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D&D 3E/3.5 working on these for 2e and 3e... any suggestions?


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well, my campaign is made up of all nonstandard races I have created... one is the Poin. Highly ordered, everything that they do is regulated by caste, priesthood, and place of birth. Along with all of these, there are the Clans... groups of likeminded warriors that, before there was such extreme order, were trained by a single skilled practitioner... each used unique weaponry, and the old Gods sent the leaders of these Clans out to do battle during the Tirnvaiy (a time which was characterized by reality shifting [temporal field storms, rains of pure elemental fire, great quakes]) against a race of humanoids who had been shifted into the plane by energies and whose gods were attempting to use this misfortune to take over the plane. As is usual in this time, the G'eshians (an aloof insectoid race who lived in subterranean areas at this time) refused to interfere, a stance they were punished further down the line... well, thats another story.

There were several warriors that never made it to the field... treachery, rivalry, suicide, and other fatal consequences brought their life to an end. The ones that made it to the center of the Civilized Lands were able to banish the menace by sacrificing themselves to throw the portal stone of the invasion into a temporal storm [causing a black hole... which was then destroyed by the next temporal storm].

The Gods gave to each of the clans an item that represented the banner and bearer of the clan... and gave the name of the clan ever after. These Include:

The Corcubine Serpent
The Ostarian Rose
The Dark Crescent
The Golden Lotus
The Fireeye Drake
The Jade Crab
The Grinden Sun

The clans were also given back the weapons of the clan leaders, which each buried in a different place. These shrines gathered energy through the entire Tirnvaiy, creating 7 artifacts of the age:

The Corcubine Serpent: a serpent-headed pommel, and a blade about 13 inches long... the Corcubine Serpent was forged in the fires of a soul mirror... the clan trains by using a dual-dagger and martial style.

The Ostarian Rose- A set of bladed guantlets (imagine short a sword and long sword [each with a long sword-breaking spindle on the end, with a notch in the Long side which allows the two to be spun like a club, attached to two guantlets by a mechanism that can be used in a variety of ways) was used by an agile rogue... his skill was mastered with a dancing and tumbling essence, and his ability was unparalleled in dueling.

The Dark Crescent- A mage who was born into a family of assassins, the master of the Dark Crescent bore a long curved blade which was said to be have been created from a perfectly formed vein of obsidian... the style emphasizes stealth, cunning, and a quick blade.

The Golden Lotus- A normally passive priest, the master of the Golden Lotus lost most of her clan in a raid which caused the quest... her weapon was a netted mancatcher covered in sharp teethlike nubs and a central blade... beautiful yet extremely fatal.

The Fireeye Drake- A bold fighter whose gusto was matched only by his skill on the battlefield... he was the leader of the group and who gained his name by taming a drake which had attacked a small village.. his weapons was an axe which bore his name in Ancient Poin, and which hid a small stilletto in its haft.

The Jade Crab- An Poin master of martial arts, the master of the Jade Crab was said to stand two heads above a normal Poin (8' 4") and taught a heavy-handed style of energy channeling... his blade weighted almost 75 pounds, and was said to have been built around an even more ancient weapon... the revered Firewraith, a dagger which was part of a set of 5 bore by an immortal assassin (others of which include a large blade which was said to be able to cause wars, a blade forged in a 2-dimensional plane which could go through walls, and 2 others whose powers were known only by persons who did not live to tell the tale). Jade Crab fighters are said to be able to rip through metal armor with their bare hands, and hold an inpenetrable stance when battling without armor.

The Grinden Sun- A barbarian warrior whose family was slain by a war party of G'eshian thousands of years ago, the master of the Grinden Sun was transported via a temporal storm to the Tirnvaiy. He fought in a style that was spoken of in legends; a set of battle-shields which were moved so fast that the suns of the coats were said to blind his enemies. Each set of shields was forged by his own hands and given to his initiates to teach to those who seeked them... the master of Grinden Sun cleared the way for the master of the Fireeye Drake to throw away the portal stone.

Each of the artifacts should be in 2nd edition, and can be put to 3e also... but I must tell you something first: The weapons will almost NEVER be in the hands of a living being...

The shrines are unopenable without the name of the Master... which are not known outside of the Gods and a few more... and the weapons are teleported into the shrine when they are called.. even a Wish cannot defy this

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What kind of suggestions are you looking for? I read the post but don't think I found any actual questions. Could be wrong:)

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