this also puts a dog in back for rear security and the for the benifit of thier SPOT/Listen. Never like being attacked from the rear.

Kurg is my trip helper and can me directed wherever from the middle. I don't want one in front.)

For Orsal they have the exact same stats though so you don't have o differentiate in that regard.

OOC: Kol still prefers the left side. :) I see Zurd put himself next to Payne. Its a good thing there isnt Sexual Harassment in the Dark Ages! :p

02-28-06, 09:12 PM
hero4hire said:
OOC: Kol still prefers the left side. :) I see Zurd put himself next to Payne. Its a good thing there isnt Sexual Harassment in the Dark Ages! :p

Sorry, forgot about your left leaning liberalness - bah! CN barbarians! Left you are, sir!

I just forgot about it.

Payne and I in the middle is just casue we are between fighters and MU in HP.

02-28-06, 10:21 PM
OOC: Lokin prefers the right. What a team.

02-28-06, 10:44 PM
OOC: That does work out well :)

03-01-06, 01:24 AM
Pausing just after they get to the bottom of the stairs, Payne clears her throat. ``Would you like me to go on ahead and check for anything out of the ordinary?`` The question was tossed out to the group, though her head had swiveled to make eye contact with Kongu.. as it seems the woman was their "employer" of sorts. As she awaited the teams response hands lifted to push her cowl back, mis-matching pools sparkling in the torches' light.

(OOC: I'm assuming if the group agrees on this, you'll be making my rolls for searching for traps? )

03-01-06, 02:42 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Zurd starts to speak...then he hesitates taking a look of deep thought and forgeting his ideas when he sees Paynes eyes light up in the torch light. He just smiles broadly for a moment then realizes he is doing so and looks away sheepishly like a schoolboy caught cheating.

Then whispers after a moment to Payne, ""Well the door for sure needs checked for sure but I think we should be close enough to you to pro..pr...react if need be."

"Ok let's do it" , he says...

03-01-06, 03:25 AM
Lokin draws his blade and tightens his shield strap. After a few practice swings, he gets ready to walk. "I recommend Payne goes ahead to check for security measures quietly. Then we can take our positions and follow up." He looks to Payne. "If that sounds okay to you, that is. I've heard these types of places have...well, they can make rocks fall on you or drop you into pits of spikes and the like. If you can help us avoid that...well, that would be appreciated."

03-01-06, 05:21 AM
Kongu also agrees with Payne's offer. "Yes, I guess that's what you said you're best at."

Payne walks up to the door, scrutinizing the floor, ceiling and walls as she goes. She neither sees nor hears anything unusual.

03-01-06, 06:50 AM
Moving on ahead was nice, gave her a brief break from the party behind her. Some time in silence. Much needed silence. The perusal didn't take long as she didn't seem to find anything out of the ordinary. A thumbsup was given behind her back indicating that all was good to go up to the door. Cranium tilted to one side, then the other and gloved hands with practiced ease gave the barrier between the group and whatever laid within a once over. Checking in this search for either the door being locked, in which case she would slyly produce her thieves tools, or any traps that may have been set. Yes, the hallway was clear. But what could possibly be behind door number one? ``Gimme a second with the door, kids. Safety first.`` Insert snort of laughter there.

( Was assuming you didn't include the door as part of her search. )

03-02-06, 07:36 PM
( Just making sure this board is working properly. I recieved e-mails saying that people had updated to this adventure.. but no one has. So. I don't know if my e-mails are screwed up, or if my enworld is. Sorry for being a pest. )

03-02-06, 08:45 PM
The door is unlocked, and opens without incident. On the other side, the passage continues straight ahead as far as you can see, with branching passages to the left and right just 10' ahead.

03-02-06, 08:45 PM
OOC: Yup I got it

03-02-06, 10:12 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

"Zurd says in a jovial way, so is it stay left or stay right I can't remember the rule.?" "Anyway, we are going to explore the whole thing so I'll just follow you two." <motions to Lokin and Kol>

"Gentlemen?" Shall we...."

03-02-06, 10:31 PM
Lokin steps through the door way, practicing a few swings as he walks to check how much space he has for combat. Satisfied, he looks at the branching passages. "I say we go left first." He raises his shield before him and starts in that direction if no argues and if his companions seem to follow.

03-03-06, 01:02 AM
As soon as the group begin to move forward they see that it doesn't really branch at that point -- there are just alcoves, 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep, on both the left and right. The only apparent passageway is straight ahead.

03-03-06, 02:02 AM
OOC : I take it theres nothing in the alcovs?

03-03-06, 02:05 AM
Question said:
OOC : I take it theres nothing in the alcovs?

No, at least nothing obvious. I'm assuming you're just walking by, not taking the time to search, unless you tell me otherwise.

03-03-06, 03:04 AM
Lokin looks at the alcoves. "We can search them but we should also be aware of time. I find them a little unusual if as they don't seem to serve much purpose. They would be a good place to drop back to if we needed to fight something and we all wanted to surround it.

OOC: Lokin is going to search the left alcove but not take 10. Just a quick look and running his hand along the wall, looking for seams push panels.

03-03-06, 03:08 AM
OOC : I guess otherwise we just keep walking in the tunnel and if anything happens you tell us right?

03-03-06, 03:12 AM
lot said:
Lokin looks at the alcoves. "We can search them but we should also be aware of time. I find them a little unusual if as they don't seem to serve much purpose. They would be a good place to drop back to if we needed to fight something and we all wanted to surround it.

Kongu ponders this. "Guardposts perhaps? Just another step to make sure that Hase and Suna didn't get unwelcome guests. Post a sentry in each alcove, and they're the first to sound the alarm if anything unexpected happens. But they're unoccupied now, so Joe was wrong. This place has been deserted. Or if anyone lives here they aren't as organized as the original builders."

lot said:
OOC: Lokin is going to search the left alcove but not take 10. Just a quick look and running his hand along the wall, looking for seams push panels.

Lokin finds nothing.

03-03-06, 03:17 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Zurd goes along following Lokin trying to concentrate to see what is beyond the torchlight so he can warn the others if need be.

As they are walking he says, "Lokin, lets not retreat to those alcoves back there until Payne has checked them ok." Wouldn't wanna run back to safety there unless they are indeed that."

03-03-06, 03:28 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

DerHauptman said:
Zurd goes along following Lokin trying to concentrate to see what is beyond the torchlight so he can warn the others if need be.

... about 40-50 feet beyond these alcoves, there's another apparent 4-way branching. Or maybe another pair of alcoves.

03-03-06, 08:49 AM
Payne's lips part as words get caught up when Lokin just steps within the alcove. Shrugging her shoulders absently at him for not letting the person who's good with traps go first. He'll only do that once. Right? Set off a trap. He'll learn. ``Eh, if he wishes to check for traps Zurd than more power to him. Of course, my way hurts a lot less.`` Smirking devilishly.

03-03-06, 11:20 AM
TwistedMindInc said:
Payne's lips part as words get caught up when Lokin just steps within the alcove. Shrugging her shoulders absently at him for not letting the person who's good with traps go first. He'll only do that once. Right? Set off a trap. He'll learn. ``Eh, if he wishes to check for traps Zurd than more power to him. Of course, my way hurts a lot less.`` Smirking devilishly.

"I think I will trust in your expertise myself...." Kol gives Lokin a friendly jab in the ribs and when everyone is satisfied with inspecting the alcoves he motions to go on.

03-03-06, 04:40 PM
OK, I had to pause because I didn't know whether anybody else would want to do any searching in the alcoves. Apparently not.

The second pair of alcoves is about 40-50 feet beyond the first; these look similar. From there, it's another 30' to a third pair of alcoves. Anybody want to search either of those, or anything else in this stretch of the passage?

03-03-06, 05:01 PM
OOC : Not me.

03-03-06, 06:25 PM
Lokin looks embarrassed about his recklessness. "Um...sorry. This is my first exploration of a stronghold. I mean, I hear that there are traps and such. I just didn't realize...well, I guess it just didn't occur to me. I was thinking about possible enemies. I'll be more careful." He looks at Payne. "I'll just continue on. If you need me to stop or see something that requires your expertise, just let me know. You do what you do best..." Lokin raises his sword. "...and so will I."
Lokin gestures with his head, showing that he continues to keep walking down the hall, heading past the second set of alcoves.

03-03-06, 07:49 PM
( OOC: Orsal - To save on time, if you'd rather for the time being.. with the hall ways and such.. you could assume that Payne takes a once over on everything. I mean. Looking into the alcoves, giving them a looksie. The hall ways. Obvious if something is really out of the ordinary.. then I'll describe her actions. )

Singular lid dropped in a wink at Lokin. Payne was joking around with him, or was she? Her tone was playful but he did semi-step on her toes there. Either way, the alcoves would get searched. ``Thanks, Kol. You are smarter than you look.`` That cat caught the mouse grin never faultering.

03-03-06, 11:19 PM
OK -- I'll assume the party moves at a pace that allows Payne to do a single Search check on everything. Let me know if anything deserves more than a once-over.

When the party's front rank reaches the third pair of alcoves, they hear a voice booming, "Intruders! Beware! Cursed are those that invade the home of Suna and Hase!" Most of the party members see the source of the noise, a disembodied mouth built into the wall above the alcove on the left.

Filalia: You know all about the magic mouth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicMouth.htm) spell.

03-04-06, 12:26 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

With a start, Zurd says, "Damn no need for stealth now we are found..." "Perhaps a ruse would be beter, perhaps they can hear somehow as well as speak at us with the big mouth."

"Oh great a mighty,...um...mouth, we mean you no harm, we are simply guests, drop your tone!"

03-04-06, 12:27 AM
TwistedMindInc said:
``Thanks, Kol. You are smarter than you look.`` That cat caught the mouse grin never faultering.

"An impressive feat I know since I exude intellect...." Kol's face was a mask of stoicism as he delivered his line. But a glint that could only be mirth played in his purple peepers.

orsal said:
When the party's front rank reaches the third pair of alcoves, they hear a voice booming, "Intruders! Beware! Cursed are those that invade the home of Suna and Hase!" Most of the party members see the source of the noise, a disembodied mouth built into the wall above the alcove on the left.

Kol brings his weapon to bear as if to defend himself from the mouth. When no offensive action represents itself he smiles. "Well, y'think anyone heard that."

03-04-06, 02:27 AM
Filalia examines the mouth thoughtfully. "Hmm.......its a trigger based spell effect.It must have been placed there to activate if anyone other than Hase and Sune walked up to this point. I suppose this proves that it is their home.....although i suppose anyone else could cast the spell if they knew how to.......we should be more careful, since it was a warning its probably going to be start getting dangerous after this point."

03-04-06, 02:43 AM
Kongu gives a start as she hears the mouth's words. "What did I say just a minute ago? It sounds like Suna and Hase do still live here... what now?"

03-04-06, 02:48 AM
"Not necessarily.......its a permanent spell effect, and follows the conditions that were set at the time of its creation.It is no indication that Hase and Sune are still here.I say we go on.....we can always return if we meet them."

03-04-06, 02:49 AM
Lokin looks at the rest of his companions. "Well, I'm not sure what to make of this message. It might mean that Suna and Hase are fine and want to left be alone. We may be deserving of anything we get from this point on. On the otherhand, this message could be years old and they could be long gone." Lokin shrugs. "So, let's press on and find out."

03-04-06, 03:08 AM
Question said:
"Not necessarily.......its a permanent spell effect,"

Kongu is relieved to hear that. "That makes sense. I was worried. So we probably are looking at a deserted manor, or else one overrun by uncivilized beings not related to the rightful owners. If we later learn we're wrong, we can still turn back. But for now..."

As the party looks ahead they see a startling sight. A little in front of them are two steps going up. At the top of the steps are what look like a couple of corpses.

03-04-06, 05:01 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Zurd, steadies the dogs who seem aggitated and upset about the hovering mouth. "Easy, there kids, its nothing to be alarmed about." Zurd says to Kongu and Filalia, "Kura is the smart one so she might not get spooked as easy, but if she does you ladies can just give her a good scratch behind the ears like this." <scratches her roughly>

"Well, I don't like it for sure...not a good sign if this has lased all this time what else lingers?" "Its a good indicator to be on our toes more than we have."

"Perhaps we should spread out a little in case something else goes off we are not all hit?" Does that make any sense at all to you Payne?"

"I mean an extra 5-10' between the ranks of people wint hurt, we can cross that distance quickly in a fight if need be." "A spell or trap though won't get us all."

"Just a thought."

03-04-06, 06:52 AM
Not one to spook easily the booming voice coming from the mouth only drew a glance from Payne. Blink. Blink. Filalia's explanation of the spell makes sense and head absently bobs in agreement, as if she had any idea of what the other female actually said. Payne left the magics to the others. ``Not walking in fireball formation is always a plus, Zurd. Just keep your eyes open and your footfalls light, boys and girls.`` Eyes scan the group and then focus straight ahead. ``Oh, how nice. Seems they want to be good hosts.`` Payne nods in the direction of the corpses.

(Not entirely sure if they're moving, or just dead. )

03-04-06, 07:35 AM
Lokin eyes the corpses and takes a step towards them before remembering his new lesson. "I doubt they died of natural causes. Payne, you want to go take a look, see what killed 'em?" He turns to face her. "What do you think?"

03-04-06, 08:57 AM
"Looks like they triggered a trap just as they reached the top of the stairs....."

