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Eschatolic Dragons: The Upper End of Ridiculous

I was looking up the Old Mulhatimic Dragons thread from a few months ago and saw a few posts about Eschatolic Dragons, and Wuji and Taiji Dragons. I got inspired and statted out the Wuji Dragon, or as it should be known, the Infinity Dragon. It is the strongest thing I've ever made, I'm curious what you guys think.

The Wuji Dragon is what I like to call the upper end of ridiculous. It is a Metatempric threat. That is, a viable threat to end game things, and is beyond even Eternals. Multiple High Lords looking for a challenge could take it on, but not much else. They are far more powerful than Nehaschimic Dragons. Like Dinosaurs compared to lizards. They are opposite of the Taiji (utter nothingness) dragon, and some aspect of it stays constantly locked in combat with it, keeping reality balanced and pure. This battle manifests throughout the multiverse as the fundamental idea of good vs evil and light vs dark.


The Aanorrath

“The Great Cleanser, the Annihilator, 1st Son of Akasha, Existence’s Last Shine, The Grateful Apocalypse”

Finally, you have reached it, the source, the beginning of the beginning, the font of all power at the start of the First Existence. Not the Big Bang, but far before that even, back in the time of the first Supreme Being. You cast your gaze lazily to the alien cloud of blue mist that makes up the general space of the existence, and search for your target.

Suddenly a strange feeling flows over you, it’s a feeling like lightning in your stomach, or great excitement, or glorious exhilaration, like a lover’s first kiss, or the moment of battle, you realize something is here, and it wants you to join it in celebration, celebration of love, life, happiness, glory and joy itself.

This is the target of your hunt, the great Wuji, the Infinity Dragon, the Pinnacle of Power, the far end of the spectrum. This impossible being is said to have the power of 1,000,000 Eternals. You came to it in hopes of slaying it, or subduing it, or even just testing yourself against such a monster. You came into the dimension without subtlety, you know it saw you, felt your unimaginable presence … How could it be so… jovial? The dragon seems to have an energy about it like a dolphin at play… it doesn’t make sense.

You see it suddenly flash into existence, like a blinding universe encompassing wave of shattered rainbow lightning that seems to casually cast aside reality as if it were nothing more than a backdrop, you see wings, mighty kaleidoscope wings like panes of stained glass that double, and double again, and double again… again and again, you see it stretch into infinity. You find yourself in a universe made of all encompassing light, shattered, chaotic light and weird overlapping stained glass wings that overlap and overlap again and again upon itself as the light grows brighter all around you exponentially. No… light doesn’t describe it… not light, but all encompassing power… This power surrounds you, infuses you, makes you understand...

You understand that you lost the fight the moment you decided to try it. That, that not a thousand of you could stand against his might, that.. you’re boxing with God, and you’re arms don’t reach that far…

He’s not mad, you’re no threat to him, and he just wants to have some fun, so get ready, you’re going on a journey across the multiverse. Suddenly, the shattered lightning is all around you and you see space and time begin to break down around you. The world seems to melt and turn into itself, seeming to fold and unfold a thousand thousand times into infinity. You see everything and nothing, all existence rolled up into a kaleidoscopic blur, and mind numbingly condensed. and filtered through your brain… and you understand… you understand… Infinity Itself, is in this being’s grasp, in it’s heart, it it’s soul. Infinity flows throughout it, within it, and through it, it fills it’s chest, his loins, he is glory, he is that without limits, the universe truly unbound, the white light that burns universes asunder in their own manic frenetic flames of limitless glorious power…

Your mind staggers to keep up as it understands what you barely comprehend, and what comes to it with limitless ease is neigh impossible for you to grasp. You understand one thing though, you made a huge mistake coming here. You begin to wonder how long this little journey is going to take, because you don’t understand anything anymore.

You wonder how something like this being, the embodiment of the Infinite, perceives time, and you wonder what that means for you…

Ancient Wuji (Infinity) Dragon
Unsizable (Giga-Titanic) Poly-Existential Eschatolic Dragon

Hit Dice:
2,500d10,000+∞ x ten thousand (∞ hp, 250,000,000,000 hp)
Armor Class: ∞ (Limitless, Glory, Perfection, ∞ Charisma, ∞ Dex) (+2,500 Nat, +2,500 Luck, +2,500 Deflection, +2,500 Divine, +2,500 Perfection )

Initiative: Always Goes First
Speed: Folds Space

Base Attack/Grapple: 2,500/ ∞

-Vorpal Claws:. Always Hits, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s
-Fractal Wings: Always Hits, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s
-Reality Rending Jaws: Always Hits, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s
-Crush of Thousands: Always Hits, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s
-∞ Blast: Always Hits, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s

