• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Which Mythologies/Pantheons do you want?

Which Mythologies/Pantheons would you like detailed?

  • African

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Amerindian (North American)

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Aztec (Central American)

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Canaanite/Phoenician

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Celtic

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Chinese

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Egyptian

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Finnish

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Greek

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Incan (South American)

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Indian (Hindu/Vedic)

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Japanese

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Mesopotamian (Babylonian/Sumerian)

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Norse

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Oceanic

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Persian

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Slavic (Polish/Russian)

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Obscure Real World (Australian, Korean etc.)

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Fictional/Occult (Atlantean etc.)

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Something Else (post below)

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Poll closed .


Upper_Krust said:
Well obviously the next book will be 3.5 (and my last 3.5 book) and have Gods in it, although this poll (more specifically) is for the 4E stuff after that.

Will it include any crunchy, delicious monsters and templates? =^.^=

How bout multi-armed, multi-headed, flesh-eating gobblers of doomy doom doom? =^.^=

Side question...

Regarding Elder Ones...

Do they count the demi-plane, planar layer, or celestial body (planet, moon, ect.) as their Godly Realm? Because...as stated...they don't have a Godly Realm and thus...no powers associated with it.

Shouldn't they have...Godly Realm (Area: Celestial Body, Demi-Plane, or Planar Layer) as an ability???

WarDragon said:
Well then, reduce the Amerind, Aztec, Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, and Mesopotamian vote counts by 1. I don't care to see anything done for 4e.

I second that motion.
Last edited:

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Howdy Center-of-All! :)

Center-of-All said:
Heh, now I feel like a shmuck. I'd always learned that the Middle-East went as far east as Iraq (not counting the peninsula), and that Iran was something else entirely. Go figure. Sorry if I sounded rude.

Don't worry about it, no harm done. I was just thinking somebody sack this guy's Geography Teacher. ;)

Center-of-All said:
Although, I would hardly call Quirinus minor. He was a member of the Capitoline Triad, was served by flamines maiores, and more than any other was the god of Rome.

I suspect the vast majority of people on these forums would never have heard of him - many on the list were certainly new to me.

Hey WarDragon mate! :)

WarDragon said:
Well then, reduce the Amerind, Aztec, Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, and Mesopotamian vote counts by 1. I don't care to see anything done for 4e.

Fair enough, of course you know all the other information would be of interest (just not the 4E stats) and the 4E stats could always be converted using the patented Krusty 3E to 4E Level Converter*. :)

*Which will probably appear on my website tonight. ;)

Howdy dante! :)

dante58701 said:
Will it include any crunchy, delicious monsters and templates? =^.^=

Almost certainly.

How bout multi-armed, multi-headed, flesh-eating gobblers of doomy doom doom? =^.^=

Anythings possible at this stage.

Side question...

Regarding Elder Ones...

Do they count the demi-plane, planar layer, or celestial body (planet, moon, ect.) as their Godly Realm? Because...as stated...they don't have a Godly Realm and thus...no powers associated with it.

Shouldn't they have...Godly Realm (Area: Celestial Body, Demi-Plane, or Planar Layer) as an ability???

Elder Ones ARE the planar layers. The 5th layer of Hell - thats a trapped Elder One. The 44th layer of the Abyss thats a trapped Elder One. The 3rd layer of the Seven Heavens - thats a trapped Cherubim. etc.

I second that motion.

Hear the creaking under your feet, thats the thin ice you are walking on. Careful how you step. ;)


Upper_Krust said:
Elder Ones ARE the planar layers. The 5th layer of Hell - thats a trapped Elder One. The 44th layer of the Abyss thats a trapped Elder One. The 3rd layer of the Seven Heavens - thats a trapped Cherubim. etc.

Yes...I get that. But what powers would a manifestation possess while in that planar layer?

Does an elder one impose a -24 penalty on all rolls?

Do they completely control the landscape?

Can they kick other beings out of their own self?

Do they control every aspect of reality within their own layer?

Are deities essentially parasites living on the elder one?

Does an elder one's -24 penalty supersede a greater deities control over it's godly realm when that godly realm is ON the elder one?

Seriously...this needs to be covered more thoroughly.

Also...what sensory benefits does a deity's divine aura give him? Does it function like blindsight? Does it allow him telepathy? ...clairvoyance? ...clairaudience?

These features need to more fleshed out.