03-04-06, 02:10 PM
"As I said I will trust in Payne's expertise. Some traps reset themselves I am sure. It also bodes promise of future traps." Kol steps aside to give room for Payne to get walk by. He will then 'shadow' her 5' or so feet behind. When she notes his presence. "I burden shared is a burden halved. I have your back while you concentrate on searching."

03-05-06, 03:34 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

"Be careful Payne, don't think you'd be your jovial self as a corpse."

03-05-06, 07:10 PM
``What makes you think I know anything about corpses? Oh, right, the trap that killed them.`` Oculars rolled in annoyance, but she nodded. ``Sure. I think you guys just don't want to get up close and personal with them. I see how it is.`` Though her tone was laced with venom, it was clear that she was giving them all a hard time. Well, we can't say she was thrilled about getting so close to the dead beings suspended where they were, but she surely knew her way about a trap. ``Really, Zurd? I think it would be an improvement on my personality.`` And with that, she canted her head for Kol to follow as she made way for the corpses, being careful not to set off any traps there or on her way. The two steps were taken and she paused, searching as carefully as possible for what may have killed the duo.

03-05-06, 07:17 PM
TwistedMindInc said:
``What makes you think I know anything about corpses? Oh, right, the trap that killed them.`` Oculars rolled in annoyance, but she nodded. ``Sure. I think you guys just don't want to get up close and personal with them. I see how it is.`` Though her tone was laced with venom, it was clear that she was giving them all a hard time. Well, we can't say she was thrilled about getting so close to the dead beings suspended where they were, but she surely knew her way about a trap. ``Really, Zurd? I think it would be an improvement on my personality.`` And with that, she canted her head for Kol to follow as she made way for the corpses, being careful not to set off any traps there or on her way. The two steps were taken and she paused, searching as carefully as possible for what may have killed the duo.

Kol followed but almost 'rear-ended' her as she stopped short. "Huh? Find something?" he muttered before realizing she was just being cautious. With a grunt of acknowledgement, he let Femme Fatale do her inspection before moving again.

03-05-06, 09:27 PM
A hint of jealousnes crosses Zurds face as he sees Kol "rear end" Payne.

"Well, after you two get done bumping and grinding up there we can search the bodies, they may have some goodies hidden away they won't be needing any more."

03-05-06, 09:56 PM
DerHauptman said:
A hint of jealousnes crosses Zurds face as he sees Kol "rear end" Payne.

"Well, after you two get done bumping and grinding up there we can search the bodies, they may have some goodies hidden away they won't be needing any more."

A look of mischief crossed Kol's face, purple daggers glanced over a shoulder aimed at Zurd."If we were truly doing what you imply...You would have a long, long wait my friend."

03-05-06, 10:27 PM
"hehehe, a good one Kol!"

"Just pay attention is all Im asking can't be tripping around up there throwing off the expert."

03-05-06, 10:30 PM
Shaking her head as the two guys exchange words, ignoring them for the time being as she works before raspy voice is issued. ``You boys done?`` Gaze fell upon Kol who was right beside her first, then cast same stare to Zurd... before returning to her work. But no before muttering, just loud enough for them to hear. ``Obviously I'm not putting enough effort in to my I don't like people act.``

03-05-06, 10:31 PM
DerHauptman said:
"hehehe, a good one Kol!"

"Just pay attention is all Im asking can't be tripping around up there throwing off the expert."

(d'oh! Guess I was bein' too slow in my response. :) )

Chapter 3: Fighting lizardmen
03-05-06, 11:16 PM
Payne doesn't detect any traps. There are two bodies, one elf in a breastplate and one unarmored gnome. Whatever possessions they might have been carrying, other than the clothes and armour they wear, have been removed. They both seem to have bled from some sort of wounds, although time and vermin have left them too disfigured to tell just how.

As she is looking over the bodies, Kongu suddenly says, "What's that sound?". She looks back in the direction you came from, but nobody else hears anything.

03-05-06, 11:25 PM
At Kongu's warning, Kol whirls his attention away from the gruesome, dead duo. "What? What is it??" he asks bring heavy ax to bear.

03-06-06, 02:03 AM
``I can't figure out how they died, really. Seems like they just bled out. Hu--`` Head quickly turned, focusing first on Kongu who yelled out and then down the hall. Narrowing slits as if she really could see anything coming from the darkness. Daggers were drawn and she moved to be concealed by her new shield, Kol.

03-06-06, 02:34 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

Zurd gives a short whistle, the signal for the dogs to alert readies his spear and scans the room knowing the group can't see as far into the darkness as he can.

"Steaaaady, ladies", he says to the group with a concerned stare.

03-06-06, 02:43 AM
As Kongu raises her torch, nothing is in sight (except for Zurd's darkvision), although seconds later two lizardmen appear on the far edges of the torch's shadowy radius. Note: because they come from the back, Kongu and Filalia are in front of the others...

Surprise Round:
Liz2 (20) closes to within 30', then shoots a javelin at Kura, who is guarding Filalia. It is not badly aimed, but fails to penetrate the dog. (attack 13) Good thing the dog was there. It would have hit Filalia, and dropped her to 0 HP.
Kongu (11) draws her sword, crying "Watch out! These are the lizard-people"
Liz1 (11) carries a sling, from which he shoots a bullet that goes very wide. (attack 4)

Main Round:
Liz2 (20)
Kurg (18)
Zurd (15)
Kongu (11)
Filalia (11)
Lokin (11)
Liz1 (11)
Payne (10)
Kol (4)
Kura (3)

Liz2, having thrown the javelin, runs in and attacks the dog with his claws. (natural 20, no critical, 2 HP damage to Kura)

Kurg and Zurd are next.

03-06-06, 04:10 AM
Seeing Kura get hit Zurd attacks the the one who is on her with his Ransuer. He will if he hits try a trip attempt.

"Kurg, attack!" With that command Kurg also attacks the same lizard man. If Kurg hits he will also try a trip attempt.

If we are still rolling...
Zurd Attack - 6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=380958) (not gonna roll the trip - lol)
Kurg Attack - 11 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=380962) (not gonna roll the trip - lol)

Man we suck!

03-06-06, 04:41 AM
Kurg runs to the front line, reaching for the reptilian's legs. Since a trip attack is a touch attack, the lizardman's natural armour is irrelevant, and this trip does succeed, although Zurd's does not.

Opposed strength checks: Kurg (6) vs. lizardman (4).

Kongu slashes the now-prone lizardman with her longsword; he bleeds a little but is still quite alive.

Filalia and Lokin next. One lizardman is prone, in front of you, slightly wounded; the other is 35' away and using a sling.

I'm having a little difficulty with the trip rules -- does Kurg provoke an AoO? Provisionally I'm saying no -- tripping with a weapon does not provoke AoOs, and a having a natural weapon counts as being armed, so I think not, but I'm not sure about it.

03-06-06, 06:10 AM
orsal said:
I'm having a little difficulty with the trip rules -- does Kurg provoke an AoO? Provisionally I'm saying no -- tripping with a weapon does not provoke AoOs, and a having a natural weapon counts as being armed, so I think not, but I'm not sure about it.[/i]

(OOC: Actually the dogs only get it if their bite attack is successful. They then get a free chance at a trip without the requisite touch and at +1 to thier roll for opposed. For future ref I have the dogs, thier stats tricks and such in my Character sheet in my sig.)

From MM 3.5
Trip (Ex): A dog that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the dog.

03-06-06, 06:34 AM
DerHauptman said:
(OOC: Actually the dogs only get it if their bite attack is successful. They then get a free chance at a trip without the requisite touch and at +1 to thier roll for opposed. For future ref I have the dogs, thier stats tricks and such in my Character sheet in my sig.)

Thanks -- I'll edit the above. The lizardman is wounded but not prone.

03-06-06, 11:53 AM
Whos in what square?

03-06-06, 10:06 PM
I'm imagining something like this, as everyone crowds in around the action. The corridor is only 10' wide here:

Kl Lo
ka Kg
L2 kg


(Dogs are the lower-case k's, everybody's second letter being fairly obvious.)

03-06-06, 10:40 PM
Lokin sees the lizardman attacking and quickly gets himself together. C'mon. This is what you've been trained to do. So do it." He dashes forward as fast as he can in his chainmail, squeezing past Zurd, Kongu, and one of the dogs to get to open space. Lokin has exposed himself to an attack but so be it. Finding space, he spins to face the wounded lizardman and slashes hard with his bastard sword.

Lokin moves through 4 friendly squares (20') to get to the open square past the dog. Moving through a threatened square opens up an AoO, I'm sure. Then Lokin attacks. Attack Roll: 7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=381534) Assume a miss.

03-06-06, 10:54 PM
Lot said:
Lokin moves through 4 friendly squares (20') to get to the open square past the dog. Moving through a threatened square opens up an AoO, I'm sure. Then Lokin attacks. Attack Roll: 7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=381534) Assume a miss.

Correct -- almost as bad a miss as the 5 that the lizardman got on his AoO.

03-07-06, 02:20 AM
OOC: On Initiative 4 Move through friendly spaces,(within 40' yes?) to flank Lizard #2. This will provoke an AoO if he has Combat Reflexes, then Try to hit him with my greatax roll 12 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=381674)...Ugh!

Kol hugs his ax close and bobs and weaves through his companions. He circles around the closest lizard-man using Centrifugal force of his spin to bring his ax up into his enemy at an awkward angle.

03-07-06, 05:00 AM
Though everyone else decides to run into the fight head long, Payne's a bit slower on her approach. Not a front line fighter, the sneaky one moved up behind Zurd using him as a shield of sorts until she could move around and flank one of the lizard men. Nothing gave her satisfaction like back stabbing someone.

03-07-06, 11:30 AM
OOC : The dog is blocking the lizardman from me, correct?This is confusing.......wish we had a map.

IC : Filalia casts daze on the closest lizardman to delay his counterattacks.

03-07-06, 04:10 PM
Question said:
OOC : The dog is blocking the lizardman from me, correct?This is confusing.......wish we had a map.

Correct -- the dog protects you. If she didn't, you'd have been downed by the first lizardman strike, which went to the dog instead of you.

Filalia's waving a piece of wool around while making sounds as mysterious a her gestures somehow has the effect of dazing the lizardman who just clawed Kura.

Lokin squeezes his way to the front, but his bastard sword attack fails to connect.

The other lizardman then drops his sling, closes the distance behind Lokin, clawing him (attack 21) for 4 HP damage.

Payne sneaks behind Zurd, who is a ranseur's length away, so Payne can't reach the action.

Kol also makes his way to the front and also unsuccessfully attacks L2.

Kura is more successful, biting the lizardman who attacked her. (Attack 17, damage 8, Kura's strength check 10, lizardman's strength check 17, no trip.)

... Payne
Fil Zurd
Kura Kongu
Liz2 Kurg
Lokin Kol

Round 2
Liz2 now would be able to takes a full attack against Kura, using both claws and bite. Hypothetically, if this happened, the results would be (Attacks: 12, 19, 11.) One claw connects for another 2 HP damage. But in fact none of that happens.

Zurd and Kurg next. Do they continue with the same routine?

03-07-06, 05:20 PM
OOC : Just to clarify but when i casted daze on liz 2 i made it lose its actions for round 1, and NOT round 2?Im confused about that as i casted it in round 1, but liz 2 has acted before me(higher initiative) already......so i figured that only in round 2 would the spell take effect, but Liz2 can still attack?

03-07-06, 05:23 PM
Question said:
OOC : Just to clarify but when i casted daze on liz 2 i made it lose its actions for round 1, and NOT round 2?Im confused about that as i casted it in round 1, but liz 2 has acted before me(higher initiative) already......so i figured that only in round 2 would the spell take effect, but Liz2 can still attack?

Oops.. right. I got the lizardman dazed, and then forgot about it by the time its own initiative came around.

Liz2 is dazed, and therefore does not attack Kura, who is now at 11/13 HP. The spell lasts for 1 round, so it will expire on the same initiative that it was cast.

03-07-06, 05:27 PM
OOC : Is kura(being a small animal i believe) providing me with a cover penalty were i to attempt a ranged attack on Liz 2?Also isnt there something about firing into melee?

03-07-06, 05:39 PM
Question said:
OOC : Is kura(being a small animal i believe) providing me with a cover penalty were i to attempt a ranged attack on Liz 2?Also isnt there something about firing into melee?

The war dogs are medium -- trained versions of riding dogs, I believe, not of regular dogs. The penalty for fired ranged weapons into melee is -4.

03-08-06, 02:23 AM
Zurd attacks the lizardman with his Ransuer while Kurg attacks him using a bite attack. If Kurgs attack is successful he will try to trip him.

Zurd= 7 - :):):):)! (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382455)
Kurg= 8 - Double :):):):)! (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382458)

Zurd screams, "Hrag'sok!" as he cant manage to get a hit in as the Lizard man bobs and weaves, Kurg bites wildly at the air near the Lizardmans crotch - the area he has been trained to attack. The dog barks wildly at the enemy baring his teeth.

03-08-06, 03:07 AM
Zurd and Kurg both miss, as DerHauptman guessed. Kongu takes another slice at Liz2, managing to hit with her longsword for 5 HP. On top of previous wounds, this is enough to down the scaly creature.

That leaves Liz1 standing, unharmed. Lokin and Kol are within melee range; the others could either move up or make ranged attacks.

