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Insanely high powered entities from my storyline/ Gods and Monsters update

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One thing to note is that anytime an Aspect speaks a Chaos Word, it sounds like the person speaking it but also Thychen and every previous Supreme Being of this particular Reality or Multiverse speaking the word as well. Additionally it will always appear as if the Aspect mouthed the word first, then the word was spoke.

So if you could imagine Reim speaking Sin, you would see his mouth move, silence, then a flash of black as you hear "Sin" and a chorus of unintelligible words, like conversation out of earshot, then in the Supreme Being's voice, "Ku Ry Ep Su!" As the word was sealed and the effect took place.

The Words of Chaos are beyond the comprehension of even powerful beings like Demiurges and Time Lords and as such are heard by all beings within a Reality who happen to hear the word in a similar fashion.

Aspect of Fire: Rei

The Lord of Fire, The Genie King, Keeper of the Flame of Destruction .
A burning shockwave instantly ignites the atmosphere of the planet you stand on, scorching the area as far as the eye can see. You watch in horror as the ground of the lush forest you stood over burns not to ashes but utterly melts miles deep, you watch an ocean of lava grow immediately from the ground below. You take a defensive stance and feel the pressure of another powerful force approaching, not from above but from below, the lava grows upwards into a 500 ft tall bubble, it opens and splashes outward like a wave, white hot, in it’s center a demon, 18 feet tall, bestial, leonine, but anthropomorphic, red fur on fire, twin ibex horns run from it’s forehead over it’s head and down to it’s upper back, a mane of dark red hair, burning with dark fire, it’s eyes like molten gold. Around it’s wrist, it sports an ankh on what looks like prayer beads. It looks at you for but a moment and sneers before grabbing the giant blob of liquid lava beneath it and somehow it lifts the entire mass over it’s head, and throws it at you with intent to kill.

High Lord - Stage 2
Macro-Tiny Outsider (Efreeti, Prime) (appears Large to Huge size generally) (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
∞/ [2,000d1,000 +7,120,000 (Magus/Barbarian Gestalt 2000) +1,680,000 in Rage] x1000 (9,120,000,000 hp, 10,800,000,000 in Rage)
Initiative: Always Acts First / +2,163 (+1,763 Dexterity +400 Divine)
Speed: Superluminal x30, Folds Space, Starflight

Armor Class: ∞/ 11,329 (+1,755 Dexterity, +1,755 Dodge, +1,755 Deflection, + 400 Divine +442 Luck, +1200 Circumstance, +12 Insight, +2,000 Natural, +1,000 Shield of Akasha, +1,000 Armor of Akasha)
Flat-Footed: 7,819 Touch: 7,329

Space/Reach: 1500 ft./ Infinite
Base Attack/Grapple: +2000/+11,230


- Ser Ca Sem Bra/ Expression of Power+ Omnific Fire+ Ultima Flare:
∞/+11,230 ranged or melee touch, 400 Attacks

-Scorching Claws and Teeth: ∞/+11,230 Melee Touch, 400 attacks, each limb (1,200 Attacks total)

- Soulbrand: ∞/ +12,230, 400 attacks


-Ser Ca Sem Bra:
108,000d1,000 Ultima Flare Damage (Average 1,728,000,000 Damage, damage repeats for 18,000 rounds) Line of Sight Range x4 Perfect Weapon Speicalization, x4 Quantum Effect 18-20/ x4 Crit

- Expression of Power+ Omnific Fire+ Ultima Flare: 12,000d1,000 Unblockable Divine Damage, + 4,000d1,000 Omnific Fire Damage, + 4,000d1,000 Ultima Fire Damage (d1,000s repeating for 2,000 rounds, see below), (Average 320,000,000 damage and 64,000,000 repeating damage +status effects see below) Line of Sight Range x4 Perfect Weapon Speicalization, x4 Quantum Effect 18-20/ x4 Crit