Full Attack:
-Vorpal Claws: 2,500d10,000,+ ∞ Str,+ Limitless, +2,500 Divine, +2,500 Luck, +2,500 Perfection x16 x6 + Vorpal. +Annihilating (500 attacks)
-Fractal Wings: 2,500d10,000,+ ∞ Str,+ Limitless, +2,500 Divine, +2,500 Luck, +2,500 Perfection x16 x6 +Fractal Strike (1000 attacks doubling each round)
- Reality Rending Jaws: 2,500d10,000,+ ∞ Str,+ Limitless, +2,500 Divine, +2,500 Luck, +2,500 Perfection x16 x6 + 100% Chance to send to other dimension + 100% Teleport (500 attacks)
-Crush of Thousands: 2,500d10,000,+ ∞ Str,+ Limitless, +2,500 Divine, +2,500 Luck, +2,500 Perfection x16 x6 +Affects all the Universe, +Touch attack (500 attacks)
-∞ Blast: ∞ Damage, ∞ Range

Special Attacks: ∞ Effect, Alter Reality, Breath of Unyielding Might, Breath of Cleansing Light
Special Qualities: DR: ∞/--, SR: ∞, Omnific Traits, Omni-Elemental Immunity, Omni-Elemental Absorbtion, Omni-Elemental Reflection, Overwhelming Toughness, Adaption, Space Folding, Poly-Existential, Immunities, Keen Senses, Omnicompetent, Limitless, Infinity Eye

Abilities: Str ∞, Dex ∞, Con ∞, Int ∞, Wis ∞, Cha ∞
Saves: Fort ∞, Ref ∞, Will ∞
Skills: All skills are at ∞.

Feats: Anyfeat x100, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x625,
Divine Abilities: Anyfeat x100, Quantum Effect, Uncanny Whirlwind Attack, Regeneration, X-Ray Vision, Perfect Initiative, Telluric Effect, Telelocation, Distant Gaze

Cosmic Abilities: Specular, Slipstream, Perfect Critical, Oblique Strike, Unearthly Weapon Specialization, Learned Ability Immunity, Divine Nescience, Divine Inspiration x2, Ratification

Transcendental Abilities: Legendary Strength, Legendary Charisma, Legendary Dexterity, Legendary Intelligence, Legendary Wisdom, Legendary Charisma, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Perfect Defense, Transversal, Cosmic Inspiration, Invincibility, Divine Ratification

Omnific Abilities: ∞ Strength, ∞ Dexterity, ∞ Constitution, ∞ Intelligence, ∞ Wisdom, ∞ Charisma, Transcendental Inspiration, Transcendental Nescience, Tenth Sense, Cosmic Ratification, Overwhelming Toughness

Metempiric Abilities: Uncanny Infinite Effect, Omnific Inspiration, Inexhaustible, Transcendental Ratification, Infinity Eye

Environment: The Ivory Infinity of the Pleroma
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: (official CR 3,750)

Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Effective Class Level: 5,000

Wuji and Taiji Dragons essentially represent the very first moment of true creation. That fundamental Akashic point when matter didn't exist, and then suddenly, it did, but in a far more fundamental way than the Firmament Dragons, and even most Time Lords can ever truly understand.

In my cosmology, The Annorrath is the 1st being Created by Thychen, the Supreme Being. He created this indestructible, unimaginable, protector and friend, The Annorrath, to muse over existence with, and eventually, when his time is up, to pass the Throne to. It’s offspring are all the Wuji Dragons from this existence. The only thing is, his other point, is to help Thychen wipe the Multiverse clean at the end of times, and his Unyielding Breath ensures it.

Combat: The Wuji Dragons truly don’t need tactics as much as they need a good reason to kill you. They are naturally not threatened by anything, so they see no reason to fear any being. Nor do they see any reason to be impolite or particularly mean. They appreciate existence and enjoy showing beings the true nature of existence, and philosophizing with who have the mind to understand. The only beings they truly are threatened by are the strongest of High Lords, the Taiji Dragons, The Mulahatimic Dragons, and the Supreme Being Itself.

Even mighty Time Lords are little more than nuisances, unless in groups, at which point they can quickly become a problem. Anomalies, Demiurges, and even The Nehaschimic, barely register as anything more than food, or short term forms of amusement.

When angered into combat, they simply use one of their many infinite abilities to annihilate the transgressor instantly. If pressed into real combat, or the target survives. It warps reality constantly and grows to proportions beyond ridiculous. Quite literally, it will grow to become trillions of times the size of the multiverse, and breathe it’s Breath of Unyielding Might, to end combat instantly. It folds space perpetually, seeming to be both in all places and no place, essentially becoming the combat field, that is, the entire multiverse. It’s breath deals damage Infinitely for infinite rounds, decimating even Transmortality. Even for those beings able to crack through their defenses, they are truly stalwart combatants who’s amaranthine toughness knows no bounds.