Filalia (11)
Lokin (11)
Liz1 (11)
Payne (10)
Kol (4)
Kura (3)
Kurg (18)
Zurd (15)
Kongu (11)

03-08-06, 03:35 AM
Lokin grunts as he feels the a sharp pain where the lizardman has pierced his armor. Seeing with relief that his original target has fallen, Lokin spins left and brings his bastard sword with a powerful stroke at the second opponent.

OOC: Lokin attacks with a Attack 15. (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382513)
Probably a miss, but if not Damage 7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382514)

03-08-06, 04:34 AM
Lot said:
OOC: Lokin attacks with a Attack 15. (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382513)
Probably a miss, but if not Damage 7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382514)

Lokin almost penetrates its hide, but not quite. Filalia is next, then the lizardman's turn.

03-08-06, 06:31 AM
( Doing my action now, as I probably won't be on when it comes to my turn. Obviously my action may change if other people's interfere with my plan. IE: Filalia moves up to flank. )

When the first lizardman goes down, Payne takes this chance to move through her companions' friendly squares and flank the still standing monster. Fully aware that navigating the way she has to will provoke an attack, the femme fatale continues on her way and attempts to drive her dagger into that lizardy back. Attack:10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382559)

03-08-06, 07:04 AM
Kol swings wide at the new Lizardfolk.

OOC: Likewise I am posting my action now. rolls (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382579)...if I keep on rolling this bad Kol might rage out of frustration.

03-08-06, 02:36 PM
Casting daze on liz1.

03-08-06, 04:50 PM
Question said:
Casting daze on liz1.

Successful. The lizardman is dazed, and can neither attack nor flea.

I'll take the rest of the actions, from Payne around to Lokin in Round 4, in whatever order they are posted, since you're all on the same side.

Payne and Kol both fail to connect. Since the dazed lizardman can take no AoO, I'll suppose Payne moves around to the back, leaving room for Kongu also to take a square next to the reptilian. Once again (she's rolling the best of any of you, doesn't she know NPCs aren't supposed to shine? ;) ) her longsword does its job, doing 6 HP damage.

If Zurd moves up to the second row to attack with reach, one dog could also move in next to the lizardman, like this:

Fil Zurd
Lok Kol
Liz Kongu
Payne dog

03-08-06, 05:04 PM
Lokin sees Payne manuevering to get around his opponent. Trying to get the creatures attention as much as hurt it, Lokin fakes high with his shield and attacks with a low sweeping attack with his sword.

OOC: Attack:15 w/o flanking bonus. 17 with flank. (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382914) Damage 9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=382915)

03-08-06, 05:11 PM
... and with that the lizardman dies.

What next?

03-08-06, 05:56 PM
OOC : I guess we look the lizardmen over a bit, then go back to the stairs?

03-08-06, 07:49 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

After the lizardmen are searched but before the group moves on.....

Almost absentmindedly, Zurd walks over to the nearest lizard man and takes out his scimitar, grabing its head with his hand and opening the mouth he uses the pomel to try and bust out one of the fangs.

Then puts his scimitar away with one of his daggers tries to flay a large 18 x 18 piece of skin off the beasts back.

About half way through his task he looks up at the group - "Oh, sorry Kongu, this is should be yours", handing her the tooth and bloody skin when he finishes. "Almost forgot my maners there", he says smiling a toothy orc grin, "was your kill."

Then as an afterthought he cuts a couple fist sized chunks of lizardman and feeds one to each dog saying, "keeps them motivated."

03-08-06, 11:16 PM
DerHauptman said:
About half way through his task he looks up at the group - "Oh, sorry Kongu, this is should be yours", handing her the tooth and bloody skin when he finishes. "Almost forgot my maners there", he says smiling a toothy orc grin, "was your kill."

Kongu is taken aback, but once she realizes what Zurd is doing she chuckles. "My trophy, I guess. I hadn't realized I was hunting for trophies of my kills. Our kills. That was a group effort.

"So, now we know that lizardfolk do live here. Probably the same group responsible for the raids. Perhaps the bodies on the landing were killed by them? It is a chilling thought, that they might have come here for the same reason that we did. I'm sure glad I didn't come alone now."

A search of the lizardmen reveals that the one with the sling carried 2 GP and 22 SP. No coin is found on the on with the javelin, and other than their ranged weapons nothing noteworthy. The bodies on the landing appear to have been completely stripped of their possessions.

The group returns to the landing, where passages run in all four directions. To the left and right the passages are wide enough for two people, run about 25' and then turn back in the general direction you came from. Straight ahead is a 5' wide passage, with doors on both left and right, and shortly beyond the doors passages branching both left and right.

My attempt at an ASCII map (you approached from the bottom):

............X........... X = passage
............X........... d = door
..........dXd.......... ? = out of sight; perhaps the passage continues
............X........... ... = nothing; because ENWorld doesn't recognize spaces

03-09-06, 12:28 AM
Putting away the twins, Payne's brow lifts in interest as Zurd takes apart the lizardman. ``That's rather.. crude, don'tcha think Zurd? I like this side of you.`` Payne pats his shoulder as she passes to climb the stairs and survey the new paths that lay ahead. ``I'd suggest splitting up to investigate the area, but with the difficulty we had in that battle.. perhaps we should stick together.`` Looking down either hall way, before glancing over her shoulder. ``I'm going to do my thing on those doors.`` Onwards -- forward, checking over the left door than the right.
(Payne makes not only search checks, but listen checks as well..)

03-09-06, 04:50 AM
TwistedMindInc said:
Onwards -- forward, checking over the left door than the right.
(Payne makes not only search checks, but listen checks as well..)

She neither detects nor hears anything remarkable.

03-09-06, 06:09 AM
Lokin wipes the blood from his blade, rubbing it with a rag until no speck is left. Satisfied, sheathes his sword. Looking down, he takes a look at his wound. Looks like he caught a deep claw wound on his left thigh, getting past his chainmail skirt. Irritated with the pain and ripped, bloodied pants, Lokin curses. "Anyone else get hit?" Walking with only the slightest of limps, Lokin moves behind Payne towards the doors, giving her plenty of space but close enough in case some more lizardmen show up. Realizing he's making a ton of noise while Payne is listening, he backs up a bit. "It looks we survived our first test. Zurd, your dogs were very courageous. And Filalia, your spells were quite impressive. If I can avoid getting hacked to pieces, we've got a good chance." It's hard to tell if he's grinning or grimacing.

03-09-06, 07:41 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12;

"Kongu, where I grew up that was your kill my lady, you finished it, you took its spirit, its your trophy."

"Besides, if there is a town near here they may pay a bounty for such things." "That one is your, the next one is mine - anyone want to start a simple pool, one gp in for us all the next kill gets the pot?"

In response to Lokin Zurd says, "only Kura got hit, small matter she'll heal ok in a couple days looks like."

03-09-06, 09:26 AM
``Door's are clean. Want to check them out? I'm rather partial to doing doors before venturing down hall ways. What do you think, Lokin.. Kol?`` Neither really were the leader types of the group, nor were they busy at the moment.

03-09-06, 10:16 AM
TwistedMindInc said:
``Door's are clean. Want to check them out? I'm rather partial to doing doors before venturing down hall ways. What do you think, Lokin.. Kol?`` Neither really were the leader types of the group, nor were they busy at the moment.

The lavender eyed warrior shrugged and switched his ax to his off-hand. He approached the door and glanced at Payne over his shoulder and gave her a ~you better be right~ look, and preceeded to give the door a quick shove open.

03-09-06, 02:36 PM
Lokin : "Thank you, but the surprise ambush could not avert all wounds unfornately.Dont lizardmen travel in larger numbers?Perhaps these were the scouts.....we should be careful not to have our only exit blocked by them."

03-09-06, 04:23 PM
Question said:
"Thank you, but the surprise ambush could not avert all wounds unfornately.Dont lizardmen travel in larger numbers?Perhaps these were the scouts.....we should be careful not to have our only exit blocked by them."

Kongu ponders, "They came from behind us. They were between us and the entrance. How did they get there? Thye must have been outside."

03-09-06, 04:35 PM
"They must have found the entrance......if we are lucky they were stragglers."

03-09-06, 05:00 PM
"They must have found the entrance......if we are lucky they were stragglers."

03-09-06, 05:51 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12

"I just hope they haven't over all the years managed to inhabit the place." "They could have tunneled in leaving a secret entrance for themselves which is already behind us." "If that is the case I say onward!"

03-09-06, 06:52 PM
DerHauptman said:
"I just hope they haven't over all the years managed to inhabit the place." "They could have tunneled in leaving a secret entrance for themselves which is already behind us." "If that is the case I say onward!"

Lokin looks back towards Zurd. "Well, if that's the case, I'd say we're outmatched. But, hopefully we can discover the extent of the danger before we get overwhelmed by it. At this point, all we know for sure is that there were two lizardmen here. If those were scouts, however, then there maybe more coming from where we came in. For all we know, they could be waiting in ambush out there. Lokin shrugs and draws his bastard sword. "I say onward, as well."

He walks up to the door that Payne and Kol are looking to open. "Shall we?"

03-09-06, 07:03 PM
The door opens easily. On the other side is a room 15' wide, but straight ahead running farther than you can see. Several tables are against both walls, with bins and canisters, some upright, some overturned. There is a lot of mold growing around most of the canisters, so much that you have no idea what it might be growing on. On the left wall is also a large bin of metal pots, pans and miscellaneous cooking utensils.

Only Zurd can see that beyond the torch's 40' radius is another lizarman, seated on a stool. He notices you about the same time you see him...

03-10-06, 03:19 PM
Opting not to be the first through the door, Payne steps aside so that any of the men can take the front line. Hoping that Zurd with his keen sight will step up.

03-10-06, 06:28 PM
Zurd goes into the room realizing he can see furthest, he has his ransuer at the ready and Kurg by his side.

He will yell a warning to the group if he sees anything remotely threatening.

Spot - 4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=384488) HEHEHE!
Kurg Spot - 9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=384488) Damn!

03-10-06, 06:37 PM
Lokin follows Zurd, staying a few feet behind Kurg. He wants to stick to the middle of the group, being able to get to the front or the rear depending on the source of the attack.

03-10-06, 07:05 PM
Not fearing the dark. Kol steps into the doorway and motions the party to follow (or at least whomever is now carrying a torch.)
He appraises the half-orc momentarily over his shoulder. "Holler if y'see something creepy with those keen eyes... "

03-10-06, 07:14 PM
Don't worry DerHauptman -- I already rolled your Spot check.

As noted in the spoiler text above, Zurd and the lizardman perceive each other at the same time. Initiatives:
Lizardman 8
Zurd 8
Kurg 4

The lizardman, who is about 50' away when first spotted, gets up and runs to the far direction, out of sight.

03-11-06, 02:59 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12

Zurd says, "Over there's one now, sneaky little bastards!"

Then he runs in the direction of the lizard mans last location....

If he can make it there and close he will do so and attack, charging if possible.

03-11-06, 03:37 AM
Zurd says, "Over there's one now, sneaky little bastards!"

Then he runs in the direction of the lizard mans last location....

If he can make it there and close he will do so and attack, charging if possible.

Zurd:The room is about 70' long. Zurd sees the lizardman round a bend to the right; by the time he reaches that point, he sees a door closing in front of him, and the lizardman out of sight.

03-11-06, 04:59 AM
"Awha-" before Kol can register what Zurd actually said, his companion had bolted past him. Not even bothering to stop and think Kol was hot on his heels, quickly catching up to him.

03-11-06, 05:12 AM
hero4hire said:
"Awha-" before Kol can register what Zurd actually said, his companion had bolted past him. Not even bothering to stop and think Kol was hot on his heels, quickly catching up to him.

Payne pursed her lips as the duo ran off into the darkness. The shadows may be her element but there was no way she was going to run headlong into them. She stepped aside to let Lokin pass. She trailed the burly fighter until they rounded the corner reaching Kol and Zurd. Multi-hued pools appraised the shut door and she sighed. "Well, are we going to do this your way or my way?"

03-11-06, 05:19 AM
Lokin curses. We're going to get cut off from our escape point. Lokin considers staying behind to stay at the door and maintain an escape route. Then he thinks about companions running into danger without him and he feels he has no choice. Lokin starts running, moving as fast as he can, clanging down the hall with a mild limp.

03-11-06, 06:05 AM
Kongu also follows the others, staying in the back while holding her torch to illuminate everyone's view.

You now get the picture of the whole room. It's L shaped, with doors at both ends; you entered at the end of the long part and have been going up to the door at the end of the short part. You pass a cooking pit in the corner, and various canisters, tables and cooking implements lining the walls of the longer wing.


03-12-06, 12:59 AM
TwistedMindInc said:
Payne pursed her lips as the duo ran off into the darkness. The shadows may be her element but there was no way she was going to run headlong into them. She stepped aside to let Lokin pass. She trailed the burly fighter until they rounded the corner reaching Kol and Zurd. Multi-hued pools appraised the shut door and she sighed. "Well, are we going to do this your way or my way?"

"I doubt he had time to trap it..." Kol knew if they stopped and debated, the Lizard-thing would have ample time to warn his fellows. "Let's go..." he huffed and made for the door.

03-12-06, 07:29 AM
Zurd quickly opens the door the lizardman went through yelling to Kongu and Lokin - "he went this way."

Then he takes a couple seconds to scan the new area for threats not really stopping to do so and contiues the chase. Yelling, "raaaawwwwwwr!"

03-12-06, 08:42 AM
Lokin struggles to keep up with his speedier comrades, dragged down by his chainmail armor. He follows Zurd through the door, ready to aid as best he can.

