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Post your gods!

I gave them a pretty good lookover, and they seem about right. There are some things you might want to know if you decide to convert him to the IH rules:

A couple of his abilities (like Beloved of Banisia and Soulfont) are of Cosmic-level potency. (Or would be very, very strong divine abilities)

Some of his abilities seem difficult to balance against Immortals rules without a lot of acid testing. (Notably - Spellpoints, and some of his abilities involving them)

Also his Integrodweomer power seems slightly overpowered; While it prevents item-neutering, it also lets him skirt the IH artifact limits and avoid some of the powers of some of the portfolios. It would probably be a Cosmic ability at the least, possibly even Transcendental since it more than doubles the value of his artifacts, and doubling the power of even a single artifact is the equivalent of a Cosmic ability. That, or the ability would need to be rendered non-absolute against the appropriate effects.

In all, most of his abilities are fine, but some (like spell points) require a bit of tinkering and you might want to compare some of his abilities to existing Divine and Cosmic abilities as some of his powers are hard to judge.

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First Post
I realize it's a bit late, but I was caught up in some post-Halloween enthusiasm, and remembered I'd been meaning to stat him since I did Santa last Christmas. Flavor text, except the description, is from his Wikipedia entry.

Jack Skellington
2,000 years
Aliases: The Pumpkin King
Allies: St. Nicholas
Enemies: Oogie Boogie
Home Plane: Halloween Town
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Pantheon: the Holiday Spirits
Portfolios: Art, Fear
Relatives: Sally the rag doll (wife)

Manifestation of Jack Skellington
Awakened Human Skeleton Rogue-10/Bard-12

Medium Undead (Chaotic, Good)
Hit Dice: 22d6 (132 hit points)
Initiative: +22 (+15 Dex, +3 divine, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 90 ft.
Armor Class: 65 (+9 armor, +17 deflection, +15 Dex, +3 divine, +11 natural), touch 45, flat-footed 50
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+18
Attack: Slam +37 melee (1d4+4/x)
Full Attack: 2 slams +37
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Bardic knowledge, bardic music, countersong, divine aura (80 ft., DC 30), fascinate, inspire courage +4, inspire heroics, mass suggestion, sneak attack +11d6, song of freedom, spell-like abilities, spells, suggestion
Special Qualities: Cold immunity, damage reduction 5/epic and bludgeoning, divine bonus +3, evasion, godly realm (96,000 ft.), immortality, improved uncanny dodge, skill mastery (bluff, diplomacy, disguise, hide, intimidate, jump, move silently, perform, tumble), spell resistance 35, trapfinding, trap sense +3, uncanny dodge, undead traits
Saves: Fort +27, Ref +39, Will +31
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 40, Con -, Int 22, Wis 11, Cha 44
Skills: Bluff +45, Climb +16, Craft (woodworking) +34, Diplomacy +47, Disable Device +22, Disguise +45 (+47 to act in character), Hide +43, Intimidate +45, Jump +30, Knowledge (local; Halloween Town) +34, Listen +28, Move Silently +43, Perform (scare) +55, Search +34, Tumble +47
Feats: Combat Expertise, Disguise Spell, Dodge, Extra Music, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative*, Improved Trip, jack of All Trades, Metamagic Song, Mobility, Quicken Spell, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse
Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity x5, Epic Dodge, Epic Skill Focus (Perform [scare]), Music of the Gods, Spell Stealer
Divine Abilities:
-Divine Dexterity; Jack's Dexterity score is increased by 12.
-Exoskeleton; Jack's hard bones increase his natural armor to half his hit dice.
-Master Trickster; Jack's rogue and bard levels stack for determining his sneak attack dice, daily uses of bardic music, and what type of bardic music he can use. He adds half of his rogue levels to bard to determine his spells known and spells per day.
-Multifaceted x2; Jack gains twelve bonus feats.
-Undying Soul; Jack adds his Charisma modifier as a bonus to saving throws.
Cosmic Ability:
-Legendary Charisma; Jack's Charisma score is doubled.
Environment: Halloween Town
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 32
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages Spoken: All
Level Adjustment: +15
Treasure: Jack's Tux. Jack traded his remaining artifacts for nine bonus divine abilities.

The animated skeleton of a tall, slender human male, dressed in a dapper tuxedo capers about before you, surrounded by other creatures of the night. Somehow, he smiles invitingly at you, despite his lack of lips.

Jack is generally a vivacious, charismatic gentleman — a stark contrast to his undead status — and is fond of grand theatrics, which is likely part of what makes him the best at what he does. He is quick and eager to make new friends; but, on that note, seems to assume (often incorrectly) that others are the same. Although kind-hearted, Jack has a tendency to be self-absorbed and more than a little oblivious, failing to notice both Sally's affections and Santa Claus's apparent dislike of him. He has a tendency to become fascinated with an idea to the exclusion of all others.