Throughout history, no single being other than the Supreme Being or a Great Wyrm Mulahat, has defeated a Great Wyrm Wuji Dragon in single combat.

Infinite Effect (Su): Deals ∞ damage. On a failed save the damage repeats itself every round forever until the target dispels it with the Epic Dispel Seed matched to an appropriate level to undo the damage. ∞ Fort Save

Beam (Ray) Infinite Damage, Infinite Range, Always Hits

Blast Infinite Damage, Infinite Range.. Standard action DC Infinite Fort/ half

Blood Infinite Damage, Melee. free action, DC Infinite Fort/ half

Breath* Infinite Damage, Infinite Range Cone. Standard action, DC Infinite Fort/ half

Hand: Infinite Damage, Infinite Range,.Melee Touch

Immolation: Infinite Damage, Infinite Range.. Death DC Infinite/ half

Storm Infinite Damage, Infinite Range, Aura (bonus) Free-, DC Infinite/ none

Strike Infinite Damage, Infinite Range. Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) Infinite Damage, Infinite Range.. Free action, DC Infinite/ half Both Infinite/none

Alter Reality (Su): Can cast Wish 1/ Round + # of Automatic Metamagic feats, DC: Infinite

Limitless (Ex): Pure Infinity flows within the Wuji Dragon granting him a + ∞ Divine bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks ( Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks, Turning Checks, Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance.

Space-Folding (Ex): An Infinity Dragon is able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the universe at any time, this effectively makes the Dragon occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing the dragon to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself.

Glory(Ex): Pure Glory and Power flows within the Wuji Dragon granting him a + ∞ Luck bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks ( Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks, Turning Checks, Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance.

Perfection (Ex): Absolute Perfection flows within the Wuji Dragon granting him a + ∞ Perfection bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks ( Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks, Turning Checks, Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance.

Inexhaustible (Ex): The Dragon is considered to have Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, and regenerates when slain as an immediate action and gets a free full attack.

Transcendental Ratification (Ex): The Dragon gains any and all Transcendental abilities any of it’s opponents or allies have.

Breath of Cleansing Light (Su): The Breath of Ultimate Life. It can heal any wound, cure any disease, remove any curse, restore quintessence, and regenerate and perfectly restore the dead, regardless of the circumstances. Even those erased from time and reality itself permanently, could be brought back immediately, and without issue, with this ability.

Breath of Unyielding Might (Su): A Mighty flash of infinite power. Considered to deal an infinite amount of damage, tears through any barrier, defeats any defense. No save.

Infinite: (Ability Score): The power of Infinity flows through the dragon, it understands the cosmos and can affect it in a way ungraspable by nearly anything. It is considered to have ∞ for all ability scores. Each Ability Score must be peeled off individually by it’s own use of Abrogate or similar powers.

Infinity Eye (Ex): The Dragon can truly affect fate and is considered to be rolling natural ‘20’s on all rolls, or the maximum die result, whichever is better. Meanwhile, all enemies are considerd to be rolling ‘1’s on all die results.

Vorpal Claws (Ex): The Dragons Claws are all considered Vorpal and Disintegrate any opponent slain as per the Disintegrate spell.

Reality Rending Jaws (Ex): A bite from the Dragon sends opponents hurtling to a different existence of the Dragon’s choice or if slain their parts are cast throughout time and space to seemingly random dimensions and times.

Fractal Wings (Ex): The Infinity Dragon’s wings split every round doubling it’s number of wing attacks per round, and it’s number of actions per round indefinitely. It starts combat with 1000 wings and double actions.

Crush of Thousands (Ex): The infinity dragon can make whole existences crumble at his blows, shattered into dust. His crush attack can affect any size being, needs only to touch to hit, and is considered to affect all time and space.

Poly-Existential (Ex): The Infinity Dragon is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. It entirely controls it’s dimensions, and it’s opponent’s perceptions of it at all times, allowing it to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of grappling, damage, etc. it is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in both AC, Grapple, and Attack all at the same time without penalty.

Omnific Inspiration (Ex): The Dragon has one Omnific Power it can change at will.

Omnific Traits: Infinity Dragons are immune to all affects that require a save, alignment based effects, and are immune to all magical and natural effects. They have 3 fundamental forces of the cosmos that they are associated with that apply to AC, Attack rolls, All Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and Spell resistance

Overwhelming Toughness (Ex): The Infinity Dragon has an Infinite Damage Reduction, uses d10,000s for base hit dice, and has a ten-thousand x health multiplier.

10th Sense (Ex): Able to perceive the entirety of all time. They know all actions before they were ever even conceived.

Perfect Defense: ∞ AC

Invincibility: Fort save based on attacker’s level to avoid all damage.

Ultimate Weapon Focus: ∞ Attack Bonus

Oblique Strike: Can foil an opponent's defenses by hitting something else.