03-12-06, 11:21 AM
Is everyone still together?

03-12-06, 02:08 PM
Zurd quickly opens the door the lizardman went through yelling to Kongu and Lokin - "he went this way."

Then he takes a couple seconds to scan the new area for threats not really stopping to do so and contiues the chase. Yelling, "raaaawwwwwwr!"

Kol was hot on the heels of Zurd, after a few strides he realized he was a faster runner, he consiously slowed his pace as to not outdistance his ally.

03-12-06, 09:14 PM
Question said:
Is everyone still together?

If you're following the others, I guess they are... but nobody seems to be waiting to see if anyone else is following.

On the other side of the door is a 15' wide corridor going straight ahead, and a 5' wide corridor going to the right. The lizardman goes to the right. When Zurd passes through the door he sees the lizardman 40' away. The others won't be able to see until Kongu (who is behind most of the others) makes it through with the torch.

03-12-06, 10:23 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12

"Come on you guys, catch up or we are goning to loose he press!"

Zurd then waits for the others to catch up before he moves on.

03-12-06, 10:36 PM
A gutteral noise issues from Kol. The sheer frustration of the situation threatened to unleash his race's primal anger. "Blasted darkness! I'd be on him by now if I could see..." he rasped in a throaty voice.

03-13-06, 10:56 AM
Payne was half tempted to just let everyone run on ahead and explore on her own. Annoyed that the three front line fighters took off into the darkness without her or the other two women. Apparently they didn't matter? Fighting the urge to be her usual cruel self, she waits for Kongu to catch up with the light sorce and then follows the men through the room after the lizardman. What had gotten into Zurd? He had been so laid back up until now. Must be the anticipation of the fight. Muttering to herself as she persued the three men and the lizard folk thinking that this would be a perfect time for a trap; everyone running head long into rooms and not looking before they lept.

03-13-06, 02:18 PM
As Filalia catches up she casts a light spell on Kol's helm(He is wearing one right?)."That should take care of the problem." she says.

03-13-06, 04:26 PM
DerHauptman said:
Zurd then waits for the others to catch up before he moves on.

By then the lizardman is out of sight. The corridor he went down leads back to where you were before you entered the kitchen. There is a four-way branching. To the right, the door through which you entered the kitchen, with the other door where Payne listened and heard nothing opposite it; farther down the hall, is the route by which you had entered the stronghold.

03-13-06, 05:46 PM
Lokin takes a deep breath and shifts the heavy armor, which has gotten caught up around his shoulders with all the running. "Listen. I'd say before we go off running, we make some kind of plan." He turns to Zurd. "No offense intended. I'm sure you didn't want a possible threat to escape or something. I never did see what sent you off running. Beyond my eyesight, you see. I ended up following because I didn't want you to be alone or get isolated. Just, we could have gotten cut off from our escape route." He looks back to Filalia and Payne. "Didn't mean to leave you people behind, either. I figured that you'd follow as well. Also, I was under the impression that you could take care of yourselves." He eyes Payne. "Correct me if I'm wrong."

03-13-06, 08:37 PM
``If I could take care of myself in a big battle, I wouldn't have signed on with three fighters. Unless my sarcasm counts as a weapon, I would prefer to stick with one of you strapping men.`` Was that a shot? Who knows with this one. Gaze moves from Lokin to the two other women. ``Not speaking for you ladies, but I feel safer when its one of those guys swinging the weapon and acting as a shield.`` She shrugged. Payne didn't doubt any of the women's skills. They were all trained in something that made them beneficial for the group. But like herself, if she had been able to explore all alone.. she would've. Treasure split one way is better that way.

03-14-06, 01:49 AM
"I wanted to get him before he had a chance to warn anyone else. I forgot you all can't see as far." "It was a lizardman as before, only one and I thought I could catch him and hold him till ya all showed up."

"So we now know they have command of the complex in a way." "They know it well and have routes in and out we need to find." "I think we need to eleminate the lizardmen before we try and dismantle the place and uncover its treasures."

"I'd hate to be knee deep is some elation over a find and be jumped by the lot of them."

Anyways, where to now?

03-14-06, 02:01 AM
Question said:
As Filalia catches up she casts a light spell on Kol's helm(He is wearing one right?)."That should take care of the problem." she says.

OOC: :\ err actually no...He will take the spell though. On the Ax maybe?

TwistedMindInc said:
``If I could take care of myself in a big battle, I wouldn't have signed on with three fighters. Unless my sarcasm counts as a weapon, I would prefer to stick with one of you strapping men.`` Was that a shot? Who knows with this one. Gaze moves from Lokin to the two other women. ``Not speaking for you ladies, but I feel safer when its one of those guys swinging the weapon and acting as a shield.`` She shrugged.

After enchanting his personage with light Kiol nods in thanks to Fialia. He listens to Payne's words. Kol always approached problems head on, but the woman's words might be true about it being a trap. Kol was follhardy but not stupid. There wa strength in numbers, and thier foe now had quite a lead."Very well then...fireball formation was it???" the Maenad said flashing a bright smile.

03-14-06, 04:17 AM
OOC : Okay axe then.

IC : Filalia examines the maze around them."We should pick a door and continue to go through all the rooms one by one.It doesnt really matter which way we go first."

03-14-06, 05:11 AM
Again, I say we should track down our foes before they wear us down with hit and run tactics. I have been a part of these guerilla type tactics and know that if they know the complex, have multiple, and perhaps secret, entrances and exits they can hit when they want how they want and where they want. The will wear us down then by attrition and attack on thier terms. I don't like that at all! If we take the time to track them down, kill them in their beds or lair perhaps, then kill them to the last soul - males, females and children ; we can both rid the town of their attacks and then explore the complex at our leisure after. If we bring back all the heads to the town leaders hey are sure to reward us - if they don't we can become their new menace!

I will, go with the majority as always this is my just my counsel on the matter.

Does anyone here know how to track quary, the dogs can do so by scent of course perhaps they can pick up the scent of our last visitor? If you all chose that path.

We can simply go room by room and hope to find our aggressors, but I fear that puts the timing of an atack on their terms and a wise battle captain always chooses the time and place of his battle when possible.

03-14-06, 05:25 AM
Kol listened to his companions comments "Enough mewing like sheep. There is merit to staying together, but we kill all who oppose us then explore at our leisure. That is the way of steel." He hefts his now glowing ax and points with it one handed down the corridor. "Shall we?"

03-14-06, 07:38 AM
Kong, while a little uncomfortable (and visibly so) at the ruthlessness Zurd expresses, nevertheless agrees with his main point. "It is clear now that this place has become a lizardfolk lair, and most likely the same lizardfolk who have plagued the farms near the main road at the edge of the forest. We may have come here in search of a great unclaimed treasure lost to civilization when its owners disappeared, but we now have a noble mission too, a mission to clear out the vile enemies of peaceful folk. If we are up to the task, let us go ahead with it. But if that lizardman was warning his tribe, then we are all the more vulnerable, and it is more important now than ever before that we stay together. Which direction first?"

03-14-06, 08:13 AM
orsal said:
Kong, while a little uncomfortable (and visibly so) at the ruthlessness Zurd expresses, nevertheless agrees with his main point. "It is clear now that this place has become a lizardfolk lair, and most likely the same lizardfolk who have plagued the farms near the main road at the edge of the forest. We may have come here in search of a great unclaimed treasure lost to civilization when its owners disappeared, but we now have a noble mission too, a mission to clear out the vile enemies of peaceful folk. If we are up to the task, let us go ahead with it. But if that lizardman was warning his tribe, then we are all the more vulnerable, and it is more important now than ever before that we stay together. Which direction first?"

"Uhh perhaps the direction I am pointing my ax...By The Way it is getting heavy holding it one handed like this..." he announced aiming his ax a second or two more before letting it fall. When the others seem ready to go Kol ambles down the corridor.

OOC: Kol was pointing where the Lizard man supposedly ran

03-14-06, 01:13 PM
OOC : Laptop just broke again(Toshiba ones are really fragile....dont buy one.), so there might be problems

03-14-06, 04:28 PM
Lokin nods at Zurd's words. "I can understand your idea but we still don't know where the lizardmen are holed up. So, if we go looking for the homebase, there is a good chance we'll get ourselves surrounded. I say we keep up our methodical searching, staying together, and being vigilant. If there are secret doors, Payne will find them. The way I see it, they're the ones who are down two warriors and we're all here. If we get in trouble, we'll retreat to outside and rest up before finishing our work. But I think there is some folly in trying to break their back in one fatal strike. Patience and vigilance will win the day. I say we proceed where Kol says. As good a direction as any."

03-14-06, 04:56 PM
Here's a rough map of the areas you've been to so far. XXX=accessible space, d=door, ?=continues but you don't know what's beyond, *=you are here.


03-14-06, 05:01 PM
How do we tell which one is a door we already opened?

03-14-06, 05:13 PM
Question said:
How do we tell which one is a door we already opened?

The doors marked on the map are all doors you've been through. Now that I look back at the map, there's another door you've seen but not gone through -- off the corridor via which you came in, opposite the kitchen door (the big room), and right near where you've just returned to. Otherwise, the unexplored loose ends are all question marks, places where the corridor continues farther than you've seen.

03-14-06, 05:49 PM
``Great, I sign on for treasure and now I've got a 'noble mission' tacked on to it.`` Grumbling as she went. It was obvious that Payne didn't like the idea of clearing out the complex. Why couldn't they just get in and get out with the loot and if anything stood in their way, Zurd'd chase it down? Moving in the direction that Kol meandered, pausing a moment as she surveyed the area around them. ``Well, if we're going to do this right.. I'm a firm believer in checking out every room before moving on. The layout thus far has been quite symetrical. I bet..`` Pointing down the hall towards the main enterance.. where a corridor runs left and right. ``I bet that hall way to the right, loops back around, somehow. Though, I'm not saying we should go through it. I'm rather partial to exploring what's behind door number two.`` All of this said as she moves towards the still closed door. ``What do you think, Captain?`` Venomous words were issued to Zurd - who hadn't said a word to her since they had entered this place.

03-14-06, 10:14 PM
"I like the sound of that coming from you of course", Zurd said all the while thinking, hell I like the sound of anything you say.

Looking at Payne and into her eyes with emotion, my lo...um, <looks down and shuffles feet> my lady, I have given my counsel to the group. Choose it or don't we will prevail regardless we just might suffer a lot of surprises if we take the defensive rather than the offensive. I will of course agree with you, it makes sense and is as good a plan as any.

As for this being some charity mission, I care not one crap whit for the town nor its inhabitants. I rarely do charity, there will be a price for the removal of the lizard men I assure you if I have to take it from the town treasury or even the people myself - <Zurd makes a spiting motion at the ground as he says the following> we will get a reward that we find suitable.

I only wish to get rid of my enemies on my terms not suffer at theirs. It will make our search for loot all the more thorough.

The lizard "Krunk-charks" have made their intent clear they intend to take us down. In turn I have chosen my course, I will end them and take the heads of my kills for trophies. They wounded my Kura and that is a death sentence for their whole tribe - from the chief to the newest born!

About payment from the town, I will extort it if necessary. <again making direct eye contact with Payne> I assure you this love - if the town does not pay for the removal of the lizard men they will find a menace a bit more cerebral in its place. I will find something or someone to take the place of the lizard men, and trust me, they will wish the lizardmen stayed.

Realizing what he said he changes the subject -

Well shall we move on then, musn't tarry and dwaddle about like school girls - right?

Gentleman, he says motioning to the brightly helmed Kol and Lokin, lets press on please - no use wasting the newfound brilliance you have been given ey Kol? <winking at his freind>

03-15-06, 01:22 AM
OOC: Still no helm, but the ax glows now ;)

Kol listened to Zurd's speech with a tilted head, purple embers were a little wide in disbelief. "A little female attention and the half-breed turns into a ball of goo..." He muttered softly then shook his head as if coming out of a trance.

Well shall we move on then, musn't tarry and dwaddle about like school girls - right?

Gentleman, he says motioning to the brightly helmed Kol and Lokin, lets press on please - no use wasting the newfound brilliance you have been given ey Kol? <winking at his freind>

"Now haven't I been saying that for the past 3 minutes Loverboy?"

03-15-06, 01:31 AM
DerHauptman said:
As for this being some charity mission, I care not one crap whit for the town nor its inhabitants. I rarely do charity, there will be a price for the removal of the lizard men I assure you if I have to take it from the town treasury or even the people myself - <Zurd makes a spiting motion at the ground as he says the following> we will get a reward that we find suitable.

Kongu tries to reassure him. "These lizardmen no doubt control the great treasures of Hase and Suna. Surely that will be more than enought reward to justify our work!"

DerHauptman said:
About payment from the town, I will extort it if necessary. <again making direct eye contact with Payne> I assure you this love - if the town does not pay for the removal of the lizard men they will find a menace a bit more cerebral in its place. I will find something or someone to take the place of the lizard men, and trust me, they will wish the lizardmen stayed.[/COLOR]

Kongu looks visibly disturbed at this suggestion, and glances around to gauge the reactions of the others.


So, it's through the door opposite the kitchen now? Anything you want to do before opening it?

03-15-06, 02:27 AM
OOC : The usual searching and listen i suppose?

03-15-06, 04:43 AM
"Now haven't I been saying that for the past 3 minutes Loverboy?"

