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The womb of god (3.5)


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lol, yes, you read correctly. The Womb of God.

I'm wondering if anyone has any 3.5 homebrew they'd like to share. I'd like to see this become a compilation thread of sorts where we post everything 3.5 related that we use in our campaigns.

As it is all of the stuff we use is scattered haphazardly all over Enworld. If we can compile it here we could put it in a handy PDF for use by those that frequent these threads.

You could post your homebrew, or someone elses (open game content only), or anything that's already been posted on Enworld or other sites. I think the gaming community deserves this. :)

Even things like The Mighty Buttcrab (not my creation) would be acceptable material...


Harmony Kendall
10-26-2004, 10:47 AM
Buh. I never want to do that again. o_O

Buttcrab: CR ½; Fine fey; HD ¼d6; hp 2; Init +3; Spd 40ft.; AC 24 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +8 size), touch 21, flat footed 21; Base Atk +0 (+8 size); Grp -21; Atk +3 melee (1-5, bite); Space/Reach ½ ft./0ft.; SA bardic music, insert; AL CN; SV Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 1, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 4.
Skills and Feats: Escape Artist +7, Hide +19, Perform +4; Skill Focus (perform).
Possessions: Fine banjo.
Bardic Music (Su): Buttcrabs can use bardic music as a bard of 1st level (or equal to their hit dice, whichever is greater). They may only use this ability while playing a banjo.
Insert (Ex): Buttcrabs may attempt to insert themselves into a host harmlessly but succeeding on Dexterity check (opposed by their opponents Reflex saving throw). This renders them immune to attack, and does no harm to the target. No more than two buttcrabs may insert themselves into the same host at once.

I feel dirty.

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Wrath of the Immortals (Ex)
Prerequisites: Non-barbarian, Non-lawful.
Benefits: You gain Rage 4/day (equal to Barbarian Rage) and Greater Rage.
If you gain this divine ability a second time, you gain Rage +2/day, as well as Indomitable Will, Tireless Rage, and Mighty Rage.
Special: You can gain Rage feats normally.
You can gain this ability twice. It's effects stack.

I'm aware it's feat equivalency is actually 5 feats per instance. This is intentional as a portion of the divine ability is put towards allowing you to possess these abilities in the first place.

Cold Rage [Epic]
Prerequisites: Wis 25, Rage 4/day, Concentration 15 ranks, Iron Will.
Benefit: At the cost of four daily uses of your rage ability, rather than one, you can rage and retain the ability to use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills, the Concentration skill, and any abilities that require patience or concentration, cast spells, and activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function; and retain the ability to use any feat you have including Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats.

Mania [Epic]
When you rage, you can become more dexterous.
Prerequisites: Dex 25, Rage 5/day.
Benefit: When you rage, you can increase your Dexterity, instead of your Constitution.
Special: Your bonus to Strength is unaffected by this feat.

Cold Rage is a rather costly rage feat. But I think it's worth it.
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