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New Special Materials Beyond Neutronium. Quark, Strange, and Black Hole Matter

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I honestly have always liked the idea that gods were fallacious anyway and no matter how low the probability they could fail.
Agreed. For my campaigns, such power, to never fail, is in the realm of cosmic entities. Gods are always on a human scale of power, that is to say humans would believe a being capable of the manipulation and manifestation of fire, let's say, is incredibly powerful, 'godlike' even, but look up and gaze upon the stars, and fire is pretty commonplace and mundane. Time, Fate, Entropy, Stars, Gravity, The Atom. These are all the domains of Sidereals, which is why Inner Eye works so well as a Cosmic Ability and not until a god gets Inner Eye, do they have the capacity to not roll natural 1s.

Merry late Christmas everyone! Hope you enjoy!! :)

Azora The Great Shadow, Singularity Golem

Black Hole Golem, Starcrusher Golems, Luminary Golems, Nightbringers, Dark Eternals

In the distance, light years away from it's quarry, floats an anomaly. A form, only backlit by the aura of palpable energy around it, nearly imperceptible, approaches at speeds well in excess of the speed of light.

From your observatory, you and your colleagues look on, the data from this thing is astounding. The basic fundamental theories you’ve based your career upon are being proven wrong over and over again, being that your team found the thing, this will get your name in the history books. Your team is buzzing with excitement, but within a few hours that excitement turns to worry as whatever this is, it appears to be approaching and appears to be accelerating.

What you see in your high powered telescope is troubling. Without seeing it firsthand, you wouldn’t believe it to be real. It appears to be a blackhole, but unlike you’ve ever seen. It's small with a massive photonic ring, which is strange, but not unheard of, what's troubling however, is that it seems to be travelling at speeds beyond measure faster, hundreds of times the speed of light and that speed seems to be increasing, just yesterday it was seemingly 1.5 billion lightyears away, only noticeable via the massive amounts of tachyon radiation emanating from the thing. Now however, it seems to be within your own galaxy, its light clearly visible with basic instruments and on the visible spectrum.

Another few hours, the worry has turned to full blown panic as your colleagues went to an emergency meeting of the greatest scientific minds in the world, they’re convening to figure out what kind of problems this could pose should it pass too close to your solar system. They’ve left you with only a couple of interns to keep watch and update them on any new progressions. You look again through your telescope at the brilliant dot of energy in the distance. It seems ominous now, but you were late to work today, you didn’t eat breakfast so you go to the cafeteria and pick up some lunch, you return less than an hour later, eating a biscuit when the first reports of something on the deep space sensors is picked up.

The sensors pick up a massive build up of tachyon particles, followed by an incredible gravity wave, like the wake of a large ship on the ocean, and then the sensors went down, seemingly taken offline, butt that can’t be right, the sensors are stationed in the Oort Cloud, literally only a light year out. Last you checked the anomaly was over 25,000 light years away... How can that be?

Moments later, distracting you from your thoughts, theres a rumble in the ground, and suddenly a series of flashes as the lights in your office pop and explode, an intern screams briefly and takes cover, for a moment there’s silence.. then a deafening explosion like a airburst BOOMS out. This shakes the building to the core and knocks paneling off the celling.

In a panic, the interns run outside but don’t get far, outside, the sky looks like fire washing the ground in a terrifying golden glow. They look up screaming as the door closes and they're lost from view.

Fear washes through you, is this the end? Unaware as to what to do, you look through your telescope again, now, to your horror, you see nothing but a fireball, luckily your telescope has an automatic adjuster blocking out most the light, if you went outside, you’d likely be blinded.

You look into the fireball. ln it’s center to your amazement you see a person, a woman it seems, you can’t make out any features, just a dark figure surrounded by a blinding spiral of fire.

She is looking down, somehow you can make out her starlike eyes in spite of the fireball, is she looking at you?! A sickening feeling goes through you. Something about this feels familiar…

The rumble across the ground goes from a tremor to an earthquake, the wall of your office begin to crumble as if being ripped apart. You are suddenly exposed to the burning freezing air, it's horrible, as you see the road, the forest, the lake, the ground, the mountains the city itself being lifted torn apart and spiraling into the fireball above, before the tearing shakes the ground out from under your feet and begins to open and close fissures like the chewing Jaws of death, you fall to the ground, you try to catch yourself as you fall partially into a fissure that immediately closes upon you, opens and closes again, shattering your body and tearing you to shreds..

Suddenly you awaken, you’re standing somewhere you’ve been before a thousand thousand times. An infinite void of nothingness. Before you a beautiful woman stands, carved of solid darkness like a statue, smiling, looking at you with eyes made of starlight.

“You’ve awoken” The woman says

You look around puzzled, there's nothing... just you, and her.

“What… is this place, am I dead?” You ask.

“Yes, you’re dead.” She says matter of factly.

“There was a black hole.” you say with bemusement. “It destroyed the world…My God! My family, my wife! My Children!” you say suddenly realizing the implications of what’s just happened.

“What about them?”

“Are they okay!?” You say without thinking

“That’s what I like to hear, you’ve just died, but you’re worried about your family. I like that.” She says with a smile. “Your family is okay, or at least they will be. Don’t worry.”

You stare at her in fascination “So this is the afterlife?”

“No” she says “This is your remembrance” She says staring into you.

“My… rememberance?” You ask confused.

“Yes, don’t you remember when you left? You took the form of mortal men, to live among them for a time, to live through their lives, to make their world better, to help them learn. I’ve come to wake you up, it’s time to go home.”

You don’t remember any of this, you don’t know what she’s talking about. But something feels familiar…

“You have the power to restore that world, to help them all but you must remember who you are. You are a Time Lord, a Monad, The Universe Incarnate, you come from the great city of Amarana, don’t you remember” she still stares at you, her eyes unmoving, her form is beautiful and strong, her lithe features hiding an absolute power you feel from within her.

“Amarana... I… I’m a God…” It begins to return to you. You left to come to this world ten thousand years ago, to watch these mortals in their moment of enlightenment, the moment they mentally went from an animal mind to the mind of mortal men, to experience it, to see them come to fruition, to help them, subtly, reach that goal. From beasts, to cave men to explorers of space.

You remember, you remember the hundreds of lifetimes you've lived, flooding back to you, you can see all their faces, all of your faces... overwhelmed for a moment, your still mortal consciousness and perspective reels from the shock, but you feel a deeper self brush it off as if it's something you've done before, countless times, with nothing more than a small sense of pride... you’ve reached your goal, they've succeeded, you can let go…

You have a knot in your throat as this realization dawns on you. ”I..remember… Azora,” The leader of your city, Azora the Great Shadow, she came for you. "It’s good to see you..”

She smiles, her star like eyes soften "You as well Blix, are you okay?"

"Y-yes... I'm fine. I... I will be." You say, the mortal researcher you were moments ago, that ego you wore like a mask from that person's birth, begins to slip away, merging back into the greater consciousness of who you once were, always were, and always will be...

"Come, lets take you home..” She extends her hand, smooth and beautiful. The weight of the cosmos within it. "You've done well." She adds.

A part of you doesn't want to go. You look down, still holding the biscuit from earlier. A crumb of the life you realize you must leave behind. You smile, bittersweet, and with a thought, you shed your given mortal form. You think about all the memories you had, friendships, mistakes, lovers, your parents, your siblings, your career, the ideas you've defined yourself by, and it all fades away, like an old banana peel, peeling away and disappearing into light and ash, like paper burning.

You transform into the godlike being of eternal light you’ve been for billions of years, the very consciousness of this Universe itself..

You focus and the world you've lived on appears beneath you, or what's left of it, crushed and pulverized, nothing but shattered stone and cooling lava and dirt. Burning rubble, all a part of Azora’s accretion disk now, waiting to be pulled into her infinite embrace. You with a but thought and a flash of eternal light, restore the world.

A stunning sight, teal like an aquamarine. You breathe out, the mortals you were moments ago still finds this breathtaking.

You harness your power, making sure no lingering effects of such gravitational waves will cause any unforeseen consequences for the world, you bless the world with good fortune for the next 10,000 years, bless your wife and kids with healthy futures, take one last look at their faces, and one last gift to them all you recreate who you just were as a new person to take your place and allow your family to have their father and husband, you watch for a moment as "you" greet your family, and take Azora’s hand.

You eat the biscuit and smile, you think about your wife and kids from your life among the mortals and wish them well, as you effortlessly return their world to the state it was in right before the golem made contact. You think about how your colleagues will try to make sense of everything that just happened, you chuckle a bit.

With the world restored and a final glance back at the beautiful blue green world beneath you, you warp out of reality, this existence fading away to the greater hyperreality awaiting you, your beautiful and lush ever expansive eternal city awaiting you, like a golden tesseract of crystal gold and light, you return to the Pleroma and your life, sitting as it was 10,000 years ago, almost entirely untouched, your family, your "real" family, your pets, you remember now...

Singularity Golem
Large Construct (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
∞ / 2,000d1,000 +1,006,632,960 +3,014,000 Con (1,011,646,960 hp)
Initiative: Always Goes First/+8,657 (+6,750 Gravitic Mastery, +400 Divine, +1,507 Dex)
Speed: Hyperluminal +Supersonic, Hypersonic, and Celerity (300x the speed of light) (1,686,332,576,100 ft/perfect, doubles each round)

Armor Class: ∞/ 19,398 (+6,750 Gravitic Mastery, +4,817 Natural, -1 Size, +1,507 Dex, +1,507 Charisma, +400 Divine)
Flat-Footed: 17,891 Touch: 10,164

Str: ∞/3,024 (+1,507)
Dex: ∞/3,024 (+1,507) base 10 (--)
Con: ∞/3,024 (+1,507) base --
Int: ∞/3,024 (+1,507) base 200 (+95)
Wis: ∞/ 3,024 (+1,507) base 202 (+96)
Cha: ∞/3,024 (+1,507) base 142 (+66)

Space/Reach: 10ft/ 10ft
Base Attack/Grapple: +2,000/ ∞(+19,398)

Mirrorshard Slam:
+∞/ 20,366 melee, 3,600 attacks 9-20/x5 critical + Annihilation, Disintegration, Obliteration, and Blindness

Omnific Shadow Strike-Atomic-Cold/Transcendent Beam: +∞/19,699 Ranged 17-20/x5 Critical + Disintegration+ Sneak Attack

Mirrorshard Slam:
∞/1,020,000d10+10,164 x5, +3,000d20 Permanent Damage, +6,000d100 Force, +6,000d100 Disintegration, +3,000d100 Wind, +3,000d100 Fire, +3,000d100 Transcendent Damage, +3,000d1,000 Omnific Cold, +3,330, +100 Con Damage, +3,000 Hit Dice Annihilation, +Disintegration, +Obliteration, +Radiation +1,000d1,000 Sneak Attack +Transcendent Cozen (51,054,150 Damage +100 Con Damage + 20,640,000 Effect Damage [60,000 Permanent, 600,000 Force, 600,000 Disintegration, 300,000 Wind, 300,000 Fire, 300,000 Transcendent, 3,000,000 Cold (half divine if it chooses) x4], +Disintegration DC ∞/18,099, +3,000 Hit Dice Annihilation, +2,000 Radiation [Str, Dex, Con Damage], +Obliterating Strike ∞/18,099) +Blindness DC ∞/ 18,099

