Geek Confessional Thread 2024


This is I think the main real objection people have to the ST summed up really well, and it also illustrates really well why the people who were upset by the ST really cluster in the Gen X and Elder Millennial age-ranges, and almost no-one under 30 got mad about them, because those were the people who had really clear ideas about what they thought happened after the OT, mostly informed by the books.

It's exactly as you say "too many changes from the book time-line".

I saw this reflected really well in my RL friend groups - the small number of people who were Star Wars book readers absolutely HATED the ST, especially TLJ (despite it being, on most reasonable levels, the best-written and directed of the bunch - indeed arguably the 3rd best-written and directed SW movie overall, after ANH and ESB), because what happens in the ST, especially TLJ, is very much in opposition to the books and their essentially "happily ever after" attitude (which many shocking events and Luukes and so on, on the way, but it always ends up good).

Not criticising you to be clear - I think it's really legit of you to recognise where your objection comes from.

I wasn't overly happy about them dumping to books.

More they ignored the lessons from tbe books in terns of what works what doesn't.

RoS for example was a bad knock off of Dark Empire. Dark Empire wasn't good though.

The basic idea works in both RoS and Dark Empire though. Clone bodies, use Dark side to transfer into them.

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I wasn't overly happy about them dumping to books.
I feel like people should have been better prepared given Disney said several years before TFA came out that they were dumping all the books. But clearly people were not remotely prepared! I don't think it helped that Clone Wars/Rebels/new books had already started "re-canonizing" various things by the time the TFA and TLJ came out, which gave people unrealistic expectations about what was going to be re-canonized.
More they ignored the lessons from tbe books in terns of what works what doesn't.
The books don't have many good lessons on that - because most of what's in the books doesn't "work" at all, but was adored by fans anyway for wish fulfilment reasons - you couldn't have the focus on Luke/Han/Leia of the books, nor the obvious "happy ever after" of the books and do more movies - they'd have been dull as ditchwater and you'd have needed to do them in the 1980s or the early 1990s at latest (before a lot of the books were even written!).
RoS for example was a bad knock off of Dark Empire. Dark Empire wasn't good though.

The basic idea works in both RoS and Dark Empire though. Clone bodies, use Dark side to transfer into them.
Yeah that was a weird choice - Trevorrow's movie (we've seen the script) was far less book-inspired. It was about exactly equally as bad as Abrams' one, but weirdly somehow managed to bring Luke back and yet be less insulting to TLJ than Abrams approach, and had some really bad lines but the soul-crushingly bad ones of RotS like "They fly now!". It also had weird misogynist vibes like a lot of Trevorrow's work after his first movie does. I suspect that + "Super Saiyan" Luke + the plot generally being even more boring than RotS (but less obviously nonsensical) lead to them firing Trevorrow and hiring back Abrams, and Abrams struggled to get anything together in time, so presumably decided to steal wholesale from Dark Empire.

Dire Bare

I find the near constant negativity in fan spaces exhausting. Particularly in the RPG community, although we are far from unique in this aspect.

There are a lot of dislikes posted in this thread I agree with, many I don't . . . but understand where the criticisms come from. And a few I think are from crazytown, but I'm okay with that too.

But damn . . .

I find the near constant negativity in fan spaces exhausting. Particularly in the RPG community, although we are far from unique in this aspect.

There are a lot of dislikes posted in this thread I agree with, many I don't . . . but understand where the criticisms come from. And a few I think are from crazytown, but I'm okay with that too.

But damn . . .
Fans are the worst.


Bruce Baugh, Writer of Fortune
I find the near constant negativity in fan spaces exhausting. Particularly in the RPG community, although we are far from unique in this aspect.
For me, I’ve been thinking, dislikes are usually fine. If someone just doesn’t have fun with X, even though I may like or love it, well, there how tastes go. They should set it down and go have time with Y, which is fun for them.

It’s when dislike becomes hate that I start getting drained. An occasional rant is fine - I do it myself. But when someone takes every opportunity to explain how a damn RPG is evil, its creators are evil, its fans are evil, and the harm the thing does to the sacred union that is gamerdom? The Hopi have a word, Koyaanisqatsi, that means “life out of balance”. This is out of balance. People shouldn’t hate games that way. That much passion is inappropriate for things that are so much less significant than the suffering of real human beings and of the world around us.

(I’ve been refining my feelings about this into words. It’s work in progress.)


Mod Squad
Staff member
George Lucas didn't rape my childhood with the prequels. I enjoyed them. I do feel, however, Rian Johnson touched my nono spot, and J.J. Abrams looked at me creepily.

Mod Note:
Hey, in the future, could you please not liken, "I didn't care for this movie," to sexual assault and abuse? It is hyperbolic, and belittling to those who have actually been abused. Thanks.


Bruce Baugh, Writer of Fortune

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