Time Dialtion: Double actions every round

Quantum Effect: Variable damage with attacks. (x4 permanently with Infinity Eye)

Unearthly Weapon Specialization: Damage multiplied by crit multiplier.

Perfect Critical Multiplier: +4 crit multiplier steps
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Um... wow...

Where do the Metempiric Abilities come from?

Metempiric Abilities are abilities higher than Omnific powers, they are usually only reserved for the Supreme Being or other such threats. They are mentioned on page 96 of the IH: Ascension book. The one's presented are either my creations, talked about by Krusty, or otherwise inspired by this forum.

When I think of what a truly overwhelmingly powerful being would have. Something as undefinable as Infinity. Only powers that are equally limitless seem appropriate.
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First Post
First of all brilliant work Beefeermatic with that super-dragon can't wait to see what other things you have planned....

Second Upper Krust ,I know what you mean at first I couldn't find a way to delete pms toooo.

The easy way to do it is to go in to your inbox and then check with tick the messages that you want deleted,after that choose the selected messages option(it should be right under it)
and on the menu select delete.....
I hope it helped.....
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First of all brilliant work Beefeermatic with that super-dragon can't wait to see what other things you have planned....

Second Upper Krust ,I know what you mean at first I couldn't find a way to delete pms toooo.

The easy way to do it is to go in to your inbox and then check with tick the messages that you want deleted,after that choose the selected messages option(it should be right under it)
and on the menu select delete.....
I hope it helped.....

Hey Betrayor!

I have the counterpart to the Wuji coming up... made it real interesting, been a giant pain in the ass getting it ready. Did some... ambitious things with it, should be really exciting to see what you guys think.

I also made another Eschatolic called the Gankyil Dragon, the primordial unity, energy, or just primordial Dragon. That one is pretty freaking cool and represents the idea that overwhelming spirit is as fundamental as light or dark. I still need to work out a few kinks with them but they should be done here soon. :)

Second Upper Krust ,I know what you mean at first I couldn't find a way to delete pms toooo.

The easy way to do it is to go in to your inbox and then check with tick the messages that you want deleted,after that choose the selected messages option(it should be right under it)
and on the menu select delete.....
I hope it helped.....

Yes that solved the problem. Thanks Betrayor! :)

Shim’rasastrana’olatrazalaztrixalia’tluira Trilaorninsus

“The Impossibility Dragon, the Great Gankyil, The Dragon of the Wish Fulfilling Gem, The Beautiful one”

A Fluttering feeling goes through your being, most High Lord of creation, as you suddenly witness something incredible. Out spanning in front of you in the eternal white of the Pleromic Kosmos, is what appears to be a vast and glorious dawn, like a sunrise spanning across the horizons of creation.

Orange and gold, sparkling with the beauty of light upon waters, you are audience to the birth of something unreal. You see space seems to split, parting like waves, and out of the parting you see vibrant and almost holy light.

You pause for a moment, a smile crosses your form, few things make you pause anymore, you have created the birth of stars with a thought, seen galaxies as miniscule specs when compared to your might and glory, but this… you don’t know how, but it makes you feel… wonder, again.

You see out of the center what look like geometric shapes. You see symbols like magic circles forming and disappearing, each a different symbol, each with a different meaning, each quadrillions of lightyears across, each so large that whole universes look like atoms by comparson. Forming, disappearing, conveying a message of faith, of spirit, of eternal fire, and the dreams of Gods.

You see in it’s heart, a massive being, a dragon seemingly cast of molten gold, it’s eyes like the white fire of burning titanium, surrounded in a globe of pure, radiant, sparkling, almost solid looking golden light, bleeding into it’s wings, it’s wings which simply are the ever spanning, ever expanding sunrise. It seems somehow superimposed upon creation, as if size has no meaning, or it’s a ‘creation’ unto itself, it’s hard to describe. Pure evershifting rainbow light radiates off of it’s skin like a corona, pure magic. It smiles at you, it has no shadows, only light where shadows should be… and you feel nothing but… joy.

Great Great Wyrm Gankyil (Wish) Dragon
Unsizable (Xonna-Titanic) Poly-Existential Eschatolic Dragon

Hit Dice:
∞ (Omnific Toughness, Infinity Shields)/ 2,800d10,000+5,376,000 x ten thousand (333,760,000,000 hp)
Armor Class: ∞ (Charisma)/ 14,000(+2,800 Nat, +2,800 Circumstance, +2,800 Luck, +2,800 Magic, +2,800 Deflection [via spells])

Initiative: Always Goes First
Speed: Folds Space

Base Attack/Grapple: 2,800/ 15,920

-Claws of the Arch Sorcerer: Always Hits/15,920, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s

-Fractal Wings: Always Hits/15,920, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s