Omnific Shadow Strike-Atomic-Cold/Transcendent Beam: 1,000d1,000 Cold/Negative/Force 17-20/x5, +2,000d20 Permanent Damage, +4,000d100 Force, +4,000d100 Disintegration, +2,000d100 Wind, +2,000d100 Fire, +2,000d100 Transcendent Damage, +2,000d1,000 Omnific Cold (half divine if it chooses), +1,000d1,000 Sneak Attack (10,000,000 Shadow Strike and Sneak Attack+ 3,760,000 Effect Damage) [40,000 Permanent, 400,000 Force, 400,000 Disintegration, 200,000 Wind, 200,000 Fire, 200,000 Transcendent, 2,000,000 Cold (half divine if it chooses) x4], +Disintegration ∞/18,099 (208,000 Damage), +1,333 Radiation [Str, Dex, Con]

Special Abilities:
Spell Like Abilities (DC ∞/ 18,099 + Caster Level 2,000), Sneak Attack 1,000d1,000, Improved Shadow Slide, Deeper Darkness, Shadow Door, Shadow Pounce, Shadow Jump (160,000,000 feet), Improved Shadow Strike 1,000d1,000, Shadow Image (1,000/day) Shadow Walk, Shadow Call (1,000/day), Summon Shadow (Umbral Blot Companion), Shadow Vanish, Shadow Friends (100 Friends), Shadow Power (1,000/day), Mirrorshard Blade, Mirror (100 Images), Reflective Defense, Reflection, Blinding Light (3,000 feet), Shadow Master (+200 Luck all saves, +1,000/- DR, Crit Blinds for 100d6 rounds), Disintegrating Touch, Spaghettification, Gravitic Control, Superluminous Aura, Blazar, Quasar, Photon Ring, White Hole, Dead Magic Zone, Grab, Obliterating Strikes, Starflight

Special Qualities:
Accretion, Gravitational Lensing, Construct Traits, Smouldering Divinity, Sentience, Damage Reduction 5,063,500/-, Damage Immunity, Defensive Roll (100/day), Regeneration, Darkvision (No Range Limit), See In Darkness, Improved Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Slippery Mind (100/day), Immunity to Magic, Low Light Vision, Magnetar, Hyperluminal, Unreal Construction, Black Hole Matter Construction

Feats: (Lots, tailored for each specific Golem, Infinite Deflection, Exceptional Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Whirlwind Attack, Cleave, etc etc) Automatic Metamagic Capacity x30, Improved Critical, Improved Critical Multiplier, Greater Critical, Greater Critical Multiplier, Improved Initiative, Superior Initiative, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved, Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Rend

Divine Abilities: Cozen, Cold Effect (6), Invincibility, Strong Soul, Strong Mind, Strong Spirit, Agile Soul, Agile Mind, Agile Spirit, Amaranthine Soul, Amaranthine Mind, Amaranthine Spirit, Celerity, Cunning Soul, Cunning Mind, Cunning Spirit, Chaotic Soul, Chaotic Mind, Chaotic Spirit, Divine Sneak Attack, Postcognition, Precognition, Seventh Sense (400 rounds), Maven, Nescient, Omnicompetent, Quantum Effect, Telluric Effect, Perfect Initiative, Nescient, Superior Critical, Superior Critical Multiplier, Superior Sneak Attack (3=d12’s), Third Eye, True Seeing, X-Ray Vision, Uncanny Cold Mastery, Uncanny Radiation Mastery, Unknowing Soul, Unknowing Mind, Unknowing Spirit

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Alter Reality, *Annihilating Effect (6), Apostacy, *Atomic Effect (6), Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic String, Cosmic Sneak Attack (2=d100’s), Cosmic Superimposition, Cursed Mind, Cursed Spirit, Cursed Soul, Daunting Mind, Daunting Spirit, Daunting Soul, *Divine Nescience, *Eighth Sense, Elusion, *Hyperostosis, Nullification, Inner Eye, Legendary Strength, Oblique Strike, Shroud of Death, Slipstream, Supersonic, *Time Dilation (3), Total Strength, Total Dexterity, Total Charisma, Unearthly Effect, Unearthly Weapon Specialization

Transcendent Abilities: *Astro Hand, *Astro Immolation, *Astro Blood, *Cosmic Nescience, Divine Nullification, Equilibrium, Evil Eye, Hypersonic, *Ninth Sense, *Omega Hand, *Omega Immolation, *Omega Blood, Perfect Defense, Sophism, Transcendent Annihilating Effect, Transcendent Atomic Effect, Transcendent Cozen, Transcendent Sneak Attack (d1,000’s), *Transtemporal, *Transattack Period, *Transversal, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Ultimate Weapon Specialization, *Uncanny Transcendent Effect

Omnific Abilities: *Infinite Strength, *Omnific Toughness, *Omnific Cold Effect, *Omnific Atomic Effect, *Omnipresent, *Tenth Sense, *Transcendent Nescience

(*Abilities granted during construction, these do not count towards it’s total powers known, Nightbringers have a smoldering divinity, bordering the line between true divinity and golemhood, and as such have both granted powers from construction and powers learned by spiritual growth)

Saves: ∞/Will 18,367, ∞/Ref 18,710, ∞/Fort 18,367

Skills: 9,150+ Relevant Ability Modifier

Alignment: Unaligned or Usually Neutral
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Trio, Night Watch (1d4+2 Black Hole Golems), Or with 2d4+4 Time Lords or 1d6 High Lords
Environment: The Infinite Expanse of the Pleroma
Cr: (Estimated) 2,666 (Unofficially 4,000)

Azora is the master and Eternal Ruler, or Primarch, of the great Eternal City of Amarana. A massive 5th dimensional city made of golden crystalline light surrounding a massive black hole like disk of pure gravitic energy. This city houses over 23,000,000 Time Lords, High Lords, Demiurges, and their retinues. They look to her for her leadership, strength and, guidance, and she expects their loyalty in return.

She is an extremely potent being whos tremendous power has let her defeat countless Time Lords, High Lords and Hyperboreans, she is vicious in the defense of her holdings, and where as timelords may array armies of Neutralizers, she arrays armies of Time Lords.

Once, she had a long standing feud with Syno Lord of Id, he attempted t undermine and corrupt Amarana, and she, being also a master of subterfuge and shadows, began a long and subtle game of cat and mouse with Syno.

Ultimately bested, Syno was and driven off and sealed from her city, and her territory forever.

She also had a brief romantic tryst with Lord Diaz, Akashic Aspect of Light before his fall from grace.

She is kind and thoughtful but knows her power well, and is ruthlessly efficient in the defense of her city and realm.

Luminaries or Nightbringer Golems are obscenely powerful golems made of pure Black Hole Matter. These golems are the defenders of the great and expansive 5th dimensional Divine Cities of the Time Lords and High Lords and are made through the collective effort of teams of High Lord master craftsmen.

Made not as slaves but masters of their own destiny, many eventually leave and follow their own path before finally settling down in a city to fulfill their original purpose. As such many bristle with weapons and artifacts of incredible power and legendary stories of their exploits.

Golems who protect cities are known as Luminaries, golems who wander free are known as Nightbringers and those who seek to kill and sunder Time Lords are Dark Eternals. (The terms will be used interchangeably throughout this entry)

Nightbringer Golems are in mindset very similar to Adjutants yet far more capable and present than the Strange Matter golems given their much higher mental capabilities, and it is not uncommon to find the two types of golems working together. Nightbringers will many times work as protectors of Adjutant family units. Adjutants and Luminaries can interact with one another without risk of destruction, and as such many times the Luminaries are inducted as members of the Adjutant families, find love, happiness and purpose, and stay there for eternity.

Luminaries protecting Divine Cities work not as simple guardians but many times the rulers of the city itself. Luminaries are often the only beings blessed with the power of infinity (∞ Ability Score) in such a place, granted to them from their Equilibrium and Infinite Strength abilities, and as such they naturally become the Primearchs or sole rulers of such places. High Lords however may challenge and defeat such rulers, but many times work as confidantes or Champions to such beings.

Dark Eternals however slaughter and destroy Time Lords, they gain power through the absorption of Quintessence and find Time Lords, once destroyed, grant them huge amounts of Quintessence, as such, they become murderous bringers of darkness with tens or sometimes hundreds of dead universes in their wake before groups of High and Time Lords or other similarly powerful beings bring the golem down.

Luminaries are far more powerful than even Strange Golems, Hyperborean High Legionaries, and Time Lords. Imbued with incredible power, most Omnific beings would rarely dare tangle with a Luminary. Their natural defenses coupled with their command of high cosmic forces make them very hard to beat even for groups of appropriately powerful warriors. They can match power with the strongest Hyperboreans, face down rogue Highlords, groups of Time Lords, and even take on the Lesser Akashic Aspects and Echatolic Dragons.


Luminaries use their incredible destructive capabilities to crush and obliterate foes. They largely rely on their potent natural powers but all possess different fighting styles and abilities and use such abilities to their full advantage. The one presented uses her Shadowdancer powers to slip behind foes and obliterate them and uses her abilities to dodge and evade attacks and command the powers of darkness to aid her.

Luminaries will generally learn all they can about a foe’s intentions beforehand using their 10th sense power to analyze all options. They’ll warn the opponent, once, and then using the information they’ve gleaned, will kill their opponent in the most efficient and permanent way possible. Generally with their Shroud of Death. They’ll use their Transcendent Cozen in addition to their Cosmic Superimposition to steal the most aggravating of the opponent’s abilities away, usually Divine Nullification and Transmortality, and use their natural capabilities to dissolve their foe from reality.

If they wish to punish a foe however or in the defense of their cities, family, or friends, Luminaries are terrifying foes with astounding abilities. They’ll butcher foes without remorse and without holding back. They’ll wipe out most foes with their Quasar and Effect abilities and Blazar, and unleash thousands of blows against all foes arrayed against them, slaughtering armies instantly. They’ll wade into melee allowing their incredible command of freezing absolute zero cold, transcendental energies, natural Annihilation, Disintegration, Radiation and Obliteration abilities to permanently wound, permanently drain hit dice, poison all physical stats, blind, possibly disintegrate and transform the enemy into Black Hole Matter, killing their foes instantly.

Even those who somehow survive this are met with a nearly unending barrage of attacks unable to be withstood by almost any being.

Like Strange Golems, the bodies of Black Hole Golems are so durable that they generally don’t fear getting wounded at all meaning they have almost no fear of being injured. Almost all forms of damage fail against them, nothing breaks their insane hardness and they regenerate when wounded. Moreover those who do manage to actually wound an Luminary are assaulted by titanic explosions of held energy now released dealing extreme damage, obliterating hit dice and threatening annihilation yet again. Those who manage to destroy a Black Hole Golem find the golem will likely take them out with them as their bodies explode into a Supernova wiping out all space around them for a thousand lightyears.

They, like other golems unleash their most powerful attacks on the strongest foes outright and allow their auras and aoe powers to obliterate lesser enemies. Unlike other golems, Luminaries are more intelligent than most the beings they fight, and generally will have already seen the outcome of the fight before the fight ever starts. They use this knowledge to counter any plan of attack set against them and will fight as effectively as possible when encountered. They will actively modify their tactics as needed and will rarely be caught off guard, they use all available resources at their disposal to win and will always attempt to take their enemy down with them should victory not be possible.

Luminaries have strong convictions though those convictions are generally their own. This means each golem will be entirely different but generally do share a love for personal freedom and choice.


