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The Answer is not (always) on your Character Sheet

aramis erak

That may be a distinction to you, but conversations here and elsewhere don't suggest it is for most people.
It's certainly been a factor many of my players complained about - 2d20 system is fast, once people learn it, but this is the 2nd campaign for some of my players and still they're having conceptual issues with the resolution. All of them have played dice pools, all of them have played count-success dice pools, three of them have played STA before, but 5 of the 7 have conceptual issues out of the gate.

They all have liked FFG L5R and FFG Star Wars... which is considerably slower, but fits their collection of phronemas better than 2d20.

On the other hand, while the liked the core mechanic of Dragonbane, we're playing STA due to 2×(TPK-1) ... the math of combat trumped the simplicity of the mechanics. (In plainer terms, it's too effing deadly.) Whereas I noticed that, vs BRP, it's damages are up a size and armor down a bit, so much deadlier for those not in full plate with helm.

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It's certainly been a factor many of my players complained about - 2d20 system is fast, once people learn it, but this is the 2nd campaign for some of my players and still they're having conceptual issues with the resolution. All of them have played dice pools, all of them have played count-success dice pools, three of them have played STA before, but 5 of the 7 have conceptual issues out of the gate.

They all have liked FFG L5R and FFG Star Wars... which is considerably slower, but fits their collection of phronemas better than 2d20.

On the other hand, while the liked the core mechanic of Dragonbane, we're playing STA due to 2×(TPK-1) ... the math of combat trumped the simplicity of the mechanics. (In plainer terms, it's too effing deadly.) Whereas I noticed that, vs BRP, it's damages are up a size and armor down a bit, so much deadlier for those not in full plate with helm.
When we switched to RQ from D&D, we knew we were getting into more complex rolling (SRs, Dodges, Parries, Hit Locations), but our table as a whole embraced it for what they felt better reflected combat. After some time, we got to the point where combats were resolved in about the same amount of time as a D&D combat, though there was a little ramp up time.


Just play a normal game. As a DM you present a neutral game world. Though this question is really the age old split between "book learning" and "street smarts". Because what are each ability. You can have a scientist type that can do advanced math, but they can't be creative or come up with ideas. You can have a mechanic that can be creative and come up with ideas, but they can't do advanced math. So who has the higher INT?

You do not "need" to come up with ideas, improv or even role play to play a game like D&D...if you don't want too.

Though it is really best to find a DM/Group that fits your game style.
Do I actually present a neutral game world or do I give the appearance of neutrality?


Present a neutral game world.

The world I present to the players are molded to fit the characters and players, I don't suddenly have their homes get destroyed by an earthquake or a random kitchen fire. They're torched by arsonists hired by mob bosses they've crossed.

The appearance of neutrality is needed at times, but only the appearance.



The world I present to the players are molded to fit the characters and players, I don't suddenly have their homes get destroyed by an earthquake or a random kitchen fire. They're torched by arsonists hired by mob bosses they've crossed.

The appearance of neutrality is needed at times, but only the appearance.
This is the other way to go: make the whole world all focused on the PC as if they are the only people in the whole world.

The main bad guy is...the father of all the PCs! Oh, and the mom of all the PCs is another foe. Every PC has both an evil twin and an evil brother or sister.

And whatever plot events happen...well they all happen right next to the PC!

And, in fact, all the PCs are the Chosen Ones of Legend!


This is the other way to go: make the whole world all focused on the PC as if they are the only people in the whole world.

The main bad guy is...the father of all the PCs! Oh, and the mom of all the PCs is another foe. Every PC has both an evil twin and an evil brother or sister.

And whatever plot events happen...well they all happen right next to the PC!

And, in fact, all the PCs are the Chosen Ones of Legend!
Unironically yes, maybe not make the BBEG everyone's parent/family since some players just want their parent/family as just that--parent/family.

If I just want a neutral world, why would I go to an RPG? IRL is already neutral.

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