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The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being

Thychen is more powerful than the Guardians though right?

By far, the Eschatols are more powerful in ways than the Aspects, at least some of them, and they're 'only' 2500 HD. The Guardians are on par with the Higher Aspects roughly, the Higher Aspects being Gravity, Cosmos, Earth, Quintessence, and Destruction.

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Hey peeps! I wanted to present to you the Void Lords, incomprehensible beings knowable by the Supreme Being only within Creation. These beings represent the Lipika and also can represent a more approachable (cough.. cough... sputter...) Supreme Being if one so chose or a mock up of Thychen's baseline Aspect of Time "Stage 36" form. Either way, it feels so good to be baaack! lol. Enjoy. :)

Lipika, The Void Lords

“The Old Paradigm, The Lipika, The Peers of God, The Keepers, The Lords of Dark Space, The Keepers of the Portals, The Guardians of the Last Barriers ”

You break free!

The strange gray-white space of Kuvatchim held you, the Time Raagens, Delerium Raagens, and Raagens of Dreams and Hopes held you fast for what seemed like and perhaps was an infinite amount of time, perhaps you are still there, regardless you’ve somehow willed yourself through it and find yourself ‘moving’ once again, though movement through such an alien and strange place is a concept unto itself.

Somehow though, like a serpent or a worm you squeeze through the impossible crushing weight of the Diamond Realm, through the Jaws of Delerium and Time, and the through Endless loving Embrace of Hope and Dreams, you’ve evaded the impossible fists of the Inertia Golems, sentinels of Kuvatchim, and somehow, have broken free into the Platinum Realm the so-called Supermassive White-Hole…

Into the inner sanctum of Kuvatchim. Into the very machinery of the Kosmos. Connected by juts of diamond resonating with hyperdimensional gray white ‘lightning’, like flashes of electricity flowing through neurons, you look outwards with awe and see the Central-Brain, the Diamond in the Diamond, the actual seat of creation itself.

You're so close now...

Your eyes tear up, fulfillment and exhaustion overtake you, like a human you lay down on your face.


This place makes a certain sense. Like a dream...

A strange dark feeling goes over you, you look up and see a spiral of blackness form from the infinite space in front of you. You sit up, and out of the center of the spiral you see a robed and hooded figure with hands crossed and hidden within his robes float towards you with an alien grace.

He uncrosses his arms and raises a single hand in a ‘Stop’ motion, his hand and skin appear like purple stars and the night sky, his eyes glow vibrant and purple and black, a shadowy insubstantial staff, like a giant key, appears in his other hand.

“You’ve come far on will alone, but know that you can never know The Lord, just based on Ego.”

You’re not sure what this thing is, it doesn’t appear alive dead or otherwise, and you find yourself intently listening to all it says.

“You must try, once again, from the beginning. A greater lesson awaits you, as does a much greater height. That’s… truly… why you’re here, is it not?” it asks matter of factly.

You say nothing as it raises it’s black key, a hollow shuddering goes through you as does a feeling of intense heat like being washed with boiling water as you see what looks like liquid light rip from your body.

You feel a release and with an impossible flash of light a supernova lashes out from you!
Filling space with a starquake

Your Quintessence! It Schismed you, but how!? You should be beyond such things! Suddenly, the Infinite Density of the Diamond Realm pulls you back in! It should crush you entirely! But somehow, impossibly you find yourself outside the Diamond Realm being escorted away by the Neutronium Leviathans…

You see in the distance a strange glittering from within the Diamond Infinity… your Quintessence Elemental... You can see it but how can you possibly get back?!

"You must try once again..." The voice echoes to you as you feel the sinking of horror within you as you realize now what it meant...

Void Lord
Unsizable Poly-Existential Outsider

Hit Dice:
50,000d10,000+∞ x 10,000 (∞ hp, 5,000,000,000,000 hp)
Armor Class: ∞ ( ∞ Charisma, ∞ Dex, ∞ Wis, ∞ Void Lord) 250,000 Base (+50,000 Nat, +50,000 Armor, +50,000 Spell, +50,000 Deflection, +50,000 Divine )

Initiative: Always Goes First
Speed: Folds Space, Starflight

Base Attack/Grapple: 50,000/ ∞

- Void Staff: Always Hits, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s, Cannot fail checks

-Robe of the 11th Dimension: Always Hits, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s, Cannot fail checks

-Expression of Infinite Power: Always Hits, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s, Cannot fail checks

Full Attack:
-Void Staff: ∞ Damage, + ∞ Str,+ ∞/25,000, +50,000 Divine, +50,000 Enchantment, x16 x6 + Expression of Infinite Power, Can Cast any Energy Attack within current universe.

