• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Mahou Shoujo


People want to be like them. People want to blow them to pieces. who are you?

The Mahou Shoujo (‘Magical Girl’) is a girl gifted with magical powers to fight against the forces of Darkness (or, sometimes, for Darkness). These magical abilities are given to her by a magical creature, who has been assigned by the Powers That Be (be them the ‘actual’ powers or a magical organization) to act as her assistant and mentor. She uses her magical powers, combat prowess and dedication to fight against supernatural threats (although, sometimes, they might be more ‘down to Earth’) and assist those she encounters. Although not as common, sometimes this class is assigned to males, who would then be referred as ‘Mahou Shonen (Magical Boys)’.

On Coreline, the organization that most uses the Mahou Shoujo is the Moon Kingdom, with occasional uses from the Dark Kingdoms and at times even the government’s supernatural teams, like F-SWTI. This class obtains the more ‘standard’ set of Mahou Shoujo abilities, and as such reflects the more ‘mass produced’ variety of Magical Girls –typically Post-Vanishing Humans. (The BESM D20 ‘Magical Girl’ Class would represent the more powerful Fiction Magical Girl, or one who the PTVs have given more ‘favor’).

The fastest path into this Advanced Class is thru the Dedicated Hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To become a Mahou Shoujo, the character must fulfill the following criteria:

--BAB: +2.
--Skills: Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 6 Ranks.

-Hit Die: 1d8+Con.
-Action Points: 6+1/2 Character Level, rounded down.
-Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge [Arcane Lore, Current Events, Popular Culture] (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform [Dance, Sing] (Cha), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (None), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex).
-Skill Points: 5+Int Modifier.

-GUARDIAN BEAST: A Mahou Shoujo has a magical creature that serves as her assistant and mentor. This ‘Guardian Beast’ takes the form of an animal of Tiny size or smaller, for example: Cat, Bat, Hawk, Lizard, Monkey, Owl, Rat, Raven, Snake (Tiny viper), Toad or Weasel. The ‘Guardian Beast’ has the ability scores of an animal of it’s type with a +10 to Int and a +5 to Cha. In addition to it’s special qualities and racial skill bonuses, the ‘Guardian Beast’ has the ability to speak. The ‘Guardian Beast’ is otherwise treated like a 1st-Level character in one of the basic classes. For each additional level the Mahou Shoujo obtain in this class, the ‘Guardian Beast’ obtains a level in a basic class.

-ENERGY ATTACK: At 2nd Level, the Mahou Shoujo learns how to channel her inner power into an energy-based attack, dealing 2d6 points of damage. The player must decide whether this is expressed as a melee or ranged attack. If it is a melee attack, any Str-based bonus to damage applies. If it is a ranged attack, it has a range increment of 80 and a rate of fire of 1. In both instances, the attack threatens a critical on a roll of 20, for x2 damage. The player also decides what type of energy the weapon is expressed as. It can be Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic/Concussion, Positive or Negative energy-based (these latter two only affect Evil or Good supernaturals).
At 7th-Level, the damage caused by the Mahou Shoujo’s energy attack increases to 4d6. She also gains a secondary attack form, different in delivery and (or) energy type.

-BONUS FEATS: At 3rd, 6th and 9th Level, the Mahou Shoujo obtains a bonus feat. It must be selected from the following list, and must have all prerequisites.
Acrobatic, Alertness, Great Fortitude, Heroic Surge, Improved Damage Threshold, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Run, Toughness.

-SPRING HEELED: At 4th Level, the Mahou Shoujo gains a tremendous leaping ability. For the purpose of using the Jump skill, the Mahou Shoujo is treated as having twice her normal movement rate and having one size larger.

-INVIGORATE: At 5th Level, the Mahou Shoujo may, once per day, spend 1 action point in order to recover lost hit points. The number of lost hit points recovered is determined by rolling 1d6 per Mahou Shoujo level, restoring up to the character’s total.
At 8th Level, the Mahou Shoujo may, once per day, spend 1 action point in order to heal the hit point damage of another character. The number of hit points recovered is determined by rolling 1d6 per two Mahou Shoujo levels, restoring up the character’s total. The Mahou Shoujo may not Invigorate herself and another person on the same day.