Spell Like/ Supernatural Abilities* (Sp/Su):
DC ∞/ 18,099 + Caster Level 2,000

At Will: Deeper Darkness*, Dimension Slide, Dimension Door, Greater Teleport, Shadow Walk, Major Image*, Wish (Alter Reality)*

1000/day: Greater Shadow Conjuration*, Greater Shadow Evocation*, Silent Image

Shadow Strike (Su): The golem may fire a beam of concentrated shadow energy dealing cold, negative energy or force out to a range of his Line of Sight dealing 1,000d1,000 damage. It may fire one beam for every Iterative attack it has though this cannot be coupled with two weapon fighting.

Shadow Jump (Su): The Luminary may jump through shadows to avoid attacks or for any other reason as an immediate action. It may jump up to 160,000,000 feet per day and must be used up in 10ft increments, though it need not actually jump 10 feet.

Shadow Pounce (Su): The Luminary may teleport via any of it’s Shadow movement abilities and make a full round attack this ends the Luminary’s round, but not extra actions granted via Time Dilation or Transtemporality.

Sneak Attack (Ex): The Golem may deal extra damage equal to 1,000d1,000 to any foe who loses their dex bonus to AC for any reason against the Golem. This damage can be divine if the golem chooses. This also allows the Golem to steal any Transcendent and below ability it so chooses due to Transcendent Cozen and Steal up to 2 Portfolios from a being.

Slippery Mind (Ex): The Golem may attempt to reroll any failed Will save 1 round after the initial save was failed. It may attempt to do this 100 times per day.

Summon Shadow (Ex): The Luminary Golem may summon an advanced Legendary Paragon Umbral Blot of Legend with equivalent HD as the Golem and ½ it’s Total HP (not counting Infinite HP). This blot remains as the Golem’s faithful servant, delivering messages and doing the golem’s bidding until destroyed. If destroyed the Golem must spend a full round action either returning the old one to life or creating a new one. The golem can only have 1 such Shadow Companion at any given time.

Mirrorshard Blade (Slam) (Ex): The Luminary Golem summons a dazzling mirrorlike finish to it’s fists and natural attacks, this increases it’s base crit chance to 18-20 (9-20 with Superior Critical), deals 20 points of Con damage per hit (x5 Unearthly Weapon specialization) and has an enchantment bonus equal to +667 and also has several additional effects.

  • Mirror: Reflect up to 100 rays back at targets as immediate actions with an opposed attack roll.
  • Reflection: Creates 100 Mirror Images around the Golem if destroyed these reform the following round as a free action
  • Blinding Light: Blinds all foes with 30,000 feet who look directly at the golem or who are struck in melee for 300 rounds on a failed DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort Save, Permanently blinds light sensitive creatures
  • Reflective Offense: All foes are considered Flat-Footed against all attacks made with the Mirrorshard Blade unless they are 4 levels higher than the golem and also have Improved Uncanny Dodge
Improved Evasion (Ex): ½ damage on a failed Reflex Save, no damage on a Successful Save

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Cannot be Caught Flat Footed or Flanked

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Can use Stealth (Hide) even when being observed, must be within 1000 ft of a shadow.

Shadow Master (Ex): The Golem gains a +200 Luck bonus to all saving throws, +1,000/- to their Damage Reduction, and a successful critical hit Blinds foes for 100d6 rounds

Shroud of Death (Ex): Any foe who enters within the range of the golem’s Superluminous Aura (1 LY) must instantly make a Fortitude Save DC ∞/ 18,099 or immediately die.

Accretion (Ex): Anyone striking the Black Hole Golem must make a DC ∞/ 18,099 Strength Check every round to retrieve it’s weapon or appendage as titanic gravitic forces hold the foe fast and begin tearing them apart on a subatomic level.

Damage Reduction (Ex): An Luminary has a hardness of 5,063,500, this hardness cannot be overcome by any means.

Damage Immunity (Ex): A Black Hole Golem is impervious to most conventional attack forms being utterly immune to all physical damage, elemental damage, alignment based damage, Profane, Divine, and Magic based damage. Even Permanent damage fails to damage it. It can only be damaged by Black Hole Matter, and denser materials. Pure Antimatter if elevated to the Omnific level (via Antimatter Effect and Omnific Antimatter Effect) or similar powers, Supernal levels (d10,000's) of Divine Damage, or Higher energy forms can overcome this, as can unorthodox attack forms, Words of Chaos (when applicable) etc, though this immunity also extends to fortitude save based abilities granting them near total immunity to fort save based effects, disintegration, and hit dice annihilation, and even Akashic Effect divine rank annihilating abilities.

Strong/Agile/Amaranthine/Unknowing/Intellectual/Chaotic Mind/Soul/Spirit: Luminaries gain a +9,042 (1,507x6) bonus to DCs, Attack Rolls and Saving Throws

Cursed/Daunting Mind/Soul/Spirit: Powerful forces of Luck and Morale impose a -3,014 penalty to all Saving Throws, DCs and Attack Rolls of all foes within 1 lightyear of the Nightbringer.

Regeneration (Ex): Incredible gravity heals the damage done to a Luminary by 5,063,500 per round, regenerating it even after death, this regeneration can only be overcome by Black Hole Matter, Symmetric Matter or other such materials, or must be abrogated or otherwise neutralized.

Inner Eye (Ex): The Luminary rolls the best possible dice rolls in all situations.

Evil Eye (Ex): The Luminary forces all foes to roll the lowest possible result on any dice roll.

Omnific Toughness (Ex): An Luminary effectively has ∞ health. This can be cancelled by beings with infinite strength, or with weapons made of Black Hole Matter or denser materials, though it’s Equilibrium and Infinite Constitution give it a second layer of Infinite HP that also must be overcome.

Grab (Ex): Any time the Luminary successfully strikes a foe in melee the intense gravity around it allows it to attempt to start a grapple check as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability can be used against foes of up to 20 size categories larger than itself. If the Luminary so chooses it can maintain or conduct the grapple check at a -20 to grapple without gaining the grappled condition itself.

Spaghettification (Ex): The Gravity around a Black Hole Golem is so great that it greatly distorts spacetime with the massive gravity well surrounding the area it inhabits, enemies who get too close begin to stretch out with the parts closer to the golem moving faster than the parts further away, pulling them apart on a fundamental level. From the radius presented below it deals the following each round, this is in addition to the HP drained by it’s Superluminous Aura ability. Saves are Fort based and effect objects and undead if applicable.

· 6,000 ft: 30% Max Hp Drained, Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099 , Unconscious DC ∞/ 18,099, Death DC ∞/ 18,099
· 20,000 ft: 10% Max Hp Drained, Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099 , Unconscious DC ∞/ 18,099, Death DC ∞/ 18,099
· 60,000 ft: 2% Max Hp Drained, Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099 , Unconscious DC ∞/ 18,099, Death DC ∞/ 18,099
· 200,000 ft: Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099 , Unconscious DC ∞/ 18,099
· 600,000 ft: Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099

Gravitic Mastery (Su): The Luminary in in complete control of all gravity around it, including it’s own. It can freely control the ebb and flow of it’s own gravity and the gravity around it granting it a +6,750 Elemental Mastery bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, DCs, Initiative and Saving Throws

Divine Bonus (Su): The Luminary has a powerful albeit artificial divinity. This grants the Golem Spiritual Growth and a +400 Divine bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, DCs, Initiative and Saving Throws

Gravitic Control (Ex): Black Hole Golems can affect the Gravity around them within 600,000 miles, this allows them to use Reverse Gravity like effects at will as a free action but may change the direction to any direction they desire and may even use Control Winds like directional control with their gravity control sending foes and objects away, towards them, orbiting them, spiraling towards them, up, down, or in any basic direction they want.

Gravitational Lensing (Ex): Black Hole Golems have intense Gravitational Lensing around them at all times, this creates a series of Mirror Image like images (6) around them at all times and blurs, displaces and distorts their image as per Displacement. As these are simply an effect of intense gravity, True Seeing does nothing to help combat this effect and the Mirror Images do not disappear when struck. These are in addition to it’s Mirrorshard Blade: Reflection, class ability.

Superluminous Aura (Ex): Unimaginable cosmic energy and power radiate off of the Black Hole Golem dissolving all those who come too close in a wash of heat, gravitic force electricity and cold. Only visible in the X-Ray Spectrum unless the Luminary has recently devoured either a star, planet, or another powerful cosmic being at which point they will glow with an intense accretion disk and vibrant corona. Enemies are actively pulled into this effect deeper and must make strength checks to avoid being pulled closer in every round. Those actively attempting to flee get a Reflex Save DC ∞/ 18,099 for half damage, and must make a Strength Check DC ∞/ 18,099 to avoid being actively pulled into the effect. Those who fail their save can only move closer to or parallel to the effect, enemies who continue to approach or refuse to flee take damage with no save allowed. Once beings get too close, they begin to spaghettify stretching out and tearing apart on a subatomic level, this deals a percentage of their total HP every round indicated below.

· 200,000 Miles: 2,000d1,000 Divine, 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 2,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 2,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (8,000,000 average), 10% Total Enemy HP
· 600,000 Miles: 2,000d1,000 Divine, 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 2,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 2,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (8,000,000 average), 4% Total Enemy HP
· 2,000,000 Miles: 2,000d1,000 Divine, 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 2,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 2,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (8,000,000 average), 1% Total Enemy HP
· 6,000,000 Miles : 2,000d1,000 Divine, 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 2,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 2,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (8,000,000 average)
· 20,000,000 Miles: 1,000d1,000 Divine, 1,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 1,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 1,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (4,000,000 average)
· 60,000,000 Miles : 500d1,000 Divine, 500d1,000 Divine Fire, 500d1,000 Divine Cold. and 500d1,000 Divine Electricity (2,000,000 average)
· 200,000,000 Miles: 250d1,000 Divine, 250d1,000 Divine Fire, 250d1,000 Divine Cold. and 250d1,000 Divine Electricity(1,000,000 average)
· 600,000,000 Miles: 125d1,000 Divine, 125d1,000 Divine Fire, 125d1,000 Divine Cold. and 125d1,000 Divine Electricity(500,000 average)
· 2,000,000,000,000 Miles: 25d1,000 Divine, 25d1,000 Divine Fire, 25d1,000 Divine Cold. and 25d1,000 Divine Electricity(100,000 average)
· 6,000,000,000,000 Miles (One Light Year): 1d1,000 Divine, 1d1,000 Divine Fire, 1d1,000 Divine Cold. and 1d1,000 Divine Electricity(4,000 average)

Omnific Cold Effect (Su): The area around a Black hole golem is incredibly cold, to a titanic and supernatural level, this manifests as d1,000s Cold damage per hit dice of the Luminary, the golem may control and command this energy in any way it so pleases. Half the damage can be treated as Divine if the Luminary Golem so chooses.

· Beam (Ray) 2,000d1,000 x4 (x4 Quantum Effect) (8,000,000) Line of Sight range
· Blast 1,000d1,000 x4 (4,000,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY)./ 5,025ft radius blast, Standard action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Blood 500d,1000x4 (2,000,000) Melee Free action DC ∞/18,099 /half
· Breath* 2,000d1,000x4 (8,000,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard ∞/18,099 /half
· Hand 3,000d1,000x4 (12,000,000) Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000d1,000x4 (12,00,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free ∞/18,099 /half
· Storm 500d1,000x4 (2,000,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free -
· Strike 500d1,000x4 (2,000,000) Melee (bonus) Free -
· Wrath (Gaze) 1,000d1,000x4 (4,000,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) ∞/18,099 /none

Transcendent Effect (Su): The Luminary Golem commands forces capable to tearing the known cosmos to pieces. This deals d100s Divine damage per hit dice of the Golem.