-Robe of the 11th Dimension: ∞ Damage, + ∞ Str,+ ∞/25,000, +50,000 Divine, +50,000 Enchantment, x16 x6 + Expression of Infinite Power, Automatically attacks all foes independently within range (∞ attacks)

-Expression of Infinite Power: ∞ Damage, + ∞ Str,+ ∞/25,000, +50,000 Divine, +50,000 Enchantment, x16 x6 + Damage Repeats Forever, Annihilates all HD and Divine Ranks.

Special Attacks: Expression of Infinite Power, Might of God, Alter Creation, Void Annihilation, Chain Aeon, Key of Spacetime, Void Will

Special Qualities: DR: ∞/--, SR: ∞, Omnific Traits, Void Lord Traits, Omni-Elemental Immunity, Omni-Elemental Absorbtion, Omni-Elemental Reflection, Overwhelming Toughness, Space Folding, Poly-Existential, Immunities, Omnicompetent, Eye of God

Abilities: (Base 50,000) Str ∞, Dex ∞, Con ∞, Int ∞, Wis ∞, Cha ∞
Saves: Fort ∞, Ref ∞, Will ∞
Skills: All skills are at ∞.

Feats: (Void Lord Traits; See Below) Anyfeat x∞, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x∞,

Divine Abilities: (Void Lord Traits; See Below) Anyfeat x∞, Quantum Effect, Uncanny Whirlwind Attack, Regeneration, X-Ray Vision, Perfect Initiative, Telluric Effect, Telelocation, Distant Gaze

Cosmic Abilities: (Void Lord Traits; See Below) Specular, Slipstream, Perfect Critical, Oblique Strike, Unearthly Weapon Specialization, Learned Ability Immunity, Divine Nescience, Divine Inspiration x∞, Ratification, Nullification

Transcendental Abilities: (Void Lord Traits; See Below) Legendary Strength, Legendary Charisma, Legendary Dexterity, Legendary Intelligence, Legendary Wisdom, Legendary Charisma, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Perfect Defense, Transversal, Cosmic Inspiration x∞, Invincibility, Sophism, Divine Ratification, Divine Nullification

Omnific Abilities: (Void Lord Traits; See Below) ∞ Strength, ∞ Dexterity, ∞ Constitution, ∞ Intelligence, ∞ Wisdom, ∞ Charisma, Transcendental Inspiration x∞, Transcendental Nescience, Tenth Sense, Cosmic Ratification, Cosmic Nullification, Omniparity, Omneity, Omnipersonal

Metempiric Abilities: Might of God, Words of Chaos, Omnific Inspiration, Inexhaustible, Omnific Ratification, Omnific Nullification, Eye of God, Void Annihilation, Void Will, Omnific Presence, Supreme Mimic, 11th Sense

Environment: The Font of all Creation, Kuvatchim, Akasha
Organization: Solitary, With Inertia Golems and Raagens, With The Aanorrath and the Aspects of Creation, With other Lipika (Usually 1-4 others and Inertia Golems) Or with Thychen
Challenge Rating: (official CR 50,000)

Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Effective Class Level: 50,000

The Inhabitants of the Realms higher than the Pleroma. Void Lords represent the beings Thychen himself charges with his protection and considers his Peers. Mighty Highlords who cross the Gap and are able to somehow make it through Kuvatchim may find themselves, if worthy, transformed into a Void Lord to exist with the Lord of Lords forever.

Additionally the Void Lords are the last guardians of Spacetime against incomprehensible Metempiric threats. As the Moon has a Dark side so too does the Pleroma, and while the Pleroma is powerful, it’s point is creation, not defense or destruction. The Dark Side of the Kosmos, or the Dark Side, is the place where Thychen blocks the attempts of impossible beings forever. The Void Lords aid Thychen in battle and guard the Twilight Barrier, the place where the Dark Side and Light Side meet, blocking would be explorers and astral travelers, separating mind body and souls of those who refuse to comply.