- Scorching Claws and Fangs: ∞ damage/ 2,000d1,000 slashing and Piercing+ ∞/1,755 Str + 455 Luck/Divine, +18,000d1,000 Expression of Power+ 6,000d1,000 Omnific Fire + 6,000d1,000 Ultima Flare (d1,000s repeating for 2,000 rounds, see below)+ (1,408,000,000 Average damage per hit, + 264,000,000 repeating damage) x4 Quantum Effect/ X11 Unearthly Weapon Specialization, 16-20/ x11 Crit

- Soulbrand: ∞ damage/ 2,000d1,000 Slashing Damage +18,000d1,000 Ultima Fire damage (Damage Repeats for 2,000 rounds) + ∞/2632 Str, + 455 Luck/ Divine, +1,000, +3,000d1,000 Expression of Power Strike, +1,000d1,000 Omnific Fire Damage, +1,000d1,000 Ultima Flare Strike (Damage Repeats for 2,000 rounds) (1,100,179,828 Average Damage per hit, +44,000,000 repeating damage), +Eoh Word of Chaos

Special Attacks: Expression of Power, Words of Chaos, Summon Neutronium Golem, Spell Combat

Special Abilities: Alter Reality (2400th level spells), Divine Aura (All Creation), Starflight, Heat 200d1,000 to those grappling or in melee

Special Qualities: Cosmic Consciousness (All Creation), Cosmic Firmament, DR 2,000,000/--. Divine Bonus +400, Fortuity +30, Godly Realm, Immortality, Immunity to Natural and Magical Effects, SR 2440, Spell Reflection

Saves: Cannot Fail Saving Throws Fort +9,452 Ref +9,452 Will +9,452


All stats at ∞ due to Infinite Dexterity/Strength and Equilibrium

Str ∞/ 3520 ( 1800 + Str 900 base x2 Legendary Strength, 3200 Str in Rage) +1,755

Dex ∞/ 3520 (Dex 880 base x4 Legendary Dex) +1,755

Con ∞/ 3520 (890 base, 1690 Con in Rage) +1,755

Int ∞/ 3520 (860 base) +1,755

Wis ∞/ 3520 (850 base) +1,755

Cha ∞/ 3520 (910 base) +1,755

Skills: All Skills considered to be ∞/ Omnicompetent and Maven, all skills= 2,433 + Relevant Ability Modifier, as all abilities are even, he can hit a DC 4,208 with a roll of ‘20’

(Note: I generally don’t put the lesser versions of an ability down if they have the upgraded version of the power, but it is factored for in previously established powers, Rei has only a single Artifact Item and thusly gains 4x the base Divine Abilities or, 1 base, +1 for each Artifact liquidated (3) so 1+3=4 per point of divine bonus, or, 1600 Divine Abilities total, each Omnific power is 216 Divine Abilities, or the eqivalent of 7.4 Omnific Abilities)

Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Natural Attacks, Weapon Specialization: Natural Attacks/ Blade, Improved Crit, Improved Crit Multiplier, Whirlwind Attack, Greater Two Weapon Fighting

Epic Feats: Epic Weapon Specialization, Epic Weapon Focus, Infinite Reflection, Legendary Archer, Epic Initiative, Greater Crit, Greater Crit Multiplier, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting,

Divine Abilities: Amaranthine Body, Amaranthine Mind, Amaranthine Soul, Amaranthine Spirit, Agile Body, Agile Mind, Agile Soul, Agile Spirit, Celerity, Divine Dodge (uncanny dodge), Eternal Freedom, Heavenly Body, Heavenly Mind, Heavenly Soul, Heavenly Spirit, Invincibility, Perfect Initiative, Telluric Effect, Precognition, Post Cognition, Quantum Effect, Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong Soul, Strong Spirit, Superior Crit, Superior Crit Multiplier

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Apostasy, Elusion, Eighth Sense, Inner Eye, Legendary Strength, Legendary Dexterity, Slipstream, Perfect Weapon Focus, Perfect Weapon Specialization, *Cosmic Fire Effect, Perfect Crit, Perfect Crit Multiplier, Supersonic, Unearthly Reach, Unearthly Effect

