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The Ethics of Two Way Ignore

Cliques? really?


Other definitions include emphasis on the "exclusive" part - suggesting active exclusion. I don't think that happens here. That would require folks to actually know each other, and then to actively exclude others from something. I'm not sure what that would be in an ENWorld context.

I could probably come up with at least half dozen notable groups around ENWorld that I would casually refer to as "cliques". Cliques aren't necessary exclusive in the sense that you need a membership card to get it. It can just be a scenario where a few main people get most of the attention. That is absolutely the case here; there are certain topics that will attract groups of people that can dominate the discussion. It's not that they're specifically excluding new people, but rather that a few people can post so much that outside opinions get lost. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it's not. Even in purely social threads like the Hive it can be hard for a poster who's completely new to the site to jump in and join a conversation with people who have known each other for years, even if the group does their best to be accepting. Honestly, cliques are kind of inevitable for a forum this large and old.

One thing that I do find interesting is that some of what I would call cliques here aren't necessarily friends. There's a couple of topics that tend to pull in the same groups of people that are very adversarial with each other, to the point of excluding outside voices from the discussion.

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CR 1/8
One thing that I do find interesting is that some of what I would call cliques here aren't necessarily friends. There's a couple of topics that tend to pull in the same groups of people that are very adversarial with each other, to the point of excluding outside voices from the discussion.
Good observation. Sometimes the line between "clique" and "fight club" can be a little hazy.

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