-FLY: At 10th Level, the Mahou Shoujo may spend 1 action point to fly for 10 minutes. She can fly at a speed of 60 feet (40 feet of carrying a medium or heavy load), ascends at half speed and descends at double speed, and her maneuverability is Good. If flight is not maintained by spending an additional action point, the character will begin to descend as if she were under the ‘Feather Fall’ spell.

Class Level BAB Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Class Features Def Bonus Rep Bonus
1 +0 +0 +1 +0 Guardian Beast +1 +1
2 +1 +0 +2 +0 Energy Attack +2 +1
3 +2 +1 +2 +1 Bonus Feat +2 +1
4 +3 +1 +2 +1 Spring Heeled +3 +2
5 +3 +1 +3 +1 Invigorate +3 +2
6 +4 +2 +3 +2 Bonus Feat +3 +2
7 +5 +2 +4 +2 Imp. Energy Attack +4 +3
8 +6 +2 +4 +2 Invigorate Other +4 +3
9 +6 +3 +4 +3 Bonus Feat +5 +3
10 +7 +3 +5 +3 Fly +5 +4
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Good. I was hoping to draw attention with this setting. Unfortunately, there's lots of stuff that went missing when the Threads got retconned, but I'll try to repost as much as I can (posted as well over at WOTC's D20 Future Threads, just in case).

Oh, well, here goes a new class-the (super)natural contender to the Magical Girl-and anything related to her...



It's not paranoia when they're out to get you...

There are those who want to be Magical Girls. And then there’s those who want to get rid of them. They are the ‘Magical Girl Hunters’.
They can come from any walk of life, with any kind of tactics. They are the conspiracy theorists who think that the Moon Kingdom is going to try and bring the Great Freeze onto Coreline. They are the people who got hurt by a Magical Girl during the 23 Hours and have declared war onto the entire genre. They could be the guys who just woke up one day hating (or fearing) everything cute. Whatever the case, they picked up the job and are now hunting the Magical Girls, and occasionally the Youmas, to make sure that neither side gets too heavy in the power scale-again, for reasons real or imagined.
Although many ‘magical girl hunters’ are simply angry men with guns, the Magical Girl Hunter (notice caps) is a veteran, having gone against the odds and survived, obtaining the knowledge to handle future hunts. In many ways, they treat the Mahou Shoujo as big game-sometimes it takes skill, sometimes it takes brawn, but it always takes guts.

Select this class if you want to be able to take on both the Magical Girls and the Youma on an even field-and not to mention being crazy enough to see the pattern in such a mind-numbing amount of clichés.

The fastest path into this Advanced Class is thru a combination of Smart and Dedicated Hero basic classes.

To be a Magical Girl Hunter, the character must fill the following criteria.

BAB: +3.
Skill: Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 3 ranks.
Talent: Exploit Weakness.
Special: Must have survived combat with a Mahou Shoujo or a Youma.

-Hit Die: 1d8+Con Modifier.
-Action Points: 6+one-half character level, rounded down.
-Class Skills: Craft (Electronic, Mechanical) (Int), Drive (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Investigate (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcane Lore, Behavioral Sciences, Earth and Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Popular Culture, Technology) (Int), Listen (Wis), Navigate (Int), Profession (Wis), Research (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis).
-Skill Points: 5+Int Modifier.


Class Level BAB Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Class Features Def Bonus Rep Bonus
1 +0 +0 +1 +1 Manhunter (1) +1 +0
2 +1 +0 +2 +2 Weapon Focus +1 +0
3 +2 +1 +2 +2 Manhunter (2) +2 +0
4 +3 +1 +2 +2 Profile +2 +0
5 +3 +1 +3 +3 M-Files +3 +1
6 +4 +2 +3 +3 Weapon Specialization +3 +1
7 +5 +2 +4 +4 Occult Knowledge +4 +1
8 +6 +2 +4 +4 Manhunter (3) +4 +1
9 +6 +3 +4 +4 Foxhound +5 +2
10 +7 +3 +5 +5 Manhunter (4) +5 +2

-MANHUNTER: When the Magical Girl Hunter sets his sights on someone, they just won't stop until finishing her. When taking a job, the Magical Girl Hunter must chose one particular subject (Magical Girl, Youma, whatever). Then he will have +1 on all rolls regarding his prey until he finishes him/her off. If handling a team, he must choose at the moment you take the job a specific member among the girls of the team.
At Level 2, the Magical Girl Hunter can choose 2 subjects. At level 8, he can choose 3 subjects. At Level 10, he can choose 4 subjects.