Transcendental Abilities: Dead Zone, Divine Nullification, Evil Eye, Perfect Defense, Transcoporeal, Transfinite, Transilient Fortitude, Transilient Reflexes, Transilient Will, Transmigration, Transmortality, Transtemporal, Transversal, Equilibrium, Sophism, Superluminal, Transcendent Fire Effect, Transcendent Ultima Flare, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Ultimate Weapon Specialization, Unreal

Omnific Abilities: *Expression of Power, Cosmic Nullification, Infinite Dexterity, Infinite Strength, Omniversal, *Omnific Fire Effect, Omnific Ultima Flare, Omnipresent, Space Folding

Metempiric Abilities: Words of Chaos, Ultima Flare, *Cosmic Key

Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Environment: The Crystalline Eyrie of the Akasha
CR: 2,666
ECL: 4,000


Rei is a skilled and terrifying combatant, he is a skilled master of both sword and magic and couples that skill with a terrible and focused rage. He is the gatekeeper of the Destroyer Aspect, Sercasembra and as such can call upon that being’s power to aid him in combat.

Initially he relies solely on his blade and special abilities, he will use his Magus abilities changing out the spell with his Spell Combat instead with hie Eoh Word of Chaos causing incredible devastating, generally fire based effects. He largely relies on his Ultimate Weapon Focus, Ultimate Weapon Specialization, and Perfect Critical and Perfect Critical Multipliers to slaughter outskill foes outright, he loves to portray the image of a suave and debonair king, but inwardly he is a monster, barely contained.

If angered or even just if a fight is taking too long or he feels the need to “teach a lesson” he will transform into his bestial state going into a barbarian rage foregoing his sword attacks and spells and will instead spam melee attacks attempting to tear the foe limb from limb. In this form he may no longer use his Spell Combat ability, but makes multiple natural attacks and has increased Strength and Constitution granting him significantly more HP.

If truly pressed, he will use his Key of the Cosmos to banish foes into Sercasembra’s prison, where that being will certainly destroy them. If somehow they avoid that, he will use His Ser Ca Sem Bra Word of Chaos to unleash terrible unearthly fire upon the foe


Portfolios: True Flame x2:
Rei is the Overdeity of All manner of flames and fire. Able to manipulate all types of fire as effortlessly as breathing. This applies to Fire, Magic Fire, Cold Blue Fire, Golden Sun Fire, Pale Ghost Fire, White hot Blaze Fire, Black Blight Fire, Pale Sickly Green Balefire and any other “fire” like effect.

-Hostile Environment: Active suppression: Competence Penalty on all die rolls when in an area of active fire suppression equal to double his Divine Bonus (-800)

-Quench Vulnerability: The spell Quench always breaks Rei’s Spell Resistance dealing damage as an appropriately leveled fireball to him and dealing x4 damage

-True Fire Reflection: Immune to any fire like effect or fire like damage is reflected upon the attacker.

-Greater Scion of True Flames: Competence Bonus equal to double your Divine Bonus (+800) on all die rolls when in any type of firey or fire like environment.

-Perfect Summoning: Fire Like Beings: All Fire like beings or fire based beings have 200% more HD.

-Perfect Divine Fire: All your fire like damage is treated as pure divine damage (if positive)

-Uncanny Fire Effect x2: See Below

-Uncanny Ultima Flare Effect x2: See Below

-Fire Absorption: All fire like attacks heal you instead of harm you

-Improved Fire Absorption: All fire like attacks or sources of flame give continuous Temporary HP

-True Fire Messiah: Any fire like being or fire being of any sort cannot attack or harm you in any way

-True Lord of Flame: Dominate any fire like or fire being of any sort within your Divine Realm (all creation)

-Cosmic Imperfection Frozen Flame/ Suffocation/ Permafrost: 3 items in existence can defeat Rei’s Cosmic String