I would have chased him down but the entire group didn't follow and you couldn't see. Those eyes are pretty; <claping him on the shoulder> and I mean that truely my freind you are lucky, but alas they are not all that good in the dark. Next time I will just try and stop whatever I see alone and hope you all catch up to the sounds of my corpse hitting the stone - hehehe! Just have someone sing a good song about it ey!

Ok you and Lokin are on, lets go, which way - lets form up shall we ladies?

Same drill then, Kol, Lokin first, me and Payne then Kongu and the Mage the dogs will follow in thier spots as usual. If one of them gets hurt again I am gonna eat some lizard heart!

Then looking at Payne your eyes are better though! <smiling>

03-15-06, 05:02 AM
Lokin steps up to Zurd. "We took this job with the possibility of treasure from the ruins, not for protecting a town. If the town benefits, I'm glad to help but I'm not about to demand payment for something they never asked for. If they want to...donate for our efforts, that's great too. But I'm not about to demand a woman or a child starve to death so I can get paid, either. So, how about we stow about how we're going to be rewarded until we do something worthy of a reward. So far, this..." Lokin moves his mail skirt aside to reveal a bloody gash on his leg. "...and that..." He points to the wounded dog. "...are all we have to show for this excursion." Lokin turns back to the rest. "Payne, you're the one I trust for figuring where to go and how we get there. If you will, where do you think we should go?" Lokin leans back, his sword resting casually over his right shoulder.

03-15-06, 07:43 AM
Caught offguard by the tangent Zurd had gone off on, and when he's finished she's actually speechless. ``Ahem..`` A rosy color flushes her cheeks at his affectionate titles and tones have struck her odd. ``Right.`` Gloved hand is swept through her tendrils of midnight, thinking on exactly which is the best idea. ``Kol, you seem quite determined to go in the direction of that axe -- but if you give me a moment, I just wish to clear this room before moving on.`` All this debating outside the door probably has alarmed anything that may have been hiding on the other side. ``Does anyone know how long we've been down here for?`` Leather encased palm plucks a dagger from its sheath, toying with it idly within her nimble digits as she awaits the answers she seeks. ``Zurd, I suggest you be wary of the words you issue in mixed company. Sweet nothings rolling off your tongue are only the breeding grounds of jealousy and pain. Watch your tongue, Love.`` Her last word being emphasized, that dagger she was absently playing with was swirled gun-slinger style and dropped back into its sheath, turning to listen at the door and check it for traps .. just in case.

03-15-06, 07:44 AM
If you are done with you sermon, I never said anything about making any kids starve. I only want what is our due - respect and appreciation. I am getting into my focus, you do it your way Ill do it mine. I need to be worked up about something.

Lets get this goat rodeo going.

03-15-06, 05:33 PM
Listening at the door, Payne believes she hears something moving, but can't say just what.

03-15-06, 09:07 PM
Edit: So the door was locked. Busting out her theives tools, the practiced rogue went to work being careful as to not make too much noise while popping the lock. Of course. If something was inside, it probably all ready heard them. Pausing, her finger came to her lips silencing the crew.. this action accompanied with a hissed shush. Head cocked towards the door insinuating there was something inside. Making eye contact with the three fighters, before pocketing her tools and rocking back out of the way. Daggers are drawn and back is plastered to the wall, prepping the angle for the best sneak attack position. Then she signals with her leg for them to kick in the door. C'mon. Bust it down, boys.

03-15-06, 09:47 PM
If anybody tries to open the door: It's locked.

03-15-06, 10:37 PM
orsal said:
If anybody tries to open the door: It's locked.

( Should I edit my post? I was just assuming that Payne had checked to see if it was locked when she was checking for traps on it. )

03-15-06, 11:28 PM
OK.. so Payne determines that the door is locked, and that something seems to be moving but not very loud on the other side. What do you all do?

03-16-06, 03:49 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12

<Whispering> Payne, what is it? Can you tell?

Can you unlock the door? I am sure you can, dunno hwy I asked that. <turning to the group in general>

Ok I say that we cover Payne as she unlocks it as quietly as she can. If it comes for us we'll have her covered. I'll set the spear so it'll have a nasty surprise Kol and Lokin can be in waiting as well.

If it tries to run, I will chase in down for us just try and keep up in the dark.

03-16-06, 06:07 AM
Lokin moves a step back to make room for a full swing. When in position, he nods to Zurd and to Payne. "Ready," he mouths.

03-16-06, 07:58 AM
Kol stood silently, letting Payne go to work with the tools of her trade. His hands worked the handle of his oversized battle-ax, tightening and relaxing in a rhythmic beat that only Kol could hear. Deep within the bowels of his soul, he could feel the spiritual anger of all Maenad crying to be unleashed...

Not yet! he thought. But soon these Lizards will feel the fury that burns.

03-16-06, 08:50 AM
Now that the door was unlocked and just waiting for someone else to open it, that wasn't in her job description. Waiting against the wall, having moved from the formation just a bit. Leaving Zurd in front of the still closed door. There. Just watching Zurd, in wait.

03-16-06, 09:19 AM
OOC: Okay there is lotsa confusion with the door. Basically I think Paybe is going to try to pick the lock. If she isn't successful and makes the kicking motion. Kol will try to kick it in. If she is successful and then steps to the side waiting against the wall Kol will open the door.
Hopefully this will get us back on track either way! :)

03-16-06, 12:45 PM
(OOC: Yea what he said.... at least thats waht I thought was gonna happen.)

03-16-06, 05:43 PM
TwistedMindInc said:
Now that the door was unlocked

I'm taking that to mean that Payne took 20 to pick the lock. I didn't want to assume that, given that (a) I'm watching the time on both your light sources (the light spell and Kong's torch are both still going, but won't for that much longer) and (b) you know that someone who seems to be hostile knows of your presence. But now that that's established...

Payne fiddles with the lock for a couple of minutes but eventually manages to open it. Kol then kicks the door open. On the other side is a room about 40' long and 20' wide. In the center is a large table with several wooden chairs. Most of the chairs are plain and overturned, but there are two quite large ones, both ornately carved and upright. There are two alcoves, one in the back (10' deep and 5' wide) and one to the right (you can't see from where you are how far it goes, it might be a corridor or just an alcove). Straight ahead, and looking at you, is a giant centipede, about twice as large as a man.

No surprise. Initiatives:
Centipede 21
Kongu 15
Payne 14
Filalia 11
Zurd 9
Lokin 8
Kurg 7
Kol 6
Kura 5

The centipede moves toward you and lunges straight at Lokin with a well-placed bite. (natural 20, no critical, 7 HP damage).

Kongu bursts through the group with her sword, slashing successfully (also natural 20, also no crit, 3 points damage).

Since this is a relatively open space, and the centipede is Large, everyone who wants a melee attack can get into the action without difficulty.

03-16-06, 11:55 PM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12

Zurd makes an attack with his ransuer. He gives a command to the dogs who will attack on thier turns.

Kurg, Kura...Attack!

Attack = 20/8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=389030)

Kurg = 5/9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=389031)
Kura = 20/4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=389033)

03-17-06, 01:28 AM
Kol launches himself at the giant bug with a fervor that was shocking. He swung his weapon in a high sweeping arc hoping just to cleave the thing in twain.

OOC: Kol moves in and melee attacks.
attack roll 24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=389095) yay! :p
confirm crit 6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=389097) grrr :(
damage 14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=389098) :cool:

03-17-06, 01:28 AM
Are we all inside the room?I thought we were outside, with the centipede in the doorway(attacking lokin).

03-17-06, 02:19 AM
Question said:
Are we all inside the room?I thought we were outside, with the centipede in the doorway(attacking lokin).

I figured the front line got inside the door, with enough space for others to get in. So the confrontation was inside the room.

I've now seen enough damage done to kill the centipede.

Not long after, Lokin starts to feel his muscles losing co-ordination. 2 points dexterity damage. Lokin made the primary save but failed the secondary save.

03-17-06, 03:06 AM
OOC : Okay i guess i dont need to cast any spells for this combat lol.I will wait until you say IC that the centipede is dead.

03-17-06, 04:11 AM
Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12

OOC: So who killed it - it matters to Zurd [at least he got a hit this time] he is starting a trophy collection. )

Zurd looks down at the large bug. This is a wierd thing - never seen anything like it. wonder if this was its lair or it was out hunting.

I assume those chairs were their little thrones - quite the conceited duo huh? Kongu what do you think? I think we should search them for a latch or something it would be a good place for a little storrage of treasure - and likely a trap or two Payne so do be careful will you?

03-17-06, 05:38 AM
Lokin stumbles for a moment, looking a little shakey on his feet. Leaning against the wall, he removes his helmet, revealing his face looking paler than usual. Lokin sits down against the wall, prying some broken metal rings out of the mandible wound on his left shoulder with a groan. "I'm not doing so well, my friends. I think I've been poisoned...and these wounds are taking their toll, as well. Just...just give me a moment." He seems to be breathing heavier than usual.

OOC: Lokin has 1 hit point left.

03-17-06, 05:45 AM
( All right, I don't mean to be a pain.. but what's the point of rolling iniative if you're going to skip those higher in the line up anyway? My iniative was a 14, and yet you took the damage rolled by Zurd and Kol who are down the line. I'm not trying to cheat the party out of a kill - because they'd probably still would have killed it.. but who's to say that Payne or Filalia didn't harm it at least? Just curious. )

Though Payne was one of the first on alert for the attacking bug, she opted to step out of the way to allow the boys through. Something told her that Kol and Zurd would definitely do more damage than she could anyway. With the large centipede dead, daggers were sheathed and she stepped through the door.. nodding towards Lokin who looked pretty bad off. ``Shouldn't someone be taking care of him?`` The femme fatale knew nothing of healing, so she'd busy herself with something she did know about. Investigating the room. Starting by doing a once around the perimeter - peering into the alcove that no one could see far enough into. From there, if it's not a hallway, Payne moves to check out the other alcove.. and lastly the thrones. Searching the entire area for traps, secret doors, anything that perks her interest. If she doesn't find anything on the thrones, the rogue takes a seat. Crossing her legs. ``I could get used to this..``

03-17-06, 06:43 AM
TwistedMindInc said:
( All right, I don't mean to be a pain.. but what's the point of rolling iniative if you're going to skip those higher in the line up anyway? My iniative was a 14, and yet you took the damage rolled by Zurd and Kol who are down the line. I'm not trying to cheat the party out of a kill - because they'd probably still would have killed it.. but who's to say that Payne or Filalia didn't harm it at least? Just curious. )

I quote the policy I announced at the beginning of the game (http://www.enworld.org/showpost.php?p=2941982&postcount=1):
In combat, feel free to post out of turn. I'll adjudicate them in order, unless it's a really trivial distinction. For example, suppose the initiative order is Lokin, Zurd, Filalia, monsters, Kol, ... If Lokin and Zurd are hacking at the monsters, I won't be picky about the order, so if I have a post from Zurd but not Lokin, I'll not wait. But if Filalia is going to cast a spell to buff the party, that will have to be done in order, and Kol's post can't be processed early because the monsters go before him.

This is exactly the kind of situation I had in mind -- my preference is not to hold up the game waiting for actions in order. Generally initiative order among teammates doesn't matter, with a few exceptions. In most games, you need to know whether the beast is still alive when its turn comes up next, but you rarely need to know which of the various blows involved in killing it came first.

So the initiative roll is important to determine who goes before or after the centipede -- in this case, you all go after. But I didn't expect it to matter whether Payne went before Zurd or not.

Granted, I chose this policy before I knew that one of the PCs would be interested in crediting each kill to an individual party member. So maybe it doesn't fit this game so well? I'm not attached to it if as a group you'd rather I change it. How do you all feel about it?

In the meantime, if you care, the rest of you can post your actions and we can see on whose turn it actually would have been done in. We have
Kongu -- 3 HP
Payne -- ?
Filalia -- ?
Zurd -- 8 HP
Lokin -- ?
Kurg -- 0 HP
Kol -- 14 HP
Kura -- 4 HP
If those are the only hits, Kol's blow was the decisive one, but if Payne, Filalia or Lokin hurt it then one of them, or Zurd, might get the trophy.

03-17-06, 06:49 AM
Lot said:
Lokin stumbles for a moment, looking a little shakey on his feet. Leaning against the wall, he removes his helmet, revealing his face looking paler than usual. Lokin sits down against the wall, prying some broken metal rings out of the mandible wound on his left shoulder with a groan. "I'm not doing so well, my friends. I think I've been poisoned...and these wounds are taking their toll, as well. Just...just give me a moment." He seems to be breathing heavier than usual.

OOC: Lokin has 1 hit point left.

Now the lack of healing catches up to us.

Kongu goes over to Lokin to see how he's doing. "Ouch, that looks bad. I wish I knew how to treat wounds. Are you up to continuing, or should we return to the surface? We'd hate to lose you."

Move action to get a clear shot and ray of frost.

Old 03-17-06, 06:58 AM #252
Move action to get a clear shot and ray of frost.

Old 03-17-06, 07:08 AM #253

Lokin stands in his weakened state. "I'm not sure it's wise that I continue. I feel like a strong breeze could knock me down. I'd love to do the 'brave' thing and press on, but I feel like there's little I could do but make things difficult for you when I eventually fall." Lokin leans a little on his sword. "I hate to miss out on the treasure and the glory and such, but I think I'd like to live to fight another day."

OOC: For the record, I don't care about the initiative issue. It matters little to me one way or the other.