Upper_Krust said:
Hear the creaking under your feet, thats the thin ice you are walking on. Careful how you step. ;)

I'm a member of The Polar Bear Club. =^.^= I like icewater!!! :p

Hey dante! :)

dante58701 said:
Yes...I get that. But what powers would a manifestation possess while in that planar layer?

Does an elder one impose a -24 penalty on all rolls?


Do they completely control the landscape?

Yes, as reflected by the -24 penalty to opponent rolls.

Can they kick other beings out of their own self?

Not automatically.

Do they control every aspect of reality within their own layer?

As reflected by the -24 penalty to opponent rolls.

Are deities essentially parasites living on the elder one?

Well not necessarily. A parasite feeds off the host in some way, not sure exactly how gods do that to an Elder One.

Does an elder one's -24 penalty supersede a greater deities control over it's godly realm when that godly realm is ON the elder one?

No, but the two would overlap so the Elder One would still gain a -8 penalty versus such a greater god.

Also...what sensory benefits does a deity's divine aura give him? Does it function like blindsight? Does it allow him telepathy? ...clairvoyance? ...clairaudience?

These features need to more fleshed out.

Yes to all the above.

I'm a member of The Polar Bear Club. =^.^= I like icewater!!! :p


Upper_Krust said:
No, but the two would overlap so the Elder One would still gain a -8 penalty versus such a greater god.

Needs clarification in the rules set. Perhaps you could simply add a little section on Sidereal's (and higher) and their control over their own selves. Otherwise people who buy Ascension will surely end up VERY confused.

Upper_Krust said:
Yes to all the above.

Also needs clarification in the rules set. Perhaps you could simply add a little section on divine senses. Otherwise people who buy Ascension will surely end up VERY confused.

It's not like it says clairaudience/clairvoyance, telepathy, ect. apply to a deity's divine aura and it doesn't state that they can sense everything within their divine aura as per blindsense, blindsight, ect.

Most people would just look at it as written and go..."Ok...so...can they sense their followers? Does their divine aura allow them to sense anything?"

It's one of those major things that seems to keep coming up in our campaigns. We've had so many discussions about it that we've been sidetracked more than once.

As of time of posting the Top Ten are as follows:

1) Atlantean

2) Egyptian
2) Greek
2) Japanese

5) Caanaanite
5) Mesopotamian

7) Norse

8) Chinese
8) Persian
8) Slavic

Hey all! :)

Tried to post last night, but ENWorld is a bit temperamental lately.

Okay looking at the results:

Fictional/Atlantean = 15

Greek = 14
Japanese = 14

Egyptian = 13

Canaanite = 12
Mesopotamian = 12
Norse = 12

Chinese = 11
Slavic = 11

Persian = 10

Aztec = 9
Hindu = 9

Celtic = 8
N. American = 8
Oceanic = 8

Finnish = 7

African = 6

Lesser Known/Australian = 5

Incan = 4

While fictional (and presumably Atlantean) is top, I think it would be better to set out the first volume or two with established Pantheons/Mythologies.

Between Greek and Japanese I must admit I am a lot more confident (at this juncture) with Greek mythology.

I have also been thinking that if any Pantheon/Mythology has an obvious 'spin-off' or parallel mythos (Greek-Roman, Celtic-Welsh, Aztec-Mayan, Norse-Teutonic, Sumerian-Babylonian, Hindu-Tibetan etc.) That it would also be covered in any such book.

Interestingly, I have been brainstorming for (among other things) the adventure and the first one will probably have an Egyptian theme in it to the extent that quite a large chunk of what would comprise an Egyptian pantheon book will probably be detailed.

So the first Immortals Index will probably be the Greek and Roman Gods. Its high on the list, well known to me, has some great monsters and is generally the defacto mythology when talking about mythology - so it will establish a good base. Of course the flipside to that is that the mythology is so familiar there is little surprise in it anymore...but hopefully I can change all that. ;)

Not sure what the second volume will be, but I'll do a bit more reading up on Japanese mythology and see how I like it.

I'm getting my new computer (a laptop) at the end of this week and then I'll start typing up my notes and see how easy 4E really is to design for. I'd still love to do an 'old school' Deities & Demigods type book with multiple mythologies in it. Though I think the trade off is always going to be the level of detail you give each immortal. As we can see from Orcus entry in the Monster Manual, even a basic treatment takes a few pages. In a multiple mythos book, elements like Aspects, Exarchs and High Priests might only be mentioned (with intended levels) and not detailed.

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