-Reality Rending Jaws: Always Hits15,920, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s

-Crush of Thousands: Always Hits/15,920, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s

-Expression of Impossibility: Always Hits/15,920, ∞ Range, Always Rolls Natural 20’s

Full Attack:
-Claws of the Arch Sorcerer: 2,800d10,000+ 1920 Str,+ 2,800 Circumstance, +2,800 Luck, +2,800 Magic +1,400d10,000 Nexus of the Spheres, +Expression of Impossibility 25,200d10,000 Unblockable Divine Damage, x16 x6 + Disjunction, +Unmitigatable Polymorph, (Average 28,224,990,720 Damage) (500 attacks)

-Fractal Wings: 2,800d10,000+ 1920 Str,+ 2,800 Circumstance, +2,800 Luck, +2,800 Magic, +1,400d10,000 Nexus of the Spheres, +Expression of Impossibility 25,200d10,000 Unblockable Divine Damage x16 x6 +Fractal Strike (Average 28,224,990,720 Damage) (1000 attacks doubling each round)

- Reality Rending Jaws: 2,800d10,000+ 1920 Str,+ 2,800 Circumstance, +2,800 Luck, +2,800 Magic, +1,400d10,000 Nexus of the Spheres, +Expression of Impossibility 25,200d10,000 Unblockable Divine Damage x16 x6 + 100% Chance to send to other dimension + 100% Teleport (Average 28,224,990,720 Damage) (500 attacks)

-Crush of Thousands: 2,800d10,000+ 1920 Str,+ 2,800 Circumstance, +2,800 Luck, +2,800 Magic, +1,400d10,000 Nexus of the Spheres, +Expression of Impossibility 25,200d10,000 Unblockable Divine Damage x16 x6 +Affects all the Universe, +Touch attack (Average 28,224,990,720 Damage) (500 attacks)

-Expression of Impossibility: 16,800d10,000, +1,400d10,000 Nexus of the Spheres x16x6 (Average 17,472,000,000 Damage) ∞ Range

Special Attacks: Expression of Impossibility, Alter Reality (spell lvl 2,800), Breath of The Dragon God, Breath of Dragons

Special Qualities: DR: ∞/--, SR: ∞, Omnific Traits, Omni-Elemental Immunity, Omni-Elemental Absorbtion, Omni-Elemental Reflection, Omnific Toughness, Adaption, Space Folding, Poly-Existential, Immunities, Keen Senses, Omnicompetent, Fate, Mana, Buddhi, Master of Magic, Omega Eye, Ultimate Apotheosis

Abilities: Str 3,840 (+1920) Dex 3,840(+1920) Con 3,840(+1920) Int 3,840(+1920) Wis ∞ (3,840 base) Cha ∞ (3,840 base)
Saves: Fort: Cannot Fail/14,520, Ref: Cannot Fail/14,520, Will: Cannot Fail/14,520
Skills: All skills are at 15,923 plus relevant ability mod.

Divine Abilities: Anyfeat x10, Quantum Effect, Uncanny Whirlwind Attack, Regeneration, X-Ray Vision, Perfect Initiative, Telluric Effect, Telelocation, Distant Gaze, Mimic, Shining Nexus

Cosmic Abilities: Specular, Slipstream, Perfect Critical, Oblique Strike, Unearthly Weapon Specialization, Learned Ability Immunity, Divine Nescience, Divine Inspiration x10, Divine Presence, Cosmic Mimic, Stellar Nexus

Transcendental Abilities: Legendary Strength, Legendary Charisma, Legendary Dexterity, Legendary Intelligence, Legendary Wisdom, Legendary Charisma, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Perfect Defense, Transversal, Cosmic Inspiration, Sophism, Cosmic Presence, Transcendent Mimic, Transilient Fort/Ref/Will, Cosmic Nescience, Lanaikean Nexus

Omnific Abilities: ∞ Charisma, ∞ Wisdom, Transcendental Inspiration, Transcendental Nescience, Transversal, Omneity, Omnific Toughness, Omnific Mimic, Transcendental Presence, Universal Nexus

Metempiric Abilities: Invincible Shields, Omega Eye, Omnific Inspiration, Omnific Presence, Supreme Mimic, 11th Sense, Nexus of the Spheres

Environment: The Ivory Infinity of the Pleroma
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: (official CR 3,750)
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Effective Class Level: 5,000

The Gankyil Dragons are a clade of joyous and benevolent Dragons with a strange and unique history. They are Dragons of Wishes, beings both born of creation and from outside the boundaries of the Supreme Being’s influence. Gankyils form when a Time Lord who was once a mortal, seeking to reach greater heights, releases his Universe, his wealth, his history, and all he has become, everything he is, to become something more. In doing so they gain access to the greatest of all powers, but at the cost of all they once were.