-Eternal Fuel: Suppression effects cease to function in your divine realm/ your fire can burn eternally

-Legendary Dexterity: Dex Score is Doubled

- Cosmic Fire

-Cosmic Ultima Flare

Expression of Power: Treated as an Omnific-level Effect power, creates a vibrant flash of silver white energy like starlight at Rei’ whim as light pervades reality itself. This replaces melee and ranged attacks, avoids all mundane or magical defenses, not subject to negation though Learned Ability Immunity, Thelemic Damage Induction, Invincibility, Sophism, or similar damage blocking powers, and cannot be Abrogated or otherwise removed. Miss chances due to concealment, armor class, or other abilities work properly, multiple attacks and weapon specializations etc all work properly with this ability.

  • Beam 12,000d1,000 (30,000,000) Divine Damage, Line of Sight ft. Ray, No Save
  • Blast 6,000d1,000 (15,000,000) Divine Damage, Line of Sight ft. Range, 5,025 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC 10,215) for ½
  • Blood 3,000d1,000 (6,000,000) Divine Damage, Ref Save (DC 10,215) Negates
  • Breath 12,000d1,000 (15,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Light Year Cone or Line of Sight Line, Ref Save (DC 10,215) for ½
  • Hand 18,000d1,000 (45,000,000) Divine Damage, Melee Touch, No Save
  • Immolation 18,000d1,000 (45,000,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (Dc 10,215) for ½
  • Storm 3,000d1,000 (6,000,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 10,215) for ½
  • Strike 3,000d1,000 (6,000,000) Divine Damage on each attack
  • Wrath 6,000d1,000 (15,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Light Year Gaze, Will Save (DC 10,215) Negates

Omnific Fire Effect: Rei’ fire burns at temperatures well in excess of the planck temperature. This deals d1,000’s of Omnific Fire damage, this damage is 100% divine damage for all positive purposes but is still treated as fire for all other purposes dealing 2d1,000 per hit dice.
  • Beam 4,000d1,000 (4,000,000) Divine Fire Damage, Line of Sight Ray, No Save
  • Blast 2,000d1,000 (2,000,000) Divine Fire Damage, 50,000,000,000 Mile Range, 5,025 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC 10,215)
  • Blood 1,000d1,000 (5,000,000) Divine Damage, Ref Save (DC 10,215) Negates
  • Breath 4,000d1,000 (10,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Light Year Cone or Line of Sight Line, Ref Save (DC 10,215) for ½
  • Hand 6,000d1,000 (30,000,000) Divine Damage, Melee Touch, No Save
  • Immolation 6,000d1,000 (30,000,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (Dc 10,215) for ½
  • Storm 1,000d1,000 (5,000,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 10,215)
  • Strike 1,000d1,000 (5,000,000) Divine Damage on each attack
  • Wrath 2,000d1,000 (10,000,000) Divine Damage, 50,000,000,000 Light Year. Gaze, Will Save (DC 10,215) Negates

Ultima Flare Effect: See Below (Effect repeats itself for 2000 rounds)
  • Beam 4,000d1,000 Divine Damage, lasts for 2000 rounds stacks with multiple hits, Line of Sight ft. Ray, No Save
  • Blast 2,000d1,000 Divine Damage, lasts for 2000 rounds stacks with multiple hits Line of Sight ft. Range, 5,025 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC 10,215) for ½
  • Blood 1,000d1,000 Divine Damage, lasts for 2000 rounds stacks with multiple hits, Ref Save (DC 10,215) Negates
  • Breath 4,000d1,000 Divine Damage, 5,025 ft. Cone or 50,000,000,000 Light Year Line, Ref Save (DC 10,215) for ½
  • Hand 6,000d1,000 Divine Damage, Melee Touch, No Save
  • Immolation 6,000d1,000 Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (Dc 10,215) for ½
  • Storm 1,000d1,000 Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 10,215) for ½
  • Strike 1,000d1,000 Divine Damage on each attack
  • Wrath 2,000d1,000 Divine Damage, 5,025 ft. Gaze, Will Save (DC 10,185) Negates