· Beam (Ray) 2,000d100 x4 (x4 Quantum Effect) (800,000) Line of Sight range
· Blast 1,000d100 x4 (400,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY)./ 5,025ft radius blast, Standard action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Blood 500d100x4 (200,000) Melee Free action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Breath* 2,000d100x4 (800,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard 18,099 /half
· Hand 3,000d100x4 (1,200,000) Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000d100x4 (1,200,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Storm 500d100x4 (200,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free -
· Strike 500d100x4 (200,000) Melee (bonus) Free -
· Wrath (Gaze) 1,000d100x4 (400,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) DC ∞/18,099 /none

Omnific Atomic Effect (Su): Tremendous Atomic energy radiates off the Luminary Golem, the strongest in the universe, dealing several effects:

· Beam (Ray) 4,000d100 Force, +4,000d100 Disintegration, +2,000d100 Wind, +2,000d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 1,200,000 Force, 1,200,000 Disintegration, 600,000 Wind, 600,000 Fire, 1,333 Radiation) Line of Sight range
· Blast 2,000d20 Force, +2,000d20 Disintegration, +1,000d20 Wind, +1,000d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 16,000 Force, 24,000 Disintegration, 12,000 Wind, 12.000 Fire, 666 Radiation) Line of Sight range 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY)./ 5,025ft radius blast, Standard action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Blood 1,000d100 Force, +1,000d100 Disintegration, +500d100 Wind, +500d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) Melee Free action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Breath* 4,000d100 Force, +4,000d100 Disintegration, +2,000d100 Wind, +2,000d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 1,200,000 Force, 1,200,000 Disintegration, 600,000 Wind, 600,000 Fire, 1,333 Radiation) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard 18,099 /half
· Hand 6,000d20 Force, +6,000d20 Disintegration, +3,000d20 Wind, +3,000d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (48,000 Force, 72,000 Disintegration, 36,000 Wind, 36.000 Fire, 2,000 Radiation) Melee Touch
· Immolation 6,000d20 Force, +6,000d20 Disintegration, +3,000d20 Wind, +3,000d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (48,000 Force, 72,000 Disintegration, 36,000 Wind, 36.000 Fire, 2,000 Radiation) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Storm 1,000d20 Force, +1,000d20 Disintegration, +500d20 Wind, +500d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free -
· Strike 1,000d20 Force, +1,000d20 Disintegration, +500d20 Wind, +500d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) Melee (bonus) Free
· Wrath (Gaze) 2,000d20 Force, +2,000d20 Disintegration, +1,000d20 Wind, +1,000d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 16,000 Force, 24,000 Disintegration, 12,000 Wind, 12,000 Fire, 666 Radiation) Line of Sight range 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) 18,099 /none

Transcendent Annihilating Effect (Ex): Black Hole Golems deal permanent damage to anything they touch. Enemies or objects not as dense as Black Hole Matter who are struck by it's blows, touched by it, deal damage to it, or destroy it are subject to the following:

· Blood 500d20x4 Permanent Damage (40,000) , DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Hand 3,000d20x4 Permanent Damage (240,000) Melee Touch, Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000d20x4 Permanent Damage (240,000), 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free DC ∞/ 18,099 /half

Omega Effect (Ex): Black Hole Matter obliterates whatever it touches. Enemies or objects not as dense as Neutronium who are struck by it's blows, deal damage to it, or destroy it are subject to the following:

· Blood 500 Hit Dice annihilation, DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Hand 3,000 Hit Dice annihilation, Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000 Hit Dice annihilation, 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free DC ∞/ 18,099 /half

Astro Effect (Ex): Black Hole Matter pulls whatever it touches into a place beyond the reach of space and time. Enemies or objects not as dense as Black Hole Matter who are struck by it's blows, deal damage to it, or destroy it are subject to the following:

· Blood 5% Chance of Destruction
· Hand 50% Chance of Destruction
· Immolation 50% Chance of Destruction

Unearthly Effect (Ex): All Effect powers ranges are increased to the range of the Luminary's Superluminous Aura, 6,000,000,000,000 Miles or 1 Light Year. Lines and ray effect powers have a range equal to line of sight. This coupled with Cosmic Consciousness gives effect power ray and lines Infinite range.

Cosmic Consciousness (Su): The Luminary has unlimited range to it's sight and hearing.

Cosmic Superimposition (Ex): Successful Sneak Attacks against a foe can steal their Divine Portfolios. The Golem may only steal 2 total Portfolios in this way and it requires a successful DC ∞/ 18,099 Will Save to avoid their Portfolio being stolen.

Infinite Strength: The Luminary Golem has infinite Strength

Equilibrium: All of the Nightbringer's stats match it's Strength score

Immunity to Magic (Ex): Luminaries are utterly immune to all forms of magic that allow a spell resistance

Dead Magic Zone (Su): All Magic except it’s spells, spell like and supernatural effects and the spells and effects of it’s allies cease to function within 250,000 ft of a Nightbringer.

Magnetar (Ex): Once an Luminary has identified a target for termination it is inextricably linked to the Black Hole Golem and it cannot escape. No matter how fast the being moves, even manifold times the speed of light, the Luminary moves relative to their two positions, even across time or dimensions. Treat as Spell Stowaway and tether attuned to any method of movement.

Quasar (Su): Each Round as a Free action the Luminary may produce a spiraling wave of intense energy this wave targets all foes within 1 Light year (6 Trillion miles) and deals 2,000d1,000 Kinetic damage (bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage) 4,000d1,000 Divine and 4,000d1,000 Divine Fire damage (average 10,000,000) with no save and deals 1,000 points of Radiation Damage to any foe without immunity to poison and ability damage, checks all foes as if they were caught in intense winds if they fail a DC ∞/ 18,099 Reflex Save, and permanently blinds all foes who fail a DC ∞/ 18,099 Fortitude Save. If a Black Hole golem kills a foe with their Obliteration ability this ability can be used freely without any action as an aura for 1 round per divine rank of the opponent destroyed or 1 round per 10 hit dice destroyed for non deific beings or objects, this can be used in this fashion alongside Blazar.

Blazar (Ex): As a Standard Action on a round that the Luminary does not use it’s Quasar, it may opt to fire an intensely powerful relativistic jet called a Blazar, a massive and terrifyingly powerful explosion of charged particles and atomized matter in a cone 2,000 Light Years in length (12 quintillion miles), this blast can be fired both behind and in front of the Luminary if it so chooses simultaneously. This blast deals 4,000d1,000 Kinetic Damage, 4,000d1,000 Divine and 12,000d1,000 Divine Fire damage (Average 20,000,000) with no save, blasts foes who fail a Reflex Save of 18,099 back to the edges of the attack dealing 2,000,000d6 additional Kinetic (average 12,000,000 damage and 12,000,000d6 (average 72,000,000) extra falling damage if they hit a solid object, and disintegrates all foes who fail a DC ∞/ 18,099 Fortitude Save

Photon Ring (Ex): The Nightbringer has a photonic aura around it at all times appearing as concentric rings of light or warped space, these rings are usually only visible as a warping of space around it, or visible on the X-ray spectrum, this is actually a puckering of spacetime itself making the golem exist outside the binds of the time stream. This gives the golem the ability to see both the future and past with extreme accuracy granting it the 10th Sense Omnific Ability. This also neutralizes all temporal effects up to Time Dilation and up to 9th Sense, this does not affect Transtemporal or Slipsteam. The Golem can at it’s behest control this flow of time allowing a being or group of beings to see their fate and the fates of the entire universe it currently inhabits, and it can share it's 10th Sense power will any and all beings it wishes within range. The rings extend out to a distance of 6 million miles.

Obliteration (Ex): The Luminary’s blows cause enemies to transform into black hole matter and violently collapse, killing them instantly. This effect is constant and affects any item touched less than Neutronium in density with a lesser effect on Neutronium. Any enemy who is struck by any of the Luminary’s unarmed strikes or who come into physical contact with the Black Hole Golem must make a DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort Save or instantly lose 20 size categories, transform into Black Hole matter and die. Those killed in such a way disappear entirely becoming effectively part of the black hole and cannot be resurrected without a Wish or Miracle. Neutronium items or beings lose 5 size categories and also transform into Black Hole Matter and die. Quark Matter and higher materials are unaffected. This ability can effect Constructs, Items, Undead and other things not traditionally affected by Fortitude Saves.

White Hole (Ex): When destroyed or brought to negative health a Luminary Golem releases all consumed matter and explodes into a blast not unlike a Supernova releasing titanic amounts of energy and matter in addition to it’s Transcendent, Omnific Atomic, Omnific Cold, Transcendent Annihilating and Omega Immolations. The Blindness and Dazzling Effects are permanent. It deals the following:

· 500,000,000 Miles: Disintegration Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 50,000,000d6 Fire Damage (average 300,000,000), 100,000,000d6 (average 600,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +1,000,000,000 ft pushback, 2,000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (20,000d4 kinetic damage) 100% Chance of Asteroid impact (10d10 asteroids, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage each)
· 1,000,000,000 Miles: 25,000,000d6 Fire Damage (average 150,000,000), 100,000,000d6 (average 600,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +1,000,000,000 ft pushback, 2,000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (20,000d4 kinetic damage) 100% Chance of Asteroid impact (10d3 asteroids, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage each)
· 2,000,000,000 Miles: 100,000,000d6 (average 600,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +1,000,000,000 ft pushback, 2,000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (2,000d4 kinetic damage) 100% Chance of Asteroid impact (1d3 asteroid, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage)
· 3,000,000,000 Miles: 100,000,000d6 (average 600,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +100,000,000 ft pushback, 200 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (2,000d4 kinetic damage) 100% Chance of Asteroid impact (1 asteroid, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage)
· 4,000,000,000 Miles: 10,000,000d6 (average 60,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +10,000,000 ft pushback, 100 Radiation, Dazzled DC Fort 18,099, 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (2,000d4 kinetic damage) 50% Chance of Asteroid impact (1 asteroid, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage)
· 5,000,000,000 Miles: 1,000,000d6 (6,000,000) Kinetic damage +1,000,000ft pushback, Dazzled Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% chance of being bombarded by a meteor shower, 10% Chance of being struck by asteroid impacts
· 100 Light Year (5,878,625,370,000 Miles): 10,000d6 Kinetic damage (60,000 average) 100,000ft pushback, 50% Chance of being bombarded by a meteor shower, 1% chance of asteroid impact. Heavy planetary disturbances (global hurricanes and auroras, flash boiling of oceans, coronal mass ejection like effects, mass extinctions events, global pole shifts) Blinded Fort DC 1,809 for 1,000 Rounds, Permanent Dazzled effect, 10% chance of being bombarded by meteor showers. Potential asteroid impacts
· 1,000 Light Years (5,878,625,370,000,000 Miles) 10d6 Kinetic damage (60 average)1,000ft pushback, moderate planetary disturbances (massive aurorae, windows shattered, non-fortified buildings levelled, tidal waves, earthquakes, electromagnetic disturbances, satellites knocked out of orbit or destroyed, etc) Blinded Fort DC 180 for 1d6 Rounds, Dazzled Fort DC 180 for 20 Rounds, 1% chance of meteor showers. Potential asteroid impacts
· beyond 1,000 Light Years: Electromagnetic disturbances, satelites damaged, aurorae, sunlight level brightness in the sky for several days, Dazzled Fort DC 18 for 1d2 rounds if looking directly at the light, Potential meteor showers and asteroid impacts

Unreal Construction (Ex): Singularity Golems are fashioned by the greatest smiths in all the realms and other legendary golem masters and master magic users, they use d1,000s for health and always have maximum hp per hit dice, Luminaries always roll the best possible result when using Starflight and have a number of Divine, Cosmic, Transcendent and Omnific Abilities worked into their construction at the time of creation based on the level of the craftsman making the golem. (400 Divine Abilities worth base, more for the example above)

Smouldering Divinity (Ex): Singularity Golems are sentient and infused with so much quintessence and power they take on a level of true divinity. Still not a real divine spark, they can never become fully fledged gods, however they benefit from Spiritual Growth and gain a +400 Divine Bonus and 400 Divine Abilities to distribute as they see fit.

