Flaming Sphere & Invisibility effects


Thy wounds are healed!
Hate to come in late but...

In relation to Flaming Sphere and Invisibility - I believe unless you call it forth and let it sit still hoping someone will move through it

Invisibility = "The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe."

Meaning if your flaming sphere does any damage to a foe then you become visible. Because the foe is affected by the sphere. So even if it were standing still and some dumb orc moved into it you would become visible.

Simply, does directing a Flaming Sphere into a square occupied by an opponent count as an attack with regard to negating one's own invisibility?

Short answer. YES

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A sword is not an opponent, so it does not break invisibility to swing it at an opponent. The user is not acting on the opponent, he's acting on the sword.

A sword uses the users BAB, STR, and relies entirely on the user's personal stats, which can change. A flaming sphere, once cast, has exactly the same stats at the end of the duration as it does at the beginning. It is not dependent on the caster for anything other than an order to move, and even then the path is entirely independent of the caster's own ability to move.

Also, a sword left sitting on the ground is not going to be a threat to anyone unless they're really just that big of a klutz and its not going to hinder anyone from moving through that square. The flaming sphere is still a big spongy ball of fire that opponents still have to avoid even if it's not moving.

In the end, the flaming sphere is not just a sword someone is rolling around; it is it's own distinct object with it's own distinct stats and opponents dealing with it have to deal with it as such. Even if they kill the caster who summoned it, it's still there as a problem they have to deal with until they can destroy it or the duration runs out; the sword is just harmless loot.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
A sword uses the users BAB, STR, and relies entirely on the user's personal stats, which can change. A flaming sphere, once cast, has exactly the same stats at the end of the duration as it does at the beginning. It is not dependent on the caster for anything other than an order to move, and even then the path is entirely independent of the caster's own ability to move.
A thought: directing a flaming spher: a move action
hitting someone wirth a sword or bow and arrow or fireball = stsndard action

a move by an invivble person will not break the invisibility, but a standard action will.


The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it (a move action for you); (copied from d20 pfrd) a move action and does not break the invisibility.


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