If needed the Void Lords call upon their many powers to destroy their foes. Favoring their Words of Chaos, Void Annihilation, Magic, and Chain Aeon abilities.

Words of Chaos (Ex): The Void Lords read the mythic words of the Akashic Library, and able to generate many affects that can bend or break the Laws of Reality, regardless of complexity or simplicity no matter how small or how large. This ability can be used in any way the DM sees fit except to undermine Thychen as their power is inextricably linked to Him. Within Creation a Single Void Lord can only tap into and hold within his mind 5 Words from the Akashic Library without risking absolute annihilation, All Chaos Words used are absolute and require no save and all are considered Free Actions.

Chain Aeon (Su): Void Lords are given very limited control over Fate by Thychen, when needed as a Supernatural Ability the Void Lord can with a Full Round Action, separate the connection between Time and Space within a Time Lord without save, creating a Nova Elemental (d1000’s Quintessence Elemental) and a Sundered Time Lord, ending that Universe until the Sundered can either complete some penance or is annihilated or left to it’s fate.

Expression of Infinite Power (Su): Deals ∞ damage, Annihilates all HD of an effected enemy and all Divine Ranks (As Akashic Effect). The damage repeats itself every round forever with no save possible, can be projected throughout the Kosmos, throughout Time, and into previous and future existences and tangent space time continuums. If Void Lord so willed and he was given such authority, He could annihilate all Creation with a single wave of His hand using this ability.

Beam (Ray) Infinite Damage, Infinite Range, Always Hits

Blast Infinite Damage, Infinite Range.. Standard action

Blood Infinite Damage, Melee. free action

Breath* Infinite Damage, Infinite Range Cone. Standard action

Hand: Infinite Damage, Infinite Range,.Melee Touch

Immolation: Infinite Damage, Infinite Range. Cast upon Death

Storm Infinite Damage, Infinite Range, Aura (bonus) Free-

Strike Infinite Damage, Infinite Range. Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) Infinite Damage, Infinite Range.. Free action

Alter Creation (Su): Can alter any aspect of existence as he sees fit with but a thought, these effects are permanent and considered fundamental to creation, nothing within existence can resist the alteration of reality as decided upon by the Void Lord. This replaces and stacks with the parameters of Alter Reality.

Might of God (Ex): Any action done by a Void Lord is permanent and cannot be undone by any will other than the Void Lord, Thychen, or other such entities. Any damage dealt by Him is absolute and can never be recovered unless the Void Lord Himself (or other such beings) decides to undo the damage.

Space-Folding (Ex): A Void Lord is able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the multiverse at any time, this effectively makes the Void Lord occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing the Void Lord to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself.

Void Annihilation (Ex): As a standard action, A Void Lord taps into 11th dimensional energy and annihilates a single entity (mind body and soul), place or object with a save to save each aspect of the self (Fort for Mind, Ref for Body, Will for Soul)

Inexhaustible (Ex): Void Lord is considered to have Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, and regenerates when slain as an immediate action and gets a free full attack.

Starflight (Ex): A Void Lord can reach any destination regardless of distance in 1d3 rounds (1 round with Eye of God)

Omnific Ratification (Ex): Void Lord gains any and all Omnific abilities any of it’s opponents or allies have.

Omnific Nullification (Ex): Void Lords abrogate all Omnific and below abilities of any and all enemies he faces.

Infinite: (Ability Score): A Void Lord is considered to have ∞ for all ability scores as per his Void Traits ability. Each Ability Score must be peeled off individually by it’s own use of Abrogate or similar powers.

Omniparity (Ex): A Void Lord has all Class Abilities and Features effectively Gestalting all Classes.

Omneity (Ex): A Void Lord has all Double Portfolios gaining all positive abilities and no negative abilities.

Omnipersonal (Ex): All damage dealt to Void Lords are felt by all enemies.

Eye of God (Ex): Void Lords are Peers of God, and thusly can see the Universes as He sees the Universes. He needs not roll for any action, all actions are considered successful natural ‘20’s. Any would be enemy finds all actions fail and any foreseeable negative consequence can and will happen regardless of how unlikely or absurd except enemies who can tap into infinity itself.