Black Hole Matter Construction (Ex): Singularity Golems have a body made of pure Black Hole Matter, no two of which are exactly the same, thusly the basics may remain the same but in terms of body shape, structure, design and all relative abilities relating to those structural differences may vary wildly between Golems. Most however share the characteristic of appearing to be formless voids of darkness with a chiseled yet vague interior form appearing as the night sky itself.

Sentience (Su): Black Hole Golems are created with an awakened mind, granting them the ability to gain classes and think for themselves. As they gain levels, they are granted bonus ability score points equal to ¼ their HD which can only be used to increase mental ability scores.

Hypersonic (Ex): All previous movement speed multipliers stack. Celerity, Supersonic and Spiritual Growth with Superluminal grant a 300x the Speed of Light base speed.

Hyperluminal (Ex): Luminaries move in a quantum hyperspace allowing them to move starting at the speed of light, 5,621,108,587 feet per round but doubling this speed every round as long as the Luminary maintains attempting to fly as fast as possible.

Starflight (Ex): An Luminary can distort space and time travelling to any location almost instantly, it can reach any destination in the Multiverse in 3d20 (3) Minutes.

Transcendent Cozen (Su): The gravity around an Luminary can steal Transcendent or lower abilities from an enemy with a successful use of it's Accretion, Sneak Attack or Grab abilities. It must successfully Sneak Attack succeed on a grapple attempt or succeed with it's Accretion ability to use this ability. The enemy must make a DC ∞/ 18,099 Will Save or lose one ability of up to Transcendent level of the Golem's choice. It may store up to 400 abilities in this fashion.
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Azora The Great Shadow, Singularity Golem

Black Hole Golem, Starcrusher Golems, Luminary Golems, Nightbringers, Dark Eternals

In the distance, light years away floats an anomaly. A form only backlit by the aura of palpable energy around it approaches at speeds well in excess of the speed of light.

From your observatory, you and your colleagues look on, the data from this thing is astounding. The basic fundamental theories you’ve based your career upon are being proven wrong over and over again, being that your team found the thing, this will get your name in the history books. Your team is buzzing with excitement, but within a few hours that excitement turns to worry as whatever this is, it appears to be approaching.

What you see in your high powered telescope is troubling. Without seeing it firsthand, you wouldn’t believe it to be real. It appears to be a blackhole, but unlike you’ve ever seen. It seems to be travelling at speeds beyond measure faster hundreds of times the speed of light, just yesterday it was seemingly 1.5 billion lightyears away only noticeable via the massive amounts of tachyon radiation emanating from the thing. Now however it seems to be within your own galaxy, it’s troubling as it seems to be approaching your world.

Another few hours, worry has turned to panic as your colleagues went to an emergency meeting of the greatest scientific minds in the world, they’re convening to figure out what kind of problems this could pose should it pass too close to your solar system. They’ve left you with only a couple of interns to keep watch and update them on any new progressions. You look again through your telescope at the brilliant dot of energy in the distance. It seems ominous now, but you were late to work today, you didn’t eat breakfast so you go to the cafeteria and pick up some lunch, you return less than an hour later, eating a biscuit when the first reports of something on the deep space sensors is picked up.

The sensors pick up a massive build up of tachyon particles, followed by an incredible gravity wake and then the sensors went down, seemingly taken offline. But that can’t be right, the sensors are stationed in the Oort Cloud, literally only a light year out. How can that be.

Moments later, suddenly, there’s a flash as the lights in your office pop and explode, an intern screams briefly, and for a moment there’s silence, then a deafening explosion like a airburst. This knocks paneling off the celling and the interns run outside but don’t get far, outside the sky looks like fire washing the ground in a terrifying golden glow.

Unaware as to what to do, you look through your telescope again, now, to your horror, you see nothing but a fireball, luckily your telescope has an automatic adjuster blocking out most the light, if you went outside, you’d likely be blinded.

You look into the fireball. ln it’s center to your amazement you see a person, a woman it seems, you can’t make out any features, just a dark figure surrounded by a blinding spiral of fire.

She is looking down, somehow you can make out her starlike eyes in spite of the fireball, is she looking at you?! A sickening feeling goes through you. Something about this feels familiar…

There's a rumble across the ground that goes from a tremor to an earthquake, the wall of your office is shredded off as you are suddenly exposed to the burning freezing air, as you see the road, the forest, the lake, the mountains the city itself being lifted torn apart and spiraling into the fireball above, before the tearing shakes the ground out from under your feet, shatters your body and tears you to shreds..

Suddenly you awaken, you’re standing somewhere you’ve been before a thousand thousand times. An infinite void of nothingness. Before you a beautiful woman stands, carved of solid darkness like a statue, smiling, looking at you with eyes made of starlight.

“You’ve awoken” The woman says

“What… is this place, am I dead?”

“Yes, you’re dead.” She says matter of factly.

“There was a black hole.” you say with bemusement. “It destroyed the world…My God! My family, my wife! My Children!” you say suddenly realizing the implications of what’s just happened.

“What about them?”

“Are they okay!?” You say without thinking

“That’s what I like to hear, you’ve just died, but you’re worried about your family. I like that.” She says with a smile. “Your family is okay, or at least they will be. Don’t worry.”

You stare at her in fascination “So this is the afterlife?”

“No” she says “This is your remembrance” she says staring into you

“My… rememberance?” You ask confused

“Yes, don’t you remember when you left? You took the form of mortal men, to live among them for a time, to live through their lives, to make their world better, to help them learn. I’ve come to wake you up, it’s time to go home.”

You don’t remember any of this, you don’t know what she’s talking about. But something feels familiar…

“You have the power to restore that world, to help them all but you must remember who you are. You are a Time Lord, a Monad, you come from the great city of Amarana, don’t you remember” she still stares at you, her eyes unmoving.

“Amarana..I… I’m a God…” It begins to return to you. You left to come to this world ten thousand years ago, to see them come to fruition, from cave men to explorers of space. You remember, you’ve reached that goal, you can let go…”I..remember… Azora,” The leader of your city, Azora the Great Shadow, she came for you.” it’s good to see you..”

She smiles,“You as well Blix, come lets take you home..”

Still holding the biscuit from earlier you shed your given mortal form, it fades away like an old banana peel, transforming into the godlike being of eternal light you’ve been for over a billion years. You eat the biscuit and smile, you think about your wife and kids from your life among the mortals and wish them well as you effortlessly return their world to the state it was in right before the golem made contact. You think about how your colleagues will try to make sense of everything that just happened, you chuckle a bit.

You make sure no lingering effects of such gravitational waves will cause any unforeseen consequences for the world, and take Azora’s hand. With the world restored and a final glance back you warp out of reality, this existence fading away to the greater hyperreality awaiting you, your beautiful and lush ever expansive eternal city awaiting you, like a golden tesseract of crystal gold and light, you return to the Pleroma and your life, sitting as it was 10,000 years ago, almost entirely untouched, your family, your pets, you remember now...

Singularity Golem
Large Construct (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
∞ / 2,000d1,000 +1,006,632,960 +3,014,000 Con (1,011,646,960 hp)
Initiative: Always Goes First/+8,657 (+6,750 Gravitic Mastery, +400 Divine, +1,507 Dex)
Speed: Hyperluminal +Supersonic, Hypersonic, and Celerity (300x the speed of light) (1,686,332,576,100 ft/perfect, doubles each round)

Armor Class: ∞/ 19,398 (+6,750 Gravitic Mastery, +4,817 Natural, -1 Size, +1,507 Dex, +1,507 Charisma, +400 Divine)
Flat-Footed: 17,891 Touch: 10,164

Str: ∞/3,024 (+1,507)
Dex: ∞/3,024 (+1,507) base 10 (--)
Con: ∞/3,024 (+1,507) base --
Int: ∞/3,024 (+1,507) base 200 (+95)
Wis: ∞/ 3,024 (+1,507) base 202 (+96)
Cha: ∞/3,024 (+1,507) base 142 (+66)

Space/Reach: 10ft/ 10ft
Base Attack/Grapple: +2,000/ ∞(+19,398)

Mirrorshard Slam:
+∞/ 20,366 melee, 3,600 attacks 9-20/x5 critical + Annihilation, Disintegration, Obliteration, and Blindness

Omnific Shadow Strike-Atomic-Cold/Transcendent Beam: +∞/19,699 Ranged 17-20/x5 Critical + Disintegration+ Sneak Attack

Mirrorshard Slam:
∞/1,020,000d10+10,164 x5, +3,000d20 Permanent Damage, +6,000d100 Force, +6,000d100 Disintegration, +3,000d100 Wind, +3,000d100 Fire, +3,000d100 Transcendent Damage, +3,000d1,000 Omnific Cold, +3,330, +100 Con Damage, +3,000 Hit Dice Annihilation, +Disintegration, +Obliteration, +Radiation +1,000d1,000 Sneak Attack +Transcendent Cozen (51,054,150 Damage +100 Con Damage + 20,640,000 Effect Damage [60,000 Permanent, 600,000 Force, 600,000 Disintegration, 300,000 Wind, 300,000 Fire, 300,000 Transcendent, 3,000,000 Cold (half divine if it chooses) x4], +Disintegration DC ∞/18,099, +3,000 Hit Dice Annihilation, +2,000 Radiation [Str, Dex, Con Damage], +Obliterating Strike ∞/18,099) +Blindness DC ∞/ 18,099

Omnific Shadow Strike-Atomic-Cold/Transcendent Beam: 1,000d1,000 Cold/Negative/Force 17-20/x5, +2,000d20 Permanent Damage, +4,000d100 Force, +4,000d100 Disintegration, +2,000d100 Wind, +2,000d100 Fire, +2,000d100 Transcendent Damage, +2,000d1,000 Omnific Cold (half divine if it chooses), +1,000d1,000 Sneak Attack (10,000,000 Shadow Strike and Sneak Attack+ 3,760,000 Effect Damage) [40,000 Permanent, 400,000 Force, 400,000 Disintegration, 200,000 Wind, 200,000 Fire, 200,000 Transcendent, 2,000,000 Cold (half divine if it chooses) x4], +Disintegration ∞/18,099 (208,000 Damage), +1,333 Radiation [Str, Dex, Con]

Special Abilities:
Spell Like Abilities (DC ∞/ 18,099 + Caster Level 2,000), Sneak Attack 1,000d1,000, Improved Shadow Slide, Deeper Darkness, Shadow Door, Shadow Pounce, Shadow Jump (160,000,000 feet), Improved Shadow Strike 1,000d1,000, Shadow Image (1,000/day) Shadow Walk, Shadow Call (1,000/day), Summon Shadow (Umbral Blot Companion), Shadow Vanish, Shadow Friends (100 Friends), Shadow Power (1,000/day), Mirrorshard Blade, Mirror (100 Images), Reflective Defense, Reflection, Blinding Light (3,000 feet), Shadow Master (+200 Luck all saves, +1,000/- DR, Crit Blinds for 100d6 rounds), Disintegrating Touch, Spaghettification, Gravitic Control, Superluminous Aura, Blazar, Quasar, Photon Ring, White Hole, Dead Magic Zone, Grab, Obliterating Strikes, Starflight