Chapter 4: Beleaguered and ambushed

Old 03-17-06, 07:29 AM #254

Lot said:
Lokin stands in his weakened state. "I'm not sure it's wise that I continue. I feel like a strong breeze could knock me down. I'd love to do the 'brave' thing and press on, but I feel like there's little I could do but make things difficult for you when I eventually fall." Lokin leans a little on his sword. "I hate to miss out on the treasure and the glory and such, but I think I'd like to live to fight another day."

Kongu replies, "Perhaps we could go back and rest, and return to explore the rest of this place another day? I'd certainly like to finish the job, but I'd like to finish it with a brave and strong Lokin to protect me against human-reptile creatures and giant insects and who knows what."

Meanwhile Payne is searching the room. Among the carvings on the thrones are the iconic symbols which Kongu had told you identified the owners -- the one with Hase's symbol is slightly larger than the one with Suna's.

Lying under the table, as if lost and forgotten, is a finely constructed large metal shield. In the alcove in the back there are some coins scattered on the floor -- 14 GP, 27 SP and 18 CP. The other "alcove" turns out to be a 10' wide corridor leading to another door.

Old 03-17-06, 08:12 AM #255

( I misunderstood your policy that you had said earlier on. I took it as that to save on time, to feel free to post our actions ahead of time and you'd fill them in as needed. Sorry for the confusion. We can just go with what I had posted, Payne having held back for the guys to get into the room. )

Payne, settled within the throne that she assumes as Suna's, glances to Lokin and Kongu. Another set back? At this rate they'd never get the treasure she was promised. ``Well, I've nothing to keep Lokin from dying .. so if we must leave and come back, then so be it. I'm not foolish enough to press on by myself.`` Her lips said one thing, but it didn't look as though she was really all for moving out of her seat. She -had- to get herself one of these. ``Zurd, think you could carry this back for me?`` Winking at him. Ok. Fine. The throne can stay here; they had to come back anyway.

Old 03-17-06, 08:47 AM #256

OOC : Cant bards cast healing spells?Btw twisted can you use another color for your posts?Dark gray and light gray is fairly hard to read on a black background.I find myself glossing over your posts rather than strain myself to read them.And "" for quotes too?

IC : Filalia looks at Lokin, concerned. "It might take longer than expected, but we should rest up before continuing.It is too dangerous to continue like this.Besides the lizards and treasure are not going anywhere."

Old 03-17-06, 11:11 AM #257

Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12

We need to take care of Lokin it could just as easily have been one of us. Besides Kura's wound needs cleaned out, who knows what kind of filth they carry. I'm fine with returning to the surface lets just make sure to stop by the lizardmen we killed so we have something for supper!

Old 03-17-06, 04:43 PM #258

"I would not readily send an ally off just due to wounds. Mayhap resting is the best course, but I agree we are in this together." Kol looks to Lokin. "And if another scuffle breaks out you let us handle it. No entering the fray, or I'll finish you off myself!" Kol warned with a smile.

question said:
OOC : Cant bards cast healing spells?Btw twisted can you use another color for your posts?Dark gray and light gray is fairly hard to read on a black background.I find myself glossing over your posts rather than strain myself to read them.And "" for quotes too?

OOC: Bards can if they know healing spells. Some don't though.
Funny I dont have a problem with grays, but purple or darker messes me up. I usually just highlight it and that works out. <<shrugs>>

' ' and " don't mean the same thing?

Old 03-17-06, 06:00 PM #259

Lokin smiles. "Thanks. I didn't want to leave your company but I didn't want to mess up with exploration on my account." Lokin rubs the heavy chainmail covering his body. "Maybe, for all the back pain I get from carrying this armor, it could block some damage one of these days."

Old 03-17-06, 07:27 PM #260

``Well, unless we can heal Lokin here.. which would be preferable. I say we go back to the surface, get him back to tip-top shape so that he can go back to being my shield.`` Payne winked at Lokin .. was that an attempt and keeping the mood light? ``Oh, so you guys now.. that's a hall way to another door.`` Said absently as gloved fingers pointed down into the alcove before heading for the archway they had entered through originally. ``Of course.. we could hope to find a potion?`` Hopeful rise in octaves, not wanting to leave and have to come back. So much work.

( I've never had a problem with my colors before, nor my quotation marks. If you are having issues deciphering what is speech and what isn't, I've done all her words in the lighter grey and they are italicized. At this time, I'm going to leave the colors the way they are unless the majority of the group seriously has a problem with it. I've put a lot of time and effort into the color scheme I have, and do so every post. So. Yeah, I'm a bit stuck in my ways. )

Old 03-17-06, 08:03 PM #261

OOC: I suggest that we use a Group Initiative instead of Individual Initiatives since it suits the GMs style of play...

Old 03-17-06, 10:03 PM #262

Ok then the concensus is to the top with us then. Lokin why don't you hand me your pack for now freind. No sense takin misery for misery sake.

I' am ready when you guys are.

After saying that he looks the big bug over to see what if anything he could keep as a trophy. He decides that the head is too big but a few of the vertebrae, after the meat is boiled off, could be strung into a nice necklace of sorts. He cuts in and removes a few (one for each party memeber including the dogs).

He thinks to himself - I'll make a neklace for each of us out of the extra lengths of leather thong I have been holding on to. Give me something to do tonight by the fire.


So did we search the room for goodies yet, I am confused. As for the initiative I don't care either way the trophy thing is just a RP thing I had in mind for Zurd. I understand IRL we are a team and full of sunshine, and roses for each other pepered with liberal equality and a singular unity of purpose. However in game Zurd keeps individual trophies. If its too hard to manage I can just take whatever trophies we get .

Old 03-18-06, 04:09 AM #263

DerHauptman said:
So did we search the room for goodies yet, I am confused. As for the initiative I don't care either way the trophy thing is just a RP thing I had in mind for Zurd. I understand IRL we are a team and full of sunshine, and roses for each other pepered with liberal equality and a singular unity of purpose. However in game Zurd keeps individual trophies. If its too hard to manage I can just take whatever trophies we get .

( Payne searched the room, found an alcove with nothing. A short hallway that leads into a door. As for the 'goodies', I forgot all about them while I was posting last. So, I guess Payne mentioned the coin and the shield under the table. )

Old 03-18-06, 04:10 AM #264

hero4hire said:
OOC: Bards can if they know healing spells. Some don't though.

Right -- they have limited spell lists. Besides, they need to be at least second level to get first level spells.

hero4hire said:
OOC: I suggest that we use a Group Initiative instead of Individual Initiatives since it suits the GMs style of play...

How does that work with different Dex modifiers?

DerHauptman said:
So did we search the room for goodies yet, I am confused.

Yes -- see post #254

DerHauptman said:
As for the initiative I don't care either way the trophy thing is just a RP thing I had in mind for Zurd. I understand IRL we are a team and full of sunshine, and roses for each other pepered with liberal equality and a singular unity of purpose. However in game Zurd keeps individual trophies.

One way you can do this is just to suppose that the attacks come in the order that they are posted. Realistically, if several swipes come within seconds, you wouldn't be able to tell which blow was really decisive -- are you going to notice at exactly which moment the monster breathes its last breath? Strict attention to order is an artifice of game mechanics, and as far as I'm concerned can just as easily come from posting order as from rolled order. This kill, whichever system we use, does belong to Kol, however.

While the group is agreeing on its plans, Kongu suddenly looks up and says, "What's that noise?" Lokin also hears heavy footsteps, belonging to multiple creatures, walking or marching toward the door you came in on. Also a few words, although he can't make out what they are.

Old 03-18-06, 05:23 AM #265

orsal said:
How does that work with different Dex modifiers?

OOC: You can use the party "leader's", the best bonus, the worst one, an average...
Doesn't really matter to me <<shrugs>> The only thing is anyone with Improved Init is screwed, but the would kinda be already the way we are doing it. It also doesnt really matter to me how we do initiative as long as everyone is in agreement

Old 03-18-06, 05:24 AM #266

orsal said:
While the group is agreeing on its plans, Kongu suddenly looks up and says, "What's that noise?" Lokin also hears heavy footsteps, belonging to multiple creatures, walking or marching toward the door you came in on. Also a few words, although he can't make out what they are.

"Which way???" Kol hisses to Kongu readying his weapon.

Old 03-18-06, 05:48 AM #267

hero4hire said:
The only thing is anyone with Improved Init is screwed, but the would kinda be already the way we are doing it.

Only if, for some reason, you're really picky about whether you go before your allies. And, as I've said, in those rare instances where I expect it to matter, I will wait to adjudicate them in their proper order.

hero4hire said:
"Which way???" Kol hisses to Kongu readying his weapon.

Kongu lifts her sword and points it toward the door you entered by. Then she begins a rousing oratory. "Friends, I fear that this is another hostile creature, and with Lokin so badly hurt we must protect him this time, as he has protected us..."

Old 03-18-06, 06:55 AM #268

( The only thing about going whenever you post, it may screw some people like myself who can't be online as often as others out of ever going first. And.. the only reason it may matter on who goes first is for positioning purposes within small quarters. You know? Payne may want to go before someone else to get in position to sneak attack. What if I was to have the higher initative, but Zurd and Kol block me off because they posted first and then I'm left trying to figure out how to do whatever I wanted. I'll go along with whatever people decide - just wanted to play devil's advocate. )

Payne instantly draws her daggers and backs away from the door she had been moving towards. There was no way she could take a hit like Lokin and keep on moving.

Old 03-18-06, 07:00 AM #269

Lokin smiles grimly. "Okay, I'll stick to the back and offer support." He lifts his sword and shield with some effort and prepares for battle.

Old 03-18-06, 01:44 PM #270

Kol readies his ax, audible cracking of his knuckles could be heard as he squeezed the handle of the weapon in anticipation of mauling anything that comes through the door.

OOC: Ready an attack action

Old 03-18-06, 05:19 PM #271

Zurd: HP: 8/8; INIT:+2; AC: 15; Melee: Ranseur+3(2d4+2 trip +2); Scimitar +3(1d6+2)18-20x2; Ranged: Dagger+3(1d4+2) 10'; Speed: 30'; Jump+2; Climb+4 ; Spot-1; Listen-1; Search+0; Intimidate+12

Zurd says, Hrag, again we are the defender not the agressor - this has to change ladies!

Zurd stands in front of Kongu and Filalia and sets his ready's and attack with his ransuer low and against his foot to recieve a charge. He yells STAY! to Kurg and Kura who's hair is standing on end along the ridge of their backs, <they will begin barking loudly the moment they see the enemy> STeeeeaaaDy, my failthful hounds you shall have your meat soon enough.

He looks over at Payne <winking> Ready!

If we have the initiative, As soon as Zurd sees the enemy he will set Kurg and Kura loose with ATTACK! They will both charge the first thing through the door and if they hit they will take thier trip attack.

Again if we have the initiative; Zurd will instead charge. If we don't have the initiative and he doesn't get his attack at range, he will of course attack.

Ok just in case we need them to speed things along my rolls for the first round of action.

To hit/Damage (these are unmodified rolls add +2 please if we can charge)

Kurg = 11/5

Kura = 4/11

Zurd = 4/6

UGH! I swear I can't roll for HRAG!

Anyways, I am cool with whatever way you wanna do INIT Orsal - np. Perhaps the higest of both parties would be simplest that way if INIT is in either the characters or the monsters build they get to take advantage of it. Havin big funn - sorry my RP casued a snag.

Old 03-18-06, 05:29 PM #272

You're getting into some sort of formation -- I'm thinking Kol and Zurd in front, Payne and Kongu in the middle, Filalia and Lokin in back. Is that right?

The door opens, and five lizardmen start to come in. One of them, in the middle, says in Draconic, "That's them!"

Kura 19
Kol 14
Payne 12
Kongu 10
Zurd 10
Kurg 8
Filalia 6
Lokin 3
Lizardmen 1

Old 03-18-06, 05:35 PM #273
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OOC: I forgot to mention: Kongu's oratory is a bardic inspire courage effect. Add one to all attack rolls and damage. DerHauptman doesn't need to reroll -- I'll make the adjustment for him. But none of his attacks hit anyway.

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Old 03-18-06, 05:50 PM #274
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Originally Posted by orsal
OOC: I forgot to mention: Kongu's oratory is a bardic inspire courage effect. Add one to all attack rolls and damage. DerHauptman doesn't need to reroll -- I'll make the adjustment for him. But none of his attacks hit anyway.


Hehehe - I am teh suck no need to rub it in lol
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Old 03-18-06, 06:22 PM #275
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Almost half a dozen Lizard Men bust through the door. Two had been trouble for them previously. His ally was wounded, his recovery could be in doubt. Now! Now was the time. The spiritual anger of a thousand Maenad welled up inside Kol, unlike his brethren he did not seek to control this fire, he let it blaze forth. The only thing that would quench his rage was blood...the blood of his enemies. Screaming "Rahhhhhrrrrggggg!!!!!!!!!" Kol launched himself furiously headlong into the throng of Lizards iming for the biggest, baddest looking one.

OOC: Rage AND Outburst also going to use Psionic Weapon. Charge lead lizard, 22 strength, base attack, inspire, and charge adds up to +10 (I forgot to add charge bonus initially) roll of 10 equals 20 to hit..32 points of Damage!!!
Awww yeah!!!!
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Old 03-18-06, 07:20 PM #276
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Originally Posted by hero4hire
OOC: Rage AND Outburst also going to use Psionic Weapon. Charge lead lizard, 22 strength, base attack, inspire, and charge adds up to +10 (I forgot to add charge bonus initially) roll of 10 equals 20 to hit..32 points of Damage!!!
Awww yeah!!!!

