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(ENN) Kobold Press to make Midgard an ‘Open World’?

Wolfgang Baur and Kobold Press have set their sights to making their Midgard campaign setting an ‘Open World’, allowing anyone to design and publish their own material using the setting. They announced their intentions in their latest Midgard Campaign Setting: Dark Roads & Deep Magic Kickstarter Update.

Wolfgang Baur and Kobold Press have set their sights to making their Midgard campaign setting an ‘Open World’, allowing anyone to design and publish their own material using the setting. They announced their intentions in their latest Midgard Campaign Setting: Dark Roads & Deep Magic Kickstarter Update.

From the earliest days, the Midgard Campaign Setting has been an open world: pre-Kickstarter, patrons brainstormed elements of Zobeck, the Margreve Forest, and the horrors hidden beneath the Ironcrag Mountains. Over the years we’ve kept that door open, with an open freelance submissions policy and frequent design contests to bring new talent into the field.

Well, now we’re taking a big step beyond that. If we get enough backers on this Kickstarter, we’ll launch Midgard as an Open World on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

What will it mean for Midgard to become an Open World? Glad you asked! Like the Forgotten Realms and Ravenloft in the DM’s Guild program, Midgard will be open for anyone to use and publish locations, adventures, characters, lairs or other playable material (under certain conditions). In this case, it would cover supplements that are compatible with 5th Edition, Pathfinder, and 13th Age RPG.

How close are we to that goal? We need 2,000 backers to form a strong enough nucleus of new designers to attempt it; we’re currently at just over 1,000 backers, with a little more than 2 weeks left. That means we definitely need your help to make it happen. It’s possible, but it’s not a slam-dunk.

What gets us there? Every backer on the project counts towards this goal, regardless of dollars pledged or rewards chosen. That means if all 4 players in your local game pledges $1, we’re 4 backers closer to the Midgard Open World. Any and all of those backers get first peek at Backer Updates in this project, which might also inspire them to roll up some homebrew encounters or build out that archetype they’re always talking about. It’s up to them.

Why Open Midgard? The reality of a small press is that we can never keep up with the demand for new material, and we’re always scouting talent. This approach helps with both, by providing additional Midgard adventures and resources, while opening up a way for talented-but-unknown designers to be recognized. Our hope is that participants in an Open Midgard will also become freelancers who keep the setting vibrant and join the Kobold crew on future official releases. That’s the plan, all we need is a large enough set of backers to launch it!

Happy gaming!

Wolfgang Baur, Publisher, Kobold Press

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Age has fallen out of favor then, interesting as the first campaign book was pathfinder and age compatible. Still they need a LOT more backers before this kicks off, I hope they get there.


Age has fallen out of favor then, interesting as the first campaign book was pathfinder and age compatible. Still they need a LOT more backers before this kicks off, I hope they get there.
I can't say that I blame them. The AGE system has since undergone a noticeable revamp in Fantasy AGE. But there has not been too much fervor around the AGE system apart from the brief boosts of popularity the system gets from Wil Wheaton's Titansgrave. The revised Blue Rose came out recently, but the internet has been mostly silent about it. So one can't help but get the impression that the AGE System is a dud system that made a brief splash or lacks long-term presence that makes investing efforts worth while. But I do not wish to derail this thread of positive news about the Midgard Kickstarter with too much discussion on the AGE system.

Monkey King

I suspect the Ronin are just very, very busy with their existing projects, not to mention new and shiny items like Lost Citadel.

I really hope we reach critical mass on the open world approach. Kobold Press has a long history of amazing fan creations and expansions (such as the recent launch of the free Yggdrasil fanzine). Encouraging that is the goal.

Marc Radle

We've passed $168,000 AND 1,600 backers - the final day is getting kinda crazy! :)

Only 400 new backers to go and Midgard Open World becomes a reality!

Even MORE new stretch goals have been unveiled:
  • Dragon Magic
  • More awesome heraldry art
  • Yet another Eldritch Lair
  • Shadows of the Dusk Queen adventure for 5E and Pathfinder (I'm particularly stoked about this one! :)

Latest Update: Goblins, Tarrasques, Spin Control, Pathfinder Guide, & Strange Noises.

The Midgard Campaign Setting kickstarter ends in just over 1 day!!!

If you've been holding off to decide if you wanted to back or not - now is the time to pull that trigger!!! :)

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