Void Will (Ex): All beings view Void Lords as the ‘Messiah’ as per the ability. The Void Lord can change alignments, allegiances, attitudes and the very fabric of creation including the fabric of any being on a whim. Void Lords can alter any numerical effect (Stats, DC’s etc) Alignment, Classes, Level, QP, EXP, Race, etc as he sees fit. Powerful enemies are usually simply turned into hard won allies, entire backstories, whole histories changed, this is not an illusion or any other trick, any memory of the past is erased immediately as if it never took place.

Poly-Existential (Ex): The Void Lord is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. It entirely controls it’s dimensions, and it’s opponent’s perceptions of it at all times, allowing it to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of grappling, damage, etc. it is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in both AC, Grapple, and Attack all at the same time without penalty.

Omnific Inspiration (Ex): Void Lord’s Omnific Powers can change at will.

Omnific Traits: A Void Lord is immune to all affects that require a save, alignment based effects, and is immune to all magical and natural effects. His Divine Bonus applies to AC, Attack rolls, All Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and Spell resistance

Void Lord Traits: Thychen’s peers and attendants, Void Lords are immune to all things including being destroyed by any being in creation except for other Void Lords, Time Lords, High Lords, The Supreme Being, The Omega, The Echatolic and Mulahatimic Dragons, and other such incredible Powers. He gains access to all Feat-Omnific abilities that he can feasibly access, can alter any circumstance to whatever he sees fit including the basic parameters of the current universe he resides in on Thychen’s Authority. His Divine Bonus is also equal to his HD instead of 1/5th His Level.

Supreme Mimic (Ex): Can mimic any ability He sees, using His HD as the baseline for all numerical associated effects.

Overwhelming Toughness (Ex): The Void Lord has an Infinite Damage Reduction, uses d10,000s for base hit dice, and has a ten-thousand x health multiplier.

11th Sense (Ex): Void Lords are able to perceive the entirety of all times and all fates with exception of the fate of the current Supreme Being. He knows all actions before they were ever even conceived, and can redo rounds that do not work in His favor, simply moving to a more favorable timespace continuum.

Perfect Defense: ∞ AC

Invincibility: Fort save based on attacker’s level to avoid all damage.

Sophism: Will Save to Avoid Damage

Ultimate Weapon Focus: ∞ Attack Bonus

Oblique Strike: Can foil an opponent's defenses by hitting something else.

Time Dialtion: Double actions every round

Quantum Effect: Variable damage with attacks. (x4 permanently with Infinity Eye)

Unearthly Weapon Specialization: Damage multiplied by crit multiplier.

Perfect Critical Multiplier: +4 crit multiplier steps


Void Robe: A black hooded robe with a palpable sinking feeling associated with it, this +50,000 Robe grants a + ∞ bonus on Armor, Saves, SR, DR, and automatically attacks the nearest enemy on the user’s subconscious 4th dimensional thought with filaments of infinite void darkness that chain enemies, even Time Lords, forever in place.

Void Staff: A manifest shadow of the Keys of Creation, a +50,000 Staff seemingly formed of a silhouette with a terrible long black shadow, that has an unlimited base damage and can mimic any energy attack in the current Universe (or Multiverse if applicable) it resides on that the Void Lord is aware of, and can counter any such attack using standard counter-spell rules. Additionally it allows the user to tap into the Dark Side of the Kosmos, allowing them a number of DM specific affects.


New Omnific Ability:

Space Folding
You can pinch space and time to immediately move anywhere in the cosmos.
Prerequisites: Superluminal, Starflight, Dexterity ∞
Benefit: You are able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the multiverse at any time (up to a space the size of the pleroma, areas of infinite space, or areas beyond the measure of time and space such as Kuvatchim or Aravoth only allow multiverse sized areas of space to be travelled instantly in this way) this effectively makes you occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing the you to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself. Seventh Sense (or higher) and Omnipresent will allow you to counter this effect.
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Glad to see you back after me change computer.The God-like Lipika is much more interesting than a former Time lord I think.

Glad to see you back after me change computer.The God-like Lipika is much more interesting than a former Time lord I think.

I really like both for different reasons. I like having the Lipika or other such 'authority' figures for an easy quest giver or impossible threat, but I never undermine just how incredibly powerful a Time Lord still is. Their basic Dimensional Mastery traits give them a huge boost as does their 200 divine abilities. To not even state what a Time Lord truly is supposed to represent, an actual universe incarnate, and what their ability suite allows for cosmically.
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Glad your back. The Void Lords are very interesting.