Special Qualities:
Accretion, Gravitational Lensing, Construct Traits, Sentience, Damage Reduction 5,063,500/-, Damage Immunity, Defensive Roll (100/day), Regeneration, Darkvision (No Range Limit), See In Darkness, Improved Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Slippery Mind (100/day), Immunity to Magic, Low Light Vision, Magnetar, Hyperluminal, Unreal Construction, Black Hole Matter Construction

Feats: (Lots, tailored for each specific Golem, Infinite Deflection, Exceptional Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Whirlwind Attack, Cleave, etc etc) Automatic Metamagic Capacity x30, Improved Critical, Improved Critical Multiplier, Greater Critical, Greater Critical Multiplier, Improved Initiative, Superior Initiative, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved, Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Rend

Divine Abilities: Cozen, Cold Effect (6), Invincibility, Strong Soul, Strong Mind, Strong Spirit, Agile Soul, Agile Mind, Agile Spirit, Amaranthine Soul, Amaranthine Mind, Amaranthine Spirit, Celerity, Cunning Soul, Cunning Mind, Cunning Spirit, Chaotic Soul, Chaotic Mind, Chaotic Spirit, Divine Sneak Attack, Postcognition, Precognition, Seventh Sense (400 rounds), Maven, Nescient, Omnicompetent, Quantum Effect, Telluric Effect, Perfect Initiative, Nescient, Superior Critical, Superior Critical Multiplier, Superior Sneak Attack (3=d12’s), Third Eye, True Seeing, X-Ray Vision, Uncanny Cold Mastery, Uncanny Radiation Mastery, Unknowing Soul, Unknowing Mind, Unknowing Spirit

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Alter Reality, *Annihilating Effect (6), Apostacy, *Atomic Effect (6), Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic String, Cosmic Sneak Attack (2=d100’s), Cosmic Superimposition, Cursed Mind, Cursed Spirit, Cursed Soul, Daunting Mind, Daunting Spirit, Daunting Soul, *Divine Nescience, *Eighth Sense, Elusion, *Hyperostosis, Nullification, Inner Eye, Legendary Strength, Oblique Strike, Shroud of Death, Slipstream, Supersonic, *Time Dilation (3), Total Strength, Total Dexterity, Total Charisma, Unearthly Effect, Unearthly Weapon Specialization

Transcendent Abilities: *Astro Hand, *Astro Immolation, *Astro Blood, *Cosmic Nescience, Divine Nullification, Equilibrium, Evil Eye, Hypersonic, *Ninth Sense, *Omega Hand, *Omega Immolation, *Omega Blood, Perfect Defense, Sophism, Transcendent Annihilating Effect, Transcendent Atomic Effect, Transcendent Cozen, Transcendent Sneak Attack (d1,000’s), *Transtemporal, *Transattack Period, *Transversal, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Ultimate Weapon Specialization, *Uncanny Transcendent Effect

Omnific Abilities: *Infinite Strength, *Omnific Toughness, *Omnific Cold Effect, *Omnific Atomic Effect, *Omnipresent, *Tenth Sense, *Transcendent Nescience

(*Abilities granted during construction, these do not count towards it’s total powers known, Nightbringers have a smoldering divinity, bordering the line between true divinity and golemhood, and as such have both granted powers from construction and powers learned by spiritual growth)

Saves: ∞/Will 18,367, ∞/Ref 18,710, ∞/Fort 18,367

Skills: 9,150+ Relevant Ability Modifier

Alignment: Unaligned or Usually Neutral
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Trio, Night Watch (1d4+2 Black Hole Golems), Or with 2d4+4 Time Lords or 1d6 High Lords
Environment: The Infinite Expanse of the Pleroma
Cr: (Estimated) 2,666 (Unofficially 4,000)

Luminaries or Nightbringer Golems are obscenely powerful golems made of pure Black Hole Matter. These golems are the defenders of the great and expansive 5th dimensional Divine Cities of the Time Lords and High Lords and are made through the collective effort of teams of High Lord master craftsmen.

Made not as slaves but masters of their own destiny, many eventually leave and follow their own path before finally settling down in a city to fulfill their original purpose. As such many bristle with weapons and artifacts of incredible power and legendary stories of their exploits.

Golems who protect cities are known as Luminaries, golems who wander free are known as Nightbringers and those who seek to kill and sunder Time Lords are Dark Eternals. (The terms will be used interchangeably throughout this entry)

Nightbringer Golems are in mindset very similar to Adjutants yet far more capable and present than the Strange Matter golems given their much higher mental capabilities, and it is not uncommon to find the two types of golems working together. Nightbringers will many times work as protectors of Adjutant family units. Adjutants and Luminaries can interact with one another without risk of destruction, and as such many times the Luminaries are inducted as members of the Adjutant families, find love, happiness and purpose, and stay there for eternity.

Luminaries protecting a Divine City many times works as not just a simple guardian but many times the ruler of the city itself. Luminaries are many times the only beings blessed with the power of infinity in such a place, granted to them from their Equilibrium and Infinite Strength abilities, and as such they naturally become the Primearchs or sole rulers of such places. High Lords however may challenge and defeat such rulers, but many times work as confidantes or Champions to such beings.

Dark Eternals however slaughter and destroy Time Lords, they gain power through the absorption of Quintessence and find Time Lords once destroyed grant them huge amounts of Quintessence, as such, they become murderous bringers of darkness with tens or sometimes hundreds of dead universes in their wakes before groups of High and Time Lords or other similarly powerful beings bring the golem down.

Luminaries are far more powerful than even Strange Golems, Hyperborean High Legionaries and Time Lords. Imbued with incredible power, most Omnific beings would rarely dare tangle with a Luminary. Their natural defenses coupled with their command of high cosmic forces make them very hard to beat even for groups of appropriately powerful warriors. They can match power with the strongest Hyperboreans, face down rogue Highlords, groups of Time Lords, and even take on the Lesser Akashic Aspects and Echatolic Dragons.


Luminaries use their incredible destructive capabilities to crush and obliterate foes. They largely rely on their natural abilities but all possess different fighting styles and abilities and use such abilities to their full advantage. The one presented uses her Shadowdancer powers to slip behind foes and obliterate them and uses her abilities to dodge and evade attacks and command the powers of darkness to aid her.

Luminaries will generally learn all they can about a foe’s intentions beforehand using their 10th sense power to analyze all options. They’ll warn the opponent, once, and then using the information they’ve gleaned, will kill their opponent in the most efficient and permanent way possible. Generally their Shroud of Death. They’ll use their Transcendent Cozen in addition to their Cosmic Superimposition to steal the most aggravating of the opponent’s abilities away, usually Divine Nullification and Transmortality, and use their natural capabilities to dissolve their foe from reality.

If they wish to punish a foe however or in the defense of their cities, family, or friends, Luminaries are terrifying foes with astounding abilities. They’ll butcher foes without remorse and without holding back. They’ll wipe out most foes with their Quasar and Effect abilities and Blazar, and unleash thousands of blows against all foes arrayed against them, slaughtering armies instantly. They’ll wade into melee allowing their incredible command of freezing absolute zero cold, transcendental energies, natural Annihilation, Disintegration, Radiation and Obliteration abilities to permanently wound, permanently drain hit dice, poison all physical stats, blind, possibly disintegrate and transform the enemy into Black Hole Matter, killing their foes instantly.

Even those who somehow survive this are met with a nearly unending barrage of savage strikes unable to be withstood by almost any being.

Like Strange Golems, the bodies of Black Hole Golems are so durable that they generally don’t fear getting wounded at all meaning they have almost no fear of being injured. Almost all forms of damage fail against them, nothing breaks their insane hardness and they regenerate when wounded. Moreover those who do manage to actually wound an Luminary are assaulted by titanic explosions of held energy now released dealing extreme damage, obliterating hit dice and threatening annihilation yet again. Those who manage to destroy a Black Hole Golem find the golem will likely take them out with them as their bodies explode into a Supernovae wiping out all space around them for a thousand lightyears.

They, like other golems unleash their most powerful attacks on the strongest foes outright and allow their auras and aoe powers to obliterate lesser enemies. Unlike other golems, Luminaries are more intelligent than most the beings they fight, and generally will have already seen the outcome of the fight before the fight ever started. They use this knowledge to counter any plan of attack set against them and will fight as effectively as possible when encountered. They will actively modify their tactics as needed and will rarely be caught off guard, they use all available resources at their disposal to win and will always attempt to take their enemy down with them should victory not be possible.

Luminaries have strong convictions though those convictions are generally their own. This means each golem will be entirely different but generally do share a love for personal freedom and choice.


Spell Like/ Supernatural Abilities* (Sp/Su):
∞/ DC ∞/ 18,099 + Caster Level 2,000

At Will: Deeper Darkness*, Dimension Slide, Dimension Door, Greater Teleport, Shadow Walk, Major Image*, Wish (Alter Reality)*

1000/day: Greater Shadow Conjuration*, Greater Shadow Evocation*, Silent Image

Shadow Strike (Su): The golem may fire a beam of concentrated shadow energy dealing cold, negative energy or force out to a range of his Line of Sight dealing 1,000d1,000 damage. It may fire one beam for every Iterative attack it has though this cannot be coupled with two weapon fighting.

Shadow Jump (Su): The Luminary may jump through shadows to avoid attacks or for any other reason as an immediate action. It may jump up to 160,000,000 feet per day and must be used up in 10ft increments, though it need not actually jump 10 feet.

Shadow Pounce (Su): The Luminary may teleport via any of it’s Shadow movement abilities and make a full round attack this ends the Luminary’s round, but not extra actions granted via Time Dilation or Transtemporality.

Sneak Attack (Ex): The Golem may deal extra damage equal to 1,000d1,000 to any foe who loses their dex bonus to AC for any reason against the Golem. This also allows the Golem to steal any Transcendent and below ability it so chooses due to Transcendent Cozen.

Slippery Mind (Ex): The Golem may attempt to reroll any failed Will save 1 round after the initial save was failed. It may attempt to do this 100 times per day.

Summon Shadow (Ex): The Luminary Golem may summon an advanced Legendary Paragon Umbral Blot of Legend with equivalent HD as the Golem and ½ it’s Total HP (not counting Infinite HP). This blot remains as the Golem’s faithful servant, delivering messages and doing the golem’s bidding until destroyed. If destroyed the Golem must spend a full round action either returning the old one to life or creating a new one. The golem can only have 1 such Shadow Companion at any given time.

Mirrorshard Blade (Slam) (Ex): The Luminary Golem summons a dazzling mirrorlike finish to it’s fists and natural attacks, this increases it’s base crit chance to 18-20 (9-20 with Superior Critical), deals 20 points of Con damage per hit (x5 Unearthly Weapon specialization) and has an enchantment bonus equal to +667 and also has several additional effects.

