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Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above


Indeed, many times I create a framework and a concept that can use later on in a myriad of campaigns. That said, the Terrans, Lumanians, Star Demons, Anyothens which aren't posted here and Spraug have been used extensively, I'll give you some of the specs that been used in previous campaigns but hope you'll make your own stories based on your own interpretation and maybe one day share them on here. B)

Looking forward to getting the information. I'll share what I come up with on here, may be some time until I post something, still really just formulating the concepts at this point, nothing much written down yet.

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Lurgese, CR 10

This disgusting being looks like a 7 ft tall mass of rotting vegetation and writhing blackish brownish green tentacles. You see a massive mouth with a thousand needle teeth sneering at you. It’s two heartless blood red pupilless eyes set on the sides of it’s frog-like face peering wickedly. It points 6 guns at you and fires a barrage of sizzling cherry red beams of heat and light.

XP: 9,600
LE Medium Abberation (Extraplanar)
Init +2, Senses: Low Light Vision, Darkvision 120

AC: 24 (-1 Dex, +11 Natural, +4 Shield Generator) Touch: 13, Flat Footed: 24
Hit Dice: 5d8+50 (70 hp)
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +7
Immune: Sleep, Mind Influencing Effects, Nausea, Disease
Resist: Acid 5, Sonic 5, +4 resistance to poison, +4 vs Traps, +4 vs Feint and Bluff
Weaknesses: Vulnerability to Fire, Flammable
Defensive Abilities: Stalwart, Amorphous Form, SR: 17, DR: 5/Chaos

Speed 15 ft, Climb 15 feet, Swim 25 feet, Telepod: 1000ft Teleport 1/minute
Melee: 6 tentacles + 10 melee(1d4+7), Bite +13 (1d10+14), Stun Lance +10 melee(2d4+10 x3 critical +2d6 electricity +stun, 10ft reach)
Ranged: 6 Blaster pistols +3 Ranged Touch (2d10 Energy/Electricity 18-20 x4 critical 300 ft range, 10 range increments)
Special Attacks: Grab, Stench, Great Bite, Technology, Disease

Str 24 +7
Dex 8 -1
Con 31 +10
Int 17 +3
Wis 12 +1
Cha 14 +2

Base attack+3; CMB +15; CMD 24

Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Improved Initiative, *Multiattack, *Weapon Focus Blasters
Skills: Bluff +15, Craft +11, Escape Artist +11, Diplomacy +15, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +6 (+8 underwater), Survival +10, Swim +21 Racial Bonus: +6 Swim, +2 Stealth while underwater, +4 Diplomacy, +4 Bluff, +4 Sense Motive, +4 Perception
Languages: Aquan, Common, Undercommon, Lurgese, Neural Network (Works like the Sending spell but only to other beings who have a Neural Computer)
SQ: Multi appendage dexterity, Logical Mind, Neural Computer

Environment: Space, Any
Organization: Solitary, Pair (+1d3 Mercinaries),
Treasure: Double Standard

Special Abilities
Stench (Ex): Lurgese smell terrible, those who get within 5 ft of the creature must make a DC 22 Fort save to avoid being nauseated for 1d3 rounds.

Grab (Ex): If a Lurgese hits with 2 or more Tentacle attacks in a round he may initiate a free grapple attempt at a +4 bonus as part of his attack roll.

Great Bite (Ex) Lurgese have giant mouths filled with rows upon rows of razor sharp needle like teeth and extremely powerful jaw muscles, those bitten take x2 strength damage and the damage dice has been increased from a d6 to a d10. This strength modified applies to attack rolls as well.

Technology (Ex) The Lurgese use a variety of technological contraptions and devices to aid them not just in battle but in all walks of life. Refer to the d20 Modern: Future Tech, or d20 Future Manuals for further information. The Lurgese’ vast wealth allows them access to all technology from Progress Level 10 and below. The above statistics only applies a Neural Computer, 6 blaster pistols, a Stun Lance, a Telepod, and a personal Shield Generator. All other technology is not accounted for and thusly the statistics and CR should be modified accordingly and to DM discretion, The Lurgese has a base CR of 7 and gains av additional +3 CR for it's technological advantages..

Multi Appendage Dexterity (Ex): Allows the Lurgese to use all arms as primary attacks and can Grab foes of up to 1 size category larger than himself.

Stalwart (Ex): If the Lurgese makes a successful Will or Fortitude Save against an effect that has a lesser secondary effect, it instead avoids the secondary effect entirely. (As per Evasion but with Fort and Will instead of Reflex)

Disease (Ex)
Filth Fever —injury; save Fort DC 12 ; Onset 1d3 days, frequency 1/day, 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex Damage; cure 2 saves.

Amorphous Form (Ex) Critical hits have a 25% chance of failing and the Lurgese gain a +5 Circumstance Bonus on CMD and CMB.

Logical Mind (Ex): Gain a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Perception Checks and a +4 vs Traps and Feints.

Weapon Proficiency (Ex): Lurgese are Proficient with all Simple weapons, modern weapons, and futuristic weapons as well as natural attacks.

Vulnerability to Fire: Fire Attacks deal double damage to the Lurgese.

Flammable (Ex): Fire attacks set the Lurgese of fire dealing an additional 2d6 fire damage for 1d3 rounds, this damage stacks with standard rules for being set on fire and gives the Lurgese a -2 racial penalty against fire based attacks.

Stun Lance: A futuristic Pilum-like spear charged with electricity. Deals normal damage and an additional 2d6 Electricty damage, this extra electricity damage is not multiplied on a critical hit, and stuns a foe for 1d4+1 rounds on a failed fort save of DC 15.