-WEAPON FOCUS: The Magical Girl Hunter obtains the Weapon Focus class feature, providing the benefit of the feat of the same name. The Magical Girl Hunter adds +1 to all rolls made using his selected weapon.

-PROFILE: By making a Gather Information check (DC 15) when talking to witnesses of an event, the Magical Girl Hunter compiles a rough mental picture of the suspect. This mental picture provides a physical description, including distinguishing markings and visible mannerisms. Success makes the profile accurate, at least concerning a particular suspect as seen by witnesses. (For this Gather Information check, no money changes hands).
The Magical Girl Hunter can expand the profile by making an Investigate check (DC 15) involving the event’s scene or other evidence linked to the suspect. If successful, the Magical Girl Hunter combines eyewitness accounts with forensic evidence to develop a profile of the suspect’s method of operation. This provides a +2 circumstance bonus on any skill checks made to uncover additional evidence or otherwise locate and capture the suspect.

-M-FILES: Through either gossip with other hunters or personal experience and researches, you possess a large amount of information about many magical girls (be it a computer database, a journal, whatever). When you take a job, upon the first days of investigative job, you make an Investigate roll DC 18. Success means you can relate your current target’s modus operandi with that of another Magical Girl or Youma you have already crossed swords with (or you have heard about) in days past... been there, done that... but this time you can do it better: +2 on all combat rolls against her.

-WEAPON SPECIALIZATION: A Magical Girl Hunter gains Weapon Specialization with the selected Focus weapon. The Magical Girl Hunter gets a +2 bonus on damage rolls with the weapon.

-OCCULT KNOWLEDGE: The Magical Girl Hunter gains a +1 competence bonus per character level on Research and Knowledge (Arcane Lore) checks

-FOXHOUND: Through constant contact with magical girls, you have developed a sort of sixth sense to "sniff" them. Whenever you encounter a not-transformed magical girl, you are entitled to an instinctive Intelligence roll, DC 20 (secretly rolled by the GM). Success means you identify her as a magical girl. Also, you are able to see through their magical disguises: after any encounter with a magical girl, if you ever meet her in her non-magical persona (or an alternate transformation), you are entitled to automatic Spot and Intelligence rolls to recognize her, if looking for her in a crowd or street, the difficulty can go from 20-30 according to the situation and the crowd, and if met face-to-face, the difficulty is a mere 18. The GM is free to adjust the difficulties according to how drastic is the change.

The following two are taken from the 'Elysyum Nebula' setting over at the WOTC Threads, modded to this setting (I'd appreciate help w/the PDCs, please):

Cadillac-Gage XF-2113 ‘Myrmidon’ Light Mecha Suit.


The ‘Myrmidon’ was created in the main Cadillac Gage facilities out of retro-engineered Fiction technology. It primarily serves as a light infantry support mecha, replacing an armored vehicle on the battlefield, or on situations where high mobility is absolutely required, like CQB, urban combat and rapid insertions. Cause it has been cobbled together from and is equipped with mostly Pre-Vanishing weapons technology, it is sort of low-end in the ‘mecha’ damage scale. Still, it compensates by being cheap enough and simple enough to mass-produce quickly and maintain by large numbers.
Standard tactics with the ‘Myrmidon’ is to deploy in squads and support moving infantry by laying down cover fire, or raid infantry positions that could endanger other mecha.

A ‘Myrmidon’ installed with a standard equipment package has its price at DC .

Size: Large.
Superstructure: Alumisteeel.
Armor: Duraplastic.
Armor Penalty: -5.
Strength Bonus: +8.
Speed: 30 feet, fly 100 ft (cl).
Bonus Hit Points: 100.
Hardness: 10.
Bonus to Defense:
Reach: 10 ft.
Dex Penalty: -.
Base Purchase DC: 40.