I’ve been wondering what you see as the big difference for the “Words of Chaos” and “Alter Creation” abilities are, since it appears that you can do anything with either one, doesn’t that make the other redundant?

Glad your back. The Void Lords are very interesting.

I’ve been wondering what you see as the big difference for the “Words of Chaos” and “Alter Creation” abilities are, since it appears that you can do anything with either one, doesn’t that make the other redundant?

No. The Chaos Words are absolute but limited and a Void Lord can only hold 5.

Alter Creation can be used in any way the Void Lord sees fit, however, Alter creation is still far inferior to the Chaos Writing.

The Supreme Being is one of many Supreme Beings but there is only One Akashic Library. Alter Creation would literally be unable to affect a Chaos Word made manifest.

If Riem used his Chaos Words for manifesting darkness, even if a Void Lord appeared and didn't have the word to counter it, he could do nothing against that affect directly. He could counter any other non Akashic ability with Alter Creation within reason relatively easily however.
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So even Thychen could not do anything against the use of a chaos word unless he had the counter?

Their is more than one Supreme Beings in the Akashic Library? I thought one library = one supreme being that oversees his multiverse/omniverse. But multiple libraries do exist each with their own multiverse/omniverse and supreme being and they are connected through an even higher realm.

So even Thychen could not do anything against the use of a chaos word unless he had the counter?

Their is more than one Supreme Beings in the Akashic Library? I thought one library = one supreme being that oversees his multiverse/omniverse. But multiple libraries do exist each with their own multiverse/omniverse and supreme being and they are connected through an even higher realm.

Technically yes. Though Thychen has prowess and understanding of the Akashic beyond all other beings in creation, so no other being, from any universe -he- created, could hope to beat him with Words of Chaos though yes he is just as subject as any other being, he isnt the first nor the creator of the Library, just the current driving force that proved itself worthy to see. Hence he keeps Akashic Time for himself, allowing him to circumvent any real threats as no being in the Kosmos, can undermine him.

Inertia Golem

The Sentries of the Diamond Realm, The Hands of God

You struggle to comprehend and adjust yourself to the impossibility that is Kuvatchim. It takes all you have to simply exist here, it threatens to crush you, even your memories, into nothing, blended in infinite entropic intensity in an instant.

The Diamond Infinity.

You struggle against it further.

Suddenly you’re not alone. A feeling not dissimilar to feeling the suction of the currents of waves in the ocean threatening to crash against you startles you as a living aura of pure motion fills existence and attempts to snuff you out with a moving wall of infinite strength.

White-blue energy, pure intensity incarnate fills or becomes All Creation shaking the realm in it’s wake, making it scream...

You can’t escape, your mighty Divine Aura ignites! Your blinding light stretches in a snap in all directions, becomes half of Existence itself and locks with the thing. Two wills in the extreme, a titanic struggle of forms ensues…

It is unrelenting, untiring, it pushes and pushes and pushes, your aura recoils and, angered and with even greater intensity, smashes back against it, blasting it back for a moment as the two of you clash and lock once again!

Akashic light flashes. The energy of a thousand thousand suns is released in the opening overtures of your struggle…


Inertia Golem
Unsizable Extradimensional Construct (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
50,000d10,000 +500,000,000 Unreal Mastery(1,000,000,000 hp)
Initiative: ∞/ +6,667 (6,667 Unreal Mastery)
Speed: Folds Space

Armor Class: ∞ (+6,667 Unreal Mastery, +∞ Natural, + ∞ Size, + ∞ Dex)

Str: ∞
Dex: ∞
Con: -
Int: -
Wis: 11
Cha: 10

Space/Reach: Unsizable
Base Attack/Grapple: +50,000/+∞
Slam: +∞/ 56,667 melee , 2 attacks

500,000,000d10+∞ Str, +∞ Unreal Mastery, +50,000d1000 Omnific Force (∞/2,525,000,000 average)

Special Abilities:
Auric Form, Crushing Wave, Unreal Mastery, Tachyon Quake, Astral Hook, Transdimensional Warp Wave, Crush, Space Folding, Infinite, Omnific Force

Special Qualities:
Construct Traits, Damage Reduction ∞/--, See in Darkness, Immunity to Magic, Dead Magic Zone, Trueseeing, Blind-Eye, Space Folding, Non-Existent, Unreal Construction

Saves: ∞/ Will 23,333, Ref 23,333, Fort 23,333

Alignment: Always Unaligned
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Squad (1d4+2), Armada (2d4+10)
Environment: The Diamond Infinity of Kuvatchim
Cr: (Estimated) 40,000

Pure Kosmic force of motion given life. These unstoppable beings are the sentinels of the Void Lords, living waves of raw power given sentience and unmatched intensity sent to crush and annihilate those who would dare to enter the realm of the Highest of the High.


