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Monster Revisions


It's based purely on the literature and the early drow from Fiend Folio, Unearthed Arcana, ect.. It's definitely accurate. It isn't about making them super elves. If I were to do that Id just play a dark leShay. As much as I would love to take credit for the truth behind their abilities, I honestly can't. I didn't make drow like this, they just are. This is an entirely accurate portrayal. Drow were never intended to be PCs and people should really stop trying to PCify them. It's sickening. I would never allow drow as a PC race in my campaigns. Nor would I wussify them just to make it feasible. That's akin to stripping a balor of it's abilities just so a person can use them as a PC race...lame.

Individuals like Drizzt were supposed to be freakish aberrations amongst the drow mentality. His dexterity was only a 20 and he was not the most dexterous of his race, although when they tried to PCify him, they used his stats as a base for the whole race, which is totally inaccurate. All drow have very high dexterity scores, though not all drow reach the max, unless DMs are maxing the NPCs. Take a closer look at the old rules and you will see exactly what I mean. As for wisdom and intelligence, drow males were more intelligent then drow females, they had to be. While drow females were more inclined to learn from their mistakes (wisdom). With males focused on scholarly learning and females obsessed with clerical responsibilities, is it any wonder their mental statistics are arranged in such a manner.

In drow society, female wizards were not unheard of, but were considered rare. Especially since...in the beggining...there were no other drow gods than Lolth...and she wasn't a god, she was a demoness. There was no, "Hi I'm Lolth, relative of the wussy seldarine gods." nope nope nope...it was "Hi I'm Lolth, a hungry evil spider demoness and I'm so pissed I'm going to eat you face off."

Their level adjustment may make them a bit lopsided, but the level adjustment is to discourage people from playing them as a PC race, not make them more feasible as a PC race. Any fool willing to play drow as a PC race had better expect severe complications, survival in the early stages of drow life is difficult. Considering the average noble drow has a dexterity of 16, the average noble drow wont get most of those bonus feats. Exceptional individuals are the only ones who even get half of them, while the most elite would get all of them. The most elite being a female drow noble. Non-noble drow don't really get :):):):) for feats.

Of course, remember, this is a straight-edge conversion, without the down-sizing. If you want wussified PC drow, just mix a drow with an elf and you'll have a completely wussy drow.

These drow are the pure, pitch black, white-haired, drow, not the chocolate brown impure drow that abound these days.

Perhaps I should label them "PURE DROW" then it would allow for people to play the current impure version. The "PURE DROW" would be the most elite of all drow, hidden deeper in the underdark then most are willing to go.

Another note, even if I allowed drow, I would certainly never allow noble drow. I think people who want to play nobles are just greedy.

It's bad enough people play drow at all. Im a traditionalist when it comes to evil races. Drow, half-orcs, orcs, ogres, half-ogres...all evil...without them, the lines between good and evil become too muddied and paladins get confused. I hate that so many people want to make GOOD characters from EVIL races. There is far to much of an obsession with anti-heroes and redemption. Everyone either wants to be the badass or the class clown.
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Hey dante mate! :D

dante58701 said:
It's definitely accurate. It isn't about making them super elves. As much as I would love to take credit for the truth behind their abilities, I honestly can't. I didn't make drow like this, they just are. This is an entirely accurate portrayal.

Every sentence above is a classic, but I highlighted the one which made me laugh out loud.

Thanks for cheering me up dude. :lol:


:)) One is glad to be of service.

A gift for construct fans.

Techno-Organic (Ex)
You are a living construct.
Prerequisites: Construct Traits (see the Ersatz divine ability).
Benefit: You gain the living construct subtype.
Special: You retain your Constitution score.

Next gift...needs a bit'o Krusty magic to make it complete.

Starborn Sentinel

Creating a Starborn Sentinel

"Starborn sentinel" is a template that can be added to any creature, referred to hereafter as the base creature.

Size and Type: A starborn sentinel's size is unchanged. It's type changes to Construct.