Standard Equipment Package: Pilot’s cockpit (torso and back), Class II Sensor System (helmet), M-9 Barrage Chaingun (left arm), PS-25 Tiger Claws (right-arm), jetpack (boots), M79 Grenade Launcher (shoulders), Comm. System (no slots), ammo: 6 50-round HEAP ammo belts for Barrage Chaingun, 6 High Explosive Grenades, 4 Smoke Grenades, 2 White Phosphorous grenades.

Salusian Company KA-2000 ‘Scourge’ Assault Mecha.


The Salusian’s first Coreline-produced military assault mecha is a work of (frightening) art: standing at 30 ft. tall, weighting 28, 00 pounds unarmed, and armed with two energy weapons and a rocket launcher, it can be very destructive in the hands of an experienced pilot. The fact that is (as always) designed to show the Salusians’ well-known love for overkill tactics is not hard to notice, either.
Still in its marketing stages, it has nevertheless been deployed on SalCo facilities and a large amount of them has been stockpiled on Quagmire and North Carolina.
On battle, the ‘Scourge’ is used by the Salusians in one of three ways: to stomp/blast a way for infantry to advance, to disable enemy mecha and vehicles, or to ‘soften’ fortifications. More often than not, entire squads of ‘Scourges’ will be deployed for any of the above purposes, even when it would be cheaper to use another vehicle (but if the shoe fits…).

A ‘Scourge’ Assault Mecha installed with a standard equipment package has a Purchase DC of .

Size: Huge.
Superstructure: Vanadum.
Armor: Duralloy.
Armor Penalty: -8.
Strength Bonus: +16.
Speed: 30 ft, fly 90ft (Cl.)
Bonus Hit Points: 200.
Hardness: 20.
Bonus to Defense: +8.
Reach: 10 ft.
Dex Penalty: -.
Base Purchase DC: 48.

Standard Equipment Package: Pilot’s cockpit (torso and back), Class II Sensor System (helmet), Enigma Sensor Suite (visor), Tsunami 480 Plasma Cannon (left arm), Typhoon 240 Laser Cannon (right-arm), jetpack (boots), M-55 CRUD Rocket Launcher (shoulders), LX-10 Anti-Shock Array (belt), Comm. System (no slots), ammo: 12 Rockets for CRUD Launcher.

And here's my (extremely incomplete) fling at the mecha of my own.

Northrop-Grumman L-5 Assault Mecha.


The L-5 was developed out of highly modified plans of the ‘Scourge’ (‘appropiated’ by Northrop-Grumman), with emphasis on at least two tenets: 1) cheaper production, and 2) more adaptability to a variety of threats.
As is, the L-5 packs weapons divided in three groups: anti-personnel, anti-mecha and anti-air, sacrificing the ‘Scourge’s’ anti-shock array and limited flight capabilities in order to fit more weaponry. As well, it is only 20 ft. tall and weights a little less than the ‘Scourge’ (not that it makes any difference if you end up being stepped on).
Some people say that the removal of the Anti-Shock Array itself was the dumbest move by Northrop-Grumman, but the company still has produced a large number of the mech, and has sold them to a number of interested factions.
Tactics involving the L-5 are as simple as with the ‘Scourge’: just point, shoot until the target drops, or shoot up a general area. If everything else fails, try to step on the nuisance. Groups of L-5s will stand apart so not one single EMP attack gets them all, and will split their coverage areas among the group-one maintains an eye on the air, one for mechas, one for personnel.

A Northrop-Grumman L-5 Assault Mecha installed with a standard equipment package has a Purchase DC of .

Size: Huge.
Superstructure: Duralloy.
Armor: Duralloy.
Armor Penalty: -8.
Strength Bonus: +16.
Speed: 30 ft.
Bonus Hit Points: 200.
Hardness: 15.
Bonus to Defense: +8.
Reach: 10 ft.
Dex Penalty: -.
Base Purchase DC: 48.

Standard Equipment Package: Pilot’s cockpit (torso and back), Class II Sensor System (helmet), Enigma Sensor Suite (visor), T-95 Cavalcade Chaingun (left arm), T-95 Cavalcade Chaingun (right arm), (boots), M-55 CRUD Rocket Launcher (shoulders), (belt), Comm. System (no slots), ammo: 12 Rockets for CRUD Launcher, 8 50-round HEAP ammo belts for T-95 Cavalcade Chainguns.