Gankyils born outside of this Multiverse’s set of parameters may have entirely different modes of birth, but such alien things lay outside the realm of descriptions.

Gankyil Dragons represent the third fundamental point of power within the Kosmos, with the Wuji representing Infinity, the Taiji representing Nothingness, and the Gankyil representing Transformation and shift to a higher state of consciousness. Gankyil Dragons represent fundamental forces of change throughout panversal space, they are the associates of the Supreme Beings and are some of very few beings who both can tap into the source energy and can perceive creation as HE does.

Many beings seek out Gankyils, when it can be done, as they are able to rectify nearly any set of circumstances, and fulfill any wish, and for the Gankyils, they many times grant these requests.


Gankyils being masters of magical forces largely rely on this ability to snuff out would be attackers. Beings able to somehow counter this will find the dragon is a very very tough opponent. It has multiple layers of infinite health, and is surrounded in a barrier of invincible light. Very few of it’s attacks can be easily resisted and the dragon capitalizes on this. Against lesser foes it will blast them with it’s Expression of Impossibility, against multiple attackers it will use it’s Breath of Dragons ability and send whole Flights of Nehaschimic dragons upon them, against other dragons it will use it’s Breath of the Dragon God ability, against most other foes it will mimic their greatest ability, bestow incredible Omnific level abilities upon it’s allies, including the dragons it creates, and inspire upon itself whatever abilities seem most appropriate for the given foe.

Expression of Impossibility (Ex): A Gankyil Dragon commands the same unreal power from which the Supreme Being draws his energy from. As such, this deals d10,000 x6 per hit dice damage, with an Effect Type ability as it unleashes utter and nearly unmatched devastation upon it’s foes with a wave of it’s hand. All ranged effects go out to the edges of creation unless shaped otherwise. This creates permanent superclusters of stars, cosmic auroras spanning trillions of light years, the framework of the universe, inflations of dark energy, legendary magical sources, whole dimensions, or any other inconceivable effect. This damage is like a Time Lord’s Expression of Power in the sense it avoids all mundane or magical defenses and cannot be negated though Learned Ability Immunity, Thelemic Damage Induction, or similar damage blocking powers. Miss chances due to concealment, armor class, or other abilities work properly. There is no save on these effects.

· Beam (Ray) 16,800d10,000 (168,000,000 average) Infinite Range, Always Hits

· Blast 8,400d10,000 (84,000,000 average), Infinte Range, All Creation Radius. Standard action

· Blood 4,100d10,000 (41,000,000 average) Melee. free action on being struck

· Breath* 8,400d10,000 (84,000,000 average), Infinite Range Cone. Standard action

· Hand: 28,200d10,000 (282,000,000 average) Infinite Range, Melee Touch

· Immolation: Infinite Damage, Infinite Range.. Death DC Infinite/ half

· Storm 4,100d10,000 (41,000,000 average) Infinite Range, Aura (bonus) Free/ always active

· Strike 4,100d10,000 (41,000,000 average) Infinite Range. Melee (bonus) Free

· Wrath (Gaze) 8,400d10,000 (84,000,000 average), Infinite Range. Free action

Alter Reality (Su): Can cast Wish 1/ Round + # of Automatic Metamagic feats, DC: Infinite/ 14,520 base

Mana (Ex): Pure unbridled wild magic, as it was first conceived by the Supreme Being flows within the Gankyil Dragon granting her a + 2,800 Magic bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks ( Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks, Turning Checks, Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance.

Space-Folding (Ex): An The Dragon God is able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the universe at any time, this effectively makes the Dragon occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing the dragon to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself.

Fate(Ex): The Gankyil Dragon is a 5th dimensional being, being able to alter her timestream as she see’s fit, granting her a + 2,800 Circumstance bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks ( Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks, Turning Checks) Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance.

Buddhi (Ex): Resting withing The Gankyil Dragon is strangely enough a highly evolved mortal soul, more appropriate it would be to call it a font of souls, a soul source. From these fonts, all Dragonkind has been created, or so it is thought. This strange energy source grants her a + 2,800 Perfection bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks ( Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks, Turning Checks) Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance.

Invincible Shields (Su)
The Gankyil is surrounded in a personal defensive barrier akin to the Force Field ability, however it blocks all damage, and if somehow destroyed regenerates the following round.
Special: This ability counters 'Infinite Effect', and is undermined by 'Metempiric Effect'