Ultima Flare: Rei can command normal flames of sun like levels of power but can also manipulate the powerful flames of the destroyer, though only a shred of that being’s insane power. He may create cascading burning flames of white through black and any rainbow of color allowing him to deal different effects at incredible intensities every round. The damage from these abilities stack as do the status debufs, but can only be changed once per round. This effect persists every round for 2000 rounds dealing automatic damage of the appropriate type, but can be dispelled with a quench spell of CL 2430 and above.

  • Blightfire: Black Flames obliterate the body leeching away vital essense every round turning the person into crumbling black ice. This deals d1,000’s of divine cold damage and 100 points of permanent Constitution drain. Those killed by this are disintegrated into a tiny puddle of black liquid. 24 hours later they raise as a Shadow of the Void (with hd equivalent to the person slain) under Rei’s control permanently

  • Blazefire: White blinding Flames so hot they burn the color away from the fire, destroys the body and deals permanent scarring unable to be naturally healed. This deals d1,000’s of Divine Fire Damage that half ignores immunity to fire and deals 100 points of permanent Dexterity Drain, those that are killed by this are obliterated leaving nothing but burning dust behind. 24 hours later they raise as a Shape of Fire (with hd equivalent to the person slain) under Rei’s control permanently

  • Magic Fire: As normal fire but is supernatural in origin and can’t easily be put out. Vaguely sentient, blazes made of this have a golem like or animated object like intelligence and will actively avoid threats and attempt to keep itself alive by deliberately throwing sparks in a direction or using pathways to cross rivers and the like. Appears as normal fire but with jolts of electricity going through it and way too many sparks.

  • Blue Fire: Sapphire blue flames with fog clouds rolling downwards from the flames. As normal fire but deals d1,000’s cold damage, dissolving a being in black frostbite vice burns, treated as Divine Damage for positive purposes. This blue fire can ignite flammable surfaces in blue flames causing frostbite and a freezer burn like destructive effect. It can also be used to freeze sources of water and other freezable substances, including at high enough intensity, freezing nitrogen into liquid nitrogen or oxygen into liquid or even solid oxygen ice. It has no other effects.

  • Ghostfire: Pale gray white flames deal d1,000’s untyped damage. Those destroyed by this will rise as Ghosts not controlled by Rei, but also unable to attack him.

  • Sunfire: Vibrant Gold, Red, Blue or Violet fire deals d1,000’s of special fire damage ignoring all resistance and treating immunity as Fire Resistance 150, this blinding hot plasma can burn fire elementals to death. Raises those killed by this as multiple Plasma Elementals (equal to the slain person’s HD) under Rei’s control

  • Hellfire: Dark red evil flames made of bad intentions and burning wrath. Deals d1,000’s of Profane Fire Damage dealing double damage against any being with the (Good) subtype, paladins, and angels of any kind.

  • Holy Fire: Golden flames of radiant good. Deals d1,000’s of pure holy damage and dealing double damage to any being with the (Evil) subtype, antipaladins, undead, demons, devils, qlippoth, etc.

  • Balefire: Sickly green radioactive and poisonous flames of the Oni. This deals d1,000’s of damage and 200 levels of corrupting Maho Taint to the victim and 200 points of Stength, Dexterity and Constitution Damage. Those killed by this rise up as Akutsukai not under Rei’s control but also unable to harm him.

Words of Chaos: Words used by the Akashic at the beginning of existence capable of unimaginable feats of power. These effects are treated as free actions, and have no save unless otherwise stated, Rei generally needs but speak the word with intention in order to use these abilities.