One very dead lizardman. The second is just in the doorway; no flanking possible unless you let them into the room.
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Old 03-18-06, 07:56 PM #277
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Originally Posted by orsal
One very dead lizardman. The second is just in the doorway; no flanking possible unless you let them into the room.

OOC: Had to of scare some Lizard Men though...It scared me and I rolled it.
I will wait to post my next action to see what others are doing. How many foes can attack me in melee currently? how many allies can attack as well? I am picturing 1 in front of door can attack and other two on either side of it can with cover penalties.
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Old 03-18-06, 08:07 PM #278
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Zurd will charge the lizardman in the door with his ransuer (exploiting the his reach). The dogs will flank me.


This will basically allow me and Kol to control the door. If anyone tries to slip past Kol I will get an AoO as will the dog on that side. So they have to suffer 2 AoO's to get past us and one can attack at a time. Kol will take the Damage untill he can't then I can step up to take my share.

XXX = door not to scale just to show my positions.
k Z k

Attack +2 charge +1 inspired

Zurd= 8/8

Ok this is geting silly my last 10 rolls in reverse order 2;4;1;17;3;6;5;4;3 DAMN IT! The pervious 10 ain't much beter!

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Old 03-18-06, 08:52 PM #279
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Originally Posted by DerHauptman
Zurd will charge the lizardman in the door with his ransuer (exploiting the his reach). The dogs will flank me.

Your way ahead of us, if you're already on the next round. You posted actions for this round in post #271, and nobody else except Kol has yet acted. I'm going to disqualify this post, because nobody should get more than one round ahead of their actual turn sequence.
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Old 03-18-06, 09:10 PM #280
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(OOC: Ok - np just gonna be out for a bit didn't wanna miss. If you can't carry it over as my next round action thats fine. Never intended to get more than one action per round anyways. Pretty familiar with that rule. I should have marked it round 2, so you could understand that.)
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[I'll edit this with a synopsis later]

Old 03-26-06, 05:57 PM #361
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Limbs heavy, drenched in blood...his and his enemy's. Kol draws in one deep laboured breath and screams ferociously down the hall. The roar ripples the air visibly down the hall impacting a lizardfolk. He then retreats backwards readying his shortbow.

OOC: Use Energy Ray at the Lizard who isnt Dazed.ranged touch attack 17
5 points sonic damage
Then move back to just around the corner readying my shortbow as part of my move action.
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Old 03-26-06, 10:03 PM #362
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Originally Posted by Question
Wheres zurd on the map?And is this map accurate?

Zurd is lying at the feet of the lizardman in the top row.

Originally Posted by hero4hire
[TwistedMindInc, who plays Payne] is in one of my PbP that I GM. I got the impression via a PM from her the other week that being gone sat morning to sun late night was going to be a routine thing for her.
I'd expect she would stay out of melee. Shoot w/ her crossbow and if someone else drops she'd think about jetting.

About 32 hours ago she posted this:
Originally Posted by TwistedMindInc
Because I won't be around today, or most of tomorrow - for the time being, my weekends are a bit screwy.

I take that to mean she's likely to be back online Sunday evening her time, whenever that is -- if she's in Asia it's passed, if she's in Europe it's now, and if she's in the Western Hemisphere it will be soon. Going by my 24-hour rule, I'm not about to take control and NPC her -- she gave me an action for last round, which was posted at 11:30 PM my time (that's 4:30 AM GMT -- you can all make your own conversions), so I'll wait until the same time tonight. I will, however, take allies out of turn, so:

Filalia casts daze at L3 (I can now drop the A and B); he fails his save, and loses his next action. Lokin readies. I'll continue from L2's turn in a few hours.

XXXXXUXXFXX2XXX - Kura and Zurd unconscious at L2's feet
PXLXXXKXXXX3XXX - Kurg unconscious at L3's feet

L2 is wounded and dazzled. L3 is dazed.

Coming up in the turn sequence:
Payne (from earlier in the round -- probably a crossbow bolt?

Liz2 1 -- ??
Kura 19 -- bleed or stabilize
Kol 14 -- energy ray, 5 HP damage against L2
Liz3 13 -- ??
Payne 12
Kongu 10
Kurg 8 -- bleed or stabilize
Filalia 6
Lokin 3
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Old 03-26-06, 11:28 PM #363
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XXXXXUXXFXX2XXX - Kura and Zurd unconscious at L2's feet
PXLXXXKXXXX3XXX - Kurg unconscious at L3's feet

OOC: I didnt get to go around the corner?
I planned on retreating through Lokin's and Payne's squares stopping just around the corner next to wear you have 'P'ayne positioned
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Old 03-26-06, 11:39 PM #364
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Originally Posted by orsal
Zurd is lying at the feet of the lizardman in the top row.

About 32 hours ago she posted this:

I take that to mean she's likely to be back online Sunday evening her time, whenever that is -- if she's in Asia it's passed, if she's in Europe it's now, and if she's in the Western Hemisphere it will be soon. Going by my 24-hour rule, I'm not about to take control and NPC her -- she gave me an action for last round, which was posted at 11:30 PM my time (that's 4:30 AM GMT -- you can all make your own conversions), so I'll wait until the same time tonight. I will, however, take allies out of turn, so:

OOC: are you sure it wasnt 8:30 am?? I am on EST and if you are in Toronto you should be too? Either that or my timecodes for posts are screwy.
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Old 03-27-06, 12:19 AM #365
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Originally Posted by hero4hire
OOC: are you sure it wasnt 8:30 am?? I am on EST and if you are in Toronto you should be too? Either that or my timecodes for posts are screwy.

I posted that at 4:30 PM on Sunday. So yes, 8:30 AM was 32 hours earlier, as I said.

Originally Posted by hero4hire
OOC: I didnt get to go around the corner?

Patience -- the diagram represents the position as of L2's turn. Your move is part of the "coming up" list.
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Old 03-27-06, 01:05 AM #366
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Originally Posted by orsal
I posted that at 4:30 PM on Sunday. So yes, 8:30 AM was 32 hours earlier, as I said..

Ah I thought you said she posted at 11:30 your time...

Patience -- the diagram represents the position as of L2's turn. Your move is part of the "coming up" list

Got screwed up there as well (not doing to well) I thought he roared his sonic attack already. So I thought my actions were resolved...My bad.
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Old 03-27-06, 04:21 AM #367
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Originally Posted by hero4hire
Ah I thought you said she posted at 11:30 your time...

Oh, that makes sense now. The 11:30 PM was the time I posted, adjudicating Payne's last action. Since I've previously discouraged players from posting specific moves more than one round in advance, it made sense to start the clock then.

Let's say Payne fires a bolt at L3, but it doesn't penetrate the reptilian's scaly skin (attack roll 11).

(insert previous results here)

Liz2 charges at Filalia but his claw can't find the target (attack roll 7).

Kura continues to bleed (now at -7 HP).

Kol's energy ray does 5 HP vs. the creature in front of Filalia; he's considerably hacked up and bleeding by now, but still standing. The barbarian then retreats.

Liz 3, dazed, cannot act this round.

Payne: ??

Kongu repeats her arcane spell, this time producing a flare right in front of L3 (it's beside Filalia, so she doesn't risk being dazzled).

Kurg also continues to bleed (down to -3 HP).

Next in the initiative sequence:
Payne 12 (see above "??")
Filalia 6
Lokin 3
Liz2 1
Kura 19
Kol 14
Liz3 13
Payne 12
Kongu 10
Kurg 8
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Old 03-27-06, 05:14 AM #368
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Seeing both dogs go down, Kol retreat by, and now Lokin came into view.. badly hurt. Payne was seriously debating on making a run for it. But, not before giving it one more attempt. She had promised Zurd that she'd take care of his dogs, and though she thought he was dead by now.. she meant on keeping her word. Even if she couldn't heal the dogs, she could at least make sure they got an appropriate burial? We'll see if it comes to that. Crossbow still drawn, she takes a diagonal five foot step up by Lokin and fires again at L3.

(I'm not taking into account any negatives if you wish to give him some cover. I'll just post my roll and you can figure it out from there? I hope. )

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Old 03-27-06, 10:32 AM #369
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Lokin finds it difficult to be patient with his friends hurt, yet knows his strengths and mobility isn't one of them. Let them come to me. Seeing Filalia getting attacked makes him realize her danger. Moving up, he tries to make himself a more obvious target. "Filalia, retreat! I'll try to cover you!"

Lokin will move up his movement rate up to where diagonal and forward to be as close to Filalia as possible. After his movement, he will stop and ready an attack if any lizardmen close. Feel free to roll for me if that occurs
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Old 03-27-06, 04:01 PM #370
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Originally Posted by TwistedMindInc

4 HP damage to L3 -- not as badly hurt as L2, though. Here's the current position, taking Lokin's move but not Filalia's into account.

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Old 03-28-06, 02:13 AM #371
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With his back to the wall...Half to hold himself up. Kol knocked an arrow. Things must be desperate if he was using his ranged pig-sticker! He nodded to Payne who was in the process of loading her crossbow. He smiled as if to say You want to live forever??..Of course he knew her answer would be a smokey Yes. Arrow knocked he huffed twice leaned around the corner and let shaft fly.

OOC: Attack Liz3 attack roll 14
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Old 03-28-06, 06:52 AM #372
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( Hehe, now I'm a bit confused on the lineup. Where are we at in it? )
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Old 03-28-06, 07:02 AM #373
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Haven't heard from Question, so...

Filalia casts her last daze spell at the lizardman threatening her, casting defensively. (Concentration check 18, so no AoO.) Unfortunately, the lizardman is not affected.

L2 responds with a full attack: claw 10, claw 13, bite 21. Fortunately the total damage from the two successful attacks is only 3 HP, leaving Filalia at 1. (There seems to be a lot of that going around -- three of the five party members currently conscious are down to 1 HP.)

Kura bleeds, dropping to -8 HP.

Kol's arrow fails to hurt L3.

L3 moves up next to his comrade and throws a claw at Filalia: Attack 16, damage 4. Filalia drops unconscious, at -3 HP.

Payne: ??

Kongu, seeing yet another teammate fall, runs up to L2 with her longsword, but slices wide. (Attack roll 7).

Kurg bleeds, dropping to -4 HP.

Filalia bleeds, dropping to -4 HP.

Lokin: ??


Payne 12
Lokin 3

Liz2 1
Kura 19
Kol 14
Liz3 13
Payne 12
Kongu 10
Kurg 8
Filalia 6
Lokin 3
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Old 03-28-06, 07:08 AM #374
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Withdraw action back to behind lokin.
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Old 03-28-06, 08:05 AM #375
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OOC: Yeah Payne...Its up to you to save our butts...
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Old 03-28-06, 11:07 AM #376
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(Holy Moly. Whatever happened to retreating? Zurd-mun you still 'round? Not used to you being so quiet. )

Reloading once more, Payne shoots yet another bolt at the lizardman in front of her (3). If they don't drop these beasts soon, she's running for her life. Everyone else is on their own.


Her frustration with the group must be getting to her, missing the monster in front of her. She move to her left to put her back against the wall behind Lokin for the time being. Not wanting to go around the corner and get in Kol's way. Last chance to kill these brutes, and then she's running for the hills. Mismatched pools moved to lock on Kol's for a brief moment, intensity and .. desperation burned within those hollowed orbs. Then gaze was back on the horrific scene before them. So many dying today, from the looks of it.
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Old 03-28-06, 01:22 PM #377
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OOC: Probably wont be back tonight Attack roll 10 vs Liz3 for expediency
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Old 03-28-06, 04:31 PM #378
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(OOC: Yea just unconscious - LOL! I'm sleepy)
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Old 03-28-06, 05:01 PM #379
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OOC: I'm sorry, I'm confused. Is Filalia bleeding because she cast the spell, or did she retreat like the Question said.
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Old 03-29-06, 01:41 AM #380
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Huh i thought i posted the withdraw action right after orsal said the liz attacked me and missed?
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Old 03-29-06, 03:48 AM #381
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Originally Posted by Question
Huh i thought i posted the withdraw action right after orsal said the liz attacked me and missed?

Reread the post just before you said you'd retreat -- both lizardmen attacked you, total of four attacks, three of them hit. Which is why Filalia is now unconscious, and can't retreat.

To recap: Filalia and Zurd are both unconscious, as are both dogs; only Zurd has stabilized. Lokin and Kol are both at 1 HP, with Payne and Kongu at full.

Payne's shot misses. What is Lokin doing?
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Old 03-29-06, 03:58 AM #382
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But i posted the action before you did that post!
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Old 03-29-06, 04:04 AM #383
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Originally Posted by Question
But i posted the action before you did that post!

Funny... I get your post right *after* mine, time stamped six minutes later, and numbered one later (374 vs. 373). At the time I posted, you hadn't posted in this thread for 36 hours.
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Old 03-29-06, 04:09 AM #384
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The last post when i started typing was post 372.....
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Old 03-29-06, 04:19 AM #385
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Originally Posted by Question
The last post when i started typing was post 372.....

It took you six minutes to write a one-line post?
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Old 03-29-06, 05:59 AM #386
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Lokin sees Filalia and knows the end is near. So this is how it ends, eh? "Run! I'm too slow in my armor but I can slow them down! Get away while you still can!" Turning to the lizardmen, he smiles grimly. "C'mon, you bastards! You may kill me, but you will bleed for it, I promise you!" Lokin stands ready, his shield up and his sword raised.

