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{Vampire: The Masquerade - OOC} New York by Night

Ashrem Bayle

Well, I'd just like to pop up and say that I'm good with my side of things.

My real life obligations have been a problem of late, so my posts have dropped to about once per day, and rarely if ever on the weekends.

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First Post
Vychtorya said:
Yep - saw them with No Doubt a long time ago...Cake opened for No Doubt back when they had their horn section, dancing all over the place... great show.

Cool! Yeah, I've seen No Doubt back with the horns (this was about eight years ago before they were big) when they opened for 311. No Doubt are very good entertainers - very energetic, and I really loved the horns too. Especially when they played Star Wars :p

Much better than some other bands that just stand there and don't move.


First Post
Catulle said:

I believe it's in the UK. I think Morrus is from Portsmouth, in fact. Though I could be wrong.

The computer thing seems all good now. I only hope it stays that way.
Yep he's in the UK though I'm not sure where. I'd speculate further about the server but I really don't know where it is at all ;) Not that it matters given the internet - probably there is a butterfly flapping it's wings in Antarctica and that is what's interfering with our connections.

Glad you've got your computer back in good health. And you mentioned 'labor intensive' up there somewhere - anything we can help out with?


First Post
I tried to roll with that, letting some response go which I'm sure you would indicate is only fair, with the proviso that things be allowed to progress as smoothly as possible. Now, it seems to a part of me I don't really want to be listening to, that without a shutting down and cooling off period, we'll get trapped in an eternal circle of trying to get in the last word; I don't think that's good for the story...

I really am sorry that Sabrina's action was so... provocative, I was just trying to do what she would do in that situation. She wouldn't have ignored it. And I would like to say if Cate or Jemal had yelled at Vych she would have done the same thing to stick up for her, it was just that it was Vych who did the yelling. I am really sorry, and if you all want me out, I'll leave, don't really want to disrupt the game.

Catulle, I think that if we all just come up with some rules, we will avoid this on in the future.

You guys do realize how dominating you've been in-character, right?
How difficult it looks to write in any scene where Sabrina and Caitlyn happen to be in the same room?
It reads silly, the obsession they have recently had with each other, and the way you guys jumped the gun and posted so many things, moving the action along while not waiting for anyone's input shows that you are both missing how your intense interplay is hedging out other players.

No, I really hadn't realized that. I thought that everyone was fine with how things were going, and would email me if there were any problems. I'm sorry if you see Sabrina as a dominatrix (wow, that didn't come out right), I really am. I would tone her down, but I don't know how. She is a little girl, a child. Children want to be the center of attention, thats just the way it is. She isn't meture enough to know that she can't always be the center of attention. She has a psychological need to be the center of attention, its in her personality, and its from the fact she is a child, but also because of her history (which not everyone knows).

What would you have us all do?
Just sit back and continue to watch your interplay?
Why don't I pop some popcorn, while I'm at it?
"Welcome to yet ANOTHER installment of the Cait-n-Saby show!
When last we left our obsessive pair, they were doing the same thing they're doing now!
Tune in next week, when they dominate yet another scene!"

Again, very sorry you feel that way, I apologize again for that. Though I think that you are unfairly casting us as obsessive. But to each their own.

I think it's ironic, and very instructive, that you think it was "OK" for Kitana to do (basically) EXACTLY what Vych did.

Your right, it was no more ok for her to do it then for vych to do it.

But I would like to say something about this, so please try to understand. Many many tutors do not allow other people to be in the room when they are working with their pupils. Its distracting, and can lead to arguements as the people generally have their own ideas which they try to interject in the lesson interrupting the 'expert'. Most that I know refuse to teach in front of others not wanting to deal with it. I would also add, that Vych had no reason to expect that she would be allowed to remain, she wasn't the employer, she wasn't a family member. Sabrina just went along with Cate's asking the others to leave, something she would do being that she is a child and easily lead around so long as she is happy.

As I read it, Vych either had to accept her subservient, miniscule role you'd left for her in the scene, and be ultimately dismissed by Kitana, or she could post, and try to create some room for her character to play in.

Well, I think you are reading it wrong there. I don't know any character named Kitana. I do see that Cate dismissed Vychtorya Fayrchylde, not your wife, for in character reasons.

It reads silly, the obsession they have recently had with each other

Sabrina is a child, she has a craving for attention, she has been alone for going on a week and a half without any company but her brother and her uncle. She is bored out of her mind. Like all children she is impatient and wants to be doing something. Someone has hown up just for her, to do things with her. I really don't need to defend the relationship between SABRINA and CATE, you don't have all the facts, just be confident in the fact that they are acting true to who they are.

So do yourself a favor, and ignore what I've written, and don't care about what I think.
Because it's obvious at this point that we are different people, and we like different things in a game, and I think that Catulle is damn good enough to wrangle our different styles together, and let us all get what we want out of the game.

How is that doing myself a favor? I really want everyone to be happy with the game, I honestly do.

I do agree whole heartdly, Barry is doing a phenominal job, he really is, and I applaud his efforts.

Please don't take any of this the wrong way. I am just expressig my confusion and replying to your points.


First Post
I think we should just let this go and move on - it's going to take a lot of effort and probably frustration to sort all the actions out here. I think it's better to just gloss over the specifics of what happened (IC speaking here) and keep things moving along before it gets bogged down.

Then perhaps we could put together some guidelines so no wires are crossed in the future? I think simply indicating in the OOC thread something like "My character is ready to move on with the action" might work, then anyone else in the particular scene can say "yes go ahead and leave" or "no, my character has more to say and we need to play it out."

As for times when someone hasn't responded, I think we could collectively decide on how long we should wait for going ahead and moving on if someone hasn't posted. That character could covcievably just do nothing or Catulle could decide on some minimal actions (don't want it to be too much work for him, but there shouldn't be the chance of anything too traumatic happening to a character on 'autopilot').

Speaking of timing I want to mention I'll be gone tomorrow and saturday, and Catulle you can go ahead and move my character along while I'm gone if you need to.

Also, in the spirit of trying to move the game on and start anew, would this be a good time for a new OOC thread? This one is getting pretty big.


Shalimar - I have nothing but respect for the way you get across your replies.
You are MORE than welcome to reply to anything you would like, or ignore anything you would like.
You do not have to apologize for anything you choose to do IC or OOC.
I would rather not have people apologizing left and right.

I would rather just feel comfortable with being able to say how I feel about scenes and my impressions of the story WITHOUT being afraid of escalation and misinterpretation.

My philosophy is that bottling up feelings leads to more intense feelings than letting it out does.
But that's just me... and as Jemal says, "It's just an opinion" ;)


WOOHOO!!! I've been quoted in a message that wasn't directed at me!! thnx reap. ;)


Gary here: Jemal - you've been around long enough to know not to talk politics here.

I also highly suggest you change your sig.
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Ashrem Bayle

A new post might not be a bad idea.

Krizzel -> Most likely, I want be posting on the weekend, so there probably isn't a need to autopilot your actions.

Unless of course, the other players want to go ahead.


Well, I'm certainly inclined to put this behemoth to sleep. I'll post a new OOC thread asap (if I can keep my connection alive that long).

Likewise, I'd like to thank you guys for clearing the air a bit here, settling a few concerns and showing willing to get on with the action IC. Speaking of which, I'll update the IC thread to a place where (I hope) we can push ahead with a clearer narrative.



EDIT: Link
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