Hit Dice: A starborn sentinel uses d100's for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per Hit Dice.

Speed: A starborn sentinel's speed is unchanged.

Armor Class: As the base creature plus see Orichalcum Body.

Special Attacks: A starborn sentinel retains all the special attacks of the base creature and acquires the following special attacks.

- Death Throws (Ex): A starborn sentinel acquires the cosmic ability Atomic [Effect] (Superior, Immolation).

- Plasma Beam (Ex): A starborn sentinel acquires the transcendental ability Transcendental [Effect] (Perfect, Ray; Variation: Free Action 1 per 1d2 rounds).

Special Qualities: A starborn sentinel retains all the special qualities of the base creature and acquires the following special qualities.

- Fast Healing (Ex): A starborn sentinel acquires fast healing 100.

- Immunity to Magic (Ex): A starborn sentinel is immune to all spell-like abilities and spells that allow spell resistance.

- Orichalcum Body (Ex): A starborn sentinel acquires the transcendental ability Orichalcum Body.

Saves: As the base creature plus see Orichalcum Body.

Abilities: As the base creature plus see Orichalcum Body.

Skills: As the base creature.

Feats: As the base creature plus Cats Fall, Legendary Leaper, Subtle Body, and Tenacious Body.

Environment: Any

Organization: As the base creature.

Challenge Rating: ???

Treasure: As the base creature.

Alignment: As the base creature.

Advancement: As the base creature.

Level Adjustment: ???
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I'm essentially trying to make more variations on the orichalcum golem them. Imagine, orichalcum vorpal bunnies. Or, more seriously, orichalcum dragons.

Entire castles themed in orichalcum monsters.

Hiya matey! :D

dante58701 said:
I'm essentially trying to make more variations on the orichalcum golem them. Imagine, orichalcum vorpal bunnies. Or, more seriously, orichalcum dragons.

Entire castles themed in orichalcum monsters.

Orichalcum Dragons would probably be Planetary Dragons.

Not totally sure what other uniquely orichalcum creatures you could have without just making orichalcum variants of standard monsters...puzzler. :confused:

Hey Doctor DM! :)

Doctor DM said:
Were Ice Toad's ever redone? If not, could you do one? If they were, what book?

Ice Toads are in the Frostburn book. I don't own that, but I just checked the Art Gallery and they are in that. :)



First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Not totally sure what other uniquely orichalcum creatures you could have without just making orichalcum variants of standard monsters...puzzler. :confused:
Probably Dante's reasoning for making it a template... a pretty nice package, Dante, but I think the Transcendental Beam might be overkill.

The feats section is a bit messy; first of all, prerequisites are always ignored for feats granted by race or template, no need to spell it out. Second, why not just give them a fly and climb speed? Third.... I'm not sure why they should get flight at all.


It's their gravity field. I truly dont think they would be affected by earth type gravities at all.

But you may be right about that. I could just give them subtle body and tenacious body. I would give them a climb speed, but that would not adequately cover the why they can climb in such a manner, and it would give them bonuses they really shouldn't have.

As for Transcendental beam...it's exactly what Orichalcum Golems have, and this is spose to be for variations on the theme.

Ice toads = Frostburn.

Quickling = Creature Catalogue or Dicefreaks.

There, Cats Fall, Legendary Leaper, Subtle Body, and Tenacious Body cover my gravity issues. :) Without giving them the ability to fly. Added the note about Transcendental Beam being usable as a free action 1 per 1d2 rounds, rather than every round. Now it's accurate.

But it needs flavor text, challenge rating, and level adjustment. Particularly since this can be applied to intelligent creatures.

I see an Orichalcum Quickling coming on.
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The Rules

K everyone, I've decided to start a thread based on revisions of existing monsters. Essentially to take some of the strain off of DMs who want to implement Krusty's rules.

I'm sorry for asking this question, but I'm very new to these boards. What are "Krusty's rules?" If explaining them would take too long, is there some other thread I can find them in?

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