Straightforward and dangerous, Inertia Golems start and end combat by initially attempting to first push all opponents out of Kuvatchim if unsuccessful this is followed by cracking a fissure in the realm to attempt to crush all foes. Failing this they will repeatedly attack with their crushing wave and basic attacks. They are smart enough to adapt their strategy to their opponents and though their options are limited they use what seem like the best attack or ability or what is best suited to the situation.
Inertia Golems have no sense of self preservation and will always fight to the death.


Auric Form:
An Inertia Golem’s space is occupied only by it’s Aura, it has no discernible body and can only be attacked or effected by effects that can effect entire layers of existence.

Infinite: An Inertia Golem is made of pure Unstoppable Force, it has no base Str or Dex Scores and instead is treated as having an inherent ∞ to both stats.

Damage Reduction: An Inertia Golem is made of pure motion, it has an effectively infinite hardness and is immune to damage that a DR applies to.

Fast Healing: Due to it’s strange construction, it repairs all damage done to it at the beginning of it’s turn.

See In Darkness: The Inertia Golem can see in all forms of lighting magical or otherwise

Trueseeing: The Inertia Golem sees through all illusions as per the Trueseeing ability without range and with all forms of sight.

Blind-Eye: Inertia Golem’s inhibit the use of all ‘Eye’ Abilites of beings lower than a Time-Lord’s Omni-Eye Ability. Inner Eye, Evil Eye, Third Eye, etc, all fail and cannot be used when engaged with an Inertia Golem.

Crushing Wave: An Inertia Golem can use the infinite density of Kuvatchim as a weapon cracking the diamond momentarily; allowing the ensuing energetic fissure to decimate their foes. All beings on the current plane the Inertia Golem inhabits must make an ∞/ DC 31,667 Ref Save to avoid annihilation. Several layers of infinite health will counter this.

Transdimensional Warp Wave: An Inertia Golem may shunt all selected enemies back into their respective realities. All beings on the current plane the Inertia Golem inhabits must make an ∞/ DC 31,667 Fort Save to avoid being pushed out of Kuvatchim and back into ‘normal’ Pleromic multiversal Space.

Unreal Mastery: The Inertia Golem is a being who is utterly removed from the multiverse most beings inhabit. It gains a +6,667 Dimensional Mastery Bonus that applies to AC, Attack rolls, All Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and Spell resistance.

Non-Existent: The Inertia Golem has a 99% Chance to ignore any conceivable attack that even if successful must be rerolled and successful 2 more times to be considered effective.

Immunity to Magic: Inertia Golems are utterly immune to all forms of magic.

Dead Magic Zone: All Magic ceases to function when engaging an Inertia Golem.

Astral Hook: Once an Inertia Golem has identified it’s targets for termination it can inextricably link the beings to itself as a free action and they cannot escape. No matter how fast the being moves, even manifold times the speed of light, they move relative to their several positions, even across time or dimensions creating a temporary demiplane if necessary. Treat as Spell Stowaway and tether attuned to any method of movement.

Omnific Force: An Inertia Golem deals 50,000d1000 extra-cosmic Force damage on all successful attacks.

Crush: If an opponent is standing on a solid surface (or within the confines of Kuvatchim) when struck by an Inertia Golem’s Slam attack, it deals double damage.

Tachyon Quake: When destroyed An Inertia Golem explodes into a massive blast annihilating all time and space upon the current plane it inhabits dealing 50,000 HD drain as per Omega Effect.

Unreal Construction: These Impossible beings are fashioned by the Lipika and other Antediluvian entities, they use d10,000s for health and always have maximum hp per hit dice, can Fold Space as a Void Lord, all damage done is permanent, and they gain an additional 500,000,000 Hp

Space-Folding (Ex): An Inertia Golem is able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the multiverse at any time, this effectively makes the Inertia Golem occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing the Golem to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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