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Is a Kickstarter for this Epic Bestiary book a good idea?

Is a Kickstarter for this Epic Bestiary a good idea?


The EN World kitten
Which out of those 3 black and white versions do you think is the best?
Definitely the middle one. The first one has too much white space in general (though I suppose a white background would fit more seamlessly with the pages), and for that last one, the contrast of how the background darkens toward the middle is too stark.

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Which out of those 3 black and white versions do you think is the best?

My concern is that if I do some sort of gradient background for one illustration I'll need to do it for the other 80, but it sort of makes sense for the lightning in this pic.

I should point out that I increased the arm of the Sarcophagolem in the latest illustrations so it slightly breaks the border.
I like the 3rd one best.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

I understand that the lightning 'pops' better in the 2nd illustration, what I like about the 3rd one is that the black gradient looks like they are in a 3D space where the floor and 'ceiling' are white and recede into a dark area.

All the double-page spreads in the book (10-15 illustrations) have full backgrounds. All the B&W single page illos (65-70 illustrations) have a blank or very sparse background (full backgrounds double the price) and anyone who has the 5E Monster Manual will know that if WotC can't afford backgrounds I'm guessing I can get away with it myself.

So I am still teetering on the fence about adding any backgrounds to the single-page B&W art because if I add one I might need to do something similar to them all.

That said, the art that was the biggest influence on me for this book certainly was the work of the (sadly) late, great Martin McKenna (who worked on multiple Fighting Fantasy books among other things). He had totally mastered the use of contrast in his work and also used frame-breaking elements to give his art a quasi three-dimensional quality.

Howdy LunarSquid amigo! :)

Sup, Upper Krust! Any update on how the project going? Everything doing well I hope.

The usual 2 steps forward 1 step back.

On the plus side...

The Art: I now have some of the best artists in the world providing art for the book (and negotiating with a handful of other, equally amazing artists). Still waiting on one guy in particular to respond (for a new cover) and if I get him (on top of the others) the book will totally blow your socks off. Estimating 40 colour illustrations and 80 B&W illustrations. Expect illustrations of Time Lords, Supernals and all sorts of cool stuff.

New Chapter: I fleshed out a "Kosmos" chapter and I have come up with three completely new dimensions (that still fit within the old Kosmos) and I really think they add a lot. I don't go into detail on every dimension; just the ones most gamers won't be familiar with: Byss, the Far Place, 8th, 9th & 10th dimensions plus those 3 new ones.

New Layout: Wasn't happy with the old layout so really went to town on this new one and I am finally happy with the results. I will show off a some pages in a few weeks time. Still tweaking a few effects.

New Idea for Stretch Goals: Decided the previous stretch goals were too boring. So instead, every $10,000 reached* I will add a new monster; the catch is, the Challenge Rating of the Monster will equal how many thousands of dollars we reach; so if we hit 20k I'll add a CR 20 monster, at 30k I'll add a CR 30 monster...if we somehow hit 90k I'll add a CR 90 monster etc.

*I may not even reach 10k but I can dream. :giggle:

Also I know an initial CR 10 monster doesn't sound too epic, but trust your 'Uncle Krust' to cook up something completely EPIC level...even if its only CR 10. ;)

On the negative side...

The Writing: has temporarily slowed while I deal with the art and layout issues. But the end results will be worth it.

Two Game Mechanic Issues: Two annoying problems, one is how the size scaling overlaps with divinity (currently only Supernals are universe sized when it should be Eternals) and the second problem is how epic spell levels fold into everything. While this may seem like nonsensical gibberish to everyone else "just make the Eternals universe sized - problem solved!" its not as simple as that. I'll get it sorted eventually but probably a lot of mechanical brainstorming and a few sleepless nights between now and then.

The Release Date: Still not in sight. All I can say is, the longer the wait the better it will be because every single month the book gets exponentially better.

Okay this still is not the final pass at the Cimeriel (no page texture on there), but its not far off. Using photoshop trickery I can convert pencil sketches to inks.

...against my better judgement I added a slight flame effect just to see how it looked and I quite like it...although technically I would need to add that to the sword and axe as well since the Cimeriel gains all the abilities of any weapons they are impaled with.

Any thoughts? I had posted the original pencil sketch in the Cosmic Firmament thread.

Cimeriel inked with border 20%.jpg

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