Blaster Pistol: A pistol like weapon which fires directed energy. Deals 1d10 Energy, and 1d10 Electricity damage and threatens a critical hit on a roll of 18-20 for quadruple damage.

Neural Computer: Allows a user to tap into an Internet analogue and communicate with all others linked into the Neural Network. Should be just as useful if not moreso than having a cell phone and computer with internet access. Allows a permanent and constant Sending spell between all Neural Net users, granting constant communication.

Shield Generator: A personal Force Field generator grants a +4 Deflection Bonus to AC

Telepod: Allows a user to Teleport as the spell, 1000ft 1/minute.
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Originally I was going to make them deal half fire and half electricity, but changed it to nondescript 'energy' and the other half electricity just due to their flammable debuff and their fire vulnerability, just seemed unduly dangerous, however change it in your campaign if you like.

No but they gain wish at an appropriate level to ensure that they can keep up, to a degree, with things that can use alter reality. The Amidah is the Amidah, and Wish is fairly weak at those levels.

When the site crashed a few months back it screwed up that update to the Hyperborean template, I'll fix it.

Additionally, they are using a flawed divinity for their personal improvement. So that power manifests in that fashion eventually.
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IMO the Lurgese is potentially unbalanced and 'swingy'.

If a fire spell gets through its spell resistance, it'll die very fast.

Fireball @ 7th level - 7d6 doubled, plus 3d6/round from Flammable. That's 17d6 - average 59.5, more likely than not to instantly kill it. If anyone else hits it with a ranged attack or spell that round, it'll almost certainly die.

But if it survives the first round, or goes first... each attack is 18-20 crit, or 15% chance (if we assume that no target character has a touch AC of 22 or higher, which seems reasonable for 7th level). If my math is right, the chance that at least one of those 6 attacks will crit is 1-(0.85^6) or ~62%. A single one of those x4 crits will be 8d10 damage, average 44.

A 15 Con Fighter at 7th level will have 12+(1d10+2)x6 hp, average 57. A 11 Con Rogue or 13 Con Wizard will average 27 or 26 hp respectively. IE: a crit will probably outright kill (-10 hp) any character other than the party tank. With 6 attacks, this could easily kill two characters in one round; if it rolls well, it's a one-round TPK.

The only core monster I can find at this CR with comparable damage is the pyrohydra/cryohydra (6 x 3d6 breath weapons - 63 average if all saves fail), but those breaths are only 20', and they can't crit. (And IMO it has a bad 'glass cannon' problem even so.)

Personally I'd try to put it more in the range of the dragons around this CR:
Young blue dragon - CR 6; breath weapon 6d8, 60' line (avg. 27 if save fails)
Juvenile black dragon - CR 7; 110 hp ; breath weapon 8d4, 60' line (avg. 20 if save fails), but its melee damage is higher (23.5 if all attacks hit)
Juvenile blue dragon - CR 8; 142 hp; breath weapon 8d8, 80' line (avg. 36 if save fails), but its melee damage is higher (47.5 if all attacks hit)

So maybe drop its AC to 22 (9 natural armor), boost its HD to 7d8+70 (94 hp) or so, and give it only 4 guns at 2d6 or 2d8 each (and 20/x2 crit).

IMO the Lurgese is potentially unbalanced and 'swingy'.

If a fire spell gets through its spell resistance, it'll die very fast.

Fireball @ 7th level - 7d6 doubled, plus 3d6/round from Flammable. That's 17d6 - average 59.5, more likely than not to instantly kill it. If anyone else hits .it with a ranged attack or spell that round, it'll almost certainly die.

But if it survives the first round, or goes first... each attack is 18-20 crit, or 15% chance (if we assume that no target character has a touch AC of 22 or higher, which seems reasonable for 7th level). If my math is right, the chance that at least one of those 6 attacks will crit is 1-(0.85^6) or ~62%. A single one of those x4 crits will be 8d10 damage, average 44.

A 15 Con Fighter at 7th level will have 12+(1d10+2)x6 hp, average 57. A 11 Con Rogue or 13 Con Wizard will average 27 or 26 hp respectively. IE: a crit will probably outright kill (-10 hp) any character other than the party tank. With 6 attacks, this could easily kill two characters in one round; if it rolls well, it's a one-round TPK.

The only core monster I can find at this CR with comparable damage is the pyrohydra/cryohydra (6 x 3d6 breath weapons - 63 average if all saves fail), but those breaths are only 20', and they can't crit. (And IMO it has a bad 'glass cannon' problem even so.)

Personally I'd try to put it more in the range of the dragons around this CR:
Young blue dragon - CR 6; breath weapon 6d8, 60' line (avg. 27 if save fails)
Juvenile black dragon - CR 7; 110 hp ; breath weapon 8d4, 60' line (avg. 20 if save fails), but its melee damage is higher (23.5 if all attacks hit)
Juvenile blue dragon - CR 8; 142 hp; breath weapon 8d8, 80' line (avg. 36 if save fails), but its melee damage is higher (47.5 if all attacks hit)

So maybe drop its AC to 22 (9 natural armor), boost its HD to 7d8+70 (94 hp) or so, and give it only 4 guns at 2d6 or 2d8 each (and 20/x2 crit).

I actually forgot to fix it's CR after I gave it it's technology. It should be CR 10, not CR 7, my bad.

Fixed it, was going to do CR 9 but went to 10.

Regarding changes to the creature itself? I have to disagree with your assessment, without it's tech I think it's pretty balanced honestly at CR 7.

With that said however, I have to implore you to look over the d20 future and futuretech handbooks as the Lurgese is more suited for those tier beings vice standard 3.5/pf peeps.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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