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Zeitgeist -- The Return of the Ob


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Aw, I'm thrilled to hear you like them.

Now I'm rereading the chapter. I think I wrote it in a bit of a fugue during Covid.
Speaking of second Zeitgiest campaigns, a while back you shared a list of proposed one-shots (or disconnected ideas) in the world of Zeitgeist, @RangerWickett. I loved them, but I can’t find them for the life of me. Any chance you could direct me to them, please?

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Andrew Moreton

It was a truly odd circumstance, Discord has decided it cannot hear my voice, I can hear things but no matter what I do my audio is not picked up despite other systems detecting it, and one of the players could log into roll20 , type and hear the rest of us but no sound from him. Attempting to combine the two just got echoing feedback loops. Odd as Roll 20 worked for him the week before.


Andrew Moreton

Still sorting out the character names but we have
Deva Gunslinger/alchemist a man passionate about the sciences , and also building himself a steam suit to carry really big guns. The spiritual heir of Manuel but not anywhere near as sneaky. Has been drifting around for the last 500 years and in the current incarnation settled in Flint.

Tiefling Starseer Sorceror, dedicated to magic and unnable to pursue his art in his native danor moved to Risur before the last war and has taken to Risuri society becoming a Starseer and a respectable sorceror, has a Raven familiar which has started down the scholar path and will soon be lecturing them all on matters arcane

Blue Kobold Dinosaur druid with a small pet Tyrannosaur, plans to shapeshift into a dinosaur as soon as possible. Is likely to be tormented by El Extrano being 'helpful' . Players keep giving me opportunity for more on stage time for El Extrano I am sure they will love him. He is a recent immigrant and has dveloped the powers to speak with the dead ancestors (Medium) sadly cannot speak to the ancient dead dinosaurs

Vekeshi Mystic Prowler at the worlds end, suffers from a fair degree or amnesisa and only returned to the modern world about 3 years ago when she stepped into a ceremony of the vekeshi mystics accompanied by one of the Fey lords (I have not decided which yet) and has been introduced into the society by the Vekeshi. Had a Tiger mask when she appeared, has the ability to fight in a furious rage and manifest spirit aspects of the Eladrin goddess , probably Darla fused with part of the goddess reborn and confused. Deadly combatant

The adventure begins next wednesday.
My second team is as weird as the first

Andrew Moreton

The Druid is El Jeffe a male kobold, Katrin is the female Deva Alchemist, Ka’Vert is the Tiefling sorceror and I beleive the Eladrin is called Oxorin but my notes did not save properly

The team started discussing how to find trouble makers in the crowd for the launch of the Coal tongue. El Jefe decided that moving around the crowd with a Tyrannosaur even a small one may cause just a little bit of panic so he stayed at the back of the police line mounted on the dinosaur looking out for trouble. In particular they decided that having the dinosaur wondering around sniffing the crowd was just a bad idea . Ka'vert was disgusied as a human with hair and skin dye as well as a wig , Oxorin was pretending to be an elf and had left her greatsword behing because she thought it would look bad in a crowd and wanted something a bit less lethal, Katrin has left the musket behind for the same reasons, the Tyrannosaur is carrying the heavy weapons. The Raven of scholarly insight alternating recon flights over the crowd with flying between the team to carry messages,
They had puzzled over Ka'Verts skyseer vision and it had not helped them. It did make them suspect the police as they carried whistles,
While they were searching for trouble they noticed Thames Grimly arguing with the police and Katrin went over to find out what was happenning while he did so Ka'vert and Oxorin found the suspicous docker under a purple ribbon and persuaded them to quietly leave rather than cause a scene and get beaten up by the police,

Katrin decided that Grimsley was on the level and agreed she would see what she could do about deliviring the note and promised to turn over the dockers if they caught them before any trouble broke out. Working off his descriptions the raven was able to lead the team over to two dockers by a map shop. They were closing in on the fourth docker when a kobold who looked just like El Jefe pointed him out to them, before vanishing into the crowd. They then realised El Jefe was still on his dinosaur. He too went quietely when confronted and all of them were packed off .
Drelf then congratulated them on the lack of trouble and introduced them to Harkover, who was apparently suspicous of El Jefe and asked him a few pointed questions before concluding that he was not El Extrano in disguise. They went onboard the Coaltongue and were going to put the Raven on one of the masts but the Sea Gulls drove it back to the deck, there will be a reckoning when it reaches higher level.
Oxorin was staying near the main hatchways to the ships interior while the others mingled and the dinosaur stood near the buffet. Once the Duchess arrived and asked for a cabin to rest in Oxorin who has been a midshipwoman in the navy found a petty officer to sort this out and followed her down, talking to Sorkana outside the cabin to keep an eye on things, with Raven on her shoulder to avoid Gulls and maintian a line of contact with the others on deck.

We left it there having gone slowly to cover game mechanics and background exposition, next time their first fight

Andrew Moreton

Katrin did deliver the dockers note having read it to make sure it was not a threat or anything and not endorsing it. While she did so Stansfield spoke to her a bit and concluded she did not have access to her memories. Which was a good thing

I am thinking that Katrin and he were two of the people involved in killing Ssramma having been briefed on the name of the Eladrin manifesting the goddess, probably Katrin had second thoughts when she found out how many people would die as a result and she was the one who gave Stansfield his old wound.
Oxorin is a mixture of Dalla's and Ssramma;s soul not really either of them and was lost in the dreaming for nearly 500 years before one of the unseen court brought her to the Vekeshi in Flint and the Old stag in particular which is why she had a brief carreer in the navy before joining the RHS

Andrew Moreton

Managed to write the Deva name down wrong it is Rinakth not Katrin


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