Breath of The Dragon God (Su): The Ultimate Breath Weapon. Deals 5,200d10,000 Divine Omnielemental damage x13 (x4 Quantum Effect) (average 2,704,000,000) This is considered to be all element types, including divine and entropic, and deals double damage to those with any kind of elemental vulnerability (ex: a fire elemental would take double damage due to it’s cold vulnerability) it erases foes from ever have existing if they are destroyed by the attack, deals permanent damage, erases 2,800 levels, and damage is multiplied by the age category of the Dragon. (hence x13) Damage is further multiplied by the age category of any dragon fighting it, thusly another great wyrm (13th age category, would find the damage multiplied by an additional 13 times, and this is calculated after the base damage done. (35,152,000,000 in the above case) Damage to Dragons repeats itself forever with no save and no way of stopping it vice a Wuji’s Breath of Cleansing Light, other beings struck too have the damage revisted upon them every round but a CL 2,800 Wish spell or Alter Reality can stop it. There is no save against this attack, it annihilates all barriers, disjoins all artifacts, creates a temporary Dead or Living Magic zone within the vicinity of the attack (Dragon’s choice) and it is not subject to miss chance due to concealment or Damage Induction.

Breath of Dragons (Ex): A Chaotic and Wild swirl of colors not unlike clouds of multihued paint pours from the Dragons mouth coalescing into thousands and thousands of dragons. Creates 1d100 dragons/hd. Roll a d% to see what type of dragon is created.
1-20 Lesser Dragon (Drake, Wyvern, etc)
21-40 True Dragon
41-60 Neotic Dragon
61-80 Adamic Dragon
80-99 Nehaschimic Dragon
100 Firmament Dragon
The dragon may always choose lesser varieties in place, and for each lesser variety chosen, the number is doubled, The Gankyil can mix and match dragons as it sees fit and all dragons, regardless of variety are always under the Gankyil’s command unless it chooses to free them. Dragons can be of any age category. Shimmer, with Omega Eye can can summon 2,800 Firmament Dragons, 5,600 Nehaschimic Dragons, 11,200 Adamic Dragons, 22,400 Neotic Dragons, 44,800 True Dragons, or 89,600 Lesser Dragons with a single breath.

Infinite: (Cha and Wis): The Gankyil Dragon is the master of magic. It has infinite Charisma and Wisdom. Each Ability Score must be peeled off individually by it’s own use of Abrogate or similar powers.

Omega Eye (Ex): The Dragon can truly affect fate, it and all allies are considered to be rolling natural ‘20’s on all rolls, or the maximum die result, whichever is better. Meanwhile, all enemies are considered to be rolling natural ‘1’s on all die results.

Claws of the Arch Sorcerer(Ex): The Dragons Claws are all considered to Disjoin any magic effect and Polymorph any foe struck to whatever the dragon wishes without save.

Master of Magic (Su): The Gankyil is considered to be the absolute most powerful magic force in existence. It is able to do anything with it’s magic, literally, as it is born from a place beyond the reach of the Supreme Being, it is even able to create effects never before witnessed and never meant to be witnessed by mortal eyes or the eyes of the Gods. This in essence gives it a MacGuffin ability and is it’s name’s sake for the Gankyil Dragon, the Dragon of wishes, the Dragon of impossibility is the one being in creation that can, truly, make any wish come true, even if that flies in the face of God Himself. The Gankyil, knows however, to not step on the toes of beings that powerful though as it’s Magical prowess, able to do anything it wishes, is still but a trifle to the full might of that most high being. This ability is entirely up to DM discretion, but is meant to be as absolute and powerful as it seems. (The allotted effects for this power as put above grant it a +2,800 bonus on several abilities, and an infinite spell resistance. It also can reflect any and all spells or magic type effects upon any would be attackers)

Reality Rending Jaws (Ex): A bite from the Dragon sends opponents hurtling to a different existence of the Dragon’s choice or if slain their parts are cast throughout time and space to seemingly random dimensions and times.

Fractal Wings (Ex): The Dragon God’s wings split every round doubling it’s number of wing attacks per round, and it’s number of actions per round indefinitely. It starts combat with 1000 wings and double actions.

Ultimate Apotheosis: The Gankyil Dragon is both considered a Supernal and a Dragon for all associated beneficial effects with no drawbacks.

Crush of Thousands (Ex): The Dragon God can make whole existences crumble at his blows, shattered into dust. His crush attack can affect any size being, needs only to touch to hit, and is considered to affect all time and space.

Poly-Existential (Ex): The Dragon God is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. It entirely controls it’s dimensions, and it’s opponent’s perceptions of it at all times, allowing it to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of grappling, damage, etc. it is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in both AC, Grapple, and Attack all at the same time without penalty.

Omnific Inspiration (Ex): The dragon can gain one Omnific Ability of it’s choice that it can change each round. Must have the perquisites.

Omnific Presence (Ex): The Dragon can bestow upon one Omnific Ability to each of it’s allies.

Omnific Traits: The Dragon Gods are immune to all affects that require a save, and are immune to magical and natural effects. They have 3 fundamental forces of the cosmos that they are associated with that apply to AC, Attack rolls, All Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and Spell resistance

Omnific Mimic: Can Mimic any Omnific Power it encounters. Only one power may be mimicked at a time.

