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Pathfinder Star Trek

Pathfinder Star Trek 1

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This module assumes you are already familiar with the setting. You should also grab the free SANTIAGO Player's Guide, which contains sci-fi rules for Pathfinder (ignore the default setting stuff). The following should be viewed as additional to that information. One major feature of ST in Pathfinder is that Hero Points are replaced by an expendable resource called "Technobabbles", which take the narrative place that magic holds in a fantasy game.

You will need a working knowledge of the STAR TREK universe. This module provides a selection of rules and mechanics but does not describe the background, setting, or characters of STAR TREK. It is generally assumed that you have at least a passing familiarity with the franchise, but if not there are many resources freely available on the web – plus a whole pile of TV shows and movies!
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  1. Pathfinder Star Trek

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1851-1.jpg This module assumes you are already familiar...
  2. Pathfinder Star Trek

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1851-1.jpg This module assumes you are already familiar...
  3. Pathfinder Star Trek

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1851-1.jpg This module assumes you are already familiar...