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Disney to reboot X-Files (Disney owns an insane amount of Fantasy/Sci Fi IP)

So they are rebooting X-Files. This caught me by surprise. I forgot they own it now.
Just to clarify--they have expressed an interest in doing so. There is supposedly a director attached. That is a long way from them actually doing so (much less it being released and in distribution). Any number of properties are at that stage of development, many of which with actual treatments or full-fledged scripts, but still languishing in development hell. Think how long the rest of the GI Joe* cinematic universe** has been languishing while the powers that be wrangle over rights and schedules and production company capacity and all the time checking the prevailing winds to see if they should move forward at all, etc.
*Since this board focuses so much on Hasbro properties
**supposedly bringing in Micronauts, Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light, M.A.S.K. and Rom; along with maybe retroactively splicing itself to Michael Bay's transformer movies

I'm not saying it won't happen (nor that whether they should isn't a decent thread premise), but I'm going to wait for a lot more evidence of movement before I start expecting this thing to happen.

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I found the alien conspiracy theory plot line tedious, for the most part, though it did link to a few good episodes. But man, the monster of the week episodes were my jam. I lived for those. My fear is that the reboot will double down on the former rather than the latter.

And the chemistry between Anderson and Duchovny will be pretty hard to replicate.

But if they do manage to come up with some amazing lead actors, and focus on the weird monster angle, then yeah, I'll be there. If they shoot in Vancouver.


I found the alien conspiracy theory plot line tedious, for the most part, though it did link to a few good episodes. But man, the monster of the week episodes were my jam. I lived for those. My fear is that the reboot will double down on the former rather than the latter.

And the chemistry between Anderson and Duchovny will be pretty hard to replicate.

But if they do manage to come up with some amazing lead actors, and focus on the weird monster angle, then yeah, I'll be there. If they shoot in Vancouver.
If they do shoot in Vancouver then I want Ryan Reynolds as the Mulder character.


Staff member
The X-Files was so good ... because it captured the zeitgeist of its time. It was the '90s, and we were all a little ironic and conspiracy-curious.

Now? Oh no .... I don't need conspiracies on my Tee-Vee, thank you very much.
I don’t know if it’s still in production, but the show Evil was doing a pretty good job of being The X-Files with the serial numbers filed off, in much the same way as The Orville was a spiritual cousin of Star Trek.


I generally preferred the series when it was a monster-of-the-week show anyway.
I'd pit some of their monster-of-the-week episodes with some of the very best television from the 1990s.
I found the alien conspiracy theory plot line tedious, for the most part, though it did link to a few good episodes. But man, the monster of the week episodes were my jam. I lived for those. My fear is that the reboot will double down on the former rather than the latter.
I stopped watching around the fifth season when I realized they weren't going anywhere with the conspiracy plotline.

"Squeeze" - the episode that introduced us to Eugene Tooms. The dude who could squeeze into tight spaces and elogate his body.

"The Host" - the episode with the weird mutant lamprey dude.

"Jose Chung's From Outer Space" - We all remember the line. "You don't play Dungeons and Dragons for as long as I have without learning a little bit about courage."

"Bad Blood" - In the vein of "Jode Chung," this is kind of a funny episode.

"Home" - Probably my favorite single episode and one that disturbed a lot of people. Fox wouldn't air it in reruns, so I'm happy I actually caught it when it aired.


A suffusion of yellow
"Home" - Probably my favorite single episode and one that disturbed a lot of people. Fox wouldn't air it in reruns, so I'm happy I actually caught it when it aired.
was that the one with the deformed baby and the civil war family? yeah that story still disturbs me, probably the best episode in the whole X-Files run


I was privileged to briefly meet and speak to John Neville, aka "the Well Manicured Man" at work, many years back. He was a visiting lecturer at our Theatre School. While I enjoyed the show and watched it from Day-1, it dropped off significantly in quality the last couple of years and there are still episodes that I haven't seen to this day. The time for this show has passed.
Neville will always be Baron Munchausen to me.

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