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ZEITGEIST Campaign Guide [5E]

Making it's grand debut in EN5ider, the ZEITGEIST adventure path Campaign Guide is now available to all patrons. Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and winds sweeping across its majestic harbor blow the choking products of industrial forges into the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains. Since the earliest ages when the people of Risur founded this city, they feared the capricious beings that hid in those fog-shrouded peaks, but now as the march of progress and the demands of national defense turn Flint into a garden for artifice and technology, the old faiths and rituals that kept the lurkers of the woods at bay are being abandoned.

Making it's grand debut in EN5ider, the ZEITGEIST adventure path Campaign Guide is now available to all patrons. Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and winds sweeping across its majestic harbor blow the choking products of industrial forges into the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains. Since the earliest ages when the people of Risur founded this city, they feared the capricious beings that hid in those fog-shrouded peaks, but now as the march of progress and the demands of national defense turn Flint into a garden for artifice and technology, the old faiths and rituals that kept the lurkers of the woods at bay are being abandoned.


The Unseen Court, the Great Hunt, and the many spirits of the land long ago conquered by Risur’s kings no longer receive tribute, but they cannot enter these new cities of steam and steel to demand their tithe. The impoverished workers who huddle in factory slums fear monsters of a different breed, shadowy children of this new urban labyrinth. Even their modern religions have no defenses against these fiends.

Times are turning. The skyseers – Risurs folk prophets since their homeland’s birth – witness omens in the starry wheels of heaven, and they warn that a new age is nigh. But what they cannot foresee, hidden beyond the steam and soot of the night sky, is the face of this coming era, the spirit of the age. The zeitgeist.

The Campaign Guide details the plot of the ZEITGEIST adventure path and introduces various antagonists and power groups. If you're planning on playing the ZEITGEIST adventure path (rather than running it), this guide will seriously spoil the experience for you.

When it was originally released for Pathfinder, this is what well-known reviewer Endzeitgeist (no relation!) had to say: "This is the most ambitious AP you can buy and also the most intelligent - with a focus on a complex weave of narratives, deceptions and espionage, it cannot be compared to any other AP in scope and focus and is ambitious to an unprecedented level. The story is so compelling, diverse and challenging, it is bound to become a legend, far surpassing even War of the Burning Sky and similar epics with its daunting focus on smarts and roleplaying over killing everything that moves."

This 27-page Campaign Guide is free to EN5ider patrons - you will not be charged for it. It introduces the AP to GMs, and outlines the plot of the thirteen adventures. Coming soon is the Player's Guide which includes ZEITGEIST player options and setting information.

Get it now on EN5ider!

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'd love to play this. This document isn't a 5e campaign guide so much as it is a rules-agnostic campaign guide though.

Yup. That's why it's free. It only needed new layout and some minor editing. The Player's Guide, on the other hand....


Following this Campaign Guide, the ZEITGEIST Players' Guide will be released over the next few months, then adventures will start rolling out. It's a huge undertaking, so serialization may take some time.


Following this Campaign Guide, the ZEITGEIST Players' Guide will be released over the next few months, then adventures will start rolling out. It's a huge undertaking, so serialization may take some time.

No big hurry its free(sorta) and it seems a bit more involved than To Kill A Dragon.


Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
I've got to say, as a diehard Eberron fan, this campaign has so many things I love and I am so stoked to run it. This document was my first encounter with the storyline, but it seems deliciously cerebral and very well realized. The world's (freaking rad) cosmology made me go "woah." *cue incredibly appropriate discussion of red pill vs. blue pill*

This is a great time to be an EN5ider subscriber! :D

I do have a question though: How many hours is each adventure supposed to run? 13 adventures is a long time, and I somehow don't expect each one to be 4 hours. (But then again, I've never managed a 2 hour adventure in my life.)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I do have a question though: How many hours is each adventure supposed to run? 13 adventures is a long time, and I somehow don't expect each one to be 4 hours. (But then again, I've never managed a 2 hour adventure in my life.)

Oh, they're big.

Xethrau, as far as I know no one has run all 13 adventures to conclusion, and we first started publishing this series back before 5e was even announced. Mind you, that's for Pathfinder and 4e, whose combats took longer. If I had to guess, going at my speed of GMing, with faster 5e combats, I'd say expect the first (short) adventure to be 2 or 3 sessions. But there's still a lot of investigating and roleplaying.

Then the second adventure, which is intended to be sprawling with interweaving investigations that fit together by the climax, you should expect 5 to 8 sessions. That's the longest adventure. The rest probably would take me 3 or 4 sessions to run. So if you game weekly, with a few weeks off for holidays and such, you might be able to play through in a year. A lot depends on how fast you play, of course.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Hey everybody - this file has been updated. Very minor errata - we spotted a couple of "Page XX"s in there! Feel free to re-download it.

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