"A Hidden Village is THAT, 'hidden'. I can't tell you where they are, lest rival factions-other Villages, other Ninjas or even the military-come for us. All Nins know this-it's SOP.
What I know, for a fact, is that this ain't where we're from. The forest surrounding my village ain't as big or as dense, the continents are all wrong, and there's huge cities I've never seen before. And all the Alts-c'mon, he's my FRIEND, a COMRADE IN ARMS, all RIGHT?!?
-*cough*-However, we still follow our old codes and training methods-call it what you want, if it works like Chakra, it's Chakra-, and we still manage to make some fine Ninjas. Intel gathering, protection, whatever-we're good at it. No guns for us, though-who needs 'em? Our politics? Dunno. But I'll help whoever asks me.
Thanks for the DVD, though. So it has my name on it, huh? Sasuke's SO gonna have a fit!"

-Naruto Uzumaki, Ninja of Konoha Hidden Village.

"What my friend (yeah, you heard me) was trying to say it's that we on the Hidden Villages try to stay away from politics as a whole. The world is full of customers, adn with so many Alternates of us out there, it's hard to define concrete turfs for each Village.
So, customer-wise, it's 'first come, first served'. The series' popularity has helped all villages, in any case (and yes, I know who's name is on the title).
Uzumaki did said it right, we still follow old codes and training. We found from Day 1 that they were extremely useful even here, so if it wasn't broken, why fix it?
Hope that was useful. Huh, do I have the Mark, you ask? Yeah, I do. But it's just a tatoo.
Hey, it means I'm a dangerous person with a hair-trigger dark power. You won't find a better 'back off' sign out there."

-Sasuke Uchina, Ninja of Konoha Hidden Village.

Location of the Hidden Villages:
-Konohagakure no Sato (Hidden Leaf Village): Japan.
-Kirigakure no Sato (Hidden Mist Village): Norway.
-Otogakure no Sato (Hidden Sound Village): Colombia.
-Iwagakure no Sato (Hidden Rock Village): Argentina.
-Amegakure no Sato (Hidden Rain Village): England.
-Kusagakure no Sato (Hidden Grass Village): Brasil.
-Takigakure no Sato (Hidden Waterfall Village): China.
-Kumogakure no Sato (Hidden Cloud Village): Germany.
-Sunagakure no Sato (Hidden Sand Village): Egypt.
-Yukigakure no Sato (Hidden Snow Village): Alps.
-Hoshigakure no Sato (Hidden Star Village): Russia.

RULESET: Frank Vinetti's 'Naruto D20' Conversion. Only Fiction characters from the Naruto Universes can take Chakra specialties.


First Post
Hmm. I may have to stat mark 1 Mjolinar armor as a large mecha, but in the meantime, I'll dredge up somthing old for pure shock value.

Classified: Eyes only!
Production and preformance reports on SX-1.
I can now confirm beyond any reasonable doubt that the five Dom mecha that landed a month ago inside the borders of the Pan-African state were destroyed by a mech of non-native construction. Cortana either found this thing, bought it or brought it with her. I'm sure that all three options have their own terrors for the Joint Chiefs. Enclosed are my firepower estimates, and the possible overland speed of this beast. Interviews with locals have established a rough outline of a vehicle that is built on lines similar to a water strider and built around a single large cannon. Firepower estimates are above the upper limits of any mecha in service on the planet at this time. It seems unlikely that anything short of a Gundam or EVA could bring this thing down, and then only by resorting to close combat tactics.

SX-1 Scarab Heavy Assault Mecha
Size: Colossal(-8 Size)
Superstructure: Megatanium
Armor: Covenant Ablative Plating
Armor check penalty:-5
Stregth bonus: +32
Speed 70 feet
Bonus Hit Points 1000
Harness 30
Bonus to defense +10
Reach: 15 feet
Dexterity penalty: -4
Base Purchase DC: 64

Standard Equipment: Class V Sensor system, LX-20 antishock array, Copilot cokpit, Advacned diagnostics, Comm system, Heavy fortification, 2x Super needlers(Pl7, 5d6+2d6 10' splash, +4d6 splash on auto fire, 75 foot range incrament.) 4x needler ammo(100 rounds), 1 Heavy Plasma cannon(Pl7, 12d10 fire damage, single shot, crits same as Tsunami), 4x structural enhancement.
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An excellent weapon of mass mecha terror and Destruction, Vehrec!