  • Eoh: The Akashic word for a wish or more literally a dreaming and the Tree of Life which touches every plane and every realm of every being. Upgrades Alter Reality to allow nearly any effect. Much like Reim’s “Heart’s Desire” ability but limitless in potential and only limited by the need for others to roll saving throws against it’s effects, negating the effect if saved against, like an illusion made real. Depending on the necessity of the wish, the tone and pitch of the word shifts and alters sounding at times like different words all together.

  • Ser Ca Sem Bra: The name of the sealed Aspect of Destruction, the true Aspect of Flames, Ser Ca is all that’s needed to raise that divine monstrosity from his eternal sleep, Sem Bra are seals put on it by the Supreme Being lolling that being back to it’s slumber. Allows the use of an Expression of Power type effect that deals damage as if it were coming from a stage 18 Highlord but deals damage as per the Ultima Flare effect as Sercasembra rouses from it’s sleep momentarily. This is a cone, line, aura, touch, beam, blast or strike effect and cannot be used for immolation, or wrath (gaze) effects. It uses Rei’s attack roll and DC’s but Sercasembra’s damage. Additionally, this fire burns away 1 Omnific, Transcendental, Cosmic or Divine ability per round they remain on fire, these will always target layers of infinite health first then are picked at random and remain lost until a remove curse is cast upon the victim regardless of immunity. Sercasembra may be called upon as much as Rei likes however consecutive rounds leaves the Destroyer awake and the longer he stays awakethe more pressure he puts on Rei, It will attempt to suggest Rei open the gate and free him, the power deferential between the two is so vast that the moment Rei’s defenses go down, Sercasembra will win the argument and invariably Rei will release him, leading to his own destruction. As such he will generally only use this ability sparingly. Alternatively it can be used in conjunction with his Cosmic Key’s Sealing power making beings caught in that place trapped for 1 round with the destroyer before it lulls back to sleep. Significant damage on the destroyer will awaken it completely and it will fight to escape and kill any who are within reach so this tactic has potential for failure. This also grants Rei access to the coveted True Fire or Ultima Flare Domain, and grants him the Omnific Fire Effect Omnific Ability for free, allowing him to command and control any manner of fire as if it were normal flames and manipulate it as if it were a mix between shape stone and incendiary cloud.

Apostasy: Rei has no Alignment and is immune to all Alignment-based effects though in actions and demeanor he is Lawful Evil

Alter Reality: As a Swift Action, Rei may duplicate the effect of any spell of level 666th or lower or any Epic Spell with a DC of 10,215 or lower. All his spells deal standard damage (Thus, a simple Fireball cast by Rei would deal 10d6 Fire Damage, but he could cast the spell theoretically many many times by turning it into an epic spell). These effects have a DC of 10,205 +Spell Level

Cosmic Consciousness: Rei perfectly perceives the entirety of Creation at all times.

Dead Zone: Rei can evoke a Dead Magic Zone within his Divine Aura (All Creation) that prevents the function of all magic and supernatural abilities without impeding his own abilities

Godly Realm: Rei’ Godly Realm encompasses All Creation. Any enemy facing him from within suffers a -400 Divine Penalty on Armor Class and all rolls as cosmic forces of unspeakable potency prevent them from harming the Lord of Flames.

Omniversal: All attacks are felt by all beings of your choice in your divine aura.

Starflight: Rei can reach any spot in the Multiverse in 1d3 minutes

Summon Neutronium Golem: 1/round Rei may summon 2d1,000 Neutronium Golems all with +200% Hit Dice

Unreal: Rei cannot be affected by magic born of Creation

Perfect Defense: AC is at ∞

Perfect Critical: 16-20 Base Crit chance with Hooves and Bite

Perfect Critical Multiplier: x11 Damage with a Critical Hit

Unearthly Weapon Specialization: All Melee attacks deal x11 base damage

Ultimate Weapon Focus: You no longer miss with all attacks

Ultimate Weapon Specialization: Gain 1 attack for every 5 points of attack bonus you have 400 attacks per limb

Equilibrium: All Stats are equal thusly all stats are at ∞

Spell Combat: Rei can after a full attack may cast an additional spell as part of that attack but suffers a -2 to attack rolls that round, he may opt to use Eoh or Alter Reality in place of a spell at his choice.

