Werewolf: the Apocalypse 5th Edition Trailer

Hunters Entertainment, who created Kids on Bikes and The ABCs of D&D has announced, Werewolf 5th Edition for 2021.

Hunters Entertainment, who created Kids on Bikes and The ABCs of D&D has announced, Werewolf 5th Edition for 2021.


Los Angeles, CA - December 7th 2019. Hunters Entertainment (Kids on Bikes, Outbreak: Undead, Altered Carbon) is excited and proud to announce their partnership with Paradox Interactive, the owners of the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Bloodlines 2, Mage: The Ascension) to develop and publish Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition, the next evolution of the fan-favorite tabletop roleplaying game through Renegade Games (Scott Pilgrim, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Clank, Lanterns).

Werewolf: The Apocalypse takes place in a fictional version of our Earth: the World of Darkness. In the World of Darkness, werewolves, vampires, magicians, and monsters are all living among us. An entire supernatural world hidden in plain sight. You are one of these monsters, pretending to be human but fighting for survival and supremacy among mysteries and conspiracies that threaten the existence of humanity.

"Werewolf is about how we help/hinder each other to survive against great odds," said Ivan Van Norman, partner and producer of Hunters Entertainment. "This game was the first campaign I ever GM’ed, and I believe its stories are more relevant and impactful now than they’ve ever been - which is why we're excited to bring it back to fans old and new."

Players will play as Garou, individuals born of two worlds, the material and the Umbra (spirit world), who can shapeshift into wolves at will. In Werewolf: The Apocalypse the world, Gaia, is dying. After many generations, the Garou - Gaia’s chosen warriors and defenders - are divided on how to save the planet, their spiritual mother. Attacked by outside forces and plagued by infighting, each Garou tribe shares different ideologies and goals, which have - up to this point - all failed them in their ultimate goal, to rescue a dying Gaia.

Set to release in 2021, the new edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse has been long anticipated by fans and was teased at PDX Con in Berlin by the World of Darkness team.

"The story of the Garou has never been more relevant than it is today, which means Werewolf has an important role in the unique, global, transmedia setting we are building with the World of Darkness. In Hunters Entertainment we have a partner who clearly shares our passion for The Apocalypse," said Sean Greaney, Brand Manager for World of Darkness at Paradox Interactive. "We were particularly impressed by their creative vision and ability, and so we are very happy to be partnering with them in bringing this newest chapter of Werewolf to the world."

Mechanically, the game is set to share a lot of similarities with the recent release of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition but will have a lot of elements that make it unique.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition will be marketed and distributed by Renegade Games, and will be available in retail stores internationally and online.

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I certainly would be interested in playing a werewolf (or other type of were-creature), I just don't care about all the "defenders of Gaia" thing. If I purchased the rules I would have to ditch the entire backstory and create a new one based on actual folklore. The price of this book (and any supplements) would probably hardly make it worthwhile.

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Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
Why do you keep trying to steer these threads into political territory? This isn't the first time you've tried to derail a thread. You know the rules around here.

There's plenty of precedent for a larger game company contracting a smaller company for development (e.g., Kobold Press and Sasquatch Games did the first D&D 5e adventures and White Wolf's own relationship with Onyx Path). I imagine the strength of and reception to Kids on Bikes got them the gig. And even the "big fish" in this industry aren't all that big. I don't think there's anything here to get concerned, or wildly speculate, about.

It's why I've taken to not really responding to their posts. Which sucks but there ya go.


I’m really kind of surprised by this, TBH. How the hell did Hunters Entertainment get the license? From the looks of it they’re a tiny company with a tiny (if cute) list of products to their name. Was there really no one with a good track record willing to step up?


I’m really kind of surprised by this, TBH. How the hell did Hunters Entertainment get the license? From the looks of it they’re a tiny company with a tiny (if cute) list of products to their name. Was there really no one with a good track record willing to step up?

Why would they? What's in it for them? The game with the biggest fan base is Vampire and it's the one that is going to make the money. So if you can't have Vampire why would you bid on the others? The companies that would take a chance on that model would be small ones who can make money off of the relatively smaller fanbase for the non-Vampire games because they have less overhead.


Why would they? What's in it for them? The game with the biggest fan base is Vampire and it's the one that is going to make the money. So if you can't have Vampire why would you bid on the others? The companies that would take a chance on that model would be small ones who can make money off of the relatively smaller fanbase for the non-Vampire games because they have less overhead.

While it wasn’t Vampire, I would have thought Werewolf is a big enough property that it would have been worth it for a bigger company. Just surprised is all.


- Books published by Black Dog Games have to be burnt, they are tainted.

- What has said that, other brainless zealot from Leopolde's Society?

- The Garous.

- Oh then they are right.


I suggest, as new anthagonists, to add "god's hounds", fomori catched by inquisitors (Leopolde's Society) and (almost totally) healed by their exorcists. Then they become dangerous allies and predators about garous, fare and the rest of fomori or mockery breeds.

We agree when we spend our money on speculative fiction titles we don't want annoying propaganda. But worse when authors who teorically want you to open your eyes really are hidding some facts. Sorry, but I am seing in the real life there are many wolves with sheep's clothing, people who are like supervillains from comics, as Doctor Doom, trying to rule the world with the speech it is neccessary to save us. Don't trust those false saviors. Some things make me remember Michael Crichton's "State of Fear".

Haven't you thoutght Wyrm wouldn't want to use also other multinational companies from different continents and not only Pentex as puppet, why only one tentacle to taint when you can use more?

All fiction is political, but in particular speculative fiction is inherently political. You cannot create a new world without saying something about how you feel about this one. It's literally impossible. Every world building, character, theme or plot choice you make is a political statement.

But I don't suspect you dislike politics in games and fiction. I suspect you dislike politics with which you disagree.


But I don't suspect you dislike politics in games and fiction. I suspect you dislike politics with which you disagree.

Learned through marriage counseling, try to stay away from “you” statements as they tend to put the individual on the defensive. I can easily see Luis take this the wrong way and reply in response. A little civility and decorum goes a long way :)

Saying with the softest words isn't easy for me.

It is really annoying for me when an author of a work of speculative fiction shows his own point of view about some matter from reality, and I am suspecting he is trying me to feel guilty because I am not doing things like he says. I am seing a lot of lies and ignorance. Do you know anything about the XV-XIX little ice age after medieval warm age? Don't you know the most polluting ones in the world are state companies? Have you readen about who were the true responsible of the last forest arsons in Brasil? Or about bioregeneration to fight the pollution? We are in the age of graphene and biofuels. We still can repair the nature, but we have to recognice the false prophets. We don't need stupid catastrophism but faith in ourself, hope we can fix things for a better world. The fatalism is against the spirit by the true fighters.

I am angry, not because fiction is used to show the diagnosis about a problem, but when I notice a demagoge, swindler charlatin is trying to sell his snake oil, false medicine.

Pentex is the Wyrm's blue-eyed boy... but why only-beggoten when more multinational companies could be corrupted and used to poison the planet? Why to put all the eggs only in one egg, betting all with one card? Why not to create friendnemy little brothers from Africa or Asia where Pentex isn't allowed to act because it's a foreigner company? Why not to create fictional tongs or bratvas as antagonists for werewolves or vampires?

* Wyrm could create a new mockery breed, the wardogs, but some are hunted alive by the inquisition, and with exorcisms, or high-tech they "digievolution" toward other state, almost healed, with code name "HundHimmels"

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