Omnific Toughness: The Gankyil Dragon has Infinite health

Nexus of the Spheres: The area in which the Gankyil exists is shot with blinding and searing stellar light permeating all time and space. With each and every blow you land, this damage is revisted upon your target. This works like a constant Sunburst spell, though deals d10,000s damage equal to half your hd and reaches to all places within creation, all times all spaces, all universes, the entire Kosmic continuum or however you see fit, Plant and Undead creatures are instantly destroyed without save.

11th Sense (Ex): Able to perceive the entirety of all times and all fates. They know all actions before they were ever even conceived, and can redo rounds that do not work in their favor, simply moving to a more favorable timespace continuum. They are a being from beyond the reach of even the Supreme Being, tapping into the same source as HE and thusly can affect the Multiverse in ways not conceived even by HIM.

Perfect Defense: ∞ AC

Sophism: Will save to avoid all damage.

Ultimate Weapon Focus: ∞ Attack Bonus

Oblique Strike: Can foil an opponent's defenses by hitting something else.

Time Dialtion: Double actions every round

Quantum Effect: Variable damage with attacks. (x4 permanently with Omega Eye)

Unearthly Weapon Specialization: Damage multiplied by crit multiplier.

Perfect Critical Multiplier: +4 crit multiplier steps


New Special Abilities:

Divine Abilities:

Shining Nexus: (Su) You become a conduit of divine energy, your attacks deals an additional 25d6 points of positive energy damage each round and your divine aura is considered a constant Sunburst spell dealing 6d6 extra damage and blinding all foes within its range. (save for the aura is reflex based for 1/2 damage and Fort based to negate the Blinding effect) Undead take double positive energy damage per blow (50d6) Plants take double damage from the aura effect and undead take 25d6 extra damage instead of 6d6.
Prerequisites: Positive energy effect, Charisma 40, Any Good alignment

Cosmic Abilities:

Cosmic Nexus: (Su) You become a beacon of pure Holy radiance, this ability works just like Shining Nexus except its damage is increased to d20s, additionally its damage is increased to 50d20 per melee attack (100d20 to undead) and 10d20 for the aura effect. (20d20 for plants, 50d20 to undead)
Prerequisites: Shining Nexus, Charisma 70, Any Good alignment

Cosmic Mimic: (Su) [as Mime Ability but I only allow Mime Ability to work on Divine or lower powers] You can Mimic any ability you've seen in a previous round up to a Cosmic level power.
Prerequisites: Mime Ability (Mimic), Int 70, Cha 70

Transcendent Abilities:

Lanaikean Nexus: (Su) You become a beacon of Transcendent power, this ability works just like the Cosmic Nexus ability except its damage is increased to d100s, additionally its damage is increased to 100d100 per melee attack (200d100 to undead) and 25d100 for the aura effect. (50d100 for plants, 100d100 to undead)
Prerequisites: Shining Nexus, Cosmic Nexus, Charisma 130, Any Good alignment

Transcendent Mimic: (Su) You can Mimic any ability you've seen in a previous round up to a Transcendent level power.
Prerequisites: Mime Ability (Mimic), Cosmic Mimic, Int 130, Cha 130

Omnific Abilities:

Universal Nexus: (Su) You are a sun, your power shines with Godlike splendor, this ability works just like Lanaikean Nexus ability except its damage is increased to d1000s, additionally its damage is increased to 1000d1000 per melee attack (2000d1000 to undead) and 250d1000 for the aura effect. (500d1000 for plants, 1000d1000 to undead)
Prerequisites: Shining Nexus, Cosmic Nexus, Lanaikean Nexus, Charisma 250, Any Good alignment

Omnific Mimic: (Su) You can Mimic any ability you've seen in a previous round up to an Omnific level power.
Prerequisites: Mime Ability, Cosmic Mimic, Transcendent Mimic, Int 250, Cha 250

Metempiric Abilities:

Nexus of the Spheres: The area in which the Gankyil exists is shot with blinding and searing stellar light permeating all time and space. With each and every blow you land, this damage is revisted upon your target. This works like the Universal Nexus Omnific ability though deals d10,000s damage equal to half your hd for both Aura effects and all attacks and reaches to all places within creation, all times all spaces, all universes, the entire Kosmic continuum or however you see fit, Plant and Undead creatures are instantly destroyed without save.

11th Sense (Ex): Able to perceive the entirety of all times and all fates. They know all actions before they were ever even conceived, and can redo rounds that do not work in their favor, simply moving to a more favorable timespace continuum. They are a being from beyond the reach of even the Supreme Being, tapping into the same source as HE and thusly can affect the Multiverse in ways not conceived even by HIM.

Supreme Mimic: (Su) You can Mimic any ability you've seen in a previous round without restrictions.
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