  • Mirror: Reflect up to 100 rays back at targets as immediate actions with an opposed attack roll.
  • Reflection: Creates 100 Mirror Images around the Golem if destroyed these reform the following round as a free action
  • Blinding Light: Blinds all foes with 30,000 feet who look directly at the golem or who are struck in melee for 300 rounds on a failed DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort Save, Permanently blinds light sensitive creatures
  • Reflective Offense: All foes are considered Flat-Footed against all attacks made with the Mirrorshard Blade unless they are 4 levels higher than the golem and also have Improved Uncanny Dodge
Improved Evasion (Ex): ½ damage on a failed Reflex Save, no damage on a Successful Save

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Cannot be Caught Flat Footed or Flanked

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Can use Stealth (Hide) even when being observed, must be within 1000ft of a shadow.

Shadow Master (Ex): The Golem gains a +200 Luck bonus to all saving throws, +1,000/- to their Damage Reduction, and a successful critical hit Blinds foes for 100d6 rounds

Shroud of Death (Ex): Any foe who enters within the range of the golem’s Superluminous Aura must instantly make a Fortitude Save DC ∞/ 18,099 or immediately die.

Accretion (Ex): Anyone striking the Black Hole Golem must make a DC ∞/ 18,099 Strength Check every round to retrieve it’s weapon or appendage as titanic gravitic forces hold the foe fast and begin tearing them apart on a subatomic level.

Damage Reduction (Ex): An Luminary has a hardness of 5,063,500, this hardness cannot be overcome by any means.

Damage Immunity (Ex): A Black Hole Golem is impervious to most conventional attack forms being utterly immune to all physical damage, elemental damage, alignment based damage, Profane, Divine, and Magic based damage. Even Permanent damage fails to damage it. It can only be damaged by Black Hole Matter, and denser materials. Pure Antimatter if elevated to the Omnific level (via Antimatter Effect and Omnific Antimatter Effect) or similar powers, Supernal levels (d10,000's) of Divine Damage, or Higher energy forms can overcome this, as can unorthodox attack forms, Words of Chaos etc, though this immunity also extends to fortitude save based abilities granting them near total immunity to fort save based effects, disintegration, and hit dice annihilation, and even Akashic Effect divine rank annihilating abilities.

Strong/Agile/Amaranthine/Unknowing/Intellectual/Chaotic Mind/Soul/Spirit: Luminaries gain a +9,042 (1,507x6) bonus to DCs, Attack Rolls and Saving Throws

Cursed/Daunting Mind/Soul/Spirit: Powerful forces of Luck and Morale impose a -3,014 penalty to all Saving Throws, DCs and Attack Rolls of all foes within 1 lightyear of the Nightbringer.

Regeneration (Ex): Incredible gravity heals the damage done to a Luminary by 5,063,500 per round, regenerating it even after death, this regeneration can only be overcome by Black Hole Matter, Black Hole Matter or other such materials, or must be abrogated or otherwise neutralized.

Inner Eye (Ex): The Luminary rolls the best possible dice rolls in all situations.

Evil Eye (Ex): The Luminary forces all foes to roll the lowest possible result on any dice roll.

Omnific Toughness (Ex): An Luminary effectively has ∞ health. This can be cancelled by beings with infinite strength, or with weapons made of Black Hole Matter or denser materials, though it’s Equilibrium and Infinite Constitution give it a second layer of Infinite HP that also must be overcome.

Grab (Ex): Any time the Luminary successfully strikes a foe in melee the intense gravity around it allows it to attempt to start a grapple check as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability can be used against foes of up to 20 size categories larger than itself. If the Luminary so chooses it can maintain or conduct the grapple check at a -20 to grapple without gaining the grappled condition itself.

Spaghettification (Ex): The Gravity well around a Black Hole Golem is so great that it greatly distorts spacetime with the massive gravity well surrounding the area it inhabits, enemies who get too close begin to stretch out with the parts closer to the golem moving faster than the parts further away, pulling them apart on a fundamental level. From the radius presented below it deals the following each round, this is in addition to the HP drained by it’s Superluminous Aura ability. Saves are Fort based and effect objects and undead if applicable.

· 6,000 ft: 30% Max Hp Drained, Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099 , Unconscious DC ∞/ 18,099, Death DC ∞/ 18,099
· 20,000 ft: 10% Max Hp Drained, Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099 , Unconscious DC ∞/ 18,099, Death DC ∞/ 18,099
· 60,000 ft: 2% Max Hp Drained, Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099 , Unconscious DC ∞/ 18,099, Death DC ∞/ 18,099
· 200,000 ft: Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099 , Unconscious DC ∞/ 18,099
· 600,000 ft: Stunned DC ∞/ 18,099

Gravitic Mastery (Su): The Luminary in in complete control of all gravity around it, including it’s own. It can freely control the ebb and flow of it’s own gravity and the gravity around it granting it a +6,750 Elemental Mastery bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, DCs, Initiative and Saving Throws

Divine Bonus (Su): The Luminary has a powerful albeit artificial divinity. This grants the Golem Spiritual Growth and a +400 Divine bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, DCs, Initiative and Saving Throws

Gravitic Control (Ex): Black Hole Golems can affect the Gravity around them within 600,000 miles, this allows them to use Reverse Gravity like effects at will as a free action but may change the direction to any direction they desire and may even use Control Winds like directional control with their gravity control sendng foes and objects away, towards them, orbiting them, spiraling towards them, up, down, or in any basic direction they want.

Gravitational Lensing (Ex): Black Hole Golems have intense Gravitational Lensing around them at all times, this creates a series of Mirror Image like images around them at all times and blurs, displaces and distorts their image as per Displacement. As these are simply an effect of intense gravity, True Seeing does nothing to help combat this effect and the Mirror Images do not disappear when struck. These are in addition to it’s Mirrorshard Blade: Mirror, class ability.

Superluminous Aura (Ex): Unimaginable cosmic energy and power radiate off of the Black Hole Golem dissolving all those who come too close in a wash of heat, gravitic force electricity and cold. Only visible in the X-Ray Spectrum unless the Luminary has recently devoured either a star, planet, or another powerful cosmic being at which point they will glow with an intense accretion disk and vibrant corona. Enemies are actively pulled into this effect deeper and must make strength checks to avoid being pulled closer in every round. Those actively attempting to flee get a Reflex Save DC ∞/ 18,099 for half damage, and must make a Strength Check DC ∞/ 18,099 to avoid being actively pulled into the effect. Those who fail their save can only move closer to or parallel to the effect, enemies who continue to approach or refuse to flee take damage with no save allowed. Once beings get too close, they begin to spaghettify stretching out and tearing apart on a subatomic level, this deals a percentage of their total HP every round indicated below.

· 200,000 Miles: 2,000d1,000 Divine, 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 2,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 2,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (8,000,000 average), 10% Total Enemy HP
· 600,000 Miles: 2,000d1,000 Divine, 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 2,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 2,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (8,000,000 average), 4% Total Enemy HP
· 2,000,000 Miles: 2,000d1,000 Divine, 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 2,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 2,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (8,000,000 average), 1% Total Enemy HP
· 6,000,000 Miles : 2,000d1,000 Divine, 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 2,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 2,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (8,000,000 average)
· 20,000,000 Miles: 1,000d1,000 Divine, 1,000d1,000 Divine Fire, 1,000d1,000 Divine Cold. and 1,000d1,000 Divine Electricity (4,000,000 average)
· 60,000,000 Miles : 500d1,000 Divine, 500d1,000 Divine Fire, 500d1,000 Divine Cold. and 500d1,000 Divine Electricity (2,000,000 average)
· 200,000,000 Miles: 250d1,000 Divine, 250d1,000 Divine Fire, 250d1,000 Divine Cold. and 250d1,000 Divine Electricity(1,000,000 average)
· 600,000,000 Miles: 125d1,000 Divine, 125d1,000 Divine Fire, 125d1,000 Divine Cold. and 125d1,000 Divine Electricity(500,000 average)
· 2,000,000,000,000 Miles: 25d1,000 Divine, 25d1,000 Divine Fire, 25d1,000 Divine Cold. and 25d1,000 Divine Electricity(100,000 average)
· 6,000,000,000,000 Miles (One Light Year): 1d1,000 Divine, 1d1,000 Divine Fire, 1d1,000 Divine Cold. and 1d1,000 Divine Electricity(4,000 average)

Omnific Cold Effect (Su): The area around a Black hole golem is incredibly cold, to a titanic and supernatural level, this manifests as d1,000s Cold damage per hit dice of the Luminary, the golem may control and command this energy in any way it so pleases. Half the damage can be treated as Divine if the Luminary Golem so chooses.

· Beam (Ray) 2,000d1,000 x4 (x4 Quantum Effect) (8,000,000) Line of Sight range
· Blast 1,000d1,000 x4 (4,000,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY)./ 5,025ft radius blast, Standard action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Blood 500d100x4 (200,000) Melee Free action DC ∞/18,099 /half
· Breath* 2,000d100x4 (800,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard ∞/18,099 /half
· Hand 3,000d100x4 (1,200,000) Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000d100x4 (1,200,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free ∞/18,099 /half
· Storm 500d100x4 (200,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free -
· Strike 500d100x4 (200,000) Melee (bonus) Free -
· Wrath (Gaze) 1,000d100x4 (400,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) ∞/18,099 /none

Transcendent Effect (Su): The Luminary Golem commands forces capable to tearing the known cosmos to pieces. This deals d100s Divine damage per hit dice of the Golem.

· Beam (Ray) 2,000d100 x4 (x4 Quantum Effect) (800,000) Line of Sight range
· Blast 1,000d100 x4 (400,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY)./ 5,025ft radius blast, Standard action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Blood 500d100x4 (200,000) Melee Free action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Breath* 2,000d100x4 (800,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard 18,099 /half
· Hand 3,000d100x4 (1,200,000) Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000d100x4 (1,200,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Storm 500d100x4 (200,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free -
· Strike 500d100x4 (200,000) Melee (bonus) Free -
· Wrath (Gaze) 1,000d100x4 (400,000) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) DC ∞/18,099 /none

Omnific Atomic Effect (Su): Tremendous Atomic energy radiates off the Luminary Golem, the strongest in the universe, dealing several effects:

· Beam (Ray) 4,000d100 Force, +4,000d100 Disintegration, +2,000d100 Wind, +2,000d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 1,200,000 Force, 1,200,000 Disintegration, 600,000 Wind, 600,000 Fire, 1,333 Radiation) Line of Sight range
· Blast 2,000d20 Force, +2,000d20 Disintegration, +1,000d20 Wind, +1,000d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 16,000 Force, 24,000 Disintegration, 12,000 Wind, 12.000 Fire, 666 Radiation) Line of Sight range 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY)./ 5,025ft radius blast, Standard action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Blood 1,000d100 Force, +1,000d100 Disintegration, +500d100 Wind, +500d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) Melee Free action DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Breath* 4,000d100 Force, +4,000d100 Disintegration, +2,000d100 Wind, +2,000d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 1,200,000 Force, 1,200,000 Disintegration, 600,000 Wind, 600,000 Fire, 1,333 Radiation) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard 18,099 /half
· Hand 6,000d20 Force, +6,000d20 Disintegration, +3,000d20 Wind, +3,000d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (48,000 Force, 72,000 Disintegration, 36,000 Wind, 36.000 Fire, 2,000 Radiation) Melee Touch
· Immolation 6,000d20 Force, +6,000d20 Disintegration, +3,000d20 Wind, +3,000d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (48,000 Force, 72,000 Disintegration, 36,000 Wind, 36.000 Fire, 2,000 Radiation) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Storm 1,000d20 Force, +1,000d20 Disintegration, +500d20 Wind, +500d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free -
· Strike 1,000d20 Force, +1,000d20 Disintegration, +500d20 Wind, +500d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) Melee (bonus) Free
· Wrath (Gaze) 2,000d20 Force, +2,000d20 Disintegration, +1,000d20 Wind, +1,000d20 Fire, +Disintegration DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort, +Radiation DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 16,000 Force, 24,000 Disintegration, 12,000 Wind, 12,000 Fire, 666 Radiation) Line of Sight range 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY) 18,099 /none