If forced to fight or otherwise angered, Jack is stern and solemn. He only resorts to violence if the other strikes first. He tends to favor utilizing his exceptional speed, flexibility, and agility in combat, leaping and dodging to avoid attacks.

Art Portfolio traits (Hero-deity):
Sonic Immunity: Jack is immune to sonic damage.
Sonic Competence: Jack gains a +3 competence bonus to the save DCs of his bardic music, and on caster level and save DC for his other sonic-based attacks.
Lemming's Wisdom: Jack has a -3 penalty to his Wisdom score.
Weapon Vulnerability: Jack takes 50% more damage from manufactured weapons.

Fear Portfolio traits (Hero-deity):
Shield of Fear: Jack is immune to fear, and opponents' morale bonuses are ineffective against him.
Scion of Terror: Jack gains a +3 competence bonus to attack rolls, damage, and armor class against opponents with lower Strength than himself.
Sheep's Strength: Jack has a -3 penalty to his Strength score.
Shaky Morale: Jack cannot benefit from morale bonuses.

Spell-like Abilities: At will – cause fear, commune, clairaudience/clairvoyence, crushing despair, dominate monster, dream, ethereal jaunt, eyebite, fear, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater shout, greater teleport, hideous laughter, irresistible dance, magic jar, nightmare, scare, sending, shout, song of discord, symbol of fear, trap the soul, tongues, ventriloquism, weird, word of chaos; 3/day - limited wish.

Spellcasting: As a 12th level bard. Caster level 22, save DC +spell level. Spells per day (0-6th level): 4/9/8/8/8/8/4

Spells prepared/known: 0 – dancing lights, flare, ghost sound, lullaby, mage hand, prestidigitation. 1st – cure light wounds, grease, improvisation* remove fear, unseen servant. 2nd – alter self, eagle's splendor, enthrall, minor image, wave of grief*. 3rd – haste, haunting tune*, see invisibility, unluck*. 4th – freedom of movement, fugue*, shadow conjuration, voice of the dragon*. 5th – false vision, mind fog, mirage arcana, mislead. 6th – dirge*, revenance*, symphonic nightmare*.
*Spell Compendium

Artifact: Jack's Tux: This custom fitted suit gives the Pumpkin King a +10 armor bonus to AC, and causes his slams to strike as +4 ghost touch weapons.
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Splendid, are you gonna do St. Nick, Oogie, or the trio of evil kids

It's never too late to celebrate Halloween...

...speaking of which...

I'm really curious about that Boogeyman Template. We are long long long long overdue for an update and perhaps some sort of preview. =^.^=

What's going on with that anyways? It's been taking an unusually long time even for Krusty. I'm starting to get a bit concerned. Is he dead? Is he sick? Is it Anthrax? Hope it's nothing too serious...because this delay is uncharacteristic even for him.
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When designing a deity (or any character for that matter) using Ascension rules, what point-buy system should be used for ability scores, in the event that I don't want to have to roll for stats? Or alternatively, is there a "stat array" that you would recommend?

Sorry for asking even though it's already in Ascension, I still don't have the beta pdf.

Howdy Killane! :)

Killane said:
I wanted to post a character and a template, but formatting takes a really long time, so I'll just give you the links to the post as Dicefreaks. I don't have Ascension (won't buy till in print, will buy 1st day in print), so some things may not be done correctly. Coomentary would be appreciated, esp from U_K.

Template : http://dicefreaks.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8440

Character: http://dicefreaks.com/phpBB2/viewto...p=200662#200662

One specific question: What do we think of the Soulfount power that Killane has? Is it too much for a Cosmic ability? (bear in mind, I haven't seen Ascension)

Apologies for not getting back to you Killane. :(

I am sure I read the material in question, just that I must have got caught up in something else and so distracted forgotten to reply (unless I actually replied at dicefreaks and I just can't remember).

With those links no longer working, feel free to post the material herein. ;)


The EN World kitten
Here's one that I've been working on for a little bit now, posted over at the d20 NPC Wiki:


That's right, this is literally Death itself! I based the write-up off of U_K's write-up of Surtur. That said, this entry isn't done yet (I still need to do it's avatar, aspect, and information on Death's realm and servants) but I'll be posting the remaining information shortly.

In the meantime, if your PCs think they're powerful enough to fight Death itself, you can now make them eat their words! :D

EDIT: Added Death's avatar.

EDIT: Added Death's aspect.
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Alzrius said:
Here's one that I've been working on for a little bit now, posted over at the d20 NPC Wiki:


That's right, this is literally Death itself! I based the write-up off of U_K's write-up of Surtur. That said, this entry isn't done yet (I still need to do it's avatar, aspect, and information on Death's realm and servants) but I'll be posting the remaining information shortly.

In the meantime, if your PCs think they're powerful enough to fight Death itself, you can now make them eat their words! :D

Wow, that's insane!

Voidrunner's Codex

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