The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Played around with chatgpt to help explore different word roots and put them together in etymologically sound ways...The only one that seemed somewhat promising is:

Clairident: Combining "clair" (clear or distinct), "ident" (Latin for "the same"), and "intuit" (related to intuition), it suggests a clear intuitive recognition of someone even when they're hidden.


Speaking of words and language and whatnot. Is there a word for being able to guess who the other poster is in a conversation with another poster, even if you cannot see that poster's posts due to blocking? It's both a kinda warm fuzzy feeling and a disappointment at the same time.
Ignorecognition. Could be shortened to ignotion - or ignition, depending upon how it makes you feel.


My favorite was:

Coworker: Asks for data.
Me: Provides data, and preemptively answer the question I know they are going to ask.
Coworker: Asks the question I knew they were going to ask.
Me: "As per my previous email..." and copy the answer from my first email.
Back when I was working in computer manufacturing, the Product Manager was visiting from head office. I was the Service Manager for Eastern Canada and this guy was convinced that I was incompetent.* He was asking a series of questions about our production process, which differed from that in head office (it was objectively more efficient). Based on his questions I was answering the current one and anticipating the next. He went off on me saying, "I DIDN'T ASK YOU THAT! JUST ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!!" So I did, but he had wanted ever answer that I had previously given to the unasked questions.

*He had also convinced the President that I was incompetent which I thoroughly disproved when the President later visited and gave me a task that the Product Manager had failed to complete in 2 weeks. I did it in two days. No idea why the guy took an instant dislike to me, before even having met me.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
I think neologisms are the wrong way to go here. Given the context, I would just go with "I made my insight check."
It definitely seems like a success on some sort of check--since this is more like pattern recognition (Intelligence, in my thinking) though,I think it'd need to be either under INT(Insight) or INT(Investigation). At my table, I'd probably allow the player to choose. :LOL:

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
This always upsets people when it's said here, but maybe no gaming is better than playing with people whom you don't trust and don't enjoy spending time with.

You can hope for WotC to fix the issues for you, but if the root problem is a social one -- you are in a bad-for-you group -- there's always going to be another problem you want Chris Perkins to resolve for you.

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