Infinite Dexterity: Dexterity is ∞

Omnific Toughness: You have ∞ Health, this stacks with other ∞ health bonuses

Invincibility: You can make a Fort save against any damage taken, if successful you take no damage

Elusion: You can make a Reflex Save against an Enemy’s Attack Roll, if successful you dodge the attack taking no damage

Sophism: You can roll a Will save against an enemy’s total ECL and if successful may ignore the attack and take no damage.

Transilient Will: Can’t fail Will saves, doesn’t stack with Sophism

Transilient Fortitude: Can’t fail Fort saves, doesn’t stack with Invincibility

Transilient Reflexes: Cant fail Reflex saves, doesn’t stack with Elusion

Precognition/Postcognition: Rei knows the plots goals motives and history of any being he encounter. Beings wishing to hide this knowledge must make a Will Save of 10,215

Inner Eye/ Evil Eye: Rei always uses the most favorable result of a die roll, while all opponents within his Divine Aura (All Creation) use the lowest possible result for all die rolls

Space Folding
Rei can pinch space and time to immediately move anywhere in the cosmos. This effectively makes him occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing him to target a foe without being able to be targeted himself. Seventh Sense (or higher) and Omnipresent will counter this effect.


New Artifacts:

The Soulbrand:
A massive curved blade like a giant sweeping falchion seemingly forged of gold and a fiery red metal. This blade is the fabled blade of the Flame Elves of the 1st Existence that led to the dessolution of that realm. It is a +1000 blade that ignores all hardness and allows Expression of Power’s Touch or Hand Effect to transfer into the blade and transmute into pure Fire or Ultima Fire damage. This deals touch damage with the blade and still applies Expression of Power’s Strike Effect, this weapon also conveys a +1000 bonus to all saving throws.

The Cosmic Key: A strange ankh like staff with strange fluting grooves on one end. A Key of the Cosmos, a key used by the Cosmic King, Thychen’s lordly manifestation he presides over Kuvatchim with. These keys have unimaginable effects, the one Rei controls holds the fate of the cosmos within it, having sealed away the Aspect of Destruction and allowing the holder to tap into that destructive being’s power albeit briefly. This key was given to Rei directly, being bound, or cursed, to his essence. As such, if taken from him, through force or given, it will inadvertently return to Rei or if utterly destroyed back to the Cosmic King. This can be subverted for short periods of time through extreme Epic Magic or temporal control but only for a very short time. It is inefficient as a weapon, being little more than a quarterstaff, it is utterly indestructible being completely immune to damage of all forms and if sundered will simply be disarmed instead. It can however, be used to seal beings away with a banishment type effect. This has no save associated but can have disastrous consequences if the Destroyer is awoken by the sealed being. This can be circumvented by an Alter Reality type of effect of at least Highlord Rank 15 level. This also grants him access to the Epic Spells Armor of Akasha and Shield of Akasha, these spells grant him a +1,000 Shield and Armor bonus to AC, these spells are treated as if cast by a level 15,000 Sorcerer and resist the effects of Dead Magic and Antimagic as if the Sorcerer had the ability Living Magic.


New Cosmic Abilities:

Ultima Flare Effect:
You understand the true power of fire
Prerequisite: Uncanny Fire Effect, Special: You must either best the Lord of Flames in single combat or have the Lord of Flames bless you with this ability directly.
Benefit: You may tap into several different fire like effects interchangable at will 1/round. Otherwise this works exactly like Fire Effect and Writhing Effect, dealing fire damage for 1 round per divine rank. This effect can be negated by a Quench spell of a caster level of equivalent power. This also has several effects associated depending on the energy used. The various flames associated are as follows, other effects may be used as well at DM discretion:

  • Blightfire: Black Flames obliterate the body leeching away vital essense every round turning the person into crumbling black ice. This deals d6’s of divine cold damage and 1d6 points of permanent Constitution drain. Those killed by this are disintegrated into a tiny puddle of black liquid. 24 hours later they raise as a Shadow of the Void or Winterwight (with hd equivalent to the person slain)

  • Blazefire: White blinding Flames so hot they burn the color away from the fire, destroys the body and deals permanent scarring unable to be naturally healed. This deals d6’s of Divine Fire Damage that half ignores immunity to fire and deals 1d6 points of permanent Dexterity Drain, those that are killed by this are obliterated leaving nothing but burning dust behind. 24 hours later they raise as a Shape of Fire or Blazewight (with hd equivalent to the person slain)

  • Magic Fire: As normal fire but is supernatural in origin and can’t easily be put out. Vaguely sentient, blazes made of this have a golem like or animated object like intelligence and will actively avoid threats and attempt to keep itself alive by deliberately throwing sparks in a direction or using pathways to cross rivers and the like. Appears as normal fire dealing normal fire damage, d6’s, but cannot be put out through normal means, and vibrantly sparking and jolts with electricity going through it

  • Blue Fire: Sapphire blue flames with fog clouds rolling downwards from the flames. As normal fire but deals d6’s cold damage, dissolving a being in black frostbite vice burns, treated as Divine Damage for positive purposes.This blue fire can ignite flammable surfaces in blue flames causing frostbite and a freezer burn like destructive effect. It can also be used to freeze sources of water and other freezable substances, including at high enough intensity, freezing nitrogen into liquid nitrogen or oxygen into liquid or even solid oxygen ice. It has no other effects.

  • Ghostfire: Pale gray white flames deal d6’s untyped damage. Those destroyed by this will rise as Ghosts in 24 hours time.

  • Sunfire: Vibrant Gold, Red, Blue or Violet fire deals d6’s of special fire damage ignoring all resistance and treating immunity as Fire Resistance 150. Sheds light like a Sunlight spell Raises those killed by this as Plasma Elementals (equal to the slain person’s HD)

  • Hellfire: Dark red evil flames made of bad intentions and burning wrath. Deals d6’s of Profane Fire Damage dealing double damage against any being with the (Good) subtype, paladins, and angels of any kind.

  • Holy Fire: Golden flames of radiant good. Deals d6’s of pure holy damage and dealing double damage to any being with the (Evil) subtype, antipaladins, undead, demons, devils, qlippoth, etc.

  • Balefire: Sickly green radioactive and poisonous flames of the Oni. This deals d6’s of damage and 1 levels of corrupting Maho Taint to the victim, and 1 point of Stength, Dexterity and Constitution Damage for every 10 levels of the user. Those killed by this rise up as Akutsukai if over level 20 or wights if under level 20
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  • Balefire: Sickly green radioactive and poisonous flames of the Oni. This deals d6’s of damage and 1 levels of corrupting Maho Taint to the victim, and 1 point of Stength, Dexterity and Constitution Damage for every 10 levels of the user. Those killed by this rise up as Akutsuki if over level 20 or wights if under level 20
Okay, now you can't avoid the question: what are Maho Taint corruption (and how does it work) and what is an Akatsuki (I don't think they're a renegade Ninja organization that wants to capture the Bijuu)?

Okay, now you can't avoid the question: what are Maho Taint corruption (and how does it work) and what is an Akatsuki (I don't think they're a renegade Ninja organization that wants to capture the Bijuu)?
Lol, no they're from the Oriental Adventures 3.5 guide. At least the Akutsuki are. Balefire technically is from White Wolf's Vampire and Werewolf series, it's corrupt nuclear fire and a literal product of basically Satan but represents any supernatural radioactive fire. In my campaign setting we use Balefire as a corrupt and powerful tool of the Oni and their spreading influence. The Oni come from thing called the shadow lands which is basically a transdimensional cancer spreading across the transitive planes and into the prime material plane

Voidrunner's Codex

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