Here's an image to go with the Scarab's write-up. That's what I could find, but it shows the Cannon in all its glory.


And now, my rants:

A little mod to the Scarab's write-up, Vehrec: you should give the Heavy Plasma Cannon a 'Single' rate of fire, since it has a charge-up time.

And a couple of questions: what are the stats for the Covenant Ablative Plating? And what do you mean w/'Dom' mecha?
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Cortana's 'race'

'HALO'-Style Artificial Intelligences.



A.I.s excel in a field of work, some are pilots of Captial ships, others teachers, and others military advisors. They all have one thing in common: knowledge. AIs love to research or look at knowledge, just as much attention from humanoid beings.
AIs take appearance of just about anything, from a dancing princess to historic figures from another time.

AI traits

+4 Wis
+4 Int
+2 Cha

No Str or Dex-They don't have physical bodies, so normally they cannot roll for Dex or Str. if linked to the Internet, they can form 'digital bodies' who can have Str and Dex (rolled normally), but not out of it.

Con-The chips require a power supply to keep functioning. On the Internet, their 'digital body' will start with a Con of 10 (can be raised by level ups, but only that way).

Power Supply-A 'HALO'-style A.I. chip can function for 200 hours before recharging, not linked to a computer terminal (for game purposes, power armor an recharge the power supply, but standard armor computers-like those on a 'Land Warrior' armor-or computers who aren't linked to a power supply themselves can't).

Bonus feat: 'HALO'-style A.I.s recieve the 'Educated' Feat for free.

No Physical Body: A.Is don't have a physical body of their own. Their programming is as well incompatible with the 'Digimon' and 'NetNavi' style of programming. If they have to move from one place to another, they must be carried by someone else, or be installed inside an android body.


First Post
The Dom was a Duchy of Zeon mech deployed in the One year war. It had a beam saber, and a bazooka. It was also a fast overland mech, and more heavily armored than the Zaku, although that isn't saying much. In the handss of a good pilot it makes for a challenging fight. However, it is still a mass production mecha and not as manuverable as the GM type used by the Earth Federation.
Covenant armor is based of a ablative crystaline substance that is thin but offers incredable protection, due to the fact it was created using Forerunner Materiel Science. This subtance offers protection above and beyond that of any other in the rulebook. +10 Armor, -5 Armor check penalty. It cannot be produced or bought outside Covenant hands, if they exist in this universe. If they do, and you somehow get the stuff, it's got a purchase DC of 20+1/2 the mecha's base DC. It doesn't take paint well, so you're more or less stuck with the pearly light grey color of the armor.

Verec said:
The Dom was a Duchy of Zeon mech deployed in the One year war. It had a beam saber, and a bazooka. It was also a fast overland mech, and more heavily armored than the Zaku, although that isn't saying much. In the handss of a good pilot it makes for a challenging fight. However, it is still a mass production mecha and not as manuverable as the GM type used by the Earth Federation.

They're from the original 'Mobile Suit Gundam ', right? Had to Wikipedia that, since (and I'm quite sorry to say this), I've only managed to view two Gundam series: Wing and G (damn Latin American CN!). However, I suppose that since it's a sort of 'Metaverse', the LaGrange Colonies would have access to MS from the original series.

I'll start with a 'LaGrange Colonies' set of notes right away (thanks for reminding me about 'Gundam', BTW).

Verec said:
Covenant armor is based of a ablative crystaline substance that is thin but offers incredable protection, due to the fact it was created using Forerunner Materiel Science. This subtance offers protection above and beyond that of any other in the rulebook. +10 Armor, -5 Armor check penalty. It cannot be produced or bought outside Covenant hands, if they exist in this universe. If they do, and you somehow get the stuff, it's got a purchase DC of 20+1/2 the mecha's base DC. It doesn't take paint well, so you're more or less stuck with the pearly light grey color of the armor.

Thus is settled: the Forerunners and everything they left behind is most lethal.

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