Lokin will ready an attack and attack any lizardman who comes in melee range.
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Old 03-29-06, 06:21 AM #387
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Liz2 claws and bites Kongu, but (the dazzling effect of the flare is decisive here) can't connect.

Kura continues to bleed. (-9 HP now...)

Kol sends another arrow wide.

Liz3 also full-attacks Kongu; she dodges his claws, but his bite does leave a minor wound.

Payne turns and runs toward the entrance. (If I understand you correctly that is what you intended to do this round... if not, please correct me.)

Kongu once again misses the lizardman... just barely.

Kurg continues to bleed (-5 HP now).

Filalia continues to bleed (-5 HP now).

Lokin's readied attack doesn't go off; the lizardmen both want to finish off Kongu, it seems, before continuing down the line. What does he do next?

Lokin 3
Liz2 1
Kura 19
Kol 14
Liz3 13
Payne 12
Kongu 10
Kurg 8
Filalia 6
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Old 03-29-06, 08:57 AM #388
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( Oh, I had intended to take one last show.. then run for the hills! So. I'll that. )

Payne sees the other female drop, and grunts. Who's stupid idea was it to come to this lizard invested compoud in the first place. She'd have to applaude Kongu for leading them all to their deaths later. Bravo! Another shot was taken, still at the same lizardman. If this one doesn't hit, Payne's getting out of there. If Lokin wants to play brave little solider more power to him. Someone had to get out alive to tell the story of the parade of fools here!


The crossbow sinks in deep and Payne gives the thumbs up to Kol, figuring that had to have hurt. Ok, maybe she'll stay around long enough to make sure that she doesn't have to run. If the lizardmen fall, think of the goodies she may find! Eyes continue to gaze down the hall, seeing that Zurd is in fact .. breathing. Well, that sealed the deal of running.. didn't it.
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Old 03-29-06, 09:38 AM #389
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Originally Posted by orsal
It took you six minutes to write a one-line post?

Yes.I was working at that time.
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Old 03-29-06, 04:39 PM #390
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Originally Posted by Question
Yes.I was working at that time.

OK -- let me backtrack then. I had been going on the assumption that you had written after seeing the results of the other move, in which case I couldn't allow a takeback. Pause while I rewind and figure out the alternate scenario.
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Old 03-29-06, 05:00 PM #391
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OK, here's what changes based on the revised scenario:

In post 373, L2 only gets an AoO against Filalia as she retreats. The first claw attack I rolled was a miss, so that's the one that counts.

L3 moves up to attack Kongu, who at this point is the front line. Using the same attack roll, Kongu takes 5 HP damage.

The battle continues much as it did before, except that the front line is where Kongu was, rather than Filalia. Filalia would have gotten two more actions in -- I'll let you insert them now. Is Lokin, who is just behind Kongu, still going to keep his actions readied, or would he move and do some actual slashing?

Also, TwistedMindInc: If you want to specify which of the two lizardmen your latest shot was aimed at, and you post before I get caught up to that, feel free. I'll wait to see whether anyone's action last round is revised before figure out the damage from that shot, and if you don't specify the target I'll choose one randomly.

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Old 03-29-06, 06:51 PM #392
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OOC: Slashing, please.

Lokin steps forward to the open area next to Kongu, glad to see Filalia has gotten away from an unfortunate situation and that his patience has created a combat situation more to his liking. He swings his sword at the lizard man directly in front of himself.

OOC: Attack 22, Damage 8 Attacking Lizardman 3.
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Old 03-29-06, 07:31 PM #393
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Originally Posted by Lot
OOC: Slashing, please.

Lokin steps forward to the open area next to Kongu, glad to see Filalia has gotten away from an unfortunate situation and that his patience has created a combat situation more to his liking. He swings his sword at the lizard man directly in front of himself.

OOC: Attack 22, Damage 8 Attacking Lizardman 3.

Not enough to kill the guy, but both lizardmen are now seriously injured.

Kongu is disabled (0 HP), because the attacks I had previously thought would be made against Filalia were made against her instead, but Liz3's full attack is now against Lokin, and thanks to his better AC none of them succeed.

HP summary:
Payne 7/7
Zurd -1/8
Filalia 4/4
Lokin 1/12
Kol 1/14
Kongu 0/5
Kurg -5/13
Kura -9/13

Awaiting word from Question... then we'll continue in turn sequence from her latest move.
Filalia 6
Lokin 3
Liz2 1
Kura 19
Kol 14
Liz3 13
Payne 12
Kongu 10
Kurg 8
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Old 03-29-06, 08:13 PM #394
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OOC: Hope you dont mind me posting so much out of turn...I figure you'd rather know what I do when the time comes.

Kol takes another shot at the Lizard Man (attack roll 10) seeing it go wide he looks at the bow as if it were broken.
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Old 03-30-06, 04:27 AM #395
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OOC: I'll just post now to keep it moving.

Lokin, having just slashed at the one lizardman, turns to attack the other who seems poised to strike.

Attack:22. Damage:7 Lokin is attacking Lizardman 2. If Filalia takes down 2, I will be attacking Lizardman 3
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Old 03-30-06, 07:21 AM #396
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( I aimed at Lizardman 3, sorry. I didn't necessarily specify, just stated I hit the same liz. Sorry! Anyway. So that would be... 7 points to the one that Lokin then did 8 points to. I'm assuming its dead now? Having taken damage from me earlier on. And now, I'll wait until I'm told to take another turn. Everyone posting out of order is confusing the hell out of me. )
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Old 03-30-06, 07:43 AM #397
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OOC : Withdrawing doesnt provoke an AoO btw.

Ok i got this one from the last one before all the confusion started......


AFAIK thats it.Move action back 3 spaces, casting mage armor on self.

Btw heres a nifty java applet that we could use to get easily updated maps : http://www.irony.com/java/mmee
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Old 03-30-06, 02:45 PM #398
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Originally Posted by Question
OOC : Withdrawing doesnt provoke an AoO btw.

Ok i got this one from the last one before all the confusion started......


AFAIK thats it.Move action back 3 spaces, casting mage armor on self.

Nope. Seee post 391 for the position just after your retreat. Then Lokin moves up into the square next to Kongu. So Lokin and Kongu are side by side, facing L3 and L2 respectively, with Filalia 10' behind.

Originally Posted by Question
Btw heres a nifty java applet that we could use to get easily updated maps : http://www.irony.com/java/mmee

I'll check that out.


Filalia, after withdrawing, casts her spell.

Lokin kills Liz2.

Kura, still failing to stabilize, drops to -10 HP. Dead.

Kol shoots another arrow wide.

Liz3 makes his last stand against Lokin: claw (8), claw (13), bite (21). Lokin takes 4 HP damage. Lokin drops unconscious at -3 HP

Then Payne's final shot finishes L3 off. Combat over.

Two of your tanks are unconscious, one dog is dead and the other dying, and Kongu is disabled. What do you do?
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Old 03-30-06, 03:48 PM #399
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((OOC: I lay unconscious on the floor - lol! However, I look goooood doing it in my fashionable green cloak!))
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Old 03-30-06, 07:35 PM #400
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OOC: Can we make unskilled heal checks to try to stabilize our allies?
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Chapter 5: The retreat


[synopsis of unrecovered portion]
The group then returned to the kitchen, where they blockaded the doors and slept for a few days to recover. They did get a couple of visitors, but a combination of door wedges, piled furniture and living defenders prevented anyone from entering.

There was much arguing about food. Some (mostly people who had not brought enough rations of their own) wanted to continue eating prepared rations, but Zurd, the best-equipped, insisted that they get some meat off the dead lizardpeople. The healthy party members did fetch a corpse, and the less squeamish of the party fed off of it.

When all party members except Lokin were mobile, they made a run for safety outside, Zurd and Kol carrying Lokin. They camped one (rainy) night, and then made for the road, where they found a travellers' inn and temple to Phyrah. With one good night's rest, and a little of Phyrah's blessing, everyone was ready to move on their own...

Old Yesterday, 08:05 PM #601

Zurd reaches out for Lokin....

I got you, take it easy...we are in a temple safe and out of the lair, been 2 full days plus most of another.

When Lokin seems to be steady enough to stand on his own he bends down to check on Kurg....

Is he that bad off that the powers of your god can't help him.

How much for a orison to see if that gets him up and walking? I only have 10 gold to my name but I'll pay what it takes to get him up - he is my best freind in the whole world!

Old Yesterday, 09:33 PM #602
DerHauptman (Zurd) said:
When Lokin seems to be steady enough to stand on his own he bends down to check on Kurg....

Is he that bad off that the powers of your god can't help him.

How much for a orison to see if that gets him up and walking? I only have 10 gold to my name but I'll pay what it takes to get him up - he is my best freind in the whole world!

Kinto leans over the dog. "He's breathing. He is definitely alive, but seems to be so badly hurt that even Her blessings are not enough. Unfortunately a mere acolyte like myself dare not call on Her assistance too often. If She should lose patience I would be able to heal no more. I would certainly be happy to try again tomorrow if you would come back, but I can offer no more healing today. Unless Father Kesune himself would pray for your dog -- and I assure you, only the most devoted servants of the Searcher, or the most generous contributors to the temple's expenses, are honoured by the direct attention of such a holy servant as Father Kesune."
Living ENWorld judge and player
Jo Guilan, half-elf druid 1, would rather never return to Orussus
Nurlan, human bard 4 / fighter 1, is arresting assassins in Three Rings

Old Today, 12:20 AM #603
Zurd, obviously shaken a bit says...

Ok then tomorrow, just worried is all, you ever have a best friend in the whole world - one that would die for you without question?

Its like that....see you tomorrow...
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First Post
Lokin, looking to be in much better health after a night's sleep, comes downstairs from the second floor of the inn to greet his companions. "Hello. Hope everyone slept as well as I did. You'd think after being unconscious for a few days, you'd have had enough but..." He shrugs.

"Anyway, I think we were discussing whether or not to go back. I think we should go back as soon as everyone feels sufficiently well to do so. The way I see it, we left the job undone and we should finish what we started. I do think we need to discuss strategy and better teamwork, but we have a few days to go over that." Satisfied with his words, Lokin sits down and settles in for breakfast.


First Post
OOC : Whats the exact exp value we are at now? 1000?

IC : Filalia greets lokin. "Well the way i see it, we started something, we should finish it. The lizardmen are missing quite a few of their number now, and we have a better idea of the layout. Something keeps bugging me though....there is no lightsource in the complex, the lizardmen cant see in the dark, and its not exactly their kind of environment....theres also the weird signs of orcs we heard of right after the final battle when we were resting up.

Should be a simple matter of crashing in and looting the place while clearing out the monsters, but somethings just dont fit." Filalia shrugs. "At any rate, we will need to take stock of equipment.......probably replinishe the torches and rations at least."


First Post
Question said:
Something keeps bugging me though....there is no lightsource in the complex, the lizardmen cant see in the dark, and its not exactly their kind of environment....theres also the weird signs of orcs we heard of right after the final battle when we were resting up.

Lokin seems troubled. "I didn't know that lizardmen couldn't see in the dark. Never thought about it, really. Also, I hadn't heard anything about orcs, either. You're right. This does seem odd..." Lokin is silent in thought for a moment, then he turns to Filalia.

"Well, we should have time to think about these matters before we proceed. I think a few days of rest would do us all a world of good. I have to have my armor mended a little and I thought I would ask around town for some information. If I don't see any of you before, I'd like to meet for supper here and discuss a new plan of action for tackling this complex. I'd like to avoid a repeat of last time."


LEW Judge
Kongu follows Filalia into the common room. In response to her comments about the incongruity, the bard remarks, "Yes, there are a lot of mysteries about them. It is definitely not where I would expect to find lizardmen, and yet they clearly have made it their home."


First Post
Zurd wakes up from another of his series of dreams except for something is wrong this time.

He is the dragon now - he woke with the ability to cast spells!

He confindently heads down stairs to meet with the others in the commmon room.

Good morning, he says to those already gathered...I hope I have not kept you waiting?


First Post
DerHauptman said:
Good morning, he says to those already gathered...I hope I have not kept you waiting?

Lokin is just opeing the door when he sees the half-orc. "Oh...hey. I was just going to run some errands. I was hoping we could meet back here tonight around supper time. Discuss some theories surrounding the complex and the lizardmen and the like. That work for you?"

Lokin pauses, studying Zurd. "Everything okay with you? You look...different."


LEW Judge
OOC: Where is Lokin planning to go? It's a bit of a walk to the nearest village -- the inn and the temple of Phyrah cater to travellers on the road, and otherwise it's mostly farms around here.

Feel free to plan your respective days. We haven't yet heard from Kol or Payne since the post-crash restoration; feel free to incorporate them into your plans, and until they indicate otherwise I'll assume they go along with the rest of you if you want them to. Orussus is about 12 miles away, and there's a smaller town a little closer in the opposite direction, but otherwise nothing larger than a village any closer.


First Post
(OOC: Sorry, I didn't realize the inn was so isolated from town. That being the case, Lokin is going to go find a quiet place not too far from the inn to do some minor repairs to his mail, sharpen and oil his sword, and exercise and practice his swordwork. Maybe a clearing in the woods behind the inn? He'll also attempt to do a little hunting with his shortbow, if time permits.)

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