Transcendent Annihilating Effect (Ex): Black Hole Golems deal permanent damage to anything they touch. Enemies or objects not as dense as Black Hole Matter who are struck by it's blows, touched by it, deal damage to it, or destroy it are subject to the following:

· Blood 500d20x4 Permanent Damage (40,000) , DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Hand 3,000d20x4 Permanent Damage (240,000) Melee Touch, Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000d20x4 Permanent Damage (240,000), 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free DC ∞/ 18,099 /half

Omega Effect (Ex): Black Hole Matter obliterates whatever it touches. Enemies or objects not as dense as Neutronium who are struck by it's blows, deal damage to it, or destroy it are subject to the following:

· Blood 500 Hit Dice annihilation, DC ∞/ 18,099 /half
· Hand 3,000 Hit Dice annihilation, Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000 Hit Dice annihilation, 6,000,000,000,000 mile range (1LY). radius Free DC ∞/ 18,099 /half

Astro Effect (Ex): Black Hole Matter pulls whatever it touches into a place beyond the reach of space and time. Enemies or objects not as dense as Black Hole Matter who are struck by it's blows, deal damage to it, or destroy it are subject to the following:

· Blood 5% Chance of Destruction
· Hand 50% Chance of Destruction
· Immolation 50% Chance of Destruction

Unearthly Effect (Ex): All Effect powers ranges are increased to the range of the Luminary's Superluminous Aura, 6,000,000,000,000 Miles or 1 Light Year. Lines and ray effect powers have a range equal to line of sight. This coupled with Cosmic Consciousness gives effect power ray and lines Infinite range.

Cosmic Consciousness (Su): The Luminary has unlimited range to it's sight and hearing.

Cosmic Superimposition (Ex): Successful Sneak Attacks against a foe can steal their Divine Portfolios. The Golem may only steal 2 total Portfolios in this way and it requires a successful DC ∞/ 18,099 Will Save to avoid their Portfolio being stolen.

Infinite Strength: The Luminary Golem has infinite Strength

Equilibrium: All of the Nightbringer's stats match it's Strength score

Immunity to Magic (Ex): Luminaries are utterly immune to all forms of magic that allow a spell resistance

Dead Magic Zone (Su): All Magic except it’s spells, spell like and supernatural effects and the spells and effects of it’s allies cease to function within 250,000 ft of a Nightbringer.

Magnetar (Ex): Once an Luminary has identified a target for termination it is inextricably linked to the Black Hole Golem and it cannot escape. No matter how fast the being moves, even manifold times the speed of light, the Luminary moves relative to their two positions, even across time or dimensions. Treat as Spell Stowaway and tether attuned to any method of movement.

Quasar (Su): Each Round as a Free action the Luminary may produce a spiraling wave of intense and spiraling energy this spiralling wave targets all foes within 1 Light year (6 Trillion miles) and deals 2,000d1,000 Kinetic damage (bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage) 4,000d1,000 Divine and 4,000d1,000 Divine Fire damage (average 10,000,000) with no save and deals 1,000 points of Radiation Damage to any foe without immunity to poison and ability damage, checks all foes as if they were caught in intense winds if they fail a DC ∞/ 18,099 Reflex Save, and permanently blinds all foes who fail a DC ∞/ 18,099 Fortitude Save. If a Black Hole golem kills a foe with their Obliteration ability this ability can be used freely without any action as an aura for 1 round per divine rank of the opponent destroyed or 1 round per 10 hit dice destroyed for non deific beings or objects.

Blazar (Ex): As a Standard Action on a round that the Luminary does not use it’s Quasar, it may opt to fire an intensely powerful relativistic jet called a Blazar, a massive and terrifyingly powerful explosion of charged particles and atomized matter in a cone 2,000 Light Years in length (12 quintillion miles) wide, this blast can be fired both behind and in front of the Luminary if it so chooses. This blast deals 4,000d1,000 Kinetic Damage, 4,000d1,000 Divine and 12,000d1,000 Divine Fire damage (Average 20,000,000) with no save, blasts foes who fail a Reflex Save of 18,099 back to the edges of the attack dealing 2,000,000d6 additional Kinetic (average 12,000,000 damage and 12,000,000d6 (average 72,000,000) extra falling damage if they hit a solid object, and disintegrates all foes who fail a DC ∞/ 18,099 Fortitude Save

Photon Ring (Ex): The Nightbringer has a photonic aura around it at all times appearing as concentric rings of light or warped space, these rings are actually a puckering of time itself making the golem exist outside the binds of the time stream. This gives the golem the ability to see both the future and past with extreme accuracy granting it the 10th Sense Omnific Ability. This also neutralizes all temporal effects up to Time Dilation and up to 9th Sense, this does not affect Transtemporal or Slipsteam. The Golem can at it’s behest control this flow of time allowing a being or group of beings to see the entire fate and of the universe it currently inhabits. The rings extend out to a distance of 6 million miles.

Obliteration (Ex): The Luminary’s blows cause enemies to transform into black hole matter and violently collapse, killing them instantly. This effect is constant and affects any item touched less than Neutronium in density with a lesser effect on Neutronium. Any enemy who is struck by any of the Luminary’s unarmed strikes or who come into physical contact with the Black Hole Golem must make a DC ∞/ 18,099 Fort Save or instantly lose 20 size categories, transform into Black Hole matter and die. Those killed in such a way disappear entirely becoming effectively part of the black hole and cannot be resurrected without a Wish or Miracle. Neutronium items or beings lose 5 size categories and also transform into Black Hole Matter and die. Quark Matter and higher materials are unaffected. This ability can effect Constructs, Items, Undead and other things not traditionally affected by Fortitude Saves.

White Hole (Ex): When destroyed or brought to negative health an Luminary releases all consumed matter and explodes into a blast not unlike a Supernova releasing titanic amounts of energy and matter in addition to it’s Transcendent, Omnific Atomic, Omnific Cold, Transcendent Annihilating and Omega Immolations. The Blindness and Dazzling Effects are permanent. It deals the following:

· 500,000,000 Miles: Disintegration Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 50,000,000d6 Fire Damage (average 300,000,000), 100,000,000d6 (average 600,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +1,000,000,000 ft pushback, 2,000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (20,000d4 kinetic damage) 100% Chance of Asteroid impact (10d10 asteroids, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage each)
· 1,000,000,000 Miles: 25,000,000d6 Fire Damage (average 150,000,000), 100,000,000d6 (average 600,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +1,000,000,000 ft pushback, 2,000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (20,000d4 kinetic damage) 100% Chance of Asteroid impact (10d3 asteroids, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage each)
· 2,000,000,000 Miles: 100,000,000d6 (average 600,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +1,000,000,000 ft pushback, 2,000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (2,000d4 kinetic damage) 100% Chance of Asteroid impact (1d3 asteroid, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage)
· 3,000,000,000 Miles: 100,000,000d6 (average 600,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +100,000,000 ft pushback, 200 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (2,000d4 kinetic damage) 100% Chance of Asteroid impact (1 asteroid, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage)
· 4,000,000,000 Miles: 10,000,000d6 (average 60,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +10,000,000 ft pushback, 100 Radiation, Dazzled DC Fort 18,099, 100% Chance of being struck by meteor showers (2,000d4 kinetic damage) 50% Chance of Asteroid impact (1 asteroid, 2,000,000d6 Kinetic damage)
· 5,000,000,000 Miles: 1,000,000d6 (6,000,000) Kinetic damage +1,000,000ft pushback, Dazzled Fort DC ∞/ 18,099 , 100% chance of being bombarded by a meteor shower, 10% Chance of being struck by asteroid impacts
· 100 Light Year (5,878,625,370,000 Miles): 10,000d6 Kinetic damage (60,000 average) 100,000ft pushback, 50% Chance of being bombarded by a meteor shower, 1% chance of asteroid impact. Heavy planetary disturbances (global hurricanes and auroras, flash boiling of oceans, coronal mass ejection like effects, mass extinctions events, global pole shifts) Blinded Fort DC 1,809 for 1,000 Rounds, Permanent Dazzled effect, 10% chance of being bombarded by meteor showers. Potential asteroid impacts
· 1,000 Light Years (5,878,625,370,000,000 Miles) 10d6 Kinetic damage (60 average)1,000ft pushback, moderate planetary disturbances (massive aurorae, windows shattered, non-fortified buildings levelled, tidal waves, earthquakes, electromagnetic disturbances, satellites knocked out of orbit or destroyed, etc) Blinded Fort DC 180 for 1d6 Rounds, Dazzled Fort DC 180 for 20 Rounds, 1% chance of meteor showers. Potential asteroid impacts

· beyond 1,000 Light Years: Electromagnetic disturbances, satelites damaged, aurorae, sunlight level brightness in the sky for several days, Dazzled Fort DC 18 for 1d2 rounds if looking directly at the light, Potential meteor showers and asteroid impacts

Unreal Construction (Ex): Singularity Golems are fashioned by the greatest smiths in all the realms and other legendary golem masters and master magic users, they use d1,000s for health and always have maximum hp per hit dice, Luminaries always roll the best possible result when using Starflight and have a number of Divine, Cosmic, Transcendent and Omnific Abilities worked into their construction at the time of creation based on the level of the craftsman making the golem. (400 Divine Abilities worth base, more for the example above)

Smouldering Divinity (Ex): Singularity Golems are sentient and infused with so much quintessence and power they take on a level of true divinity. Still not a real divine spark, they can never become fully fledged gods, however they benefit from Spiritual Growth and gain a +400 Divine Bonus and 400 Divine Abilities to distribute as they see fit.

Black Hole Matter Construction (Ex): Singularity Golems have a body made of pure Black Hole Matter, no two of which are exactly the same, thusly the basics may remain the same but in terms of body shape, structure, design and all relative abilities relating to those structural differences may vary wildly between Golems. Most however share the characteristic of appearing to be formless voids of darkness with a chiseled yet vague interior form appearing as the night sky itself.

Sentience (Su): Black Hole Golems are created with an awakened mind, granting them the ability to gain classes and think for themselves. As they gain levels, they are granted bonus ability score points equal to ¼ their HD which can only be used to increase mental ability scores.

Hypersonic (Ex): All previous movement speed multipliers stack. Celerity, Supersonic and Spiritual Growth with Superluminal grant a 300x the Speed of Light base speed.

Hyperluminal (Ex): Luminaries move in a quantum hyperspace allowing them to move starting at the speed of light, 5,621,108,587 feet per round but doubling this speed every round as long as the Luminary maintains attempting to fly as fast as possible.

Starflight (Ex): An Luminary can distort space and time travelling to any location almost instantly, it can reach any destination in the Multiverse in 3d20 (3) Minutes.

Transcendent Cozen (Su): The gravity around an Luminary can steal Transcendent or lower abilities from an enemy with a successful use of it's Accretion, Sneak Attack or Grab abilities. It must successfully Sneak Attack succeed on a grapple attempt or succeed with it's Accretion ability to use this ability. The enemy must make a DC ∞/ 18,099 Will Save or lose one ability of up to Transcendent level of the Golem's choice. It may store up to 400 abilities in this fashion.
Really wonderful! Great work Beefermatic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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